The voice echoed in the drizzle, but no one answered.

This is normal.

Because Hua Mian just sent a message to Jiang Li, and she also escaped from Shenyi not long ago.

Jiang Li wouldn't prepare so quickly, after all, Mianmian didn't urge her.

But it's definitely not slow to go anywhere.

Hua Mian was thinking, trying her best to control a vine to pick a clock flower from the nearby flower garden. This is what she said in the communication before, and she is not going to break her promise.

It's late summer, and theoretically the flowering season is over.

The flowers in Qingyu Park are just budding.

But Huamian has psychic powers, so this little yellow flower is still trying to show its charm in her palm.

After staring at the little flower for a while, she put it in her arms and buried it between the folds of her dress.

The time in the fundus reads 13:57.

There used to be an alarm clock, but Huamian turned it off anyway, why?Because now... it's useless...

She is going to die, how can she help Liu Qingyu clean up the dust?

"Xiao Qingyu should go home now, she must be very curious, she agreed to wait for her to have lunch together, why am I not at home..."

Hua Mian leaned on the wheelchair, thinking a little apologetically.

A mouthful of blood gushed out of her throat, choking her speechless.

She was really badly hurt.

The excessive blood loss made her consciousness blurred, so that she seemed to be running around in front of her eyes, and the figures of several girls flashed past Hua Mian's eyes one by one.

It's just that they won't appear no matter how flashy they are, what you see is nothing but a vision.

After understanding this,

The girl's back looks a little lonely.

"I promised her in the morning, but it's not easy for her to see her like this." Hua Mian shook her head and narrowed her eyes, "If you can still see her after returning to reality, then give Xiao Qingyu some compensation. , promote her to be the head maid... Although there is no one under her command, she will probably be happy too."

"And mom... Hua Ning is also a good person, but with her teacher around, she shouldn't be bullied. Maybe we can see each other again..."

Hua Mian was thinking in a daze.

The voice of Gu Yo Yo stopped slowly.

The wheelchair stopped at a corner of Qingyu Park.

It was raining in the urban area, and today was a rest day, so few people took a walk in the park in spite of themselves.

It may also be to leave a perfect backdrop for the encounter between the princess and the knight.

Hua Mian leaned on the wheelchair, her breathing became more and more rapid, and the gasping sound became softer.

She was really badly hurt.

The entire chest was pierced by spiritual spikes, and her back was still bleeding. Every time she took a breath, she felt severe pain. The opening of the right arm also cracked, and the blood flowed out desperately.

Due to excessive blood loss, Hua Mian's body was icy cold.

It's like it just came out of the freezer.

Almost a corpse.

If it wasn't for Hua Mian being a psyker of the life department, she would have died long ago.

But even if she wanted to heal the wounds on her body, she would have to expend a considerable amount of vitality.

Now that he has managed to collect enough vitality, how can all previous efforts be wasted? !

"It can't be wasted..."

Hua Mian lowered her eyes, taking in her tragic situation, she moved her fingers, but she didn't move at all.

If she healed herself, the vitality in her hand might not be enough for Jiang Gracilaria.

This was something she managed to come up with.

Although this may be a trap for bad women to deceive people, the concern in it is not fake.

After all, they have lived together for 15 years... Counting the time they met online, she has lived with Jiang Li for 17 years.

15 years...

It is impossible to say that there is no emotion at all.

Hua Mian sighed softly, and the air flow turned into a warm white mist in the rain.

She does seem to be going a little too far in this simulation.

Pretend to be someone else's bosom friend, soul mate or something...

But Huamian doesn't regret it.

In the plot, Hua Mian can get too little information about Da Si Ming, and the spies sent to Shenyihui can't get any information.

In order to secure the strategy and regret for the rest of her life, she had to do this.


After returning to reality, Hua Mian may also give her bad choices in order to win Jiangli to her side.

This is an evil deed, yes, but Hua Mian has long since realized it.

Let her bear the punishment with her body in the future.

As for compensation...

She has already compensated Jiang Li, or in other words, she will give that compensation to Jiang Li soon, I just hope she won't cry later.

Survival is the best compensation.

It was also the punishment for her betrayal.

If the betrayer was a wicked person, I'm afraid she would readily accept it, but that person was Jiang Li, and it was her netizen who betrayed.

If Jiang Li knew about this, I'm afraid she would just spend the rest of her life in endless regret.

The corners of the girl's mouth slightly curled up.

But before laughing for two seconds, the pain from all over her body made her tense her body and hold back her smile.

She pursed her lips.

The air in the rain is very fresh, the air in the park is quiet, and the drizzle falls silently from the sky.

The leaves rustled, as if urging people to see them off.

With this cold rain,

Hua Mian narrowed her eyes slightly, and slowly dozed off.

Time passed slowly, and just before she was about to fall asleep and never wake up, there was the sound of pattering footsteps behind her.

It was the sound of rain boots stepping on standing water.

With the sound of light footsteps approaching, Miss Da Si Ming arrived on time.

"You're here." Hua Mian asked as she turned the wheelchair.

"I'm here." Jiang Li replied.

After the conversation, the two fell into a long silence, as if they didn't know what to say.

Jiang Li had a lot to say, but seeing the wound on Hua Mian's body and her pale face, she clenched her palms slightly and said nothing.

Hua Mian also had a lot of things to say, but the only thing she could say was He He's vomiting blood.

She couldn't say much, so she didn't say much at all.

She just looked at Jiang Li quietly.

But slowly, she didn't even have the strength to lift her head up, so she could only lower her head, her eyes reflected Jiang Li's black gauze dress that hung down to her ankles——

In order to meet netizens, Jiang Li even specially changed into a new set of clothes.

The two confronted each other for a long time, and neither of them spoke.

After going through ups and downs, the grasshopper on a rope finally went astray, so this is the end of the separation between the two.

It was Hua Mian who spoke first.

After all, Jiang Gracilaria has always been such a boring gourd...

If it dragged on any longer, she was really worried that if she tilted her head, she would never wake up again.

She opened her mouth to talk about the past.

Jiang Li also approached a little closer and spoke slowly.

Both of them tacitly did not mention the previous attack, as if the previous battle was just an illusion, nothing more than a fantasy, but the bursts of pain from their bodies still reminded Hua Mian that the attack just now was real .

Betrayal is also real.

"Before... I said that I would accompany my senior... to watch the fireworks display... It's just... it seems that I don't have a chance..."

Hua Mian took a small breath and asked.

Jiang Li approached a little expressionlessly, her spiritual energy ready to be released.

As the distance approached, her whole body bumped into Hua Mian's eyes, reflected in the cloudy light green pupils.

Wearing an all-black long dress with a night-like black gauze on the skirt, a cold and clear face, long white hair like a tuft, draped over her shoulders and hanging down her waist.

More than ten years ago, Jiang Li was obviously about the same height as me, but now she is so tall......

It feels quite safe, really like a knight, but it's a pity that the princess protected by this knight is not me.


Hua Mian closed her eyes forcefully, hiding the little flower on her skirt.

"Probably gone." Jiang Li said.

"It's a bit sad... I haven't... hang out with seniors since I came to Yuncheng."

"I don't want to hang out with you either."

Jiang Li replied coldly.

This is a lie.

She also thought about going out with Hua Mian before, but there were many things and Hua Mian seldom mentioned it.

It's just that there's no need to talk to Hua Mian now.

It's better to be ruthless, it's best to let Hua Mian be so angry that she will attack her, and then she can make up her mind to take her back.

But Huamian didn't make a move.

Not even angry.

She just nodded in frustration, her nasal cavity was a little sore.

"Is that so... I'm being self-indulgent..."

Hua Mian said in a hoarse voice, like a dead tree that hasn't been watered for a long time, the whole person has become dry and dead.

She was a little sad, but knew that this was only to be expected.

She, who has made a plan to deceive Jiang Li, is not qualified to ask her to like herself that much. Under her control, this love is destined to be late.


Hua Mian was silent for a while, then tried to speak softly:

"Senior, if I die, will you be happy..."

"will not."

Jiang Li replied very calmly, without the slightest wave in her blue eyes.

"Then if I survive..."


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