It's fragrant and soft, so comfortable, I feel like I'm going to become a fool.

"That's really scary."

Hua Mian spoke softly, and the movements of her hands unconsciously slowed down.

"Does Xiao Qingyu know the prisoner's code name?" She asked with a blank expression.

"It seems to be called 'Phantom'?"

"Nice name."

The black-haired girl flicked the Fujiman protruding from her sleeve with her fingers, and said with satisfaction.


051 I am here as a senior love consultant, if you are not satisfied, you will be refunded

"Although the murderer is scary, you don't have to worry so much, Xiao Qingyu, she can't chase her here." Hua Mian smiled, patted her head, and comforted her.

"I just don't understand why that guy only attacked our family." Liu Qingyu muttered dissatisfied.

"Don't think about it if you can't figure it out, Xiao Qingyu just needs to sleep."

Liu Qingyu buried her face on Huamian's smooth and delicate thighs, exhaled a few mouthfuls of hot air in dissatisfaction, the airflow slid unscrupulously along the skin, passing over the sensitive areas, causing a burst of numbness.

Hua Mian's body softened, and her voice changed slightly:

"Don't make trouble."

"There is no maid like you."

Liu Qingyu groaned twice: "Bad master, I'm obviously afraid that something will happen to you, but with you like this, can you beat a perverted murderer?"

The corner of Hua Mian's mouth narrowed in a dangerous arc: "Guess?"


Liu Qingyu covered her head in pain.



October in Yuncheng quietly disappeared like this.

More than a year has passed, with hundreds of trees sprouting and everything alive. The spring of the 86th year of the new calendar has arrived on time.

Divine Will Headquarters.

The sun was rising, the breeze was blowing, the water was rippling, and the mist by the lake was slightly dispersed, revealing a building by the lake.

The artificial lake is very quiet after the rain.

Standing next to it is an elegant five-storey attic with plain but elegant decoration. There are woods downstairs and there are few people around.

This is the Saintess Hall, no, it should be called the Saintess Pavilion now.

It is the place where the two saints rest and work.

It is also here to pray on weekdays.

The predecessor of the Saintess Pavilion was a small building controlled by the branch of the Liu family. When Charles seized their property, he thought it was a good place, so he gave the land to the two saintesses, and generously spent money to tear it down and rebuild it——

Anyway, the seized money was used, so I don't feel bad.

No need to be white.

In the morning light, Hua Mian slowly pushed the wheelchair forward, taking the elevator up the stairs.

After Liu Qingyu got up and made her breakfast, she lay down on the bed in a daze, and Hua Mian didn't have the habit of disturbing people's dreams.

The elevator went all the way up to the fifth floor, the door opened, and outside the door was a small compartment with the fragrance of plants. Turning the compartment was the top floor of the Saintess Pavilion.

The Saintess Pavilion, of course, has a Saintess to be worthy of its name.

Jiangli stays here on weekdays.

Apart from going home to sleep, Jiangli spends most of the day here, while Hua Mian stays at home all day except for going out for a walk.

To a certain extent, there is nothing wrong with changing the name of the Shengnv Pavilion to the Da Siming Pavilion.

But neither of the two parties thought about such frivolous things.

As soon as she turned the screen, Hua Mian heard a calm and cool voice from the center of the dojo:

"What are you here for?"

Hua Mian smiled: "I'll come and see Senior."

Jiang Li frowned, instinctively thinking that something must have happened when the bad woman came, so she asked the maid to take two steps back and asked:

"What's the matter?"

"It's really nothing, I'm just a little bored, just come and see the seniors."

Jiang Li raised his eyebrows.

She doesn't believe this bad woman's nonsense, if she listens to this guy's words, that idiot Liu Qingyu will be a lesson from the past.

But without evidence, she is not easy to drive people away.

After all, Hua Mian is also a Saintess, so she has no problem staying here in the Saintess Pavilion.

The simple conversation came to an end, and only then did Hua Mian have the time to observe the situation on the top floor of the Saintess Pavilion.

The top floor of the Saintess Pavilion is a huge dojo, surrounded by walls, with floor-to-ceiling windows on the walls, and a corridor outside the window. Standing on the corridor on the fifth floor, you can overlook the small lake outside, and there is a little Shenyi building in the distance.

There was nothing in the ashram, Jiang Li was sitting at the tea table, with the maid behind her standing upright.

It's normal for Jiang Li to have a maid.

But when Hua Mian saw the maid's appearance, her eyes shrank slightly, because it was clearly the Divine Will who almost died with her in the last simulation.

how is she?

Hua Mian's eyes flickered, but she covered up all her thoughts well, leaving only some justified doubts.

Jiang Li noticed this doubt, and took the initiative to explain: "This is Su Xueyin, who is also a senior from Taoyuan Township. It is a few years earlier than us, and now it is level four, and it may break through at any time."

"Some time ago, she took the initiative to join me to listen to the glory of Lord God."

Jiang Li's voice was a little strange when he mentioned "Lord God", but Su Xueyin didn't notice this, she just bowed to Hua Mian very piously and earnestly:

"Master Shao Commander."

Hua Mian's face froze slightly, but immediately felt a little interesting, the person who killed her indirectly, now bowing to herself or something...

Hua Mian smiled lightly, and simply said:

"Master God and we will always watch you, I hope you will work hard to break through, and the glory will last forever."

Hearing this, Su Xueyin's face flushed red, and she said yes, as if she was going to devote herself to the gods.

Hua Mian chatted briefly and stopped talking about her.

After all, she is just a maid.

It doesn't deserve a lot of attention from her. If she is a rich woman like Liu Qingyu, and she looks good, then Hua Mian might find it interesting.

Su Xueyin looks good, and she is above the standard without plastic surgery, but it's just not bad.

It is much worse than Jiangli, and even worse than Huamian.

Jiang Li poured Hua Mian a cup of tea and filled it up herself, while Hua Mian gave Jiang Li a look that you slowly understood and drank the tea with a mysterious smile.

Jiang Li understood, so she dismissed the maid.

"You want to ask me for help?" This is what Jiang Li just read.

Although it was just a look, Jiang Li felt inexplicably that there was a cat in her eyes clasped his hands together, staring at her beggingly.

Hua Mian staggered her eyes and nodded:

"Just a little help."

"How small?" Jiang Li remained unmoved.

Hua Mian stretched out the index finger and thumb of her right hand, gestured for a distance of about one centimeter, and asked tentatively, "So small?"

Jiang Li's eyes were calm, as if to say, you continue to talk and I will listen to your sophistry, and you win if I believe it.

Hua Mian looked at her innocently.

For a moment, as if knowing that Jiang Li would not agree so easily, Hua Mian sighed and said helplessly, "So small?"

This time it was the size of an egg.

But still a tentative tone.

Jiang Li's eyes turned dangerous, and his fist hardened naturally.

There was a murderous intent leaking out of the air, and Hua Mian's sense of murderous intent was also captured. She shivered and said aggrievedly:

"Forget it, forget it, can't I tell the truth? Seniors use violence whenever they speak, so they won't be able to get married in the future."

"I don't need to get married either." Jiang Li responded indifferently.

"Then what about your little lover?" Hua Mian asked excitedly, looking very gossip.

Jiang Li took a sip of tea with a natural expression: "Of course I will marry her in the future."

"It's so romantic." Hua Mian suddenly realized, with a strange smile on her face.

"Senior, that little lover will be very touched when he finds out." Hua Mian kept praising Miss Da Si Ming who was sitting elegantly opposite her as if she had wiped honey on her small mouth.

At first Jiang Li could cope with it calmly, but after being praised for a long time, her fists started to itch again.

How can there be such a constant boasting, it sounds even more yin and yang.

He wanted to drill Huamian's head hard with his knuckles.

"Speaking of business, how old is it?" Jiang Li returned to his expressionless posture and said without emotion.

"Probably, it will take you a day or two?" Hua Mian blinked her big eyes.

Jiang Li found it unbelievable. She is busy with official duties, and every inch of time is precious. Why does Hua Mian think that she will spend a day or two helping her? With her face?

"Can you say that again?"

Jiang Li narrowed his eyes dangerously, clenched his fingers, and moved a little, and there was a sound of bone cracking.

Her eyes narrowed slightly, and her pupils became deep and gloomy with the pulsation of psionic energy, and she was full of hostility, like a predator at the top of the ecological circle, casting her murderous gaze on Huamian.

It seemed that in the next second, something indescribable would devour the weak and helpless Miss Shao Si Ming.

But Hua Mian is not afraid.

She just looked at her, thinking for a moment.

Pushing the wheelchair forward, she pushed it to the side of Jiang Li, then she bent down, put her head in Jiang Li's arms, and rubbed her head.

"It's only two days, I can also exchange with senior! I can help senior capture your little lover, you are satisfied! If you are not satisfied, you will be compensated!"

She acted coquettishly as if nothing had happened.

Black and white hair, tangled together with the slight shaking of Hua Mian's head, with the fragrance of lilies on her hair, as if she was really soothed, the fierce light in Jiang Li's eyes gradually calmed down.


Jiang Li rubbed the girl's smooth hair, was silent for a moment, sighed, and asked in a low voice:

"What do you want me to do? Say it first, I won't help you do bad things."

"That depends on what bad things you think are bad?" Hua Mian chuckled softly, "At least I don't think what I did is bad."

Jiang Li closed his eyes.

Although the bad woman kills, deceives people, and deceives girls' feelings, she is not a bad thing without a bottom should be.

So, this time, you should be able to trust her once.

just one time.

For sleep.

"I agree," Jiang Li opened his eyes, and in his eyes was a calm sea, facing the expected secluded pool of Shang Huamian.

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