She cast a cold glance at the little maid on the ground:

"They will also arrange your future residence. For a young lady like you, it's best to go home."

"If you want me to go back, I can..." Hua Mian blinked, and looked sideways playfully, where the lackeys of the company were trying to restrain their presence, "What are these seniors going to do?"

Jiang Li also turned to look over there.

Everyone who was stared at couldn't help swallowing nervously.

There was silence all around.

It was still raining, but the raindrops were all blocked by a thin layer of ice in the sky, like a big bowl, stuck to the ground.

After a long time, she suddenly chuckled:

"I'm late."

"When I came, the elites of Shuibei Energy had already sacrificed their lives in the battle against the criminal "Phantom"."

They are just strangers who don't know each other. Whether it is following the script or following her own ideas, Jiang Li will not lend a helping hand to others.

After saying that, Hua Mian frowned, and Mu Long also lowered his body and looked over there.

"and many more!"

The man in sunglasses raised his hand and shouted, his face slightly grim.

In order not to offend Jiang Li, he even took off his sunglasses, revealing his long-hidden true face under the black lenses—he has four eyes.

Jiang Li frowned, feeling a little disgusted.

Hua Mian was a little surprised, but she didn't think there was any surprise.

In the battle just now, she noticed that the spiritual power of the man in the sunglasses is probably at the level of psychological suggestion, and this kind of spiritual power is often displayed through the eyes.

And with the naked eye.

Psykers with this kind of psychic power don't want to lose their psychic powers, nor do they want to lose the convenience of prosthetic eyes, so Shiratori Construction has launched a special prosthetic eye, which is installed at both ends of the bridge of the nose, under the eyes.

The operation must have been done by Qing Mang, and if Hua Mian is willing to go back, maybe he can find his medical records.

"Master Da Si Ming! We are willing to pay 1000 million credits in exchange for you to let us go!"

The four-eyed man said loudly.

1000 million credits is not a small number, at least two fifth-level psykers will feel a little bit painful if they take it out.

Of course, this number was made up by everyone. If they can leave safely, the two fifth-level psykers will definitely take a layer of oil from their subordinates.

If Jiang Li didn't agree, they could also settle for the next best thing and request that only the two of them be allowed to leave.

further back?There will be no conditions in the future.

The two priests glanced at each other covertly.

When life is desperate, it will desperately grab the straw, but for some people, the situation that they can't grasp it while others can grasp it is even more uncomfortable.

Don't be afraid that your own life will be poor, but you will be afraid that the people you know will be better off than yourself.

Unfortunately, the two priests are both such people. The other party escaped and died?He is not reconciled!

Hearing this, Jiang Li raised her hand and touched her chin, her black sleeves drooped, revealing her smooth and fair wrist:


She seemed to be tempted.

How could Huamian let them go?They hurt their little maid.Her things are not something that cats and dogs can touch.

"Senior, can I also bid?"

Hua Mian raised her hand and calmly broke the script.

Jiang Li nodded.

But my heart was beating quietly.

Huamian What does this mean?Isn't that how the script works?Want to add some drama?

However, thanks to her usual indifferent appearance, no one noticed anything unusual now, only the corner of the bad guy's lips curled slightly, and he glanced at her.

"You said."

Gracilaria is free to play.

"The seat of the elders of the Divine Will, I give you my voting rights."

Huamian's eyes flashed a faint light, and her voice was cold and clear:

"In exchange for this, you will pretend that you have never been here tonight. You don't know who Phantom is from the beginning to the end, and you have never seen the group of people next to you."

"Of course, you can also leave evidence."

Jiang Li breathed a sigh of relief.

The topic finally returned to the script, so as not to let her play freely, after all, she is really not good at acting.

"Is this enough?"

Jiang Li didn't answer, but instead asked Hua Mian.

"Is this not enough?" Hua Mian calmly looked at her.

The eyes crossed each other, Hua Mian's eyes flickered, and Jiang Li also understood what she wanted to say, as if to say "Senior, don't be angry, don't get angry, this is just acting".

Jiang Li's eyes became complicated, and he shook his head:

"not enough."

"How about adding a promise, no matter what you ask me, I will answer, no matter what you ask me to do, I will do it, only once."

Hua Mian stretched out her hand, stopping Liu Qingyu's movements.

With tears in her eyes, the little maid obediently said nothing, only sobbing slightly.

Huamian for her...

She was so guilty... She was so guilty, really guilty, if she had followed Hua Mian's advice, if she had been more cautious, wouldn't Hua Mian have paid such a price for her?

But the girl just hid these things in her heart and wrote them down silently.

It's something that's not in the script...

Jiang Gracilaria is numb.

But when her eyes met Hua Mian's serious eyes, she still nodded and waved her hand to strengthen the ice cover a little.

The lackeys of the company were shocked when they heard this.

With a twist in my heart, there is no way to escape anyway, it is better to fight with all my strength, maybe I can survive!

But before their muzzles were raised, their bodies became heavy and weak.

Tired on the heart.

Even the two fifth-level psychics in the lead, their eyesight is now slack, and afterimages appear after the prosthetic eye is out of focus, and they can't even raise the strength to activate the psychic power.

"what's the situation......"

Doubts piled up in my heart, and the crowd disappeared under a gust of wind and grass.

The sniper on the building in the distance was also shrouded in weeds and lost his figure.

Jiang Li watched all this indifferently.

During the conversation just now, countless weeds had already covered the floor silently.

Although the soldiers were a little wary at first, they had nowhere to stand except weeds.

This created natural conditions for Huamian to activate her psionic energy.

It's been a long time since Hua Mian made a move, and her strength has become stronger again.

Jiang Li secretly summed up.

Hua Mian quietly looked around for a while, and adjusted her expression in a place where Liu Qingyu couldn't see, turned her head, and said softly:

"Xiao Qingyu, let's go home."


Liu Qingyu sniffed and nodded vigorously.

Jiang Li silently raised his vigilance against Hua Mian again.

Beware of the bad girl trap.

063 Don't Seek Bad Women Anymore

The rain stopped.

The dark clouds dissipated, and the night monster once again shrouded the sky.

The neon lights on the street lit up again, and the holographic projections woke up to fill the sky. It was early ten o'clock in the evening, and the nightlife in Yuncheng had just begun, and the city was bustling again.

Thanks to this autumn rain, the night temperature dropped early.

At least three girls feel very cool.

In this colorful night scene, the floating tram car cuts through the air, shuttles firmly in the shadows between the buildings and among the dancing holographic projections.

Jiang Li leaned against the window, tilted her head slightly, and the flashing neon lights were reflected in her eyes.

And it's a little bit to the left of her.

Hua Mian closed her eyes and rested, leaning against the aisle, Liu Qingyu sat between the two, staring at Hua Mian with burning and dependent eyes.

It is not difficult to see that this girl has been completely tamed by that bad woman.

After the scene where the hero saves the beauty, the beauty always falls in love with the hero, for her own reasons.

There were only three of them in the carriage.

Hua Mian didn't speak, so the other two naturally wouldn't speak first either.

The floating tram passed by at high speed, and the shadows of the building and the oversaturated neon slipped across the face of Jiang Lian one after another, like a face changing in a Sichuan opera.

After a long time, Hua Mian opened her eyes and said with a puzzled face:

"Why have you been looking at me?"

Liu Qingyu was a little embarrassed, her little face turned red, her language couldn't be organized well, and she stammered:

"I just... look at you, are you... hurt or something..."

Her voice was a little stiff, and it was not difficult to see that Liu Qingyu was nervous.

Who asked Hua Mian to save her so forcefully and kill all those who bullied her for her?

I guess I can't forget you, you bad woman!

But Liu Qingyu's eyes were clearly full of joy.

It can also be said to be yes, willingly.

Jiang Li watched coldly, feeling a little numb. The bad woman's dog training methods were so amazing that she couldn't help thinking whether she was also on the bad woman's target list.

Some thought carefully.

But it's not a big problem, although the bad woman is very beautiful, but she prefers Mian Mian, and the company of ten years as a day is not something that the bad woman's appearance can easily shake.

She and the villain are friends at best.


It's a pity that the bad woman doesn't seem to think so.

"You think I'll get hurt?" Hua Mian frowned.

Liu Qingyu became nervous, worried that she had said something wrong, and stammered: ""

"Then what are you worried about?"


After Liu Qingyu murmured for a few words, she stopped talking, as if she had burned her brain's cpu to dryness, she puffed up and turned aside angrily.

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