Tengman also kept shaking with Huamian's movements, as if he really had life.

After doing all this, Hua Mian's eyes became serious.

She stared at the prosthetic eyes wrapped in mid-air, and slowly clenched her right hand.

Tengman in front of her also exerted force with her movements, slowly tightening like a giant python strangling its prey.


In the ball tightly wrapped by green vines, the sound of electronic components exploding can be heard continuously.

Then, at a certain point, the vines suddenly dispersed, and the utterly destroyed electronic waste scattered all over the place.

Hua Mian glanced at the e-waste on the ground, and nodded in satisfaction.

She manipulated these plants to roll up all the parts on the ground, throw them into the trash can, and finally closed the lid.

Perhaps the next lucky resident who takes out the trash will be able to see what's buried here.

But that has nothing to do with Huamian.

time to go.

The black-haired girl in a beautiful little skirt clapped her hands, as if she wanted to shake off all the blood stained on her hands.

Then she turned around and walked away slowly.

The little leather shoes stepped on the ground and made a rattling sound.

The plants also swayed gently to this beat.

In the end, they disappeared into the shadow where they broke through the ground, and crawled to a place where humans could not see.


The girl's cold voice sounded again.

"Yes, the information will still be sent to the previous mailbox."


While talking, Hua Mian walked out of the alley, and finally disappeared at the corner of the street.

In the remote alley, tranquility was restored again.


District 11, Hai Street, Yu Gong's house.

When Mercury Amamiya came home, panting through the dust kicking up on the street.

Her father has been waiting here for a long time.

"you are back..."

Amamiya Mercury looked at her father, his usually neat and decent clothes were now dark and messy, the buttons were not fastened, and the corners of the clothes were opened casually, he sat tiredly on the chair in the living room, his eyes were dull and lifeless, like It's the random scribbles of a bad painter.

The father looked at his daughter tremblingly, with a weak and desperate voice:

"Your mother is dead. Do you understand?"

In an instant, the irregular shadows in the living room surrounded Amemiya Mercury.

They wrapped around her densely, driving her to a corner.

The father tremblingly took out a paper document from the table, without even looking at it, he flicked his wrist and threw it to his daughter.

The file bag fell and slid on the clean wooden floor.

Finally, it stopped at Amemiya Mercury's feet.

Amamiya Mercury did not answer his father's words, but looked down at the document.

On the cover, a dragon's head engraved with black ink was raising its body, staring at her fiercely and viciously.

There is a blank space under the pattern, with a line of large characters on it——

Shannan Heavy Industry.

"They said that your mother died. The reason is that the equipment was not operated properly, which caused a heavy loss to the company."

"do you understand."

Father was still narrating palely.

I don't know if he is complaining about something, or just venting his emotions.

Amamiya Mercury didn't speak, but quietly picked up the documents on the ground, and then slowly spread them out stiffly.

"I must remind you of one thing."

"Your wife's death was entirely due to her own error and the company accepts no responsibility in this regard."


In the shadow that Amamiya Mercury didn't notice, a sharp and mean male voice came.

After saying this, the male voice didn't stop, but continued to chatter non-stop.

"The most important thing is that because of her fault alone, one of the company's production lines was completely shut down."

"It's costing the company a lot."

"However, Shannan Heavy Industry upholds a people-oriented attitude and expresses its sincere sorrow for the death of the lady. Finally, after many discussions, we came up with a compromise plan."

The man who just spoke, he walked out of the shadow of the living room and appeared in the light.

It was a young man in a gray suit and gold-rimmed reflective glasses.

Hidden behind those pricey spectacles were pale gray eyes, a long, bony face, and a haughty, half-apologetic smile.

The young man in a suit and leather shoes touched his chest with his right hand and took a step back.

The bright silver streamlined arm prosthesis reflects the color of money.

He first gave a self-entertaining salute to their father and daughter, and then solemnly said:

"As long as you two sign this testimony statement, the bills of the company and that lady will be cancelled, and we will no longer hold your wife and your mother accountable for their faults."

"Correspondingly, the two of you don't have to bear the huge compensation caused by her."

"A reasonable, humane agreement, isn't it?"

Amamiya Mercury couldn't listen anymore.

Without saying a word, she slashed the corporate lackey's mean cheek with a hateful look before turning and running.

Escape into her room, into the place where my mother's memories still remain.

In the living room, the young man watched with a smile on the back of the red-haired girl running into the room, and then looked away:

"Your daughter is really energetic."


The man agreed with a hoarse voice.

"Then now," the young man smiled mildly, "let's discuss the agreement."


a little explanation

I saw some readers in the comment area discussing whether I am a big guy vest, so let me explain.


There is one thing to say, what can I do.

The books written by the two big guys mentioned in the comment area are all big guys, and I have chased them before.

My writing skills are still far behind those two.

To be honest, this is Mengxin's second time writing a book.

The first book two months ago is the kind of whim after reading a few interesting stories.

I didn't think too much about it at the time, but after trying my best to accumulate a bunch of world views, I started the book without thinking about anything else.

Then, the rhythm is squishy, ​​the setting is complicated, and the subconscious riddles people.

Unsurprisingly, readers didn't like to read it later, and even I couldn't continue writing because of setting problems, so I ran away before it was put on the shelf.

I still feel a little guilty.

However, I think that what I did at the time was a little bit conscientious. I had 4w words of manuscripts for that book, which was enough to support it until it was put on the shelves for a few days.

But I don't think a story like that would be satisfying, so there's no wasting your wallets.

Before the book, my writing experience was only composition in school.

This book was written after I went to station b to read a lot of online textbooks and read a few related books after the end of the last book.

Before that, I only knew that web writing was not that simple, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult.

For this book, I designed a fairly complete outline, as well as some volume outlines.

Let me tell you about my preparations, so that you can feel a little more at ease.

The outline has been prepared to 30 words, roughly when the third simulation begins.

Well, everyone's favorite Shura field has also been arranged.

Of course, because I am still a novice author, this book also encountered some big and small problems during the creation.

Some of them I have corrected, others I am still working on.

But as long as everyone is still willing to support me and this book is still read, I won't coo.

Although it may be a bit hypocritical to say this, every time I see everyone posting in the book, I will be very happy.

Finally, this book is the harem of HE, with knives, Shura field, and stickers.

What I wanted to write about this book was a story about a bad woman who wasn't so bad.

A story of girls who would never be happy and finally become happy.

A story of Shura field and stickers.

A story that will entertain readers.

Although there are still some bad things in life, I will not vent my negative energy to you. I hope you can still be happier when reading.

Finally, I would like to thank everyone who has been able to support me all the way here, thank you for being willing to read this story in my heart, and for supporting me as a newcomer author.

The writing is a bit messy, but it's fine if the meaning is expressed.

) pout ass

Chapter 31 It's all the company's fault

"Welcome to take the No. 231 floating rail bus under Huiqiong Intelligent."

"Huiqiong Intelligence, your personal butler."

"The terminal of this bus is Shannan Industrial Park."

"Next stop, Haijie North."

The broadcasting sound of the unmanned tram rang from the radio above the head, and it was slowly diffused in the just-started carriage under the cooling air of the air conditioner.

Sunlight poured through the windows onto the floor.

This tram has been in operation for some years, but the frequent cleaning of housekeeping robots makes it obscure its useful life.

Hua Mian glanced at the robot that passed by her and was still cleaning the polished floor.

Then she lowered her head, without showing any emotion, and cast her eyes on the gap between the seats.

There, the flowers of rust spots quietly bloomed on the steel surface, and large patches of dark brown mildew took root in this dark corner.

Perhaps because it was still noon, there was no one in the carriage.

Only a few social idlers like Hua Mian are flying along the track at an altitude of tens of meters.

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