The Tenmans approached cautiously and swayed around the reclining chair fawningly. Hua Mian opened her eyes, glanced sideways at it, and reached out to touch the leaves protruding from Tenman.

Tengman rustled excitedly, and retreated into the corner of the room with a swish.

Hua Mian raised her eyebrows and canceled her spiritual power.

"This child works so hard just by touching it lightly. Maybe he can go to the factory to exercise... No, forget it."

After careful consideration, Hua Mian stopped thinking that she was more capitalist than capitalist.

She is not short of money for the time being, so there is no need to pay for this.

The sun was in the sky, it was past noon, Hua Mian was lying on the recliner, waiting anxiously.

"Why don't you come? I'm hungry..."

Hua Mian complained and manipulated Tengman to pull her into the wheelchair, drove to the kitchen, and made some simple dishes.

There are a lot of fast food in the kitchen, all bought by Liu Qingyu, it is very expensive, but there is no need to worry about safety issues, she is worried that she will not be able to eat without Huamian, so she bought these things specially before going out .

While eating, the doorbell of the villa rang.

Probably the gracilaria has arrived.

Hua Mian happily ran over to open the door, she hadn't seen Jiang Li for a long time, ever since the bad girl had all the ink in her stomach, Jiang Li didn't look for her anymore after thanking her.

Now that she is instigating Jiang Li to come and find herself, she also has a little girlish thoughtfulness.

It's a little lonely...

"Senior, what's the matter?"

Huamian's wheelchair was lying across the entrance, with a restrained expression, she asked suspiciously.


Jiang Li cast a quiet gaze, and the two looked at each other for a long time, as if she realized that it was not appropriate to stand here all the time, so she made a move.

The white-haired girl lowered her head, expressionless, and said concisely:

"I seem to be sick, I came to see you."

"What disease?"

Hua Mian tilted her head, the doubt on her face did not seem to be fake.

"I get tired easily, a little sleepy, and my patience is not as good as before." Jiang Li was led by Hua Mian into the bedroom on the second floor, and replied honestly.

Hearing these questions, Hua Mian's movements obviously paused, and when she looked back, her eyes were a little complicated.

Jiang Li looked at her with downcast eyes, and his heart sank.

Could it be that she has some terminal illness? Why does Hua Mian have such a strange expression?

After pondering for a moment, Jiang Li asked in a low voice:

"Is it a serious illness?"

Hua Mian came back to her senses, and shook her head: "I need to see how it is, now, senior, please show your wrist, and don't use spiritual energy to resist."

If it's really what she guessed, then there won't be much time...

Jiang Li nodded, and stretched out her hand obediently, her porcelain-white and flawless wrist like jade lay across Hua Mian's eyes.

Hua Mian was not polite either, she stretched out her finger to touch it.

The skin-to-skin contact brings a cool and comfortable touch, and a relaxing spiritual energy also penetrates from under the wrist, and travels around Jiangli's body along the blood vessels.

The exchange of psychic energy is a very intimate act...

Jiang Li resisted the weird feeling of being stared at by others, tilted his head slightly and asked:

"Why, do you know what's going on?"

Hua Mian sighed and withdrew her fingers.

"Understood, senior is not sick, so don't worry too much about it."

She spoke softly:

"You're just...old."

066 You Kill Me! !


Jiang Li's eyes widened in disbelief.

She is only 21 this year, so she is already old?

What about those who are older than her?Is it buried?

It seems to have noticed the thoughts of Jiangli,

Hua Mian didn't make a sound, just stroked the back of her hand lightly, and waited for her to calm down before opening her mouth slowly:

"Normal people will definitely not have your problem until they are 50 or 25 years old, but we are artificial humans, have you forgotten, senior? If there are no accidents, we can live up to [-] years old."

Jiang Li was silent for a moment, his facial expression twitching slightly.

for a long time,

She opened her mouth to break the silence:

"That is to say, I have four more years to live?"

Hua Mian shook her head: "This is the most ideal situation. In theory, if you don't break through, you can live for another four years at most."

After a pause, she repeated: "Most."

The bedroom fell silent again.

Hearing these words, Jiang Li clenched his fingers tightly, his veins were exposed, and a sense of helplessness and anger welled up in his heart.

She has four more years to live?


As soon as she thought of this, her expression became slightly ferocious, spiritual energy stirred in her body, and the white cold mist slowly escaped from her body.

The temperature was suddenly cold, and hoarfrost formed on the glass.

Hua Mian frowned, the chill irritated her skin, causing her to step back unconsciously, curling up into a ball.

Jiang Li's gaze touched Hua Mian, and seeing her reaction, he was taken aback for a moment, then came back to his senses, restrained his expression a little, and silently withdrew his psychic power.

The cold mist disappeared, but the chill in the room lingered for a long time.

"Feel sorry."

Jiang Li lowered his head and said.

"It's nothing, I also know that you are not feeling well, senior." Hua Mian shook her head lightly.

She can understand Jiang Li's pain now.

If her time is running out, but she has a lot to do, she may not be any better than Jiang Li.

Huamian still hasn't forgotten the experience when he first traveled.

At that time, she really thought that her life was not long. Apart from pretending, she was in a daze for a few days. Fortunately, with the system, she had the possibility to change the future.

However, Gracilaria did not.

"Sorry, I want to be alone."

Before Hua Mian could continue to say something, Jiang Li raised his head and spoke hastily while suppressing his emotions.

After finishing speaking, he turned his head and walked out, leaving no chance for Hua Mian to stay.

Hua Mian was the only one left in the room.

The green light rose and went out repeatedly, illuminating the girl's eyes.

"It's not enough..."

Hua Mian sighed lightly.

The vitality she collected now is still too little. Although she killed people every week when she was a phantom, those guys are generally not psykers, and they can't provide much vitality.

Now the bulk of the vitality in her body is still provided by the attack of strange beasts.

If these life forces are used to control plants, they can directly create plant pets like "Xiaoqing", and they can be taken back when they are used up.

But treatment is different.

If you want to prolong the lifespan of Gracilaria, or if you want to heal your legs, these vitality are still far away.

If there is no other way to enter the account, Hua Mian probably won't be able to gather enough vitality until the end of Jiangli's life.

If this is the case, then her winking eyes will be in vain.

Hua Mian shook her head, thinking that she still had to think of a way to prolong the lifespan of the Gracilaria, which sounds unrealistic, but if she just gathered enough vitality before then, she felt that she could still operate it.

Alas, she really broke her heart for the heroine.


If she can stand on her side in the end, then everything will be worth it.

"Seventh-level psyker..."

Hua Mian's voice was a little dazed.

I don't know what the psionic power will be after Jiang Li enters the seventh level.

It is related to ice, and it is also in mythology. It is rare to meet these conditions at the same time.

"Kione? Skadi? Young girl?"

Hua Mian kept guessing about Jiang Li's psychic power, imagining how strong her subordinates would be in the future.

"It can't be some snow girl...the gap with the first three is too big..."

But these conjectures are just for Hua Mian to pass the time, she has not forgotten that Jiang Li is waiting for her in the living room downstairs.

We can talk about spiritual power later, the most important thing now is to appease Jiang Gracilaria.

Otherwise, she would look depressed, which would make Hua Mian unhappy.

Don't forget your promise to Mianmian!

Sighing again, Hua Mian was supported by Teng Man and went downstairs slowly.

Jiang Li has been sitting alone for a long time, and she should have calmed down, so let's go to her now.

"How did you come?"

When Huamian came down, Jiangli was leaning on the chair in the living room, with the back of her neck propped on the top of the chair, as if looking up at the starry sky.

"I'm a little worried about you."

Hua Mian opened her mouth softly, grabbed Jiang Li's left hand, bowed her head and said nothing.

Jiang Li still did not move, and there was no emotion in his voice:

"Worried about me? What have I to worry about?"


Hua Mian was very straightforward, her words were like a sharp scalpel, sharply cutting through all the defenses of Gracilaria, and thus, the bloody truth was exposed.

"Do you have to say it?" Jiang Li sat up straight, staring down at her.

"But escaping is never the answer."

"There is such a saying in Yuncheng. I haven't heard it before, but now I agree with it."

"?" Hua Mian tilted her head and blinked her eyes twice.

"Escape is shameful, but useful."

"Escaping can't change the reality. Don't seniors still have your little lover? Don't want it anymore?"

"I want to see her, but... I can't live that long." Jiang Li's voice was painful and confused.

Hua Mian's voice was as clear as snow, but upon listening carefully, it was comforting: "Then senior should work harder, otherwise your little lover will be made to wait, she will be so sad."

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