"The Church of the Black Butterfly?" Xiao Han frowned, "I'm really afraid of something...but they attack the kingdom so blatantly, aren't they afraid of being destroyed?"

"What did you see?"

Li Xin pointed at the TV screen expressionlessly.

"There are monsters all over the sky, and countless spirit missiles. How many people in this world can destroy it if a kingdom is destroyed under their attack?"

Hearing Li Xin's rhetorical question, everyone looked at each other, and then looked at Li Xin again, the meaning in their eyes was obvious.

"Well, I mean, except for that weird girl, there are still some... But it is obvious that the power displayed by the Black Butterfly Church has surpassed most countries in the blue world."

"This doesn't include the Morton Empire and the surrounding empires, right?" Xia Yinglu obviously disagreed with Li Xin's statement.

No matter how strong the Black Butterfly Church is, it is just a shameless mouse running around the world.

Even if it ascends to the throne and steals the supreme authority and power, it is not impossible for anyone to punish it.

"And the surrounding neighboring countries are all united, and it is a simple matter to prevent these monsters from leaving the Kingdom of Tesyria."

It has to be said that Xia Yinglu's views are very reasonable, but in fact the reality is also developing in her direction.

Following the broadcast of the host, several kingdoms and principalities close to the Kingdom of Tesullia quickly signed a wartime alliance agreement.

At this moment, the Heavenly Blessed Troops and soldiers of the Five Nations Allied Forces had overwhelmingly headed towards the head of the monster's attack. When the TV screen switched, everyone saw this scene.

1617 Research that cannot be mentioned (3)

[Super invincible thanks for playing X37 for the big reward, the following is the addition]

"These monsters come from nowhere and they are rampaging across our land, killing our people!"

"Now the Kingdom of Tesullia has suffered unprecedented damage, and the next one is us!"

"Warriors, tell me, would you like to see your hometown, your relatives and friends, blood flow like a river!?"

"I don't want to!"

"Are you willing to see these ugly monsters, relying on their fangs and sharp claws, using their stolen soul power to wreak havoc on our homeland where we have laughed, warmed and taken root here!?"

"I don't want to!"

"What do you use to answer them!?"

"Death! Death! Death!"

The heavenly favored people and ordinary soldiers overwhelming the sky are roaring, the soul power of the heavenly favored people is surging, and all kinds of energies are boiling like their state of mind at the moment.

As for the ordinary soldiers holding weapons capable of killing violent beasts, their roars were even more shocking.

Because they are more numerous than the favored ones, they have no room to fight back when they are approached. They came here with the determination to die!

If it weren't for the homeland behind them, they would have no way to retreat, and no one wanted to face the boundless enemy!

At this moment, with the temporarily elected commander of the Five Nations Allied Forces making the final pre-war mobilization, everyone is getting ready to go.

Reporters and media from all over the world recorded all this not far away, and the scene was once exciting.

Many people fantasize about possessing great power and then being invincible on the battlefield. Now, it is time for him to prove it.

The cloudless sky, the ground with flying sand and rocks, the deafening shouts, the swan song that resounded through the world...

All of these make this picture look shocking.

They were like warriors who never returned. Among the huge crowd, there was a firm and desolate atmosphere.

"set off!"

As the commander of the coalition forces shouted, everyone resolutely moved towards the monster.

The sky is full of smoke and dust, the banners are unfurled, the roar, the sound of neat footsteps and the sound of cars are like thunder.

It was the first time for the little cat girl to see such a shocking scene, and she suddenly had the idea that they would win.

At this moment, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces walked in front of the camera and began to passionately publicize their combat goals and determination to the audience in front of the TV through the media.

"We will fight to the last, and we will never let a monster cross our line of defense. Please rest assured that audiences from all over the world will fulfill the mission and expectations entrusted to us by the country and the people..."

In the camera, the commander-in-chief of the coalition forces is still giving a passionate commentary speech, to the effect that he wants to appease the restless people who are watching TV now.

"Xiaowen, do you think they can do it?"

Having seen the scene of the endless wave of monsters destroying the city just now, Kitty now has doubts about whether the coalition forces can achieve results.

"I don't know either, Xiaowen has never fought Miss Zhan." Xiaowen replied respectfully.

"I see Xuan." Li Xin said, "At least it's impossible to destroy these monsters, at most it can only be resisted."

"But biochemical creatures are just weapons. Weapons will not be afraid or tired, but these coalition soldiers are different. If there is a stalemate, it is unknown when they will collapse."

What Li Xin said was not unreasonable, but as the human side, he naturally hoped that they could win.

Although the kitten girl is not familiar with Tesullia Kingdom and surrounding countries, even before this, but this does not prevent her from hoping that they can win.

And if they lose, it will be Tianzhou Kingdom's turn at some point.

According to Li Xin, these monsters may have been created by the Black Butterfly Church, and the Tianzhou Kingdom may also be the target.

"By the way, the store manager, why are you here meow?" the little cat girl asked.

"I'm here to find your sister, and I need her to provide some information. Of course, if you are free, you can follow me back to the research base of the Orc Empire and help me."

Hearing this, the little cat girl took a step back with an awkward smile, she didn't want to follow Li Xin to that kind of place alone without the company of her sister.

Too eerie, too scary!

And I don't know what kind of strange experiments this black-eyed store manager will do to her.

"Sister? She doesn't know where she is..." said the little cat girl.

"Oh, that's okay. I mean your two older sisters. If Tang Lingyan is not here, you can find Luo Haoge."

"Uh, the perverted queen sister is not here either..."

The little cat girl narrated to Li Xin the live broadcast of the summit meeting between the two countries that she saw just now.

After listening, Li Xin sighed helplessly.

"It seems that I came back at a really bad time..."

"Dean Li, you just said that Xiao Shanshan got the information from you. Have you ever studied this monster on TV?" Xia Yinglu asked, changing the subject.

"Well, researched."

Li Xin nodded and admitted it very generously.

When everyone heard this, they subconsciously took a step away from Li Xin.

"Hey, what are you doing looking at me like that? It's just that when I was working at the Holy Spirit College, I was asked to get in touch with the research of the Black Butterfly Church, so I did it..."

Li Xin said: "But now I am looking for the direction of the world's viruses, so I have given up on these for the time being. Didn't you go to my research institute to see it? Many of the laboratories are dismantled limbs..."

"What research is it?" Xia Yinglu asked.

"It's hard to say, it's a secret..."

In the middle of Li Xin's speech, she looked at the little cat girl who looked curious and frightened.

"Okay, since the princess of the empire is here, there are no secrets that can't be told."

The little cat girl pointed at herself in astonishment, only then did she realize that she was the sister of the perverted queen, the imperial princess...

"If you don't tell me, I've already forgotten that I, the Holy Maiden, also has an Eldest Princess Mansion, meow." The little catwoman scratched her little head that had selectively forgotten things.

"The process of this experiment is to use the human soul and the beast's body to mix, and it is achieved through a series of techniques and procedures."

Li Xin said: "But the body of a general monster cannot perfectly accommodate a human soul, so it needs to be disassembled and then reassembled with the parts of each monster, which are the monsters you see on TV."

"The reason why they have human faces is because they are the physical representations of their obsessive and resentful souls."

"Just as the body can affect the soul, so the soul can affect the body."

"Then, did you succeed?" Xia Yinglu asked.

"It failed, but as long as we continue to do it, we will succeed. I can feel that something is missing." Li Xin said.

"But I don't need to make it. Through this experiment and the information provided by Tianzhou Kingdom, we can deduce that the Black Butterfly Church has been secretly making this kind of thing."

At the end of the talk, Li Xin spread her hands mischievously: "But I haven't mentioned this matter to Luo Haoge or anyone in Tianzhou Kingdom."


At the same time, thank you again for the cute rewards and monthly tickets!

1618 Raw materials are not easy to handle (4)

It doesn't need to be stated that even she would not be allowed to carry out such an experiment.

And the so-called [Take a look at the research of the Black Butterfly Church], according to the normal interpretation, would not include such prohibited items.

"You, you understand quite well, ah ha ha!" Xiao Han said haha, and everyone looked at Li Xin with a little embarrassment.

The cat girl opened her mouth to ask, but Nangong Shan stopped him and shook her head at her.

"Mmmm..." The little cat girl who was aroused by curiosity fell silent.

She suddenly thought that even Li Xin might not want others to know that she had done this kind of experiment.

For people with a conscience, experiencing this kind of thing itself is a kind of torture for them.

"Since everything is clear now, what are we still doing here?"

Xiaowen pointed to Xiaohan and Luo Ling: "You two, come and help me clean up!"

"Then I'll prepare the ingredients for lunch first. Is Master Li Xin eating here at noon?" Xia Yinglu asked.

"Well, it's right here, I'm not in a hurry to go back." Li Xin nodded, then leaned back on the sofa and watched TV with peace of mind.

"And you!" Xiao Han and Luo Ling were dragged away, but seeing Nangong Shan still leisurely sitting on the sofa, they immediately started to bombard them.

"You freeloader, don't try to be lazy at this time!"

Nangong Shan who was pulled up was reluctant: "Huh? But, this news is very important now! I want to read it..."

"This thing has nothing to do with your current life at all, so stop talking, come and help! Don't make excuses!"

Xiaohan dragged Nangongshan and Luo Ling to do housework cursingly, while Xiaowen started to tidy up the unfinished places in the dormitory.

The little cat girl thought for a while, then went back to her room, and helped Xiaowen clean up her room first.

Although such unbelievable but real things happened outside, for them, it was only on TV.

Besides, even if we want to discuss it, we have to wait for the follow-up battle situation to come out.

Your own life is still going on, so don't be ignorant of other people's suffering.

The little cat girl wanted to empathize with her, but she couldn't help much.

The great number one smart person in the universe, facing countless violent beasts like the tide, she can only flee on the sidelines.

Maybe you will be scared to pee your pants, and staying in place will become a delicious meal.

10 minutes later……

"Aww meow~"

The little cat girl lay down on the bed with a long sigh of relief, and said to Xiaowen, "I want to sleep for a while, meow."

"Uh, miss, if you're not very sleepy, don't go to sleep." Xiaowen said while holding the sheets and quilts to be changed, "Otherwise you won't be able to sleep at night."

"Where... how can there be meow... this saint is... very sleepy..."

While talking, the cat girl closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep.

Regarding the fact that the little cat girl has been sleeping more and more recently, Xiao Wen's face showed unconcealable worry.

But compared to the fact that the little cat girl may not have digested the magic pill and her vitality has not been fully recovered, Xiaowen's own problems are more worthy of vigilance.

Holding his forehead, Xiao Wen said good afternoon and left the room.

For the next half an hour, the entire dormitory was spent in cleaning and Nangongshan's wailing.

"Poor me, I'm dragged to do cleaning even though I'm a hard-working housekeeper. Is there any justice in this world?"

Nan Gongshan wailed while holding a mop, and Tan Si next to her occasionally cheered her up: "Wow!"

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