But they are all his companions who get along day and night!

Seeing his companions continue to die tragically, Kossov was heartbroken, and at the same time, a look of anger and hatred completely occupied his face.However, even so, he still took deep breaths to suppress the impulse in his heart,

After sacrificing twelve soldiers and barely defeating a sixth-order deep demon, the warrior leader hurriedly turned his head to look at the mage group not far away,

"Now! Other Yuanmos are blocked outside the barrier! Hurry up and repair the cracks!!!"

next moment,

The mages who received the order immediately mobilized all their magic power,

With bursts of blue magic light rippling, the huge crack above the enchantment was gradually repaired.So far, the war in this local area has come to an end.But Warrior Commander Kossov didn't feel the slightest sense of relief,

Because, just when the crack was repaired, the messenger had already arrived at Kossov's side,

"No.20 There is a huge crack in the three city wall defenses!! Please go to support immediately!!"

After saying these words,

The messenger fell to the ground and passed out because of excessive blood loss.

See here,

Kossov bit his lips angrily and solemnly,


After cursing angrily, Kossov hurriedly looked at the subordinates behind him

"Quick, call the medic!"


Although under the protection of the large moat formation, Garros Fortress barely withstood the first large-scale charge of the Abyss Demon Group!However, in order to maintain such a large-scale protective barrier, a large amount of magic power and precious raw magic stones are needed.

With the passage of time and the continuous strengthening of the attacks of the abyssal demons, the magic power of the mage group and the reserves of the original magic stones are being consumed at a high speed.


The defensive ability of the enchantment began to gradually decline,

Under the hysterical and indiscriminate bombardment of the Yuanmo, more and more cracks appeared on the protective formation!Hundreds and thousands of Abyss Demons roared and rushed into the Garos Fortress, and started a fierce melee battle with the defenders!The battlefield where Kosov is located is just a small part of dozens of battlefields.

Although a large number of magicians continue to supplement the lost magic power through magic potions, so as to continue to maintain the enchantment,

But the speed of replenishment is not as fast as the speed of consumption.

The defense line of Garros Fortress may be breached at any time.

After realizing this,

Standing on the city wall and commanding, the female adjutant Vatlin couldn't help but frowned, and looked at the terrifying Abyss Demon group in front of her with an extremely solemn expression.

If the reinforcements from the Windward City, or the support promised by the Ashemoth Sect, are no longer available, the entire Jiaros Fortress may soon fall and turn into a purgatory on earth!Everyone is afraid that they will become the dishes of Yuan Mo.

dead body...

Thinking of such a terrifying future, Tewarin's back shivered. Although he still pretended to be calm in front of his subordinates, his heart was already filled with endless panic.


'Please, save us,'

Feeling the bloodthirsty and violent eyes of the abyssal demon under the wall, eager to tear himself apart, feeling the extremely suppressed wave of silent shadow power, Tewarin prayed in his heart at a loss,

So will God choose to send charcoal in the snow?

It's hard to say,

But it turns out that

Sometimes, God seems to prefer to add fuel to the fire...

When Twarinlin prayed,

The movement in the distance suddenly attracted the female adjutant's attention, and she couldn't help but pick up the binoculars and look behind the Yuanmo group.


That is? ?

Snow?snowstorm?Why is there a sudden blizzard now?

Huh? !

No, no, no, that, that, that is! ! ! !

in an instant,

After seeing the huge white figure in the center of the blizzard, Tewarin's eyes shrank suddenly, and his hair stood on end!The whole person was instantly enveloped by an unparalleled feeling of chill!Unprecedented fear quickly breeds in his heart like a virus!And like a dark claw dragging his consciousness into a bottomless abyss...

The fire of hope that was barely burning in his heart just now was completely extinguished the moment he saw that figure,

There is no chance of recovery,

Tewarin's soul was trembling at this moment,

Under the puzzled gaze of all the soldiers, his body fell to his knees uncontrollably,

"That, that is, demon, demon, demon king..."

Snow bite!

Abyss Demon of Demon King rank? !Why, why, why did it suddenly appear here? ! !

Tewarin felt a little hysterical in her heart,

Originally, she intended to defend the fortress and wait for reinforcements, but she had already given up on her previous idea!There is only one thought in Tewarin's mind now, and that is to retreat!A Garos Fortress that doesn't even have seventh-level or holy-level powerhouses!How could it be possible to resist the eighth-level demon king-level abyssal demon! !

When Xue Che comes over, everyone will die! ! !

It is impossible to resist!

'Must retreat! ! '

After making such a judgment, Tewarin stood up suddenly and looked at the bewildered soldiers behind him.

"Quick!! Everyone! Withdraw immediately...???"


Oops!That's too late! !


Before Tewarin could finish her words, the giant wolf wrapped in a snowstorm in the distance opened her bloody mouth full of sharp fangs!In an instant, the endless power of crimson silent shadow gathered in it!And keep compressing!

The terrifying power fluctuations gradually distorted the surrounding space,

the next moment,

The power of the crimson silent shadow compressed in the mouth of the giant wolf was released suddenly!

In an instant, the earth was torn apart and the sky changed color!The destructive red laser was like a violent and bloodthirsty beast breaking free from its shackles, roaring towards Garros Fortress with the awe-inspiring power to devour everything!

Under the horrified gaze of Tewarin and other countless soldiers, the crimson laser rapidly magnified in their eyes


Accompanied by an earth-shattering loud noise, and the majestic eruption of the power of silent shadow!The red laser slammed into the blue barrier outside Garros Fortress!In an instant, the magic barrier that had resisted the abyssal demon group for a long time was directly smashed to pieces with a destructive momentum!

The unstoppable red laser roared further into the interior,

Tens of thousands of people, including Tewarin, didn't even have time to wail, so they were wiped out in an instant!One-third of the fortress was directly wiped out under Xue Che's 'Nirience Cannon', and the two mountain peaks in the distance were also directly razed to the ground at this moment...

Chapter 50 White Yama

a few minutes ago,

Underworld City,

This city is the closest super-sized city to the Windward City, and it is not under the management of any of the four empires.Due to the lack of control, or deliberate deregulation, there are all kinds of illegal transactions, illegal activities,

Slave trading, gambling, drug trafficking and other activities are very common here, it is the daily life of the people,

walking on the road,

Being robbed, kidnapped, shot to death for no reason is commonplace and not uncommon.

The degree of civilization is comparable to Gotham, even worse, and it is one of the best "civilized cities" on the continent of Ancheka.

In my mind, I am the special pastor of Ashmosism,

This young man is a devout believer in the true sense, and has a strong heart of faith in the goddess!It can be said that I hate the paradise of criminals like the underworld city.Under normal circumstances, he was afraid that he would never come to this chaotic area where fish and dragons mixed together.


Clearly, today is outside the realm of normal circumstances.

After receiving the urgent news from the Daughter of Destiny team, I rushed to the underworld city in a hurry in my mind!As a devout Ashmosian priest, he is very clear about the significance of the Daughter of Destiny to the Ashimosity, to the entire continent, and to the future of the human race!

For this reason, the safety of the Daughter of Destiny is undoubtedly the top priority!

And when he learned that Lord Mengxi was being hunted down by the Yuan Demon Swarm, he was undoubtedly burning with anxiety in his mind, wishing to go to the front line to support Miss Mengxi himself!But he knew very well that, as a fourth-level priest, he was going to give Yuan Mo a gap between his teeth!

The only thing he can do is to find someone who can solve this matter!

And this person is in the Underworld City right now.


Really is,

I don't understand what the Bishop thinks!

Knowing that a new demon king rank has been born, and now that the northern border is so dangerous, why do you still send Miss Mengxi there?Even if you want to accumulate experience, this is not the time!Even if it is to gain reputation for Miss Mengxi, the risk is too damn big! !

'Really, what the hell are you doing! '

I can't help but spit madly in my heart,

With a heart full of worries and thoughts of constant complaints, he followed the instructions of positioning magic in his mind and kept shuttling through the streets and alleys of the Underworld City.Under normal circumstances, a little fresh meat like him would be hooked up by some strong big brothers after walking two steps.

Then forcefully ask to do some 'philosophical' things in the past,

However, since the mind wears the rare high-level military rank badge in the light of the sun, these men with evil intentions dare not attack the mind without authorization. After all, no one wants to provoke the existence of a sword god for a momentary desire ...

The heavenly apostles taught by Ashmos are extremely terrifying eighth-level existences, and each heavenly apostle has his own exclusive troop.And 'Sunlight' is the army of Sword God Bai Yanluo.

Under the protection of the badge of the sun's light, thinking in the city of the underworld can be said to be quite smooth, and soon arrived at the destination according to the navigation,

a casino...

Seeing this, he couldn't help frowning in his mind, and an unknown anger began to spread wildly in his heart,

'No, let's gamble again...'

After taking a deep breath, he rushed to the door of a private room aggressively in his mind, and then kicked open the door of the private room in his mind despite the obstruction of the casino security!

the next moment,

An extremely uncomfortable smell of tobacco and alcohol suddenly rushed towards me,

And at the same time,

A white shadow also reflected in the eyes of thinking,

It was a beautiful woman with a national beauty and heavenly fragrance,

tall girl,

Wearing a sun light military skirt with black as the main color and red as the supplement, paired with one black and one white, stockings of different lengths, and black military boots.This set of cool and sassy military uniform highlights the girl's slender figure and the impressive double fronts on her chest.

The satin-like snow-white long hair is tied into two ponytails, one long and one short, which makes the girl have a sassy beauty and at the same time bring a unique cuteness.

Although there is no sacred aura around him, it is filled with an extremely powerful and terrifying unique aura, which is extremely frightening.

The delicately carved jade-like face, like the most sublime artwork, the flimsy snow-like skin, and the crystal clear, piercing, sapphire-like blue eyes all add to the girl's charm.



This young girl's behavior seems to have caused her charm to drop crazily...

Seeing that the white-haired girl seemed to be in a bad mood, she directly punched the muscular man on the opposite side of the gambling table, and after removing the opponent's arm, pressed him to the ground!Stepping on each other's faces with their feet frantically!

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