After all, even if he falls into the pile of abyssal demons, what can those little guys do to him?You can't tm confess yourself as an ancestor!Uh, no,

strictly speaking,

I am their ancestor...


It is impossible for the deep demons to harm themselves.

What Yumo was worried about was actually Mengxi's physical condition.

Although Mengxi seemed to be able to do it with ease, Yumo could clearly feel the rapid decline of the girl's internal strength. While using multiple acceleration magics to obtain such extreme speed, Mengxi also consumed a lot of holy energy.

And at this moment,

As the Yuan Demon group approached rapidly, the hysterical bombardment from Garros Fortress intensified, and the pressure on the heroine also soared!

go on like this,

Maybe something will happen to the heroine...


How can this work! ! !

'If my heroine would blow you up like this!Then I'm still playing a ghost!You defenders are really messing around! !How can there be such a mess of brains! '

Are you courting death?

Yumo couldn't help but comfort the defenders of Garros Fortress in his heart!When looking at the mages on the wall of Jiaros Fortress, Yumo's eyes also became colder and colder imperceptibly,


Abyss Demon is the biggest threat in this world after all, so it seems illogical to be beaten passively like this? ?


After a cold smile,

Yumo secretly glanced at the pitch-black raging Yuanmo tsunami behind him from the corner of his eye.

And after feeling Yumo's cold eyes, the dozens of Yuanmo who were closest to Mengxi suddenly trembled!Unknowingly looking at his boss with innocent and pitiful eyes,

Obviously, they have kept their distance from the silver-haired girl according to the request of the eldest sister! !

Why does the boss stare at them with such eyes? ?

woo woo woo~,

what did they do wrong qwq


The group of abyssal demons who didn't understand had no choice but to rely on their instincts, and after uttering a faint mournful cry, they further slowed down their speed...

In this way, without the threat of the close-by abyss demon, Mengxi can devote more energy to avoiding the bombardment of fireballs,


Yumo's eyes also met with the abyssal demons at the top of the sixth level behind the abyssal group, and started an encrypted conversation in his head.

Yumo: Hello, you guys.

Yuanmo ABCDE: What's the matter, big sister!

Yumo: Did you see those red targets on the city wall ahead?

Abyss Demon ABCDE: I see!

Yumo: Blow them up! !

Yuanmo ABCDE: Yes, Big Sister! !

next moment,

After receiving Yumo's order, the five-headed and sixth-order abyssal demons who had been blasted for a long time raised their hideous giant heads one after another, and waves of silent shadow power filled with the power of death began to gather in their mouths continuously.

Remote attack?

Of course the Abyss Demon will,

You know, the 'Nirience Cannon' that compresses the power of silence in the mouth and releases it suddenly is a basic skill that every abyssal demon knows~

However, because of Yumo's instructions, they never dared to activate them.After all, if he had used long-range attacks from the very beginning, all the knights of the Ashmos religion, including the heroine, would have been wiped out long ago...

Chapter 46 The Clown

Because I saw a certain news, I suddenly had a whim, and I added an update!

In addition, there is another update in the evening, although it will be a little later.


"Blow me up!! Give me a blast!! Absolutely don't let those abyssal demons get close! Blow them up for me!!"

On the walls of Garros Fortress,

Faced with the ever-approaching oppression of death, Klimed was already screaming hysterically, and the magicians who heard his words were very entangled, but after looking at each other, they finally chose to obey the order.

Increased the output of anti-army magic, and the overwhelming fireballs continued to bombard the black ocean in front of the fortress!

Seeing this scene,

The female adjutant was extremely disturbed,

Gritting his teeth, he couldn't help but ran to Klimed's side,

"Master Klimede! Shouldn't we cover the knights of Ashemoth's sect from entering the city first?! No matter what they say, they have temporarily signed a treaty with our Xue Ye Empire! We are just like this, bombing our friendly troops? Really? Isn't it too inappropriate? From now on, I'm afraid it will cause diplomacy..."

"Whether she is suitable or not?!"

Hearing the words of the female adjutant, Klimd frowned, without saying a word, grabbed the female adjutant by the collar, and led her to him.

"The Abyssal Demons have already attacked! Finding ways to stop them from attacking is the most important thing! As for the knights taught by Ashemos, what do they do? They are just a group of liars who use the name of the goddess to swindle everywhere! If they die, they will die! No matter whether they were killed by our bombs or not! When the time comes, they will be told that they were killed by Yuan Mo, so that’s fine! No one will blame us!"

"Yes, but,"

"But what! Just follow my orders! Besides, being chased by so many abyssal demons, who knows if these knights of the Ashmos religion have been infected? Maybe they have been infected long ago, and they are already hopeless." Just treat them as Abyssal Demons! So, stop talking! If you keep arguing, I’ll just throw you down to feed Abyssals!”

Krimder's eyes were already filled with terrifying killing intent,

The female adjutant was so frightened that she didn't dare to say anything more,

Seeing that the adjutant had nothing to say, Klimed once again focused his attention aside, stood on top of the magician troops on the high platform, and continued to urge tirelessly: "Hurry up! You bastards! Make it harder!! Absolutely not...huh??!!!"


Before Klimed finished speaking, his eyes shrank suddenly, and a black laser suddenly broke into Klimed's field of vision!

? !

Huh? !

That is? !

the next moment,


Accompanied by a burst of earth-shattering explosions, the rise of dust, and the rapid spread and explosion of the power of the black silent shadow!The entire high platform, including the eight magisters above it, was instantly enveloped in black energy!

Under the terrified gaze of Klimede and a group of soldiers, the huge red magic circle and the entire platform suddenly disintegrated!The eight powerful magicians were also corroded by the black energy in an instant, and they were suddenly corroded into a pool of blood amidst a burst of painful wailing!

The aftermath of the explosion spread rapidly, directly shattering several nearby soldiers into pieces.

Although Klimd raised his hand in time to defend, he was still sent flying tens of meters by this terrifying force!

"Hey, what's going on here??"

When Klimed got up again and looked at the high platform, there was already a scene of hell corroded by black viscous corrosive liquid. A soldier whose body had been corroded by half and his lower body was covered in bones was hysterical. Climbing towards Klimeder,

Mouth full of indistinct mournful wailing,

Seeing this scene, Klimed's back straightened, trembling all over,


When he looked around, the eyes of the fortress commander shrank suddenly, and his entire face became distorted and funny in horror,

Not only the high platform in front of him,

The six high platforms that were casting anti-army magic had all been hit by black lasers!And they were completely corroded, including half of the high-level mages in their Garros Fortress...

"Why, how, how could this happen??"

In an instant, Klimd was at a loss, and just stood there in a daze, looking at the tragic situation around him with his mind almost shut down.

"Then, those abyssal demons, actually, actually attacked my mage troop??"

Aren't deep demons all mindless things?

Why, why did they catch fire instantly?Attack mage? ?

Klimd was also confused at the moment, and just as the commander was standing still,

not far away,

A silver forehead suddenly broke into Klimeder's field of vision! !

Looking at the silver-haired girl who jumped directly onto the city wall from outside the fortress, and the several Ashemosian knights behind her, Klimd's complexion changed drastically, and he quickly raised his hand and pointed at the crowd tremblingly.

"You, you!! How are you??"

Krimder hates Ashemothism,

Disgusting!This will give the bombing order,

But he is also aware of the horror of Ashmosism. If these people are alive and pass back what they did today to Ashmosism, then their future will undoubtedly be ruined!

Damn it,

Why are these guys not dead? !

No, it can't be like this, they can't just enter the fortress like this!

Already somewhat hysterical, and even irrational from the shock, Klimed stared at the Ashemos Cultists with fierce and questioning eyes,

''No!You can't come in! !You must have been infected by the Abyss Demon!You will kill us if you come in! ! "

Listening to Klimed's already somewhat insane words,

Meng Xi's lavender eyes narrowed slightly, and her cold eyes lightly swept towards the clown who tore up the agreement.

Although she really wanted to kill this stupid person who almost killed her directly, but considering that they are still in Garros Fortress and Klimeder's territory, Meng Xi suppressed her heart forcefully anger,

He spoke in as calm a tone as possible:

"Mr. Krimder, don't worry, we are not infected, our anger..."


Before Meng Xi could finish speaking, Klimed interrupted the other party's words unceremoniously,

"Who knows if you guys are talking nonsense! If you really didn't get infected, and you really weren't hurt by the Abyss Demon, then take off your clothes and armor to prove it! If you can't prove it, get out of here!"

I, I don't believe it, I was chased and killed by Yuan Mo for so long, and I can't get hurt at all!

Even if it was an injury caused by a fireball blast!As long as it hurts!I insisted that it was made by Yuan Mo!When the time comes, you can 'justify' throw all of you away!My soldiers, I can easily gag her their mouths!As long as you are dead, no one will know about it!

Thinking of this, Klimd unconsciously revealed a piercing smile,

Seeing this smile, Meng Xi couldn't help biting her lips,

At this moment, she had already guessed what Klimed was thinking,

"Klimed, you bastard..."

the other side,

After hearing what Klimed said, it was not only Meng Xi who guessed what the other party was thinking, but also the pink-haired girl in his arms.Extreme dissatisfaction immediately surfaced in the girl's mind.

It seems that

It's really been a long time at ease,

This kind of person can actually become a fortress commander...

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