
Li Mo, who had already begun to fantasize in her mind, could not pay attention to these key issues for the time being.


Although he didn't find these key problems, when Li Mo was about to jump off the cliff, he suddenly and inadvertently noticed the periphery of the Winter Forest!With the terrifying sensory ability of the demon king, Li Mo can still see the surrounding scene clearly even if they are separated by tens of thousands of miles.Not to mention, the Ice Tooth Mountains are not too far from the outer plains...

And after seeing the surrounding scene,

The wolf girl's eyes suddenly shrank, and the sound of deep breathing continued to come out of the girl's mouth.At this moment, Li Mo couldn't help throwing away the ice stone, clenched his fists tightly, and couldn't help piercing his lips with his sharp teeth, blood immediately left along the corners of his mouth, dripping on the girl's brand-new clothes above,

'That,, that is? ? ...'

only at this moment,

In Li Mo's field of vision, a delicate pink-haired little girl is sitting tremblingly on the snow, and beside her is a heroic silver-haired female knight, an Ashmos teacher knight.

The little girl disguised by Yumo is perfect,

It is indeed difficult for ordinary people to see through its disguise.


The Demon King Jieyuan Demons who possess the power of Yumo and are connected to him can recognize Yumo's identity in an instant!Of course, Li Mo couldn't figure out why her mother turned into a little girl and appeared outside the Winter Forest.


What she could see clearly was that Yumo was sitting on the ground tremblingly, and in front of him was the knight taught by Ashmos!

The people of Ashmos have always hated Yuanmo, and they can't wait to get rid of the Temple of All Demons!Such a guy actually appeared in front of his mother? ! !

These damned guys! !What do you want to do? !

'Could it be?Want to hurt mother? ! !Or want to take mother away? ! '

Do not!

no! !

think of this,

Suddenly, a terrifying and fierce light burst out from Li Mo's crimson eyes!His eyes fixed on the knights in the distance,

"You guys, church bastards..."

The power of the red silent shadow overflowed from the girl's body uncontrollably, the red eyes became more ferocious, sharp fangs grew out of the mouth, and the violent emotions gradually occupied the high ground of Li Mo's reason, and the bloodthirsty desire He Senran's killing intent began to be continuously released from the wolf girl's body, and it spread like a virus to everything around her.

"It's just looking for death!!"

Accompanied by Li Mo's angry roar,

In an instant,

Under the influence of Li Mo's emotions, all the deep demons in the Bingfang Mountain range became more and more violent. Countless scarlet eyes suddenly looked to the south, where the knights of Ashmos Cult were located. direction.

Rimo, who is a demon king,

It also has the ability to control the Abyss Demon,

Tens of thousands of abyssal demons charged towards the south at this moment...


time back to the present,

The rush of countless giant beasts immediately made the ground tremble!Loud noises that shook the ground all day long, mixed with terrifying silent shadow power filled with murderous intent, suddenly swept out from the inside of the forest, roaring towards the group of Ashmosian knights like a cruel wind that devoured everything!

The black mist with the breath of death,

Under the horrified gaze of everyone, it surged out from the cold winter forest full of deathly silence!And behind the black mist, there are countless ferocious beasts!Huge abyssal demons, combined with that terrifying number, but when these monsters charged together, they immediately turned into turbulent black giant waves, huge waves enough to bring death to all living beings!

The moment he rushed out of the forest, the Abyss Demon suddenly let out a deafening roar, and countless scarlet eyes locked on these Ashmosian knights, making the latter shudder, as if being stared at by a hungry beast. Like a weak little white rabbit on the bed, shivering

The black mist corroded the earth,

Also in an instant,

Corroded their fighting spirit and courage...

'Why, how could this happen, how could this happen? ! '

Obviously the forest was quiet before? !

For, why? !Why did so many abyssal demons suddenly appear? ! !

Facing the massive abyssal demon group and the suffocating sense of oppression, Garona froze in place. Like all the knights around her, her face was already filled with panic.

They struggled even with the previous Abyssal Demon,

Facing the charge of tens of thousands of abyssal demons, the unprecedented sense of oppression activated the most primitive fear in everyone's hearts, leaving only one thought in their minds, and that was to escape!If they don't escape, they will undoubtedly be torn apart easily by the Abyss Demon and turned into their meals.

He didn't care about collecting the body of his companion who died tragically before,

Galona roared hysterically,

"Retreat!!!!! Retreat to Garros Fortress!!! Quick!!!!"

"Don't worry about the carriage and salute!! Don't worry about collecting the corpse either! Run!!!"

"Don't worry about anything! Hurry up and retreat!!!"



Under Garona's constant shouting, countless sluggish knights turned around immediately, mounted their horses in horror, and rushed towards the Garos Fortress! !The previously majestic 'Light of the Sun' team was now completely defeated, and fled towards the rear in a panic.


stand in front,

Meng Xi, who was facing the charge of the abyss demon group, although she didn't lose her composure like that, she was still terrified in her heart.Due to the influence of his own 'power of the holy spirit', the abyss demon in front has locked his murderous eyes on her,

Unparalleled pressure suddenly weighed on Mengxi's heart,

But even so,

After taking a deep breath, Meng Xi still forcibly calmed down her uneasy heart.She knows very well that the more she faces a crisis, the more she needs to keep calm! Panic and panic will undoubtedly kill herself!

Glancing at the pink-haired girl who was 'scared' in a daze in front of her, Meng Xi no longer hesitated, her lavender eyes were full of determination,

"Feel sorry."

After uttering two words lightly, Mengxi immediately held the pink-haired girl in her arms in the posture of a princess, causing the latter to tremble all over, and an inexplicably rosy glow appeared on her small face...

Then the mighty silver-white Holy Spirit burst out from Meng Xi's body, pouring directly into the ring on the girl's right index finger!After the injection of power, the magic stored in the ring was suddenly activated,

A high-level acceleration circle suddenly appeared at Mengxi's feet,

Under the blessing of the magic circle,

Meng Xi, who was holding the pink-haired girl, instantly turned into a silver-white light, and galloped towards the fortress!Suddenly opened the distance with Yuanmo!


After seeing the pink-haired girl go away, the group of Yuanmo who were dominated by Li Mo broke out in a furious roar that shook the sky and the universe!

the other side,

Miss Yumo, who was held in Mengxi's arms, also glanced at the roaring Yuanmo group and the towering Bingya Mountains in the distance from the corner of her eye.

Afterwards, Yumo couldn't help clenching her teeth, clenched her fists,

A wave of anger began to spread in his heart...

'Li Mo! ! !You stinky girl is messing around again and again! !Butt itches, isn't it! ! '

Chapter 43 Dark Cloud Approaches

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Garros Fortress,

As an important town on the outskirts of the Windward City to resist the invasion of the Abyss Demon, there are naturally a large number of troops and countless magic weapons deployed here!And after the change of heaven and earth occurred in the cold winter forest,

For the first time in a hundred years, Garros Fortress has entered the 3s alert state again!The entire fortress has entered the preparation mode, filled with a tense and depressive atmosphere, all the soldiers are fully motivated, ready to deal with the attack from the deep demon at any time!

When many soldiers felt fear,

There are also many people who are extremely excited, because the results of their decades of training will be revealed at this moment!


It has been more than a week since the 3s alert was activated,

During this period,

Not to mention the shadows of Yuanmo, they didn't even see the shadows of monsters.The abyssal demon lingered on the edge of the cold winter forest as always, and the interior of the forest was extremely calm, with no sign of the abyssal demon attacking at all.

As the saying goes,

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

After such a long period of calm, all the soldiers began to doubt the accuracy of the information in Linfeng City?Will the Abyss Demon really attack?Even if there is, it shouldn't be an attack on them, right?

Under the influence of such thoughts, coupled with the high-intensity nerve tension some time ago, the guards of the soldiers have obviously relaxed in the past few days...

In addition,

In fact, not only were there different soldiers, but even the fortress commander Klimd was no longer filled with chilling intent as he had been a few days ago.Today, Klimd, who was standing on the fortress wall, couldn't help but have a few drinks,

Looking boredly at the distant horizon,

'Well, it seems that today is also very peaceful. '

Krimder couldn't help complaining in his heart,

Even if the commander-in-chief is like this, it is no wonder that tens of thousands of soldiers have begun to relax...

And just when Klimed started to enjoy the wine first, a sentry on the side suddenly let out a little exclamation,

"Eh?? That,, that is? Lord Klimed! Someone from the north is rushing over!"

"Huh? Someone?"

Hearing this, Klimd couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and looked towards the north curiously,

only at this moment,

Dozens of Ashmosian knights riding on strong horses and wearing silver armor suddenly appeared on the hill on the horizon, and rushed towards the fortress!



Seeing this scene, Klimed suddenly showed a look of enlightenment.


He thought it was someone from the north.It turned out to be those boring Ashmosian knights.

Are those guys behind them slaves?

It seems that their rescue plan went well~


and many more?

If it goes so smoothly, why,, what are they doing in such a panic now? ?

After using the binoculars to observe the terrified expressions on the faces of the knights, countless question marks appeared on Klimed's forehead.

'What's the situation? '

Klimed couldn't help asking in his heart,


The question in his heart soon became answered,

Just when Klimeder was curiously observing the group of Ashmosian knights who looked very embarrassed, a frightening aura surge suddenly broke into Klimeder's perception range, causing his pupils to twitch. shrunk,

A situation that everyone did not expect happened,

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