Yumo couldn't help mmp in his heart,

The record of these adventurers got worse and worse, which made Yumo doubt the quality of the strong ones on the mainland.Could it be that the Abyss Demon has not invaded for a long time, and after those people lost their sense of crisis, they stopped practicing hard?

If this continues!

How will these people on the mainland cooperate with the protagonist group to attack the Winter Forest in the future? !

'Really, it's a bunch of trash! '

Very rare, Yumo couldn't help cursing a few words in his heart,

He even thought about it in his heart, should Li Mo and the others need to make a fuss in the near future?To reawaken those idiots' sense of crisis?There is no need to make too much noise, a small country close to the winter forest, picking one and destroying it should be enough...

Or, find a way to help them reform the education and training system?


If he could leave this ghost forest, it would be good to train some people himself.Even without the power of Silent Shadow, I still have countless skills, swordsmanship, and high-level magic scrolls that can help them improve their combat effectiveness.The downside is that you can't control them very well.

'Forget it, forget it, don't think about this problem, I can't get out anyway. '

Yumo said in a 'self-defeating' manner,


His attention was fixed on the open space directly in front of the Temple of Demons,

above the clearing,

Hundreds of monsters of all kinds are shivering and crawling on the ground, and beside them, there are several hideous monsters with hideous faces, flying dragons, and covered with black aura-Yuanmo.Under the watchful eyes of these six seventh-level abyssal demons, these usually ferocious monsters became as cute and sensible as little milk dogs, lying quietly on the ground motionless,

It seems that as long as they move, Yuanmo will tear them up and devour them,

However, the soul breath of these monsters still made the abyss demons near the hall of all demons restless. Even the seventh-level abyss demons were powerless to resist the nature of hating other creatures.The berserk aura filled the surroundings of the Temple of Demons. If Yumo hadn't given them orders, these deep demons would have swarmed up and turned all these hundreds of monsters into dinner.


With the rippling red light,

After the red light representing Yumo's consciousness appeared, the frenzied atmosphere outside the hall immediately calmed down, and all the abyssal demons could not help restraining their killing intent one after another, and instinctively crawled to the ground...

Looking at the group of monsters that Limo found surrounded by Yuan Demons, Yumo was quite satisfied.

Although Li Mo's girl made him very distressed in life, her work efficiency was indeed first-class.Less than half an hour after she gave the order, she sent these hundreds of monsters to her.

'When she comes back, praise her. '

Yumo thought so,

Then, she turned her attention to these monsters,

'It's time to replenish the quantity. '

the next moment,

Accompanied by bursts of crimson light rippling around the light group, a sense of uneasiness suddenly spread in the group of monsters!Relying on the extraordinary instinctive perception ability, Warcraft suddenly sensed an unprecedented sense of crisis the moment the red light appeared!They all began to agitate restlessly!

Escaping became the only thought in the minds of these monsters at the moment,

However, the abyssal demons standing in all directions undoubtedly completely blocked their escape route!

Under such circumstances, all the monsters had no choice but to scream in situ,

And when they were howling, bursts of strange black energy had already spread from the ground, continuously invading into the body of the group of monsters!And with the intrusion of this force, the screams in the mouth of the monsters were gradually replaced by violent roars,

Their appearance gradually became ferocious and terrifying, but they were undoubtedly stronger and more powerful!Its aura is rising steadily. The group of monsters whose strength was roughly around the third and fourth ranks, now the overall strength has reached the fifth or sixth ranks!


No, maybe they shouldn't be called monsters now,

They have become the new Abyssal Demons...

'Well, the momentum is good~'

Looking at the group of newly transformed Abyssal Demons below, Yumo thought playfully in his heart,

And at this moment,

Yumo's consciousness was taken aback for a moment, because some uninvited guests had already broken into the area of ​​influence of the Temple of Demons, which made Yumo slightly unhappy,

'enmm, the annoying guy recently, seems a bit too much....'

Chapter 10 Sacrifice

The area of ​​the Great Winter Forest is about 930 million square kilometers, which is about the same size as the land of Huaguo where Yumo lived before.

One can imagine the difficulty of finding the specific location of the Temple of Demons in such a huge forest with the help of some tattered records.Therefore, most adventurers who enter the Winter Forest to search for the Temple of Demons will end in failure, and it is considered a great blessing in life to be able to leave the forest alive.

Even if someone is powerful and lucky enough to have the ability to come to the depths of the eastern part of the Winter Forest,

It is basically impossible to find the Temple of Demons,

Because the exterior of the Pantheon of Demons is covered with a top-level enchantment and a special forest fog.If it wasn't for Yumo's consent, no one would be able to find the Temple of Demons by their own ability.If Yumo wanted to, she could easily disorient the people who approached the Temple of Demons and trap them to death in the winter forest.

Either freeze to death, or become the food of Yuanmo.


Yumo mostly ignored these intruders.They will not be allowed to enter the Temple of Demons, nor will they actively send out the deep demons to attack.Let them fend for themselves.

And today,

After thinking for a while, Yumo decided to let them enter the barrier...


The abyss demons who intended to attack this group of people hid their minions one after another, the mist that confuses people slowly dispersed, and even the trees began to move, building a forest road for this group of people,

And these who broke into the woods of the East,

As Yumo expected, he walked along the avenue without hesitation in the direction of the Wanmo Temple.


After dozens of hours of long-distance travel, this middle-aged man named Bi Luomu finally stepped into this holy land that he dreamed of!Looking at the ancient ruins full of chills and coldness all around, and the Optimus Pillar full of location text,

Bi Luomu, who came to the Temple of Demons, was extremely excited!My blood is boiling!Flowing at a high speed, even the heart seems to have an urge to jump out of the chest cavity!

I? ! !

I,, I succeeded! !

Great Lord Demon God! !Your devout believer has finally successfully reached the Pantheon! !Haha~hahaha~!It's so, so, so unbelievable! !Sure enough, this must be the blessing of Lord Demon God! !

If he hadn't considered that he had already entered the Temple of Demons, Bi Luomu would almost have danced with his arms and legs!

at the same time,

Bi Luomu and his subordinates also noticed the giant snow-white wolf crouching beside the stone pillar, exuding an astonishing evil aura.The moment he saw the giant wolf, Bi Luomu felt trembling all over, and his back felt cold.

Even if the giant wolf didn't release its strength, but simply lay on the ground and watched him and the others, Biffero couldn't help but feel the overwhelming sense of oppression.This sense of oppression is by no means comparable to those holy knights of the church.

Biffero is almost certain,

This giant wolf is the existence of the legendary 'Devil King',

Snow bites.

All the existences of the demon king level lie here to rest quietly. This dilapidated palace is not the palace of all demons, where else could it be? !Moreover, the ferocious abyss demon like Xue Che didn't attack them after seeing their group? !This must have been instructed by Lord Demon God!

In the world, only the Lord Demon God can command the existence of the Demon King!

'As expected, we are the ones who are blessed by Lord Demon God!It must be our piety that has moved Lord Demon God! '

Bi Luomu couldn't help thinking so excitedly in his heart,

next moment,

Under the gaze of the giant white wolf's cold eyes, Bi Luomu hurried to the center of the hall with his companions, then knelt on the ground without hesitation, raised his hands, and made a movement that seemed to be praying,

After speaking some obscure words, Bi Luomu kowtowed and shouted in the direction of the throne,

"Great Lord Demon God, we are your faithful believers! We came here from the Red Lotus Leaf Empire! Thank you for giving us shelter! We specially prepared a perfect sacrifice for you! I hope you are satisfied!! If If you are satisfied, I hope Lord Demon God will give us your blessing!!"

With Bi Luomu's words out of the mouth,

A fierce light appeared in the eyes of the giant white wolf,

As soon as they left the entrance of the main hall, the dozen or so figures in black robes visibly trembled...

And Bi Luomu and other people kneeling in the center of the hall, after speaking, fell into uneasy, but extremely excited waiting, the whole hall suddenly entered an atmosphere of complete silence, the only thing that could be heard was Snow swallowed the sound of deep breathing,

The time passed by like this, every minute and every second,

The hearts of the people are even more ups and downs,

These 'devout' believers began to look around anxiously.

Except Biluomu,

The blond-haired middle-aged man knelt quietly on the ground and raised his hands, the pious expression on his face remained unchanged.

'Master Demon God, if you bring us here, you will definitely come to see us! '

He always believed so firmly in his heart,

However, it turns out that

On this point, Bi Luomu guessed right.

the next moment,

Everyone in Bi Luomu was surprised to find that dozens of butterflies with red light and scarlet patterns appeared above the originally empty hall.Then, under the gazes of puzzled and nervous eyes, these butterflies slowly descended from the sky, hovering around Biluomu and other believers,

at the same time,

A man and a woman could not be recognized together, and a mechanical voice suddenly appeared in the minds of everyone.

"What sacrifices are you talking about?"

? !!

this voice? !

Lord Demon God answered? !Is that red butterfly a symbol of Lord Demon God's will?

In an instant, Bi Luomu was ecstatic, and hastily turned his head to look at the many 'believers' kneeling on the ground

"Quick!! Show the Lord Demon God the sacrifice we prepared!!"

"Okay, right now!! Lord Demon God, please wait a moment!!"

Hearing this, one of the kneeling burly men got up from the inside, then yanked the chain on the ground, and directly pulled in dozens of men in black robes standing in front of the main hall.

"Quick!! Take off your hoods!! Show the Lord Demon God!!"

The burly man roared unceremoniously,

Facing the majestic power of the strong man, the 33 men in black robes did not dare to resist,

next moment,

The men in black robes who were chained tremblingly took off their hoods, revealing their true colors below.Sure enough, the kisses are all handsome men and beautiful women, and there are all kinds of body shapes and flavors, and there are even elves and beast-eared girls...

The youngest in the grade seems to be less than ten years old,

Looking at the group of excellent slaves behind him, Bi Luomu flattered the bloody butterfly in front of him,

"Master Demon God, these are the best living sacrifices! Many of them are specially cultivated by our Heavenly Punishment Sacred Cult! The meat is delicious! Moreover, there are also varieties of different races and tastes here, there will definitely be something you like of!!"

Hearing Biluomu's words,

All the 'believers' beside him also echoed,

Not far away, the slaves who were controlled by the chains showed expressions of hopelessness, and could only stare at the ground in despair. There was no trace of life in their eyes, and they were full of deep despair...



Listening to the flattering words of a group of so-called believers, looking at the group of slaves who looked desperate,

Yumo, who had turned into a blood butterfly, gradually became depressed.


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