What flickered in their eyes was the light of faith.


【Electric number】

A brain booster used to manipulate current and stimulate potential.

It can bestow the talent of electric current propulsion on ordinary people.

But it is only the most common or even inferior talent.

【Variable Heart】

Heart with boosted voltage.

Improve your strength by replacing your artificial heart.

The current version can be pushed up to 30 volts.

[Electric horn] + [Transformer heart] = 30 volts of cannon fodder

Fist wish current promotion: Chapter 77 Chapter 76

Bai Ren is just a child of six or seven years old.

He has been in the electric age since he was born, so he has not deeply felt the changes of the era, and he does not understand the emotions of the older generation.

Bai Ren's father is named Bai Sheng, and he is the strongest person in the world. He is also the object of respect from everyone in the Raytheon Cult and the giant enterprise's real control area; with the phenomenon of loving the house and the black, they will also tilt this respect on Bai Ren body.

To be honest, although the latter likes this feeling, it doesn't make him feel elated.

Because he was able to get to this point, sitting on the position of Son of God is not just luck, but the position he snatched abruptly after defeating his three-digit brothers and sisters with strength and wisdom in the harsh struggle.

And after becoming the Son of God, Bai Ren didn't dare to slack off.

Because all the sons of gods who want to lie flat will be kicked out because they fail the annual test, and then they will be replenished with fresh blood-not joking, Bai Jian has seen several cases.

That's why he worked so hard...

"Bai Ren, there is a new game hall in the video game street. It is said that there are a group of robots that can withstand 20 volts of punching. Why don't we go together after school?"

At the end of the training, the students gathered together in twos and threes.

There is no separation of superiors and subordinates based on status, because children do not have this concept in their minds, and secondly, the school does not value status, and it is difficult for parents to influence them...because this college is a boarding system.

It's just that, as long as a person with a strong personality is not too bad, he will be respected and admired no matter where he goes.

For example, now, during the break before school, several students rushed over to Chao Bairen to send out an invitation, and the latter's eyes lit up when he heard it: "I want..."

"...Forget it, I won't go."

Reliable self-control allowed him to resist the temptation.

Bai Ren waved his hand with difficulty to chase people away: "Go away, you guys know that I have to make up classes until two o'clock in the morning after school every day, and you still insist on tempting me with these addictive things."

Having said that, it is hard to hide his desire for an easy life for his peers.

"Bai Ren, you have already beaten all the invincible players in the whole grade, why are you still working so hard?"

Someone was puzzled: "Also, your make-up classes are not compulsory, and no one will blame you if you take a day off, and the instructor just said that you should not become strong too fast to avoid stunting."

"Yeah, you're so tired of being a son of God, so you might as well just resign." Someone persuaded, "Anyway, you have the talent of a king, so you can live a good life even if you don't become a son of god. What are you worried about?"

"Climb, climb, master has something to pursue."

Bai Ren took it for granted and said: "It would be a pity to come to this world, and not knock Dad down to inherit the throne by myself. I think you don't waste time in the video game street after school. It would be great to make up lessons and practice with me. In the future, I will When you become the White Queen, you will be given the title of Marquis... Alas! Don't go!"

The school bell rang, and the students left in twos and threes.

Bai Jian stayed alone on the training ground and complained: "Let's go, let's go, it's a group of things without dreams. The feeling of being sober when everyone is drunk is really lonely."

Having said that, he couldn't help showing a hint of complacency.

Look at the appearance of those ordinary people doing nothing.

Look at yourself again, a superhuman state of being independent of the world.

Fuck, I'm awesome!


In the electric era, in terms of social consensus, people divide electric people into five levels.

People with talents or just awakened abilities can basically only force a few hundred volts of voltage. Such people can control the current through learning and improve their strength through the transformer room—they are called "students." '.

On a higher level, the group of people whose electric current is above [-] volts and below [-] volts are the most common motorists in society, and those with the largest base of motorists in this group are called 'masters'.

On the next level, those with a current boost of between 10 and 100 have a fighting power that surpasses that of modern individual soldiers. Machine guns and cannon fodder cannot fight against such people, and they are called "strong men." .

Above that, those above a million volts are called 'tyrants'.

Because this group of people has the power to dominate one side by themselves!It is also because the transformer room created by modern technology can only make people cultivate to the top.

And standing on the top of the Electric Pyramid is the 'King' whose strength exceeds tens of millions of volts!Not only are they astonishing in strength, but they also have a territory of more than one million square kilometers. They are out-and-out emperors in the world!

Bai Sheng is one of them, and the strongest one.

"Father's strength must be above tens of millions of volts, but I don't know what realm he has reached. Although I have a king-level talent, I want to surpass him..."

In the transformer room, Bai Ren, who trained hard under the supervision of the instructor, was calm and calm on the surface, but there was a trace of anxiety in his heart.

He thought of his father, that is, how Bai Sheng gave people.


There are also wisdom, sanctity, calmness, self-confidence...

And the extremely strong temperament standing on the top of the strong mountain!

Is it possible to defeat such a strong person on your own?

No, according to the agreement, I don't need to defeat my father, I only need to take ten moves from him, and even Bai Sheng can suppress his strength to the same level as his own - but, there are only three chances to challenge.

The white blade has already been used once.


Anxiety and unwillingness appeared on his face.

Crackling electric currents were blooming all over his body, and he became more and more frantic.

How could such a weak self take ten tricks from his father?How can I have the authority to find my sister...? !

The extreme emotions made him unable to suppress his anger.

The voltage that made Bai Ren not deliberately exercise, also became stronger unconsciously.

11 volts...11.1 volts...11.2 volts...

The speed of becoming stronger is like a rocket flying into the sky.

"God, calm down!"

There was a loud shout, it was the instructor's voice.

He awakened the white blade immersed in cultivation,

The latter reacted immediately, calmed down and suppressed the skyrocketing cultivation speed.

"Sorry instructor, I'm not in a good state tonight."

Bai Ren shook his head, and silently recited the meditation mantra, gradually calming down the slightly irritable current in his body to a stable state, and then restored his state to the best.

"Son of God, you have been a little restless recently." The instructor said: "I suggest you relax properly, too much tension is not good for your spirit."

Bai Ren said: "I'm fine, let's continue training."

The electric pulse has only been constructed to 72 pulses, and there is still a certain distance from the target.

Bai Jian's personality is extremely strong, and his spirit and heart are extremely tough. This little difficulty can't stop him at all.

However, spiritual problems cannot be solved by hard work alone.

If there is no hope in one matter, it will undoubtedly be a huge blow to Bai Ren's young mental age, and it is normal for him to become irritable because of this.

But after several consecutive mistakes, Bai Ren's strength has accidentally increased to 11.8 volts, and the rapidly rising voltage means that his control over power has dropped a bit...

Such a situation naturally cannot support Bai Ren to continue his cultivation.

Without the instructor calling to stop, he took the initiative to stop tonight's training.

"Son of God, it's time for you to relax."

The instructor looked at the boy who worked so hard, compared to his previous self, he was extremely excellent, envious and at the same time feeling a little distressed...

So, the instructor took out some game coins from his pocket, put them on the table and said, "Boys of your age should go to the video game arcade to relax more, God, you are already very good, there is no need to push yourself too hard." tight."

"The journey of cultivation requires a combination of work and rest."

Bai Ren said dejectedly: "Instructor... Forget it, you are right, maybe I should really relax."

How long ago was the last time you went for fun?

After careful calculation, it seems that it has been a month and a half...

It's okay to relax once in a while.

Taking the game currency presented by the instructor, he thanked him and walked out of the gate. The streets of Jingji City were still lively at ten o'clock in the middle of the night. When Bai Ren looked up, he could see the huge statue...

It was the statue of the father.

There are many people worshiping nearby, but it is forbidden to burn incense and paper and leave garbage, and offenders will be severely fined.

Regardless of his father's statue, Bai Ren was still preoccupied on the way to the video game street. He remembered the experience of single-handedly challenging the whole class during the day...

In fact, daytime victories are nothing.

Not even a small step towards his goal...

At the end of the video game street, Bai Ren is still frowning and struggling. He is a very self-disciplined person, and it is not his character to indulge his desire for fun, so he is still hesitating at the street corner whether to go in or not.

"My God, is this the so-called Son of God, good mother!"

Suddenly, a crisp female voice came to my ears.

Bai Ren, who had changed his costume, looked to the side in surprise, but saw a young girl staring at him, showing a hateful expression: "If you want to play, go in, dawdling, still hesitating... ..hesitant fart!"

...Ah no, who are you?

Bai Ren looked at the man suspiciously.



"Skylock" is shaking again.

Since two months ago, "Skylock" has started to vibrate restlessly. The last time this happened was the day when he showed his cards to the world ten years ago.

It seems very opposed to what it is doing.

"It's just a shock, and you don't tell me why, what use do I need you?"

Bai Sheng chattered a few words habitually.

This thing has to vibrate once a day, and I don't know what it is expressing.

Just let nature take its course.

After finishing his official duties during the day, Bai Sheng likes to practice quietly at night. In the special training room, he moves his fists and feet under hundreds of times the atmospheric pressure and generates electricity.

But tonight, his cultivation was not smooth.

Maybe it's the influence of "Skylock", maybe it's other reasons.

Putting away his posture, Bai Sheng frowned.

He said firmly: "Someone is going to deal with me!"

The autumn wind does not move the cicadas foreknowledge!

At his level, when others start to make plans against him, Bai Sheng can even automatically perceive it on a whim, as if he can predict the future.

Now that you have a feeling, you can't sit idly by.

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