He is an apostle of the heavens, and he came to rob people?


"By the way, that girl..."

"Not anymore."

Looking at the empty prison van, Mengxi's mood plummeted as if a ton of ice water had been poured on her.She guessed that Sister Yumo would pretend to be Xia'er and go to the imperial capital in all likelihood, so she might as well just come over and 'rescue' Sister Yumo...

Anyway, sister Yumo should not resist in order to pretend.


'What about people? '

Meng Xi, who didn't see the pink-haired girl, couldn't help clenching her fists.

From the messy situation at the scene, and the dazed state of these royal knights.

There should have been a battle here before.

Sister Yumo, this is, have you escaped by yourself?

But, there is no Silent Shadow Power at the scene?

Meng Xi couldn't help frowning.After absorbing Yumo's elder sister's silent shadow power every day, Mengxi is very sensitive to Yumo's power. If Yumo makes a move, then she will definitely feel the silent shadow power released by Yumo.

instead of just the spot in the van

That is

"Sister Yumo didn't escape by herself..."

However, these people at the scene were obviously easily subdued before.If Sister Yumo didn't make a move, who did it?

People from the City of Wind?No, with their strength, it is impossible to deal with Xue Tianao's Royal Knights.

At the same time, the conversation between Sister Yumo and that strange loli during her "coma" before resurfaced in Mengxi's mind, making her frown suddenly.

'Yes, the Black Rose family? '

their words,

Maybe it has this strength.

While Mengxi was thinking, Bai Yanluo, who had checked the surrounding situation, walked to Mengxi's side thoughtfully,


"Huh? What's wrong?"

Bai Yanluo's words temporarily attracted Meng Xi's attention, after all, it is rare for Sister Bai to exclaim like this.

Facing Mengxi's question, Bai Yanluo thoughtfully pointed to the location of the other Royal Knights in front,

"If you take a closer look, the behavior of the escort team deviates, and it deviates a lot, and it has directly opened such a large distance from other teams. Perhaps it is for this reason, after these guys were attacked, they have not been arrested for a long time. Found it. But, hehe, these knights are really big-hearted."

"Huh? Sister Bai, you mean to deviate? Are these knights lost?"

"It's unlikely. This elite army won't make such low-level mistakes... Moreover, there are traces of magic in the nearby forest. I guess someone deliberately diverted them."

Hearing this, Meng Xi was slightly taken aback,

"Can the Royal Knights deviate? Sister Bai, do you know what magic is?"

"The dense forest nearby, enmmm..."

Bai Yanluo raised his hand to his chin, showing a pensive expression,

"As far as I know, the only one who can do this is the unique sanctuary magic of the elves - Wandering Forest..."


Meng Xi showed an extremely confused expression,

Aren't the elves always neutral?

Why, why did you suddenly come to help, to 'rescue' Sister Yumo?

Chapter 24 The Elven Prince

The week before the National Day is quite busy, I guess I can’t add qwq


"You know, the Albero Canyon is an important gateway linking the northern border and the Central Plains. If those royal knights want to quickly return to the sky to meet that stallion...ah, no, to meet the Son of Destiny, they must go through the Albero Valley." Beiluo Canyon, but the canyon is narrow, and the interior is extremely complicated and dangerous, and there is a special fog, it is definitely the best place for carjacking! At this time, as long as you use the sanctuary magic of the elves 'Wandering Forest', you can make this carjacking The team walked into our encirclement without anyone noticing. And the people nearby, being confused by the illusion, will not react in a short time, hehe~, when they realize the seriousness of the problem, We have 'rescued' Master Yumo!"

In a certain cave outside the canyon, Xizhi is happily telling Yumo about her rescue plan in order to get Yumo's praise.

As a half-dragon, Xizhi was abandoned by her family since she was a child, and then became a slave, and was taken to the Winter Forest as a sacrifice.Yumo was her savior, and he was the first person to accept her identity and never dislike her bloodline. (building?)

For her, repaying Yumo is her life goal.

If she can get the approval of her benefactor, it will be an unparalleled joy for Xi Zhi.

After hearing Xizhi's statement, Yumo raised his hand and patted Xizhi's head in relief, and praised from the bottom of his heart:

"It's quite powerful. Really, my girl, if only you were so smart and cautious."

(Limo: Haqiu! Huh? Why does it feel like my mother is talking about me again?)

Facing Yumo's caress and approval, Xizhi showed a satisfied smile,

"Hee hee~"

"Oh, by the way, people above the holy rank should be able to see through this kind of wandering forest if they are serious?"


Xi Zhi slightly nodded noncommittally,

"However, we deliberately chose a suitable timing and location, and did not let the deputy team leader who led the team at the front notice. Moreover, the other two stronger existences of the Royal Knights did not follow the main force, instead Nothing to worry about."

"Huh? Didn't follow the big troops?"

"Yes, Lord Yumo, because the large army has to bring family members and servants of low strength, as well as a large amount of 'evidence' collected, so the march is relatively slow. And the Son of Destiny wants the Xiuhe couple to arrive at the palace as soon as possible, so that Completely restraining the forces in the northern border, let the strongest members of the Royal Knights lead the Marquis and his wife to rush towards the imperial capital."

"Then, now, Lord..., if you repair them, you're almost in the imperial capital?"

"Yes. But Lord Yumo don't need to worry too much. Although it is an intentional crime, but with Xue Tianao's temperament, the steps of the trial should still go through, and the marquis and his wife will not be executed directly."

"I hope so."

Taking a sip of the hot tea handed over by Qiu Mingtong, Yumo thoughtfully looked towards the direction where the imperial capital of the Xueye Empire was in the distance.

And what about Qiu Mingtong?

Then he continued to burn firewood with a blank face, and continued to prepare food and tea for Mr. Yumo.At the same time, Qiu Mingtong looked at the knights of the Black Rose family guarding outside the cave with warning eyes from time to time,

"This is a resting place for ladies, men are not allowed to enter!"

After being warned by Qiu Mingtong, these knights who wanted to visit Yumo had no choice but to leave. They could only look at the other members of the 'Nightingale' organization in the cave with envious eyes, and then went outside to start. Vigil.

The members of the 'Nightingale' organization in the cave happily enjoyed the bonus brought by their gender, and greeted Yumo one by one.Yumo responded kindly to the children's enthusiasm.


After recounting the past and chatting for a while about the harmonious and happy daily life of the various Black Rose families,

Yumo seemed to suddenly think of something,

Looking curiously at Xizhi who was making snacks with Qiu Mingtong,

"Speaking of it, Xizhi, the Wandering Forest you mentioned just now? Enmm, isn't that magic that only elves can use? Why do you use this trick? I remember Cyberk said it before, it's not rumored? "

"No rumors~"

Xi Zhi smiled and shook her head,

"Huh? Then this time?"

"This time, there is an 'enthusiastic' elf prince who is also going to Tianqiong. He happened to be on the way, so he 'volunteered' to help us act~"

"Prince, is he willing to help you? He also acted with you?"

"Well, that's how it is, Master Yumo."

"Oh roar?"

Miss Yumo nodded thoughtfully, and then a hint of interest gradually appeared in her scarlet eyes.After coming to this continent of Ancheka more than 500 years ago, the elves are the most benevolent race she has ever seen. There are many magical daily necessities in the Temple of Demons, unimaginable magic techniques, etc., many of which are elves. Family 'gift'.

Even now that I can walk on the continent in a human form, I owe it to these beautiful, kind, helpful long ears.

For Yumo,

If others are good to herself, she will be good to others.

If others helped her, she would naturally repay her.Although the Black Rose family must have given the elves a lot of gifts in return, Yumo still wanted to give something in person to express his inner gratitude.In addition, she also wants to meet the elf prince or something in person~

Yumo was quite curious about the royal family of elves.

I heard they are more beautiful?Can you still have the ability to communicate with nature?

"I want to meet you~"

Miss Yumo thought so in her heart,

"Xizhi, it's still early anyway, can I meet this elf prince? He has come here to 'rescue' me, so I have to express my gratitude, right?"

? !

"Uh...Master Yumo, do you want to see him?"

Hearing Yumo's words, Xizhi showed a troubled expression for a moment,

"What's wrong? Is there a problem?"

"No! No... Then I'll go and... talk to him."


Yuori immediately stood up,

Under Yumo's astonished gaze, the smoke turned into an orange-red light and rushed out of the cave...

'Um?What's wrong?In such a hurry? '

Yumo raised his brows in puzzlement,


It took less than a minute for Yuori to rush out,

One with long emerald green hair, 'noble and elegant' and 'happy' written all over her face

A handsome elf man in an exquisite and gorgeous white robe slowly came to the entrance of the cave, and this elf man was Odom, the prince of the elves with a seventh-level median strength, and the relative of the elf king Sukaros. younger brother,

Although he is the younger brother of the Elven King,

But at this moment, the prince, in his heart, viciously condoled his elder brother hundreds of times.

If it hadn't been for his brother's coercion, he wouldn't have left the Elven Forest to go to the Snowy Night Empire to attend the new emperor's enthronement ceremony.In fact, there is nothing wrong with participating in the enthronement ceremony, and it's not like they haven't been there before.The problem is, people from the Black Rose family will also go to this grand ceremony!

Having been bullied for so many years, they already had psychological shadows, so they didn't want to see any members of the Black Rose family, and naturally they didn't want to go to the grand ceremony.I originally wanted to shirk it, but I didn't expect that the members of the Black Rose family would come directly to the forest to 'invite' them to the grand ceremony...

'cao! '

Then, his bastard brother sold him outright? !Let him represent the elves to attend the enthronement ceremony.

'Fuck! '

Then, he was captured by the Black Rose family and used as a coolie.And now?It's impossible to have a safe meal, and you've been arrested here without face. What important person are you going to meet?


Although 1 were unwilling in his heart, Odom knew very well that he was powerless to resist the Black Rose family, so he could only bite the bullet and walked into the cave with Xizhi.At this moment, Odom's heart can be said to be uneasy. After all, according to Xiori, what he is going to meet now is the leader behind the Black Rose family.

The most noble woman in this world...

The Black Rose family?

The boss behind those hooligans?

Still a woman?

It's over,

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