He quickly got up and asked with a smile, "Are you concerned about me?"

"No, I just don't want to be implicated by you. How you want to die is your business."

Xiaoxian snorted coldly and walked back, Daker hurriedly followed.

He was wearing jeans under the other party's wide white robe, but this discovery made Daker feel a pity.

Although Xiaoxian is a muscular girl, she doesn't have the graceful figure of an ordinary girl.


In such an apocalyptic world, Daker feels that his bottom line can be changed flexibly.

After all, without leg stockings, his soul as an artist would die.

Thinking about it this way, Duckel still asked seriously: "Seeing how happy you are, is the experiment a success?"

"More than half of it." Xiaoxian was not 100% sure, "We have obtained the characteristics of the fluctuation of the soul power of the puppet seed when it works, and the microwaves generated after it is fused into the human body..."

Xiaoxian grinned: "We are not far from victory."

But Daker didn't feel that way, instead he was calmer.

"Xiaoxian, I didn't say that. Although I don't understand this thing, I also know that if it doesn't come out for a minute, there will be one more variable."

"You don't know if you bury your head in the research, the holy capital... beside Her Majesty the Queen... there are already more than a dozen ministers who have rebelled because of this puppet seed."

"If you can't find out the remaining people under control as soon as possible, I'm afraid it will be useless when this thing comes out."

1788 Another princess?

The minister's mutiny was expected by Luo Haoge, but she did not expect that there would be such a large number.

Losing more than a dozen important ministers at once, not only will the resources under their control become sensitive and no longer suitable for the empire to accept...

What's more, after the puppet seed takes root and germinates, it will turn into that disgusting black butterfly.

Black Butterfly can not only fully control the hosts to act as before, but also obtain their memories.

It is estimated that all the confidential and important information will be leaked by then.

After Luo Haoge finished making the phone call, he sat in his seat and waited.

As night fell, the originally bustling holy capital was now less than one-fifth of the previous lights.

The attack of the monsters destroyed many basic facilities, although these can be quickly regenerated with the help of the favored ones.

However, the loss of geographical interests still had an immeasurable impact.

Fortunately, the basic hydropower is still able to maintain operation today.

All kinds of living materials have been collected and distributed, and the materials that were originally stored in the warehouses of various empires in the holy capital have come in handy.

Food alone is enough to feed 500 million people for two years.

It's just that there is no traffic on the streets now, only military vehicles are driving.

You can't see pedestrians walking and flirting, only rows of neat soldiers.

What war destroys is always familiar to everyone.

All we can do is pray that it will pass quickly and everyone will have a better tomorrow.

Tuk Tuk Tuk!

There was a knock on the door, Luo Haoge straightened his appearance and said, "Come in."

"Your Majesty the Queen!"

A personal guard came in with several ministers, and they all knelt down on the ground.

Luo Haoge glanced back and forth at them, as if trying to read their minds.

I saw that the anxious faces of those ministers were full of remorse and fear, presumably things were not going well.

Luo Haoge's heart sank: "How about what I told you to do?"

"Your Majesty, all 1712 silos, 7910 strategic bases, and bases including the trained troops and the favored ones of Tianzhou Kingdom, among which 131 silos and 89 strategic bases have been breached and occupied..."

Hearing this amount, Luo Haoge's face sank like water.

Compared with the total number, this level of quantity is insignificant, but everyone understands that it cannot be measured by quantity.

Because in these bases, large-scale strategic weapons are all stored.

Including nuclear bombs that will cause drastic changes in the environment, gravitational bombs that explode, and space-time fragmentation bombs.

In the early days when the monsters attacked the world, the reason why no one used these strategic weapons was that these weapons killed eight hundred enemies and harmed eight thousand.

That shot can indeed make the beasts in the ultra-wide area disappear and turn into dust.

But in the same way, there will be no life in that area for a long time to come, at least 50 years.

If the top celestial beings take the initiative to repair it, it can greatly speed up the process.

But this is still a very unwise choice.

Moreover, although there are many violent beasts raging around the world, their strength is not high. As long as they can organize a counterattack, they can quickly control the speed of their spread.

"Is it because of the betrayal of those traitorous ministers?" Luo Haoge asked again.

The ministers below gritted their teeth and nodded.

"Originally, most of the bases and reserves are quite hidden, and there are hidden formations. Even if there are violent beasts that have ravaged them a hundred times, it is unlikely that they will be recognized as strategic bases..."

"After all, we ordered these bases to destroy external facilities and conceal weapons on the first day when the beast broke out."

Although it cannot be said that absolutely no one has been discovered, at least there will not be so many.

Luo Haoge had a toothache, and said, "Okay, this is the end of the matter, I'm afraid we have to plan for the worst."

"First, notify the following provinces and cities, and convey it to the county and town level, try to gather all the personnel in one place, and then the empire will send people to deploy weapon systems and interception systems, including other materials of course."

When the ministers heard that they had not punished themselves, they immediately got up and went out to handle errands.

Afterwards, Luo Haoge called Song Jian again, followed by the queen's secretary.

"This is the situation now. Is there any movement in other countries around us? Especially Donglai country."

Luo Haoge told Song Jian about the robbing of part of the strategic base, and the other party immediately realized the seriousness.

However, as a qualified subordinate, Song Jian did not express any opinions, but answered Luo Haoge's inquiry.

"Other countries around us have also encountered a full-scale attack of violent beasts, but because the general strength is not high, it seems to be produced in an emergency, so the casualties are only twice as large as ours..."

After a pause, Song Jian continued.

"Now, including Donglai Kingdom, many gathering cities for survivors have been established. They are actively contacting the outside world. Just 10 minutes ago, Donglai Kingdom also sent us a communication request."

Hearing this, Luo Haoge became interested.

"Oh? That's interesting. They just called someone to attack us, and they dared to talk..."

Luo Haoge nodded: "Okay, connect the line, I want to see what that old guy has to say!"

"Yes, Your Majesty the Empress!"

Twenty or ten minutes later, in the side hall of the Queen's Chamber of Deliberations, the figure of the other party appeared in the video conference that was temporarily connected.

Donglai Kingdom, like Tianzhou Kingdom, is a country with a long history.

It is next to Tianzhou Kingdom, whose land area is one-fifth smaller than Tianzhou Kingdom, but its population is half smaller.

The reason is that it was a barbaric country, with various bloodshed and large-scale conflicts between the Blessed Ones.

That is a country that advocates force that Luo Haoge dislikes. For thousands of years, it is normal for the number of people to be small.

"Oh, girl Haoge, when was the last time we met? I didn't expect you to be so beautiful..."

On the opposite side, the king of the Donglai Kingdom——Qian Xingnian, is admiring the way the uncle next door sees the little girl next door who went out for a long time many years ago and suddenly returned home today but has undergone tremendous changes.

Luo Haoge is not in the mood to play house games with him here.

"This is a dialogue between the leaders of the two countries. Immortal, is it very troublesome to find your Qian Xingnian who has not yet been buried?"

After Luo Haoge's words fell, Qian Xingnian who was opposite Qian Xingnian laughed with wrinkled face.

"Although you are the leader, your temper still hasn't changed... You and I don't need that kind of official politeness..."

"Qian Xingnian, you have to know that I'm not in the mood to talk nonsense with you right now." Luo Haoge pretended to leave.

"If you are still so hypocritical, I don't think there is anything to talk about. The Tianzhou Kingdom and your Donglai Kingdom have nothing to talk about."

It's just that the other party's next sentence made Luo Haoge stunned.

"Really? Then your own sister, don't you want it?"

When Qian Xingnian mentioned the word "sister" playfully, at that moment Luo Haoge thought it was a kitten girl.

After reacting, Luo Haoge sneered and said: "It seems that you are old, and you are talking useless nonsense. There is nothing to talk between our two countries. Hang up."

Qian Xingnian hurriedly stopped him and said, "Don't be so anxious, young man, I know that you have found a younger sister named [Luo Qingqing], but..."

Qian Xingnian paused.

"But who said that back then... your mother gave birth to only one princess?"

1789 Princess, Robinson (1)

Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible!

So I repeatedly warned myself in my heart, thinking that it was just a trap for the other party.

But Luo Haoge still stood upright, looking at Qian Xingnian with dark eyes.

"What did you say?"

"It's easy to understand, isn't it?" On the other side of the screen, there was no one else around Qian Xingnian.

So he can say such explosive news unscrupulously.

Talking in private does not require sophistication or the need to maintain the leader's position.

All that is needed is to grasp the handle of the other party, which is enough to take the initiative in a normal conversation.

"You were a child back then, so it's normal for you to be unclear about these things."

Qian Xingnian said with a smile, in the sinister eyes, there was the cunning and coldness of a poisonous snake looking at its prey.

"As expected, the coup d'état more than ten years ago was planned by you, Donglai Kingdom!" Luo Haoge's words contained anger that was about to explode.

In that coup, she lost her parents, many brothers and sisters, and similarly, she also lost her own sister.

Fortunately, fate tricked people, and the little cat girl was finally found by her.

But the psychological shadow caused by that coup d'etat in her childhood is still there.

It's just that after becoming a queen, Luo Haoge hid all his thoughts and weaknesses well.

But after all, she is a person, a woman, and it is impossible to be completely indifferent to these things.

"It's not true that we planned it all by ourselves..."

Seeing that Luo Haoge was interested in continuing the conversation, Qian Xingnian was not in a hurry, but sat on the chair and talked about the past at ease.

"Originally, Griffin's family united with several other families to gain more benefits in that coup. At that time, they secretly supported the Seventh Prince."

"It's just a pity, your cunning parents knew about the action plan in advance, so on the day of the coup, the Seventh Prince had already died in his mansion."

"Originally, the Seventh Prince is indeed a good candidate. Cowardly, incompetent, and lacking in opinions..."

Speaking of this person, Qian Xingnian showed a playful smile.

"Obviously you were born in the royal family, but how should you put it... This world is indeed fair, and your innate nature will not be changed in any way because of your status."

"To be honest, that Seventh Prince is stupid enough in my opinion."

"But it's also because of his stupidity that he has the idea of ​​letting others support him."

"But it was also because of his stupidity that he finally ruined his life."

Luo Haoge was listening and watching quietly, but now he couldn't help interrupting: "I'm not interested in dead people."

"Oh, let me just say, young people nowadays are just impatient." Qian Xingnian shook his head.

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