"It may be the case for ordinary people, but there are thousands of celestial beings in this world. How can you, monsters who only obey orders, fight against the huge number of celestial beings?"

"Hehe, monsters won't be afraid and won't run away, but people will." Moldoria said confidently, "Annexing the Morton Empire and several neighboring countries around, the number of troops I have will be countless!"

"In addition to the Tianzhou Kingdom..."

"Ah..." Luo Haoge interrupted him again, "I think what I said is very clear, I refuse."

"Have you really thought about it?" Moldoria clenched her fists, as if she wanted to make a move.

"Don't agree to cooperate, don't say you can't get out of here, even your own sister who is hiding in the snow, don't even try to escape... Pink-haired cat girl..."

He licked his lips very weakly.

"I really want to taste how she tastes."

Luo Haoge was not angry, but asked instead: "You probably know that my temper will not agree, but you still let me come to the meeting today, are you ready to declare war here?"

"Of course, being able to capture you here as my female slave and hostage, and Tianzhou Kingdom has lost its supreme ruler, it will be easy for us to disintegrate it."

Kill two birds with one stone.

Moldoria smiled cruelly: "If you are smart, you shouldn't agree to this meeting."

"That's right, that's true, but I have gained a lot from this trip."

Luo Haoge said.

"Everyone in the world is following the information of the Black Butterfly Church. Perhaps the information I obtained during this operation is worthy of my current situation."

"The turtle in the urn, it's not that I can't understand Her Majesty's idea of ​​saving face and wanting to win back a city with sharp words, at least it will look better to be captured."



Moldoria snapped her fingers, resounding in the empty conference hall.

Ten seconds later, there were rumbling explosions, wailing, screaming and raging roars outside the hall.

At the same time, audiences from all over the world sitting in front of the TV saw the emergency news report on the news channel.

Outside the conference hall in the capital of the Morton Empire today, the ground began to vibrate violently.

Most of the journalists and media who were kicked out of the hall were ordinary people. They thought it was an earthquake at first, and screamed and started looking for a bunker.

But soon, they found that they were wrong.

A dozen huge bulges suddenly appeared on the wide road around the hall, and as the bulges burst, countless monsters that appeared in the Kingdom of Tesyria came out of them.

It was like breaking a meat sac full of parasites, and monsters rushed out continuously, killing anyone they saw.

In the blink of an eye, countless soul power missiles flew around, ice bombs, fireballs, wind blades...

The bustling city that was peaceful just now was instantly reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

The building was damaged and collapsed, and thick smoke was everywhere. After people were shocked and shocked, they were so frightened that they screamed and fled.

The reporters and the media were no exception. Many people left their equipment and ran away, but there were still some who were not afraid of death and hurriedly connected to the live broadcast room to conduct exciting live broadcasts.

"This is outside the meeting hall of the Morton Empire. The ground shook just now! Then countless monsters rushed out from the ground, please look! They are killing humans and destroying buildings. I don't know where they came from. Today's The summit meeting..."

The reporter described what happened to the camera with both excitement and fear. In the next second, she was punched by a monster, and blood splashed all over the camera.

Immediately, the camera fell to the ground upside down, and the cameraman's horrified screams came from the shaking and rotating screen.

"Wow, you are really dedicated!" Xiao Han sighed watching this scene, "If it were me, I would have run away immediately."

"No! I have to save His Majesty!"

Xia Yinglu, who just came back from grocery shopping not long ago, had to change into her clothes and go to the rescue before she had time to cook for the cat girl.

Seeing this, Xiao Han quickly grabbed her.

"What are you doing!?" Xia Yinglu stared.

"Calm down, let it go, you don't have a formal position now, do you want to go alone?" Xiao Han persuaded.

Li Xin next to him also nodded: "Well, this pervert is right, it's useless if you go."

"How is it possible!" Xia Yinglu said in a high tone, with a look of death.

"I used to be the captain of the Royal Cavaliers. I used to be. Although I have resigned now, they will listen to my orders. What's more, this is to save Her Majesty the Queen. They have a greater responsibility to dispatch!"

Xia Yinglu stared at the TV screen, gritted her teeth and said, "Even if I'm alone, even if I die in Morton, I still have to fulfill my oath to protect the royal family!"

"Then you're gone, what should you do gently?"

Xiao Han spread her hands, these words really made Xia Yinglu feel bad.

"Uh, miss..."

Xia Yinglu looked towards the second floor of the dormitory, the cat girl was still sleeping at the moment.

"She's safe here, isn't there still you?" Xia Yinglu felt that Luo Haoge's situation was more dangerous.

"We don't necessarily have enough staff."

Xiao Han continued to persuade.

"Think about it, since even the Morton Empire has such monsters, wouldn't there be such a wave of monsters in Tianzhou, where the Queen is not guarding at the moment?"

"What do you think, the current Tianzhou Kingdom has no leader, is it the right time for the Black Butterfly Church to attack?"

1621 I just like poisoning food (7)

Xiaohan's worry is not unreasonable, and Luo Haoge's situation is imminent, imminent.

"Besides, you don't know how to teleport by yourself, so why don't you go by boat first and then drive?" Xiao Han asked again.

"Uh, but..."

Xia Yinglu still didn't want to give up like this.

Protecting the royal family is the duty and pillar of their Cavaliers, and it is the greatest meaning in this world.

It was Luo Haoge, it was the empire that raised them from helpless orphans to a cavalry team admired by the world.

Giving them new life, with a purpose to make the world shine.

If they can't guard and carry out this oath, then what face do they have to live?

Although Xia Yinglu has now been transferred from the Cavaliers, she is no longer a member of the Cavaliers, but she has been a member of the Cavaliers in this lifetime.

Xia Yinglu couldn't help but watch her queen being surrounded and attacked by monsters.

"Can I use their official teleportation array..." Xia Yinglu asked unwillingly.

"Do you think these monsters are produced by themselves and attack human cities on purpose?"

Li Xin suddenly interrupted.

"Then what do you mean?" Xia Yinglu didn't dare to speculate.

"Look, the truth will be revealed soon, and you don't have to worry, isn't her sister Qingqing not here?"

Li Xin calmly pushed the glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"If it was her, it would take less than half a minute to arrive at the Morton Empire, and saving Luo Haoge would be a matter of raising your hand. Even if you pass by, how long can you resist in the face of so many monsters?"

"My strength has improved..." Xia Yinglu was confident in her own strength at this moment.

Continuous high-intensity combat, as the captain of the Cavaliers, she has this clear self-awareness, she can withstand four or five hours!

But if it develops to that time, it may be difficult for her to leave.

"Oh, that's fine, that's fine, let's just sit down and watch." Luo Ling couldn't stand watching, and directly pulled Xia Yinglu to sit down.

"Um, I have to cook..."

But having said that, I guess I'm not in the mood to do it now.



"Aw~! Chi~!"

The sound of explosions was mixed with the cries of various monsters, and the capital of the Morton Empire was in chaos at this moment.

Almost no one on the ground dared to broadcast live anymore, and only dared to use high-altitude photography equipment or soul power arrays for live news broadcasts.

And the news of the monster wave in the Morton Empire spread quickly, and people all over the world were in panic, fearing that they would be the next victim.

But it is strange that a super empire like the Morton Empire reacts so slowly during wartime!

Those suture monsters with human faces were wreaking havoc on the streets and devouring life. At least half an hour has passed, and no army or armed forces have come to stop them!

Their performance is not even as good as that of a small kingdom like Tesullia!

At this moment, no one cares about the summit meeting between the Morton Empire and the Tianzhou Kingdom. People just want to see how the Morton Empire handles this attack.

The strange thing is that until the supreme rulers of other countries responded to this matter, no one from the top of the Morton Empire came forward to hold a press conference.

"General! Let's dispatch! Why wait!"

At this moment, in a secret base on the outskirts, a soldier with bloodshot eyes and trembling led a group of people into the general's office.

"Please pay attention to your words, Corporal, if the order arrives, we will naturally dispatch. Now, everyone stands by for orders, and no one is allowed to act without authorization!"


The soldier took the lead in roaring, and a group of officers behind him also shouted with righteous indignation.

"We are the blessed ones! Thanks to the empire and the people, we are here to train and strengthen our strength, isn't it just for this moment!?"

"Why don't you go out, why stand by! What kind of ridiculous orders do we have to obey!"

"Those monsters are slaughtering our compatriots, our homeland, my loved ones, your loved ones, everyone's loved ones are there! I can't do it if I want to sit idly by!"

As he said that, the soldier took the lead in taking off his military uniform, and the officers behind him followed suit.


Seeing this, the general trembled with anger.

"As soldiers, soldiers! Your duty is to obey orders. Now, I order you! Put on your military uniform and go back to stand by!"

"Bah!" The soldier spat at the general with a mouthful of phlegm, "You are no longer my general, you have no right to order me!"

"Reverse! Reverse! Are you going to be deserters, traitors!?"

The general was so enraged that he slapped the table and jumped up.

"If you don't move out at this time and don't protect our homeland, you are a deserter and a traitor. I'm talking about you, General Coward!"

After finishing speaking, the soldier waved his hand, and everyone turned coldly.

Soon after, the entire base became active, and countless Heavenly Blessed Ones took off their military uniforms and wanted to support them on their own.

At this moment, the general walked out of the office, looking at the chaotic and noisy scene outside, he let out a piercing sneer.

"Since you are so passionate and not afraid of death, well, I will help you! Just let your young souls, who can't spend enough, work hard for us!"


There was only a loud shout, and the surging black soul power in the general's hand instantly pierced into the ground.

Many soldiers saw this scene, and they couldn't believe that their general possessed black soul power!

That kind of soul power that generally represents ominousness and calamity actually appeared in the body of a high-ranking general of the Morton Empire?

Soon, the black soul power turned into more than a dozen black torrents and rushed into the ground, and a huge formation flickered layer upon layer.

"It's a teleportation array, it's a teleportation array!"

Someone recognized the function of the array, but it was too late.

Countless suture monsters rushed out of the formation, among them were many black-robed men whose faces and figures could not be seen clearly.

Together with the monsters, they rushed out of the formation, and then rushed towards the favored ones in the base.

"Array! Array! That man is not our general, he is a running dog of the Black Butterfly Church! Now I will command!"

In the crowd, an officer soon yelled. He saw through the essence of the matter and wanted to take over the command of the army and lead everyone out of here.


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