She stretched out her hand in a daze, and the other hand held it back, and there was a slightly cold but soft and delicate touch from the palm of her hand.

Once upon a time, when she was young, her hands were so delicate and white.

But it's hard to imagine that such a beautiful girl killed that monster with a single punch just now?

Blessed One!

At that moment, she knew the identity of the other party.

And the girl pulled her up and jumped up, jumping up from the ground like a flea.

The scenery on the ground keeps getting farther and smaller under the feet, and the bright moon above the head seems to be getting closer!


The woman screamed in fright and hugged the girl, but the other party just smiled helplessly, as if she was used to it.

But if a man hugs her, she will definitely let go and throw him down.

The girl flew with her for not long before landing in an open area outside the Morton Empire.

After several days, the women finally saw the lights of civilization and crowds of people!

The girl brought her down, and immediately a uniformed officer came over to hand it over.

"Another one... What's your name, please? Is there anyone else in the family? Do you know where there are survivors?"

The man took a tablet computer to register on it, and the woman knew that this place was used to temporarily receive and house the remnants of the Morton Empire—guarded and built by the international coalition forces.

After explaining everything in a daze, they put away the sad look and pain on their faces, and women began to come here in large numbers.

Under the bright lights, it can be seen that this place no longer belongs to the territory of the Morton Empire.

Next to a group of hills, this temporary base is located. Looking at the past, the area was not small. Look at the construction sign next to it. It is marked that the area is nearly 500 square meters.

At this moment, there are people wearing school uniforms or uniforms like just now bringing survivors from the sky or underground, and there are always people standing on the registration square, waiting to be resettled.

She was naturally one of them, and was assigned to a temporary dormitory after registration just now, but she didn't go there immediately, but searched the crowd for the girl who had just rescued her.

About 10 minutes later, the girl flew back from outside the base with three people in her hands.

When she landed on the ground, the woman rushed up to meet her: "Then...that...thank you for saving me."

And the girl looked at her in surprise, and then said with a smile: "It's okay, we are all survivors of the Morton Empire, we will counterattack back in the future, and rebuild our home depends on your efforts!"

There was not much sadness on the girl's face, and she even smiled to comfort her.

"Is there really a day when I can go back?"

Thinking that the empire has been occupied by countless violent beasts, the woman's heart is full of haze and pain.

"There will come a long as senior sister Tiantian is around, I believe that day will definitely come!" the girl said longingly.

1679 Hydration Canyon

Only when you have experienced the taste of being displaced can you understand the warmth of home.

At this moment, it is already late at night, and dawn will come in a few hours.

But it was also at this time that the moon was covered by dark clouds, and the earth was dark.

The so-called darkness before dawn is probably like this.

Tiantian let out a mouthful of turbid air, and the violent beasts all over the place were killed and injured in front of him!

Looking at the past, the mountains and rivers are cut across, the rivers are dry, and the trees and boulders are all turned into pieces like the corpses of those violent beasts.

This is her overnight record, killing more than tens of thousands of suture monsters!

But it's not enough...

The number of man-made violent beasts that attacked and occupied the Morton Empire is thousands of times more than this place, and Tiantian has already found several broods.

Some variants of stitched monsters have begun to mutate and have derived a social structure like a beehive. A [machine] that is only responsible for laying eggs and creating new monsters is also constantly spawning.


At this moment, a student from the former Morton Imperial Academy who was at the same school as Tiantian ran over.

"what happened?"

Seeing the other party running out of breath, it seems that there is something urgent?

"It's Senior Sister Li Lilin and the others. They are being besieged by thousands of beasts. They are in the hydration canyon a thousand miles away, and there are a few very powerful beasts among them!"

"Well, I see, I'll hurry there."

Tian Tiandian nodded and was about to leave, when she suddenly pointed to a large artificial pit next to her.

"All the people I saved are there, protected by the spirit formation, you call someone to bring them back together!"


After Tiantian left, the student hurried over to check, and after uncovering the concealment formation, he gasped.

"This... this... I'm afraid there are thousands of people, right? Tiantian-senpai is too strong..."

Looking at the densely packed people in the formation, he didn't dare to neglect, and quickly built a contact formation to communicate with the base.

Now the violent beasts are raging in the empire, and many infrastructures have been destroyed, including the signal base stations of mobile phones.

So they can't even make a phone call to confirm the safety of their loved ones, they can only use the spirit force to contact them!

A few minutes later, Tiantian arrived at the hydration canyon that the student just mentioned.

This place is still within the territory of the Morton Empire, but it is already very close to the border.

The hydration canyon is named after the slope of the two mountains slows down, and the rainwater from the mountains converges into countless large or small rivers, which then converge into the canyon below.

In the hydration canyon, the most iconic thing is the huge natural lake.

At this moment, the burst of light from the soul power, the sound of people shouting and killing, and the roar of violent beasts continued to come.

When Tiantian fell to the ground, he saw two huge water monsters attacking the students of the Royal Academy in the hydration lake.

"court death!"

Without even thinking about it, Tian Tian rushed forward.

The majestic soul power all over her body exploded, and she directly smashed the head of a water monster that had beaten her classmates back and injured her with one punch, then got into the water, grabbed its feet and threw it into the sky!

"It's Sister Tiantian!"

"It's Senior Sister! Great, we're saved!"

"Sister Tiantian, you are finally here!"

When the students who were still struggling saw Tian Tian appearing, they immediately cheered with joy, and the attacks in their hands became more powerful.

But Tiantian didn't make the other one feel better after solving one of the water monsters!

She jumped into the water directly, and the complex handprints in her hands cooperated with the constant transformation of her soul power, and finally abruptly made the water in the entire lake quickly start flying towards the sky.

In just half a minute, the lake completely dried up, and the water monsters hiding here and other underwater monsters all showed their figures!

Tiantian was not polite, she rushed up directly, or punched or kicked, simply and rudely beat the beasts with her arms, and kept throwing them on the ground to hit them.

In the end, Tiantian took a deep breath, and her soul power turned into shock waves, spreading away in an instant!

Whether it was a water monster or other monsters, they were all smashed into pieces by the shock wave, and the students who were besieged immediately cheered when they saw the victory!

"Long live Tiantian senior sister!"

"Senior Tiantian saved me again! I want to promise myself!"

"Go away, with your aptitude, should you repay favor or revenge?"

And the student who was called Senior Sister Li Lilin by the reporting student also flew over to hug Tiantian with an excited face at this moment.

"Thank you for your hard work, senior sister."

"What's the hard work...the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility." Tian Tian raised her hand and put her sky-blue hair with messy temples behind her ear and smiled.

"Yeah, no one expected this kind of thing to happen. Even the students in our academy are going to come out to save people."

Li Lilin sighed, she was a little angry when she mentioned this.

"Those people in the empire occupy all kinds of resources on weekdays and enjoy the services brought by the people of the empire. As a result, few stand up at the critical moment. It's really hateful!"

Tiantian replied to her: "Well, it's not like you don't know that most of them have been instigated by the traitor king and joined the Black Butterfly Church. Now we are enemies."

"I'm just a little angry! But if I meet them, I, Li Lilin, will definitely tear them to pieces!" Li Lilin was full of indignation!

"Haha, let's talk about it when the time comes... But you called me senior sister just now?" Tiantian asked teasingly.

"Ahem, that...everyone calls you that, and I don't realize it..." Li Lilin blushed, "I'm going to blame Tiantian for being too aggressive these days, even for fellow students and teachers, I’m also calling you senior sister, aren’t I?”

In the final analysis, this world is still respected by strength, and age and seniority are still ranked behind.

"Is it too powerful? I'm only ranked fifth in the Conferred God Rank, and there are still several people in front of me... But this is a ranking from a long time ago, and now I am probably still behind."

Tiantian showed a self-deprecating smile. She couldn't even keep her own country. Her name sounded particularly harsh.

But Li Lilin next to her didn't think so. She stretched out her hand and grabbed Tiantian's arm angrily: "You are too Versailles, aren't you? The fifth in heaven! How many people in this world can do it?"

And Tiantian just shook her head: "In fact, there are still many people who have not come to participate in the ranking, and I am getting farther and farther away from the number one!"

Tiantian stretched out her hand towards the sky as if to grab something, and Li Lilin next to her asked, "Number one? Is that person very powerful?"

"It's not a question of whether she is powerful or not. Her strength is no longer within the scope of my understanding."

Tiantian snorted, and changed the subject to: "By the way, what are you doing here so late? I remember that there were many violent beasts warned during the investigation here before, right?"

"It was a classmate who found eight mother nests in the mountains behind the hydration canyon, and a suspected factory of the Black Butterfly Church."

"Oh!" Tian Tian suddenly became interested, "That's why you guys came? But this is too reckless, at least you have to notify the United Army, the academy, and me..."

1680 Manifesto of the Black Butterfly Church

After the army of violent beasts led by the Black Butterfly Church of the Morton Empire conquered the Morton Empire and two nearby countries, the tide of beasts they drove slowed down.

After all, the combined area of ​​the Morton Empire and the territories of the other two countries already exceeds that of any other country known to Azure World.

Therefore, such a vast land, violent beasts cannot occupy all of it.

And if the Black Butterfly Church wants to drive the beast tide to continue to attack other countries, it needs to make more preparations and create more violent beasts.

Now more and more countries have sent troops to participate in the joint army, so the situation of the beast tide has stabilized.

Although everyone knew that the Black Butterfly Church was gathering strength to prepare for the next invasion, after all, the fire hadn't reached their own doorstep, so they were naturally not as anxious as those countries that were facing threats.

"Damn! I knew it was like this!"

After Tiantian brought people back, she reported the matter of the Hydration Canyon, but the response from above was very flat.

Li Lilin said with a bit of resentment: "Don't they know what we are facing? They are still giving in to each other at this time?"

"After all, it's a coalition. Now the leader in name is just a soft bag. Before the arrival of someone who has the ability to unite everyone and command the battle, the coalition is actually vulnerable." Tian Tian was optimistic. .

"However, the intelligence we bought with our lives is still such an important emergency. Shouldn't they send troops to take down the lair in the mountain first?"

Li Lilin couldn't understand what the senior leaders of the United Army were thinking. Such an important situation was still going through cumbersome procedures?

At this time, they should immediately send people to clean up the two mountains in the hydration canyon!

"What can we do?" Tiantian sneered and said, "Everyone is watching the fire from the other side, and everyone wants to see the former enemies turned into dust under the iron hoof of the Black Butterfly Church..."

"Although they also know that it is wrong to allow the Black Butterfly Church to develop like this, the hatred among many countries is not so easy to resolve... Now that the United Army has not collapsed, it is considered a good result."

Hearing what Tian Tian said, Li Lilin immediately filled her chest with righteous indignation: "Damn it! Damn it! Are they all mentally ill?"

"In fact, there are still many things to consider. Things are far from as simple as you understand." Tiantian suddenly said, "For example, when did the Black Butterfly Church start to accumulate strength? And for what?"

"Isn't it conquering the world?"

"How to conquer? Do you want to rule a world full of violent beasts? That's the end of the world that only lunatics would like."

At this moment, a student suddenly ran over.

"It's not good, it's not good, senior sister, come and have a look!"

Seeing her flustered expression and panting like a cow, Tiantian quickly asked: "What's the matter? What happened? Could it be that there was a violent beast attack?"

"No, it's not, it's much more serious than that!"

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