The cat girl stared at Tang Lingyan, pouted angrily.

"Sorry, something happened." Tang Lingyan smiled at her, "Isn't sister here?"

"Is there another cat girl outside?" the little cat girl asked again.

Tang Lingyan was stumped now.

She wanted to say absolutely not, but the aggrieved look of the little cat girl seemed to affirm her unreasonable trouble-she just went to see other cats late at night.

"Yes, I went to see you, but the other party said..." Tang Lingyan paused.

"What do you mean meow?"

Xiao Fenmao's eyes widened for a moment, tears flowed from her eye sockets, she tried her best not to cry, that would be too much to watch.

Generally speaking, supporting characters who cry and get dumped on TV are bad, and she didn't want to be like that.

"She said, it's you and my daughter... But it's very strange, I and Qingqing are not married yet, how can we have a daughter?"

Tang Lingyan laughed.

"Then she said she's from the future, so I don't know it's normal, but she's definitely our daughter."

"Bah! Shameless!" The cat girl snickered, and then bit her neck, "I'll punish you for lying!"


Tang Lingyan responded to her.

"I'm so sleepy, can I sleep for a while?" the little cat girl asked again.

"Go to sleep, when we wake up tomorrow, we will probably be on the beach, and then we are going to go down to the sea to get honey."

"But to be honest, although the food is delicious, I think you will get tired of it after a few mouthfuls. After all, it's a bit too sweet."

Facing Tang Lingyan's remarks about the future, the little cat girl naturally didn't believe it: "Nonsense, this saint has worked so hard to eat it, how can I just eat a few bites!"

"Then you can eat as much as you want, go to sleep, baby..."

Tang Lingyan gently kissed her on the forehead, and the cat girl smiled and fell asleep peacefully.

Tang Lingyan stretched out his hand to wipe away the tear stains around her eyes, perhaps only when she fell asleep would she stop crying and making a fool of herself.

turn to...

The surrounding voices also began to become clear.

"Don't stop, don't stop, they are already dead! Get rid of them for me, just keep one..."

At this point, a quick fix is ​​the best option.

Sakuramiya Fujino does have some talents that Sakuramiya Ichi cannot understand, such as bewitching people's hearts and seizing fleeting opportunities.

But at the same time, he is inferior to his brother in many aspects.

This is also the reason why he cannot be the head of the family, and he will never be the head of the family.

In an instant, Sakuramiya Fujino flew directly into the sky, and when he came back to his senses in horror, he was actually stuffed into the barrel of the magic crystal cannon.


What followed was the pain of the body being compressed into a cylinder.

It seemed that all the internal organs and bones were twisted into a twist by force. The hot and sour pain was accompanied by unbearable paralysis. Sakuramiya Fujino couldn't think about what happened.

The severe pain made him scream continuously, his eyes were blurred by bloody tears, his nose flowed into his mouth, mixed with his screams and he was swallowed.

When he regained consciousness a little bit, he saw that his eyes had completely changed.

At the edge of the sky, the fish-belly white has completely turned into a hazy light, and the sun will come out soon.

At this time in the past, the lower-level workers of the Camorast family would start to get up and get busy at their posts.

There will be sirens, and the sound of many people walking around.

The sun will come out from the other side of the sea, beautiful, clear and bright.

It's just that what Sakuramiya Fujino sees at this moment is not the harmonious and beautiful head of the Kamorast family, but a scene like purgatory on earth.

The red flames soaring into the sky almost burned everything within a hundred li radius!

Even the surface of the sea is burning!

While the sea water was evaporating, there was a violent explosion of water vapor and high temperature, and on the shore, countless human-shaped torches were howling and screaming.

The high-temperature flames burned everything around, including the hill and all the buildings he was familiar with.

As far as the eye can see, there are only bare land, burning flames, and people who howl in pain.

The flames devoured their skin, burned their fat, licked their flesh, and burned their bones.

A person falls to the ground in ashes, and then a new person rises from the ashes, and is burned to ashes again.

When the fear spread in front of his eyes, with a bang, he was directly blasted out by the huge energy!

He couldn't even scream, Sakura Miya Fujino was left with only one head flying around in the sky, and his brain didn't even realize his own death.

It was only after seeing the body that turned into blood mist that he realized what...

When I came back to my senses, the woman holding the cat girl appeared in front of me.

She came stepping on the flames, but the flames around her were afraid of her and actively moved out of the way.

Those cold eyes are like a god of death, but she is not a god of death, but a devil!

Tormenting demons!

At that moment, Fujino Sakuramiya would rather die than look at each other!

"It seems that you know what you are facing. Very good. This is a poison I found in another world. It can slowly dissolve people without dying immediately."

While speaking, a bottle in front of Tang Lingyan opened automatically, and the liquid inside poured on him automatically.

"By the way, the pain will be magnified by more than a hundred times. This is a perverted poison specially developed by the nobles of that world for fun."

"Ah! No! No! It hurts so much! It hurts me to death, please forgive me! Please forgive me!"

"Forgive you?" Tang Lingyan asked back.

"No! No! Kill me! Ahhh, I'm hurting to death, I'm hurting to death, you bitch! You must die! You must die!"

Sakura Miya Fujino screamed, and slowly turned into a puddle of disgusting black liquid under the poison.

Seconds later, he came back to life.

"No!!!" The moment he saw Tang Lingyan smiling, he collapsed.

But he was calmed down by the soul power.

"Want to go crazy? It's not that easy... The next thing I'll introduce is something called horror spores. It only takes a few minutes for them to eat your flesh and blood in your body, causing boundless pain..."

"At the same time, they'll grow spores out of you, like...well, mushrooms grow out of rotting wood? Do you like that?"

How could you like it! ?

Devil, devil!She is not death, she is a demon!

"No! Don't!!! Please, kill me, kill me!! Please!" Sakuramiya Fujino kowtowed and begged for mercy.

"Don't worry, you have a lot of time. You can live as long as I live. After all, I still have a lot of... tormenting things here. You need to try it."

1747 First meeting with Hajime (4)

Asuria island domestic...

In the morning, the first thing many people see when they open their eyes is the same as usual.

It’s all about getting up day after day, washing up, reading early, starting a day’s study, or a day’s work.

It's just a scene like this in many office workers or families who have breakfast while watching the news with the TV on in the morning.

"This morning, the territory of the Asuria island country encountered the most terrifying attack in history. The Kamorast family was destroyed overnight. This is what the reporter reported from the main home island where the Kamorast family was originally located. The picture of..."

In the astonished eyes of everyone, they saw that the lair of the behemoth entrenched in the country of Asuria Island had all turned into sea water at this moment.

There are no buildings, nor any hills and hills, only sea water, besides sea water, still sea water!

"Hey, dad, did they make a mistake? Can you spread a rumor that the Kamorast family is gone by taking a picture of the sea?"

"That's the Gamorast family!"

In a rental house, the son who was in high school asked in surprise.

This kind of explosive news is simply the most novel topic of conversation for a high school student who studies day after day.

And the father sitting opposite him was also confused, Gein, he works in the company of the Kamorast family!

"Eat by yourself, remember to pick up the bowls and chopsticks before going to school!"

In a hurry, the father rushed out of the house, then went downstairs, stopped a taxi and rushed to the company's location.

It's just that before they arrived, the place was already blocked by the police.

And the fishery mansion, which is the symbol of the Kamorast family, no longer exists at this moment. From a distance, there are only a lot of broken walls and ruins left!

There—but he was still at work yesterday!

"Sorry, sorry, let me go, let me go! I am an employee of this company!"

The dad rushed in, only to see his department head sitting on the ground slumped and crying...

I heard that he spent a lot of money to climb up from the position of supervisor two days ago, and got on the line with the head of the Kamorast family...

At this moment, I'm afraid it's all in vain.

"Director, supervisor, what happened?" Although he had the answer in his heart, he still couldn't believe it.

"What happened?" The supervisor looked at him with eyes red from crying, "Don't you fucking see it yourself? The company is gone! The Kamorast family is finished, that is to say, we The dedicated youth, the dedicated strength, all vanished into thin air!"

"What!? My last month's salary, and this month..." The father also collapsed on the ground.

But compared to the supervisor next to him, his situation is much better.

"In the end, what happened?"

Just one night, how could the sky change?

"How the hell do I know what happened? The members of the Gamorast family ate mosaics somewhere, and provoked people or forces that shouldn't be provoked. Otherwise, how could it be destroyed overnight?"

The supervisor was cursing and yelling, but the police officers on the side had to come over to take notes to understand the situation.

After all, until now, even they don't know who the murderer is.

"We can see that this place originally belonged to the main family of the Kamorast family, but now there is nothing left on the sea except for floating boards and some burnt marks."

"Not only that, but the surrounding environment seems to have been scorched by high temperatures. The land is scorched and there is no grass... Let's ask the survivors around..."

In Times Square, the news was broadcast on a huge screen, and below were dense crowds of unbelievable people.

The reporter followed the camera, walked through the scorched earth, and finally came to a temporary camp, which seemed much more noisy.

"Excuse me……"

"Ah!!! Fire! Fire! Don't! Don't come here! Ahh!"

No matter how the reporter asked, the surviving people screamed like they were going crazy, and they would only calm down when there was only one person.

In the end, when it was the turn of a girl in a black maid outfit, she acted relatively calmly.

"Hey? Has the Gamorast family been wiped out? Oh, I actually did it. I've seen them upset for a long time!"

The girl waved her fist, which drew an awkward laugh from the reporter.

"This lady can really joke...but such a relaxed state of mind is much better than other people's. Excuse me, you don't seem to be injured, why are you in the rehabilitation camp?"

"Oh, I'm here to buy some things for diving. I was in a hurry when I came here. I forgot. Do you know where they are sold?"

The reporter pointed her in the direction, and the black-clothed maid thanked her and left.

After several investigations by the reporter, someone finally found many human residues that had been burned to ashes from under the seawater...

In addition, all the properties of the Kamorast family in Asuria Island were destroyed overnight, and all relevant personnel disappeared...

No matter how stupid a person is, he can draw a conclusion—the Kamorast family has completely disappeared from this world.

This incident even alarmed the high-level officials of the entire Yasuria island country.

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