Hearing this, and feeling the completely different tone from Yuaner's, Afnola, who was so excited, gradually calmed down. After wiping away her tears, she carefully looked at the delicate pink-haired girl in front of her.

After a while,

Avenola's eyes narrowed slightly, and she pursed her lips in a complicated mood.

"Indeed, you are not Yuan'er..."

hear this,

Although Miss Yumo still looked timid on the surface, she smiled inwardly.

Hee hee, sure enough,

Back then, when she used the power of silent shadow to change her appearance, although she used that pink-haired girl, or Yuaner as a reference, Miss Yumo didn't copy all of them~, she just simulated a rough appearance, There are still some differences in height, voice, and face,

It was enough to fool the slavers of the time,

But for relatives and friends who get along with girls day and night, this difference should still be noticeable.I am just a stranger who resembles her granddaughter~

It turns out that

Miss Yumo's judgment was quite correct. The woman who claimed to be her grandmother showed a look of astonishment after a moment of careful observation. She should have discovered the fact that she was mistaken.

think of this,

Miss Yumo couldn't help sighing inwardly,

"I'm sorry, ma'am,"

Miss Yumo said pretendingly, and then timidly met the violet eyes of this noble lady,

According to Yumo's judgment,

After realizing that she is not her granddaughter, she should apologize to herself, and then let go of her shoulders.After that, I can go back to the guest house to look for Mengxi. I have been out for so long, and if I don't go back, that girl will probably be careful~


When Yumo met Afenola's eyes, she immediately frowned, her heart trembled,

? !


This, what's the situation? !


Miss Yumo was surprised to find that the aristocratic woman in front of her didn't let go of her thoughts at all, but pressed her shoulder even harder, and her violet eyes were full of indescribable excitement and excitement. surprise,

In the next moment, the bewildered Yumo was embraced by Avenola again,

"Xia'er! I finally found you!"

The woman's voice was full of emotion, and her whole body trembled with excitement.

? ? ! !


At this moment, Miss Yumo's head went completely down,


What's the matter! ! !

By the way, who is tm Xia'er!


In the center of the Windward City, in the Marquis Mansion,

A man with light pink hair and a zongzi-like bandage on his head was walking around the manor with a cane, as if he was doing some rehabilitation training.If Yumo was here, it would not be difficult to recognize that this man was the noble man who wanted to kiss the back of her hand after entering the city.

Benjamin Duke.

It's just that, due to some unknown reasons, Benjamin didn't get what he wanted. He even fell headlong into the icy lake. His mind is not in tune with his body yet.

The whole person is in a shaky state.

"Damn it, what happened back then?"

Benjamin couldn't help muttering unwillingly,

Although I don't know why the horse is frightened,

But judging from the reaction of the members of the Black Rose family at that time, the loss of control of his mount was probably related to them!


Unwilling to return to my heart,

Benjamin didn't have the courage to go to the Black Rose family.Even the entire Duke family cannot be compared with the Black Rose family, let alone a second heir like him...

What should be endured, must be endured,


Recalling the beautiful eyes of that young lady from the Black Rose family at that time, Benjamin suddenly had a feeling of heartbeat.If he could win the heart of that young lady, he would definitely be able to gain the support of the Black Rose family.

With their help, presumably the difficulty of obtaining the title of Marquis in the future will also be greatly reduced~

After fantasizing about his beautiful life in the future, Benjamin unconsciously showed a satisfied smile.

And at this moment,

The sound of a carriage attracted Benjamin's attention, making the pale pink-haired man look curiously at the gate of the manor.The next moment, under the watchful eyes of Benjamin and a group of maids, a high-end but not luxurious carriage drove into the manor under the guard of a group of knights...


It seems that the lady is back?

After realizing this, Benjamin hurriedly asked the maid at the side to tidy up his clothes, and prepared to go up to say hello to Avenola.

after all,

As a foreign relative, if he wants to obtain the title of Marquis, he must first obtain the approval of the Marquis.


Just when Benjamin was about to go up to meet Avenora,

The next scene directly caused him to freeze in place as if he had been struck by five thunders. He couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, his eyes were as round as eggs, and his mouth was wide enough to swallow a football...

only at this moment,

The door of the carriage opened, and Avenola stepped out of it slowly,

It's just Ma'am, Benjamin won't lose his composure like this,

But the problem is,

The existence in Madam's arms!

Under the shocked and excited gaze of all the servants, a little girl sculpted in pink and jade was carried out of the carriage just like that in Avenola's arms...

Staring at the familiar face, seeing the reappearance of the girl who should have died long ago, Benjamin clenched his fists ferociously,

? !

'No, no, impossible? !Yuaner? !How is she still alive! ! '


Those trash! !

Chapter 49 The Duke's Misfortune

Five years ago, in the garden of the Marquis's house,



Looking at the two cuties with wreaths in front of her, Avenola felt her heart melted.

The Marquis unconsciously restrained the seriousness in her eyes, revealed an expression of incomparable love, and slowly squatted down, gently rubbing the little heads of the two girls,

"Xia'er, Yuan'er, next time, don't miss class~"

"I know grandma!"

"I, I see..."

The two pink and jade-carved little loli replied in completely different tones,

But the tone was undoubtedly cute, which made Avenola even more elated, and couldn't help but hugged the two lovely granddaughters into her arms.

Not far away, Avenora's husband, Marquis Xiumu, and his son and daughter-in-law were sitting silently on the grass, watching this harmonious scene.

This is the happiest time for Avenora.


The good times are so short...


four years ago,

Looking at the two tortured corpses in front of her, Avenola was already dumbfounded,

Tears flowed down his cheeks, unparalleled sadness emerged in his violet eyes,

At this moment, Avenola couldn't accept it. The two of them who were still alive and well yesterday, why did they...

"Here, what happened?"

Covering her mouth, Afnora sobbed and asked,

Regarding this question, the blood-soaked man next to him, full of terrifying murderous intent, slowly lowered his head,

"Sorry, I'm late. They met the bishop of the Holy Cult of Heaven's Punishment, that guy who likes to kill..."

"How, how, how, how could this be..."

Unable to accept the facts, Afnola finally fainted in Xiumu's arms...

this day,

The young duke and his wife of the Duke family died tragically at the hands of the Holy Cult of Heaven's Punishment.

Avenola has lost her important son and daughter-in-law.


Unfortunately, this did not leave the Duke family.


three years ago,

"You, what are you talking about? Xia'er is missing?! Haven't found her yet!?"

After returning from the crusade against the Abyss Demon, after hearing the steward's report, her legs softened and she knelt down on the ground.

"Husband, madam!!"

Seeing this, the housekeeper Odeit hurried forward to help Afnora, and said in a very guilty tone,

"I'm very sorry Ma'am, it's because we didn't follow Miss, and let Miss go to the celebration alone, so that later..."


The unbearable Afnola lost her former elegance and threw Audite away.

After the death of her son and daughter-in-law, Avenola regarded her two granddaughters as her own...

How could Afnora accept her granddaughter's disappearance?After regaining her senses, Afnora led most of the members of the Blizzard Knights and one-third of the army in the territory to search for Xia'er.


Xia'er, however, seemed to have disappeared without a word.

this day,

Avenola has lost a granddaughter…

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