From the tight and slender swan neck, to the sexy and beautiful collarbone, to the alluring fragrant shoulders, to the soft jade arms like snow lotus root, to the indescribable in the middle, and finally the beautiful and round slender jade legs and finely cut The smooth little feet that make people want to lick...

The towel in Yumo's hand is like a tireless explorer, exploring every inch of Mengxi's delicate and beautiful body...

Exploring over and over again,


The clear warm water gradually became cloudy with blood,

After changing the water for two more times, the delicate body of the silver-haired girl also returned to the state of being as bright and clean as new, with flawless white jade.

Yumo's work has come to an end at this moment.

After cleaning,

If we talk about the previous words, Yumo and Mengxi evened out their relationship, and no one took advantage of the other.

Then now,

Yumo is simply Qin Shihuang eating peppercorns, he won the numbness~

"Okay, now it's finally done."

Looking at the beautiful and delicate silver-haired girl in the bath, Yumo unconsciously showed a smile of relief,

It's a job that is both tormenting and enjoyable~

Miss Yumo couldn't help saying in her heart,


A hint of envy sprouted in Miss Yumo's heart.And this feeling of envy is aimed at the Son of Destiny who has never met.


To be able to find such a gentle, kind, beautiful girl with such a good figure as a wife in the future, I really don't know how many lifetimes of merits I have accumulated~

'Oh, I'm a little jealous~'

Yumo couldn't help but sigh with emotion,


Looking at Mengxi's beautiful face as if lying on her back in the bath, Yumo frowned slightly,

Speaking of,

There is one thing that she is quite curious about,

When the heroine fought with that person from the Heavenly Punishment Sacred Church, the atmosphere on her body seemed a little strange?

I don't know if it's my own illusion,

I always feel that at that time, I seemed to feel a power of shadow from Meng Xi?The kind of power that belongs to Yuanmo? !

Although Yumo hasn't felt any suspicious power from Mengxi since the beginning of cleaning, Yumo still has certain doubts in her heart.

Could it be my illusion?

Is she the future saint? !How could it be possible to experience the power of Silent Shadow? !



Otherwise, let's try it out, shall we?Just be safe.

think of this,

Yumo's scarlet eyes narrowed slightly, and she stretched out her slender fingers like green onions to Mengxi's forehead.At the same time, a faint crimson shadow power slowly overflowed from Yumo's fingertips, and slowly floated to Mengxi's forehead,


the next moment,

Under Yumo's slightly astonished gaze,

The power of this crimson still shadow was immediately absorbed by Meng Xi!

Yumo: Al? ? ! !


How is this going?

Chapter 5 Unexpected

ps: Due to business trips, the update time may be random~


Daughter of Destiny,

The savior chosen by the goddess

She is the saint of Ashmosism, and the holy power possessed in her body can pose a great threat to the abyssal demon!It can be regarded as the nemesis of the deep demon.

When Yumo saw Mengxi,

The sense of crisis felt is largely derived from this.Although Yumo's strength was far stronger than Mengxi's, that divine power instinctively made Yumo feel a little afraid.

As the nemesis of the power of Silent Shadow, this divine power of the holy attribute must be in a state of incompatible with the power of Silent Shadow.

Before bathing Mengxi,

Yumo has always thought so,




Before counting 10 minutes,

After wiping off the water stains on Mengxi's body and putting on a brand new set of underwear, Yumo placed the silver-haired girl on a small bed in her room.

after this,

Yumo went back to the bathroom, took off the bloody black gauze on her body, changed the pool of water again, and prepared to enjoy it by herself.

During these days,

Yumo often changed clothes by herself, and took a hot spring bath with her two lovely daughters. After experiencing the visual feast and ultimate tactile stimulation provided by the daughter of destiny, Yumo can already Treat your body with complete peace of mind,

I have gotten used to being naked, and the flushed face that I just started is gone.

Even sometimes, Yumo would indulge in self-admiration, even driven by curiosity, when the children were away, she would explore a little...

Of course, these are all for later.

After changing the water, Yumo silently took out the crystal orchid petals given by Cyberk from the space ring, and sprinkled them in the pool.


Miss Yumo took off the animal skin boxer pants that did not match her perfect body, lay down slowly in the pool, soaked her whole body in the hot water, and quietly enjoyed the petal bath. Enjoy this long-lost peaceful time.

Though I want to be quiet for a while,

But after lying in the water with his eyes closed, Yumo couldn't help but recall the scene he had just seen.

That is, the scene where Mengxi absorbed the power of her crimson shadow,

Recalling that moment, Yumo couldn't help frowning, the sense of peace suddenly disappeared, leaving only deep doubts and confusion.

'House, did you really absorb it? '

It seems that

The situation she perceived in Garros Fortress before was not an illusion!It's the truth!


But, is that the power of Silent Shadow?

The most tyrannical energy in the world? !The power that conflicts most with the power of the goddess? !


Why is the Daughter of Destiny absorbed into the body? !Being able to inhale into the body so greedily, it means that Mengxi's body can adapt to the power of Silent Shadow!In other words, Meng Xi's body needs the power of Silent Shadow...

This, how is this possible? !

Is there something wrong? !

Could it be, she, isn't she really the Daughter of Destiny?

No!This is impossible!

Yumo frantically shook his head, denying such a guess,

Not to mention that Yumo could clearly feel the divine power in Mengxi's body. Even in the bathroom, the water left over from washing Mengxi's hair and feet just now contained a certain amount of holy attribute divine power!It is divine power, which can only be used by those who are recognized by the female Ashmos Goddess!

In other words, Mengxi must be the daughter of destiny!There is also that golden unknown rune on her back!That's a real heroine sign!


Is it really the words of the daughter of destiny?

Why do you have the power of the Abyss Demon? !Where did she get this power? !Obviously, all the deep demons in this world are under my control!

more importantly,

Why do two completely opposite forces coexist in her body? !Under normal circumstances, shouldn't it explode in situ? !

'My God, what the hell is this! ! '

The more he thought about it, the more Yumo felt dizzy and his heart became more dignified.

After shouting in her heart, Yumo found that she still couldn't calm down!She had to study Mengxi's body again and try to figure out what was going on!

think of this,

Miss Yumo didn't care about 21, she stood up abruptly from the bath, didn't bother to wipe her drenched body, picked up the bath towel, wrapped her delicate body, and rushed out of the bathroom, facing her Walk quickly to the room!

The sudden slam of the door,

Not far away, in another bathroom, the gray-haired girl who was playing with her sister raised her little head, suddenly revealed a look of doubt, secretly opened the bathroom door, poked out her little head curiously, and looked headed upstairs,

"Huh? Mother? What's wrong?"


The little white wolf poked his head out from under Li Yu's feet, followed his sister's line of sight, and looked upstairs.


The hut built by Cyberk is divided into three floors, the first floor is the living room, dining room and kitchen, the second floor is the bathroom and activity area, and the third floor is the respective rooms of Yumo and the children.

The slightly restless Miss Yumo quickly returned to her room,

After closing the door of the room, wrapped in a bath towel, the beautiful black-haired girl who looked like a hibiscus came slowly to the bed,

And at this moment, the daughter of destiny,

Yumo had already changed into a pure white delicate lace nightdress with suspenders that was perfect for her, and lay quietly on the bed,

After cleaning up the blood and dirt, and putting on a brand new nightdress, Mengxi's beauty has undoubtedly improved to a higher level.The silver-haired girl was sleeping lightly, quietly like an angel, with a slight smile, crystal clear and transparent, like the charming Sleeping Beauty in fairy tales.

With the white feather soft bed behind it and the wonderful snow scene outside the window,

It's like a stunningly beautiful painting.

Seeing this, Yumo couldn't help feeling a little sense of accomplishment in his heart.

After all, this bed was made by herself, and the clothes were also carefully selected by her.


She even put it on for Meng Xi,

Anyway, if there was a camera here, Yumo would probably take pictures to record this beautiful scene.If I still have a computer now, I am afraid that I will not hesitate to set this picture of beauty as the cover, right?


Now is not the time to appreciate the beautiful scenery, if Yumo wants to appreciate the beautiful scenery during Mengxi's deep sleep, there is plenty of time!For now, it's better to do business first and study his body!Otherwise, if one thing is not clear, Yumo always feels uneasy.

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