"Can't you find a good excuse to say that you are serving the gods?"

Charles coughed: "Elder Xu, Elder Bai, please be quiet."

The two elders who were arguing, one surnamed Xu, with a fluttering beard and a black robe, did not get along with Charles on weekdays; the other wore a black suit, a square face, and a short beard. He was a middle-aged man full of energy. His surname is Bai, from the Charles faction.

Elder Xu felt uneasy and wanted to impose some restrictions on the saintesses, but Elder Bai felt that this was inappropriate.

So the two quarreled.

Charles shook his head, and contacted the man in the suit down the mountain with his prosthetic eye. After confirming that the saintesses had all entered the cave, he turned around and said to the two:

"The two saintesses have already entered the shrine. If you have any thoughts, you might as well bring them up in person after they come back."

"But their talents..." Elder Xu was still not reconciled.

Jiang Li is now seventeen and has been a level five psyker for four years. Even if she becomes a level six psyker right away, Elder Xu thinks it is not impossible.

At that time, he alone could not appoint them as an elder.

An artificial man who can't command is not a good artificial man.

"No matter how talented they are, they are still from our side." Charles said indifferently, with a clear sense of protection in his words.

"If you really don't trust Elder Xu, you can visit the interior of the Shenju. If you can still say this at that time, I agree with you."

As he spoke, he glanced at Elder Xu indifferently, and raised his finger slightly, as if he really wanted to send him there.

"That's...not necessary."

Elder Xu laughed dryly, he didn't want to see that ghost, it would be troublesome if he was brainwashed.

Seeing that he was subdued, Charles stopped chasing and tortured him, and just said calmly:

"Saints are extremely talented, precocious and intelligent, and it's not impossible for them to have a different heart, but after they have seen the gods, they don't want to mention such things again."

He looked around with playful eyes: "Of course, if someone wants to verify the loyalty of the saint, I don't mind giving him a chance."

Charles stretched out his right hand, shook his fingers twice, stretched out his fingers from the sleeve, and swiped vigorously from top to bottom.

Following his movements, an invisible crack was torn open in the air as if a zipper had been pulled open, and at the other end of the crack was a purple bubble.

"Behind the crack is the entrance to the Shenshan base."

Charles introduced politely.

Swish! ——

Several elders took a step back in unison, with ugly expressions on their faces.

Even if it was just the space passage that Charles had torn open, the elders were itching to go in and have a look.

But if they really go in, they are not sure that they can maintain themselves in the face of that attraction.

There was a moment of silence in the square, and the youngest Elder Meng came out and shouted:

"Elder Xu is also worried about the development of the sect, and he is a little too hasty. Great elder, you should accept the supernatural power."

Elder Xu silently nodded his head in affirmation: "I overstepped the mark, and I will not mention this matter again in the future."

Charles smiled and waved away the crack.

The attraction disappeared, and the stones in everyone's hearts fell, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

"I wonder if Elder Charles can resist the attraction of that thing? You are already a seventh-level psyker." An elder was curious.

These sixth-level psykers are unable to resist, but it is still unknown whether the seventh-level can do it.

Charles pondered for a moment: "Not exactly."

"If I just stand where I can teleport, I will be safe, but if I stay in Shenju for a while, the strength of the seventh level will not be able to protect me."

"The saint is no exception." Elder Bai heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "To tell you the truth, those two man-made humans are really talented, and I feel a little stressed."

"I'm fine now." Elder Xu nodded.

After finishing speaking, the elders looked at each other and smiled tacitly.



Located inside the Shenshan base is the Shenju, also known as the Great Hole, which enshrines the gods of the divine will.

The divine dwelling is very large, and there is a giant tree infused with black crystals in the middle, emitting a faint light.

Under the tree is a stone square, paved with dark blue stone slabs, enough to accommodate a hundred congregants.

Further outside is the wall of the Shenju, which retains the original beauty of the cave, smooth to the touch, and reflects shimmer.

The believers who came from the base in Taoyuan Township were lying on the floor, crawling devoutly on the floor, moving to the center a little bit, very crazy.

All of this is in line with Jiang Li's imagination of the abode of the gods, which is weird and mysterious.


"Why are you able to do this?"

Jiang Li was grateful in his heart, but still asked with a puzzled expression.

"It's just a little preparation in advance to meet the gods." Hua Mian was very humble.

Jiang Li nodded sincerely: "Thank you."

Since Hua Mian didn't want to talk about it, she didn't mean to get to the bottom of it. After all, in a sense, Hua Mian was also her savior.

Jiang Li couldn't imagine, if there was no Hua Mian, would he be able to maintain his sanity, and would he be like these congregants.

Obsessed and insane.

Just thinking about it makes me sick.

After the words fell, there was a few seconds of silence, and Jiang Li changed the subject again:

"Speaking of which, this is the residence of the gods, but where are the gods?"

She glanced at the black crystal tree in front of her suspiciously, and said, "It?"

"It's not her." Hua Mian replied decisively. The Black Crystal Tree has plenty of energy, but it's not enough to be called a god. "There should be someone else."

"This tree should be the companion creature of the gods."

"Then I'll look for it." Hearing this, Jiang Li pushed Hua Mian's wheelchair and slowly walked around the big tree to observe.

Looking at it from a distance, it looks magnificent, but looking at it up close, this giant tree is even more mysterious and elegant. The bark is black crystal reflecting the shimmer, and the lines are even smoother, with an inexplicable attraction.


Jiang Li's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly suppressed his thoughts.

Hua Mian didn't know what Jiang Li was thinking, because the innate trait "Silence" was in her body, so she was not affected by the gods.

But after coming here, Hua Mian almost understood what this god was.

The system once told her that Sombra always tends to be one.

And every psyker has more or less black crystals in his body, which changes with their psychic power level, so when seeing a large black crystal, these people naturally have the illusion of returning home.

Coupled with the continuous brainwashing in the first 16 years of life, it is not very surprising that these congregants behaved like this.

Hua Mian shook her head, but said nothing.

The essence of the gods should be a large number of black crystals, but not this tree. This tree is just black crystals on the surface, and it is normal inside.

The gods should be in a more inward position.

"Senior, can you push me forward?" Hua Mian asked suddenly, her voice echoed in the empty Shenju, causing ripples.

Jiang Li hesitated and nodded: "Yes, but I may not be able to push you too far."

As she was speaking, she saw Hua Mian raised her hand, raised her white and small right hand to her chest, and stopped.

Jiang Li expressed doubts with his eyes.

Hua Mian's tone was calm and she didn't care: "Senior, just hold my hand, as long as you don't let go, and don't touch other things, nothing will happen."

That's it... Jiang Li nodded silently, choosing to believe it.

But she suddenly thought of something, and asked, "What about that amulet?"

If holding Hua Mian's hand can to a certain extent be immune to the attraction from the gods, what is the material of that amulet?

"Senior, it's better not to ask."

Hua Mian silently looked away, her tone erratic.

Do not ask?

Jiang Li couldn't hold back anymore.

She lowered her body, took hold of Hua Mian's raised hand with her right hand, pinched her face with her left hand, pinched twice on the delicate skin that was as white as jade, and whispered into her ear:

"what exactly is it?"

Hua Mian didn't dare to look into her eyes. Under Jiang Li's gaze, her small face slowly turned red, her lips moved, and she mumbled:

"Can you not say..."

"No." Jiang Li did not back down on this question.

Hua Mian's right hand was grabbed by Jiang Li, but it still slid uneasy like a little loach in her palm.

"body fluid......"

she whispered.

"?" Jiang Li.

"That... bodily fluids are fine... don't get me wrong..." Her voice was like a flickering candle, which might disappear in the next moment.

The voice fell,

Jiang Li's complexion was tense and his expression was numb. He was startled by the news and turned into a Tibetan fox face.

The shy girl underneath is indeed attractive, but...she already has someone she likes.

"Let's go find the gods."

Jiang Li controlled her expression with great perseverance, took Hua Mian's right hand with one hand, and pushed the wheelchair with the other hand, and walked towards the tangled roots of the giant tree.

Hua Mian gave a soft "um", and the blush on her face gradually faded.

A little weak pallor reappeared, Jiang Li looked down and looked away, feeling a little guilty in his heart.

Did I pinch her face too much just now?She just saved me once...

Apologize to her when you go out later...

Jiang Li said silently in his heart.

Without being noticed by her, Hua Mian glanced at Jiang Li's profile from the corner of her eye.

After seeing the guilty expression on her face clearly, the girl smiled silently for a moment, then bowed her head and bowed her eyebrows in silence.

Plan pass.


046 So Godly (19/24)

"Is the god still a little bit inside?"

In the dim tree root space, Jiang Li asked uneasily.

It has been about a minute since she pushed Hua Mian under the tree root.

If it was outside, it must have gone a long way, but here, it still can't see the end.

Hua Mian didn't speak, but put her left hand on Jiang Li's right hand again, and stroked it lightly, like smoothing the fur of a cat.

"It shouldn't be far away." Hua Mian looked around, closed her eyes and felt for two seconds, and said.

Jiang Li nodded, feeling relieved.

Although a bad woman likes to play with other people's feelings, and likes to see others struggle with her, but in this kind of matter, a bad woman has never lied.

Believe it for now.

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