"This, what the hell?!"

Cabanne strangled Wesker's neck somewhat unacceptably,

And at this moment, a big shield soldier on the side slowly walked up to Kabane, and said in a shocked and stunned tone:

"Captain... you... look there..."

"Huh? What's the matter?!"


Kabane followed the direction of his teammates in puzzlement, and looked towards the shore of the small lake in the distance.

the next moment,

Like other Ashimos members around, Kabane froze in place after seeing the existence by the lake, his brown eyes were full of disbelief,

? !

"Why...why?...why, there is a cabin here?!!"

Looking at the existence of the country house, Cabanne couldn't help doubting his eyes, and even raised his hand to rub his pupils constantly,

"Why is there a hut? Then, that, wouldn't that be the Temple of Demons?"

"No, it's unlikely,..."

Alella, who was also astonished, couldn't help but shook her head and said in denial,

"How about? Go and have a look?"

Under normal circumstances,

Faced with such a strange and unimaginable situation, it is Alella's original style to record the coordinates here first, and then retreat.


do not know why,

After seeing the hut, Aleira's eyes were tightly tied to the wooden hut. There seemed to be some voice in the wooden hut, calling for Alela to go and investigate...

And when Alella made this proposal,

The other members of the Ashmos Cult around them didn't even have the slightest idea of ​​negation.

Kabane, who was already unwilling, rushed forward in a hurry in front of the strange allure of the wooden house!

"It's all here, let's take a good look, what is this place!"


at the same time,

On the top of a giant tree in the distance, a beautiful blue-haired girl was quietly drinking a cold drink, and silently watching the group of Ashmosians walking towards the hut.

'Good luck~'

Chapter 81 The Girl Inside the Crystal


The Ashmos Cult team, which was on high alert, finally came to the door of the hut after a period of inner entanglement.

Under the uneasy gaze of several team members,

Kabane slowly opened the door, and even greeted symbolically,

"Excuse me, is there anyone?"

of course,

No one would answer Kabane's greetings, and needles could be heard all the time in the house, not only inside the hut, but even the forest outside was always silent, the eerie silence was creepy.The strange feeling made everyone unknowingly feel uneasy and retreat,

But there seems to be some strange power in the wooden house, constantly luring them to go inside...

"Hey, someone lived here before?!! Hey, what are you kidding?! This is a big winter forest!"

Looking at the neatly arranged furniture and the carefully arranged decorations in the house, Kabane couldn't help but exclaimed,

This simple and life-like hut almost subverted the three views taught by Ashmos.

In the great winter forest, where many terrifying abyssal demons dominate, there are actually humans living there?Unbelievable? !How did those people come to Winter Forest?How did you avoid the attack of the abyssal demon?In addition, now, where is the owner of this house? !

For a time,

Countless questions rushed into everyone's minds.

While observing the furniture in the house, the third brave Alella slowly came to the living room, stroking the fur on the sofa in great confusion,


There was a slight surprise on her pretty face,

'This is the animal skin of the Snow Lion King? ? '

The Snow Lion King is a very powerful monster. While stroking its fur, Alella seemed to be able to feel the powerful magic power remaining in it.If her judgment is correct, the owner of the wooden house must be powerful...

However, there is no need to judge,

How could he be weak if he could build a house in such a terrifying place as the Great Winter Forest? !It's just that I don't know who actually lives here...

In addition,

If we break into this person's residence without authorization, will it cause the other party's displeasure?

Thinking of this, Alella felt more and more uneasy,



The exploration is still going on, and so is Alella's thinking,



The roar of a soldier directly pulled Alella's thoughts back to reality,

"Master Brave! Come and see this!!"

The words were full of anxiety, causing Alella to frown slightly,


The girl slowly followed behind Kabane and the others, and slowly walked into the basement,

Under the guidance of another Ashimosian member,

They came to the ice fountain in the basement,

When he looked at the calm ice spring, Alella's eyes shrank suddenly, and a strong sense of trembling suddenly appeared in his pupils!At this moment, she finally understood why the soldier's words were so anxious.


In the vision of Alella and others,

At the bottom of the ice spring full of cold, there is a huge scarlet crystal shaped like a butterfly cocoon!And inside the crystal is a little girl carved from jade with her eyes tightly closed!And the moment he saw the little girl's face clearly, not only Alella, but everyone present showed expressions of astonishment,

"She, why is she so similar to the girl next to Lord Mengxi?!"

This is everyone's first doubt,

But now they don't care too much about this issue,

Because the resemblance or something is not such a big deal compared with the other serious fact.

What made everyone feel uneasy and frightened the most was the strong aura of silent shadow power that enveloped the girl! !

That terrifying aura of silent shadow power was stronger than any abyssal demon they had encountered before!Much stronger!It can be said that it is not above one dimension at all!If their judgment is correct, the power of this black silent shadow may have reached the level of a demon king! !

And if you feel it carefully,

will also find that

The pink-haired girl wrapped in crystals didn't have the slightest trace of human breath either.

Some of them are thick and disgusting aura of deep demon...

That is to say...

"Is this, the Demon King rank Yuanmo?!"

Alella gasped, and slowly whispered her conclusion,

As soon as this word comes out,

A group of Ashimos believers who were still skeptical just now suddenly showed panic and uneasiness, and they backed away unknowingly by the ice spring,

"Devil King?! Is it really that kind of monster?!"

"should be……"

Alella nodded nervously,

"It should still be in a deep sleep state, otherwise, it would have attacked us a long time ago... Besides, the human form..."

Staring at the girl inside the crystal, all the cells in Alella's body were in a state of trembling, and her brain was occupied by countless doubts...

spooky cabin in the woods,

Does the devil rank exist in the hut?Or a demon king in human form? !

Is it a human being who has accepted the power of the Pantheon? !

Moreover, why is this girl so similar to Xiaomo?Wait a moment?This girl also has slave marks on her feet?Is it exactly the same as Xiaomo?Could it be that the girl is the real marquis daughter?But if that's the case,

Now, who is the person who is by Miss Mengxi's side? !

All of a sudden, Alella showed a solemn expression,

And at the same time,

A lady pastor slowly came to Alella's side, her petite body was already trembling, after all, they are now in the same room with the legendary monster, who knows the horror of the demon king Will existence suddenly wake up?

So the fair-haired pastor asked anxiously,

"Master Alella, what should we do now?"

"What should I do..."

Silently muttering in her mouth, Alella's expression became more serious,

Now, since they stepped into the eastern part of the winter forest, the communication magic stone has been blocked by some special aura and cannot be used at all!From Alella's point of view, it's best for them to evacuate here as soon as possible if they can't get in touch with Ashmos Cult or other apostles of heaven...

Although she didn't know why she walked into it by accident...

But now, there is no time to care about these,

"Be careful, let's retreat first, and come here quickly before the existence of the demon king has awakened."


Miss Pastor nodded in agreement,

At this moment, everyone in the Ashmos Church was amazed at the appearance of this demon king-level human being, but they did not let down their vigilance because of his human appearance!After all, no matter how docile a creature is, it will become extremely violent and brutal after turning into a deep demon!The harmless little girl in front of me must be the same...

Never let your guard down because of its appearance!

"Then let's go quickly..."

After receiving Alella's instructions to retreat, everyone hurriedly prepared to evacuate from the basement. After all, no one wanted to be in the same room with that terrifying time bomb.


When she was withdrawing, Alella frowned suddenly, she couldn't help but looked at the red-haired man behind him who was staring at Bingquan in a daze, and whispered,

"Kabane! What are you still doing there! Leave now!"


Unexpectedly, after hearing Alella's words, Cabanne sneered with disdain,

"This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity! Why are we leaving?!"

"Cabanne! What do you mean?!"

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