Yuanzi felt the same when he heard the words, he held the knife in his right hand, turned his back to the class monitor and took her hand: "Look at the map and show me the way, I want the knife."

The squad leader operated the mobile phone to draw the map with one hand, "Well, turn left and walk a hundred steps. If the angle is wrong, I will remind you."

Yuanzi heard the words, took the monitor's hand and walked to the left.

Da da da.

Footsteps sounded behind her, Yuanzi stopped, and heard the echo of footsteps continue to echo.

The air was filled with strike declarations from passers-by, and anger overwhelmed fear, or in other words, anger grew and swelled wantonly on the soil of fear.

The environment inside the canteen seemed to be getting hotter, scorching everyone's skin like a furnace.

The sound of the strike turned into a powerful sledgehammer, hammering everyone's heart.

Everyone is supporting the strike, giving this voice the strength of conviction.

An inexplicable feeling of irritability popped out of the minds of Yuanzi and the squad leader. The two of them could not resonate with the strike declaration, and could not understand their pain and suffering.

As a result, the strike declaration seemed to suddenly gain strength, and it sounded muffled in the hearts of the two of them.

"What's going on, my heart is beating so fast." The squad leader felt his heart beating fast.

Is Mariko's hand so soft and easy to pinch that his heart is pounding?

No way, the squad leader was thinking wildly in his heart, not knowing why his heart speeded up.

Mariko walked faster, and she remembered something terrible.

That's Mariko's knowledge of mysticism, something accumulated after the system hangs up and learns.

That is knowledge about the evolution of ancient rituals, and knowledge of the summoning ritual of the Faceless Demon.

"This place has become a ceremony site. If there is a host to preside over this ceremony, some kind of power or item can be summoned..." Various words of knowledge flashed in Yuanzi's mind.

She read two books on ritual mysticism. Although she didn't know what the name of the ritual was, she had already judged in her mind that this was the prototype of the ritual.

The same feeling, and the night when Mariko held a birthday party.

The birthday candles were blown out that night, the lights were dark, and everyone danced wildly, which reminded Yuanzi of a partial birthday summoning method in the Faceless Demon Summoning Ceremony. The success rate was very low. Yuanzi immediately stopped the ceremony. success.

This time she encountered other types of ceremonies in person, and Yuanzi felt even stronger in her heart.


Yuanzi hit the table and chair, making a loud noise.

Under the fog, everything around is a mystery.

Everyone in the fog is a black shadow that can't see clearly, shouting loudly: "I want to strike!"

The loud sound of Yuanzi hitting something was like a sharp knife, briefly disrupting the rhythm of the strike wave at the scene.

A striker who was emotionally infected by the scene turned his head and looked at the source of the sound three meters away.

There were two dark figures, one tall and one short, who seemed to have knocked over something.

"Aren't you calling for a strike?" the striker took a step forward and asked Yuanzi.

The figure in the fog did not respond to him, but led the people behind him and whispered, "Let's go."

The two black shadows rushed over without stopping.

The striker frowned, and for some reason, she suddenly felt that the short figure had a certain special temperament, which attracted her deeply.

She stayed where she was, and tasted it in her heart. It was very unpleasant, and she felt empty in her heart.

She subconsciously chased after her, trying to find that girl with a special temperament.

But she failed. She ran dozens of steps but didn't find where the figure went. Instead, she let herself hit a wall, and her mind suddenly came to her senses.

"What am I doing?" Miss He, the striker, shook her head.

There was a strike call from the masses behind him, and the call was repeated again and again, very rhythmic.

The heart beat fast again unconsciously, and the frenzied emotion infected her again.

Ms. He forgot about it, turned around and joined the strike team.


outside the cafeteria.

Yuanzi was out of breath, this foggy day was really terrible, it was too easy to bump into things.

"Mariko, it seems strange in the cafeteria, should we stop them?"

When the squad leader heard the sound of strikes behind him, he felt a strange sense of agitation in his heart, which drove her to go back and join the strike camp.

"Don't go back, the ceremony is not so easy to interrupt." Mariko shook his head.

"Ritual?" The squad leader heard the familiar words.

Mariko said before that she used the summoning ceremony to summon her into a dream, so the mysterious ceremony occupies a strong mysterious position in the monitor's heart.

The squad leader who believed in science couldn't figure out how the ceremony worked and where the energy needed came from, and he was at a loss.

"Holding a mysterious ceremony requires a symbolic venue, a mysterious atmosphere, and corresponding spells."

"I understand the venue, but what is the mysterious atmosphere?"

"Well, ancient rituals required a mysterious atmosphere, and modern rituals have evolved to require a corresponding sense of ritual, which is an environmental atmosphere."

Mariko first explained the concept of the venue to the class monitor: "The cafeteria is a place where everyone often gathers to eat. In mystic rituals, the symbolic meaning is the human belly."

"If the host of the ceremony has enough brains and courage, he can understand this canteen as the human digestive system, and use it to hold bloody sacrifices that digest human life..."

When Yuanzi said this, the squad leader trembled and woke up completely.

The sound of a strike that originally sounded beautiful turned into a bloody call in the monitor's ears, calling her to die in the past.

"It's scary." The squad leader hugged Yuanzi tightly, only Yuanzi is warm in this world.

Mariko pulled the monitor a little further away, and then explained the mysterious atmosphere:

"These opaque and fearful fogs form the basis of the mysterious atmosphere."

"Their strike declaration is recognized by everyone, and the language is infused with emotional power, which is equivalent to sacrificial words and spells."

"After the three elements are gathered, here is the prototype of the mysterious ceremony."

Mariko talked about a lot of related knowledge, which is the basic knowledge in mysterious rituals.

Ordinary people have no way to understand the real mysticism, and all the mysticisms on the market are fake mysticism books.

After the squad leader understood it, he realized that the spell should be the key.

"If the spell is bloody, wouldn't it kill people?" asked the squad leader.

"Well, this is indeed the case under normal circumstances, but even if it is a bloody spell, it depends on whether the environment and the place match, otherwise it is easy to make the ceremony fail." Yuanzi thought.

The conditions for enabling the mysterious ritual are complicated, and those who don't know much about it, even if they activate the ritual by chance, cannot summon the power or items they want.

Mariko stood on the street and handed the cell phone to the class monitor, "Call me, I want to call the police, someone here is engaged in a large religious ceremony."

The mysterious ritual can be interrupted as long as it can be interrupted. Yuanzi's personal strength is limited, and there is no way to directly interrupt it for the time being.

Chapter 87 Spider Woman's Boundary of Dementia (Part 4)

"Religious activities?"

"Is there more than 200 people?"

"Okay! I'll make a note here. When the fog clears, I'll go over and take over the scene... Yuanzi, you should find a place to hide as soon as possible. Today's fog is particularly fierce. I have a bad feeling." Captain Luo urged on the phone.

Mariko hung up the phone and sighed.

The Black Gloves Agency didn't know the danger of the mysterious ceremony at all. If it was a bloody sacrifice, within an hour, the entire cafeteria might turn into a bloody sacrifice.

Fortunately, the spells in the cafeteria were all strikes, and there was no host to guide the ceremony, so it was not a big problem and no one would be killed.

Mariko led the squad leader out of the cafeteria, and the strike could be heard from far away.

Four or five blocks away, the squad leader could still hear the strike.

It’s okay if you don’t know, but now that you know the danger of the ceremony, the squad leader keeps saying silently in his heart, don’t listen to those voices of strikes, as long as you have Yuanzi, strikes are not important at all.

"As long as there is Yuanzi, it doesn't matter if there is a strike, it doesn't matter..." the squad leader murmured.

"Squad leader, I heard everything." Yuanzi poked the squad leader's belly with his hand, and the squad leader's face immediately turned red.

"Have you heard everything?" The monitor's voice was as thin as a mosquito.

Normally, the squad leader would never talk to Yuanzi in such a small voice.

"Yes." Yuanzi nodded and said, "You don't need to push yourself so hard, as long as you don't believe it in your heart, it's fine."

Tightening a string could certainly resist those spells with mental disturbance properties, but if it was too tight, it would easily collapse. Yuanzi stopped, hugged the squad leader, and patted her on the back.

"Don't be afraid, I'm still here."

The waxy loli voice runs through the ears, and the fragrant and soft loli embrace warms the heart.

The monitor's body relaxed once again.

"At the most critical moment, you always cheer me up, and I will also strive to be better." The squad leader hugged Lori, looked at the rolling fog, and his mood was soaring.


In foggy days, it is advisable to travel and grab food.

Spider Woman was lying on the bed, holding Master Lolita's hand, telling her not to go out.

"The fog is very thick now, I'm going to grab some food back." Lolita said.

"Don't go, just let the believers grab it." Spiderwoman took her hand.


"I don't worry about you..."

Spider Woman's hand locked the opponent's little hand like steel.


The Lolita girl returned to her seat helplessly, controlled her mobile phone with her other hand, and urged believers to grab a lot of food and come back.

Yesterday, Spiderwoman was attacked by an unknown loli with black gloves. That person's throwing knife was superb. She exploded Spiderwoman's right eye with one knife, hit the back of her head with one knife, and scratched the corner of her left eye with one knife.

The leader looked at the spider woman who was as angry as a silk, and even so, she was still very strong, locked her hand, and did not let go of her hand.

She still remembers the scene where the spider took the initiative to pull out the eyeball knife and the knife on the back of the head from the eyeball, and the blood splashed out directly.

"You scared me to death, don't do that next time." She choked up once.

"It was the tattoo that told me that I could live if I pulled out the knife. I lost one life, but two knifes went into my brain. There is nothing that can save me. I can only believe in it." The spider whispered.

The spider woman who pulled out the knife, the power of the tattoo stimulates the brain, rapidly proliferates the brain cells, and stops the terrible injury.

But Spider-Woman fell too, and now struggles with endless hallucinations and auditory hallucinations all day long.

Spiderwoman couldn't hear other people's voices.

Only the voice of the leader is like an open flame in the darkness, illuminating her heart, breaking through auditory hallucinations and endless illusions.

Of course, this does not mean that the hallucinations and auditory hallucinations have ceased.


Spider Woman snorted again, a tearing pain came from her brain, hallucinations and auditory hallucinations came one after another, crowding her brain.

"Surrender to me! You can't control this power!" My own voice sounded in my head.

Spider-Woman knew that the tattoo was speaking with her own voice.

Opening her eyes, Spider-Woman saw a giant spider with black hairy legs standing on the ceiling, her face and the eyes of Lori Leader were reflected in each eye.

Spider-Woman didn't respond, never giving in.

Master Loli held the opponent's hand and felt that the opponent's mental state was abnormal. He looked up at the ceiling and saw nothing.

But in Spider Woman's eyes, the black-legged spider spit out a spider's thread, which fell to the top of Lolita's head, and rubbed the spider's leg against Lolita's face: "Surrender to me, or she will die."

"This is an illusion, this is an illusion! I won't believe it!" Spider Woman yelled, with veins popping out of her forehead, and the tattoo on her neck flowed at a high speed again, climbing up her face, and was about to burrow into her ears.

"Don't! Wake up!" Lori's voice filled her ears again.

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