"My sister." The girl responded succinctly by paying attention to Heidi so as not to let her fall down.

Hearing this title, Hua Mian seemed to have thought of something.

So, she tapped her toes on the ground, looked at Ai Xien, and smiled unconsciously at the corner of her mouth.

I really want to quickly train her to look like that in the future.

After hearing this sentence, the man looked a little surprised, his hands paused, and after a while, he slowly said with emotion:

"Ms. Pauli also adopts children. I thought that with her personality, she wouldn't care about other things except her own daughter..."

It sounds like he is very familiar with Heidi, seems to be a former friend?

So Hua Mian couldn't help but want to ask about her adoptive mother's past.

The information she investigated about [Pluto] Heidi in reality was not very complete. Although her daughter was next to her, Hua Mian couldn't ask Ai Xien for such information, right?

I want to go back to the past to attack you, so please tell me the information about your family's past?

That's a little too weird.

So she made a curious expression, didn't avoid Aixien, and asked like this:

"You seem to know Aunt Heidi very well?"

Hearing this, the man glanced at Ai Xien hesitantly, and after seeing that she hadn't said anything, he explained in a low voice:

"Do you know how she got the title of Pluto?"

"I heard that she had brain-dead three times?" Hua Mian said.

The man nodded.

"The brainwaves were completely flat, and she showed us the waveforms and said, 'Ah, man, I really have a shit.'"

"But there's only one reason."

Hua Mian assumed a posture of listening attentively.

He glanced at Ai Xien again, and after confirming that she had no intention to stop him, he spoke slowly.

A faint voice sounded in the bar, like stepping from midsummer to cold winter.

"Pluto...it means she killed a lot of people."

After a pause of two seconds, he emphasized:

"a lot of."


Chapter 6 Like a moth to a flame, a girl seeks warmth

Hua Mian sat on a bench on the roof.

The heels lifted and fell slightly, tapping the ground from time to time.

Due to the wind and the sun, the surface of the wooden bench has a few cracks and some mottled marks, but it is very clean, and it will not stain the clothes if you sit directly on it.

Not far away is a lush flower garden with many flowers planted in it.

Some are still blooming in summer, and it's not hard to see that these plants are tended to every day.

"These flowers were planted by my mother before she died, and it was always my father who took care of them."

Ai Xien spoke suddenly, and turned to look at Hua Mian.

Hua Mian was taken aback for a moment, and then quickly reacted, but she just nodded slowly without knowing what to say:


What is there to say?

I see?But this is just useless nonsense.

I'm very sorry?But she has nothing to apologize for.

So she just sat quietly, shut her mouth, and waited for Ashien to speak again.

The spider web in the corner trembled slightly, catching a confused moth, the spider silk slowly entangled, and the moth finally fell into the nest.

"Heidi...Dad, she wasn't like this before, at least before, after her mother passed away, she quit drinking."

Hua Mian looked down at her own toes, then turned her head unobtrusively, towards the side where the voice came from:

"I know, Aunt Heidi is just more casual."

"It's probably because there are more people in the family. She is very happy, so I drank some bars today out of interest."

Ai Xien nodded, but didn't say anything to Hua Mian's speculation.

She looked at the still blooming flowerbed and thought for a long time:

"I just hope that you don't have any opinion on her, Dad, she...isn't a bad person."

"I know."

"Actually, I don't want to have trouble with my father all the time, but when I think about what happened before, I don't realize that I treated her badly again."

Hua Mian turned her head to look at Ai Xien, only to see that she was looking at the spider in the corner in some confusion, watching it eat its prey step by step.

So Hua Mian leaned over there, wrapped her arms around the girl's shoulders, and held her in her arms.

"I...it's not that I can't understand Dad's choice," the blue-haired girl said, "but...understanding doesn't mean forgiveness."

"Every time I see my dad, it reminds me of how my mom died..."


The girl said, choking up in a low voice.

It seems that the story between this father and daughter is very troublesome...

Hua Mian sighed softly, and patted Ashien's shoulder, making her and her body stick closer.

It was so tight that the girl could smell the slight fragrance of lilies from her body, and feel the bursts of body temperature coming through the clothes.

The girl in his arms also hugged her tightly subconsciously.

Like a moth to a flame, the girl is greedily attached to this warmth, even if she is caught by a spider's web, she will die.

"It's okay." Hua Mian's eyes darkened for a moment, "If Ai Xien has any sad things, you can also talk to me."

Do you want to tell...

After hesitating for a while, the girl shook her head lightly, not intending to say these things.

Then, she trembled slightly in Hua Mian's arms, and whispered:

"Huan Mian, can you tell Dad that you don't want to be my companion?"

Hearing this question, Hua Mian was slightly taken aback, but she didn't ask Aixien thoroughly why she was dissatisfied with her.

She just nodded slightly and asked:


"You are a good person, sister, I don't want you to die like this." She tilted her head and put it on Hua Mian's shoulder, "Mum is dead, and a few uncles and aunts are also dead."

"It's too unfair to you to be a partner of someone like me, so...just let me be alone..."

Hearing this, Hua Mian sighed softly.

Aixien would actually tell her these things, about the information that is not known to outsiders among these hackers. Does this mean that her strategy has initially achieved results?

But the strategy has not been successful yet, judging by the girl's appearance, it will take a long time to fully enter her heart.

So she turned her body slightly so that the girl could lie down more comfortably, then lowered her head to the girl's ear, and said softly:

"It's okay, I won't die."

Then, before Ashien wanted to say something again, she added with a smile:

"After all, I'm a genius... or your sister."

"My sister won't leave my sister first."

The girl in her arms wanted to get up several times to say something to her, but all resistance was suppressed by Hua Mian.

So, she could only lie quietly in that reassuring embrace, enjoying Huamian's little hand sliding over her head.

It feels very warm, like lying in the arms of a mother.

It was as if all the suffering had quietly disappeared, and only peace of mind and satisfaction remained in my heart.

Finally, Ashien took a step back:



After that day, Ai Xien's attitude towards Hua Mian was still the same cold and indifferent, without any change.

But sometimes, when her eyes intersect with Hua Mian inadvertently, she will subconsciously turn her face sideways.

As if shy.

Although Hua Mian thought it was funny, she didn't deliberately tease her.

She just got along with the girl step by step as usual.

As a result, the cooperation between the two gradually became a tacit understanding with the passage of time.

In this way, three months passed in the blink of an eye.

The midsummer fades away with the singing of cicadas, and the mountains and rivers enter autumn with fallen leaves.

And today, something big happened in Ashien's house.

The time was that night, the location was the computer room upstairs, and the lights in the living room were turned off, but the family still hurriedly got out and huddled together.

Maybe things flock together, people are divided into groups, or maybe those who are close to vermilion are red, and those who are close to ink are black.

In short, all three people in this family are night owls.

Therefore, even after ten o'clock in the evening, everyone has no objection to being summoned.

In the room, Heidi sat on her hacker sneak chair, while the two girls each brought a chair and sat on both sides, facing each other.

dong dong dong.

Heidi knocked on the table on the left, the sound of the solid wood multi-layer board colliding with her fingers was slightly heavy, but it broke the silence well.

"So, what psionic power did you awaken?"

Curling and straightening her fingers repeatedly on the table, Heidi asked tentatively.

It's not that Ashien will be angry if she awakens other psychic powers. If that psychic power is more powerful, Heidi will naturally be happy too.


It would be great if Ashien could inherit her mother's psionic power directly.

As the father who had been with Aixien for eight years, Heidi Pauli naturally knew which types of psionic abilities Aixien was suitable for.

Logistics, logistics, logistics.

After all, Miss Ashien's athletic ability and physical fitness are really regrettable.

So, facing a look of expectation and another with an inexplicable smile, Ai Xien slowly spoke:

"My powers are:"

"Data link."


Chapter 7 Pulling the Red Line

"Knew it......"

Heidi slowly closed her eyes, her lips muttered a few times, and finally spit out these words.

Knew it......

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