"I won't let it go, or else you bite me, baby... ah! You really bite!?"

Seeing that her mother's red earlobes still had her own tooth marks, the little cat girl said with a satisfied smile, "You said it yourself, blame me, meow?"

"Okay, okay...let you down."

Luo Ziling was also tired from running, so she put the little cat girl down.

At this moment, Tang Lingyan suddenly appeared in front of the two of them.

In an instant, the three super beauties gathered together, causing countless passers-by to watch.

"Why did you go, sister?" the little cat girl asked, "Shouldn't you go to see Grandma Yan again?"

Tang Lingyan just smiled and stopped talking about the cat girl's terrifying intuition.

at this time……

The ground suddenly shook violently!

"My, my, my...what the hell!? Earthquake?" Someone shouted, "Quick, get out of the building! You guys, don't come here, hide in the corner!"

The three catgirls flew into the sky immediately, and the catgirl was about to use her weaving bow to turn into a rope net to save people...

But the next moment, the earthquake stopped.

It was as if the violent shaking just now had never happened before.

"Huh? What's going on, meow..." The little cat girl fell to the ground leisurely, and the students around slowly stood up from the shock.

Tang Lingyan and Luo Ziling looked at Canghai City at the same time, with serious expressions on their faces.



At this moment, in the center of Canghai City.

As the earthquake disappeared, the screaming people around looked around, ready to find a more suitable bunker.


Suddenly, there was a violent explosion from the ground!

There were landslides of varying degrees everywhere on the street, and at the same time as huge potholes appeared one after another, terrifying howls also came from inside.

"what is that!?"

"Cause of the earthquake?"

"How is it possible...Even if the earthquake causes the ground to collapse, it is impossible for such intermittent potholes to appear? What's more, there are beasts screaming inside..."

"It may also be the sound of the earthquake breaking the ground?"

The crowd became noisy, and some people even waited for a minute or two without seeing any signs of the earthquake recurring, and slowly approached the pothole above the street to look inside.

"Hey! Are you dying? Come back!"

Someone anxiously persuaded.

If there is another aftershock, I am afraid that those who dare to check the pothole will fall into it immediately and be buried alive!

But as the first person lay down on the pothole in peace and looked in, more and more people came over to find out.

"It's so deep, so dark... I can't see what's inside..."

"Hey, husband, let's go quickly... I always feel that this pothole is very weird."

"It's okay, there are so many people here, do you think it will be haunted? Ahh—!"

Suddenly, a long scarlet tentacle pierced straight out from the ground, directly sweeping away the people around the pit.

The crowd screamed.

"Ah! Run, run! Monster, there are monsters inside!"

In the blink of an eye, blood splashed from the hole, and then a monster covered in tumors crawled out of it.

It has small mouthparts all over its body, and the mouthparts are covered with sharp and small teeth, which looks very penetrating.

And on the bloated body around the mouthparts, there was a terrifyingly smiling human face, and around the human face were waving disgusting tentacles.

As the people fled, the monster threw out its tentacles and immediately engulfed the two of them.

"No, no! Don't eat me, don't!"

No matter how begging for mercy, there was no way to prevent the beast from throwing him head-first into its own mouthparts.

There was a horrible chewing sound, and with a click, the man's head shattered.

All kinds of unbearable liquids shot out, and the struggling limbs of the person who was eaten suddenly became silent.

This scene frightened the people around to flee even more frantically, crowded, beat and scolded, and then despaired.

In Canghai City, there is a large pothole almost every 100 meters, and there are at least a hundred of them within a hundred miles!

And as the first person was eaten, more and more violent beasts came out of the hole, and in an instant the whole city became a paradise for violent beasts to eat for themselves!

In just a moment, the city turned into a purgatory.

This situation once happened in the Morton Empire. A steady stream of violent beasts attacked the city, using humans as nutrients...

But this time, Canghai City will not follow in the footsteps of the Morton Empire.

"Go! Kill me!"

Suddenly, many heavily armed soldiers rushed out from around the street, among them were ordinary people. They directly held their soul crystal weapons and yelled at the surrounding beasts.

The blazing soul bullets flew away at high speed and penetrated into the body of the beast. Even if one shot couldn't kill them, a dozen shots could still smash their heads.

In addition to the soul guns in their hands, many soldiers also took out various weapons.

Soul crystal bombs, soul crystal cannons, soul power high-frequency vibration particle knives, soul power to disperse smoke...

The combat power of ordinary soldiers has been directly multiplied by the blessing of these weapons, and the damage they attack on the beasts is visible to the naked eye.


"What's your name? Die with me!" A bear-like soldier waved his fist the size of a car tire, smashing the beast's head with one punch.

Beside him, all kinds of favored people are using their soul power, and countless soul power skills are aimed at the surrounding violent beasts.

"Call me!"


A wind blade directly shredded the body of a violent beast.


A mass of raging thunder and lightning directly scorched the violent beast's body, and the violent beast fell to the ground with smoke all over its body while paralyzed.

"Tree vines!"

Another celestial being roared and slapped the ground, and the green soul power stretched out, galloping from the surface like glowing veins.

After encountering the beasts, the green light directly turned into thorny vines and pierced into the beasts' bodies, frantically sucking their flesh and blood.


The screams of the violent beasts continued, and the soldiers suppressed their terrifying arrogance and momentum in a short time.

"Quick! Go and evacuate the civilians, everyone, and drive these bastards into that pothole!"

The captain called into the intercom.

"Both of you, put up the protective cover, don't let the attack of the beast fall behind... Pay attention to the situation in the surrounding buildings, the beast may rush out at any time..."

"Steady progress!"


The smoke and dust spread from the intersection to the surroundings, and the sound of the explosion made the surrounding glass tremble, and when the shells fell on the hordes of beasts, they stirred up a terrifying mushroom cloud.

The ground was trembling all the time, and the two light blades built with soul power in the captain's hands were spinning rapidly.

He led people to rush towards the beasts that were devouring human beings. This kind of situation was staged in the entire Canghai City, the entire Tianzhou Kingdom, and even most countries in the world!

The first time Luo Haoge received the news, he immediately activated the response plan he had prepared long ago.

And the Academy of the Holy Spirit, where the cat girl is, is naturally the target of the monsters...

"Damn! Where did the Black Butterfly Church produce so many beasts?" Cursing angrily, Luo Haoge led people out of the palace.

1761 Protect Treasures Even in Critical Times

"Wow! Wow! What's wrong meow?"

As the second shock came, the cat girl immediately saw the underground of the Holy Spirit College collapse one after another huge potholes.

From the hole, countless violent beasts got out, and then attacked the surrounding students.

"Why are there violent beasts here? Help! Help me! Ah——!"

A student was half bitten by a wolf-shaped monster, vomiting blood and screaming, the frightened students around immediately ran away.

"Escape! Escape!"

"It's a violent beast! The violent beast has attacked!"

"They...couldn't have come from the Morton Empire?"

No one knows where they came from, but at this moment, running away is the most correct choice.

"Mom?" The little cat girl called Luo Ziling, then looked at Tang Lingyan, "Sister!"

"Understood..." The two nodded, and then shot instantly.

Luo Ziling flew to the left of the little cat girl, while Tang Lingyan stood there and stretched out her hand to the right of the little cat girl.

The two took the little cat girl as the dividing line, and directly took over the entire scope of the Holy Spirit Academy.



Countless violent beasts crawled out of the ground like ants, the surrounding ground was destroyed, and the flowers, plants and trees turned into scum.

Even the way the little cat girl used to go to school, as well as the laboratory building, teaching building, and training ground, were all turned into ruins under the attack of the beast.

Some teachers reacted quickly and immediately protected the students and began to organize counterattacks.

At this time, violent beasts are everywhere, and only by uniting together to resist can there be a chance of survival.

Just running away will only become a delicious meal for the beast.

"Quick! Come here! Don't run, don't turn your back on them! Fight back! Ice wall!"

"Dark blood ghost!"

"Phoenix Crying Tornado!"

A group of students and teachers formed a defensive formation immediately, and quickly absorbed the fleeing students around.

Various soul power skills were thrown out, and many celestial beings set up protective shields to fight back while protecting themselves from the attacks of the violent beasts.

It can be said that their performance has been quite wonderful and outstanding.

Because the most correct choice was made at the first time, the casualties suffered by the teachers and students were only the moment when they were attacked.

Immediately afterwards, the next moment, everyone found that two huge energies were covering the entire Holy Spirit Academy.

"What!? This is... a huge amount of energy!"

"Who is it?"

"Look! You look... those beasts! They're all motionless!"

Under the surprised eyes of everyone, the violent beasts who were still active just now stopped their movements as if the pause button was pressed.

"I... I'll go... What's wrong with them? Could it be the energy that did it just now?"

"It must be a very powerful Heaven's Blessed One! I can't tell what level she is just by virtue of her breath!"

A courageous male teacher cautiously approached a monster that looked like a cicada chrysalis, swallowed his saliva, and under the tense eyes of everyone behind him, he reached out and touched the frozen monster.

next moment……

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