"This is a very high-tech solo diving suit. If it breaks, I will have to repair it for a long time."

"The depth of the water here exceeds [-] meters. If you don't wear such equipment, you and I will have to spend soul power to resist all the time..."

As far as Luo Ling's strength is concerned, it is estimated that the cat girl will last longer than her.

In Xiao Han's view, if he didn't help, Luo Ling would definitely be the first to be crushed by the huge water pressure.

Even though she claims to be a cosmic energy source and can provide energy all the time, she cannot use it herself.

What a very f*cking piece of crap.

"Oh, so that's how it is." Luo Ling touched her left and right sides curiously, and finally it was Xia Yinglu who pulled her away.

The three of them lurked to the edge of the battlefield just like that, waiting for Tang Lingyan to lure the five gatekeeper sea monsters away at any time.

"Hey, Master, you said the gatekeepers are so powerful, so isn't the stuff inside even more powerful?" Luo Ling looked very frightened.

In this dim underground, the battle circle in front is devouring the soul again, and it is impossible to see the specific situation clearly.

As for what Hai Ji asked them to find, there was no trace of it.

"I don't know what those five sea monsters are guarding, the ruins? The palace? Or the secret place?" Xia Yinglu also became curious.

At this time, Xiao Han crossed his legs and began to lie on the bottom of the sea and doze off.

"Don't worry about it, let's take a good rest, we will be busy later."

The movement here quickly spread to the realm of the Undersea Dragon Palace, and a humanoid turtle rushed into the Undersea Dragon Palace in a hurry.

"Your Majesty the Dragon King, Your Majesty the Dragon King! It's not good, the forbidden area, there's a fight over there!"

This tortoise is the water phase in the Dragon Palace under the sea, which is the position of the prime minister of the human kingdom.

His name is - Udal.

He swam anxiously, shouting while swimming, from the gate of the Dragon Palace to the deepest castle.

Everyone along the way got the news.

Soon, all kinds of guards in the Dragon Palace were dispatched.

Thunder Jellyfish, Storm Janna, Demon Whale, Squid...

The cat girl had already finished today's language course and was having dinner with Kepez.

Seeing the noise outside, he went out curiously, and immediately found the countless soldiers above his head.

The scene of them dispatching is very mighty, and it seems that something big has happened.

"What's the matter meow?" The little cat girl looked up, "Well, maybe they came to catch me?"

She's a half-ordained mermaid, not really a mermaid, strictly speaking.

What if the other party wanted to arrest her for trial?

"What are you thinking? Why did you use so many people to arrest you?"

Haiji also came out of the door at this moment, and patted the cat girl angrily.

"It seems that there is movement on your sister's side!"

"My sister?" Kitty Cat looked at Hai Ji, "What happened meow?"

"Good thing!" Haiji lied, "Okay, take it easy, don't worry about these things, and continue eating."

"Well, but, you haven't said what my sister and the others are doing, meow?"

The little cat girl's curiosity was still wiped out by Hai Ji's rogue, and when the night pearl on the top of the Dragon Palace was covered by a huge cover, the entire seabed began to dim.

That means it's night.

Lying back to my own little nest, this kind of bed made of shells is still very novel.

Rather, sleeping in sea water is a different kind of experience - it seems that there is gentle silk touching the body in sleep.

I had nothing to say all night, and when I woke up the next day, the little cat girl vaguely heard what the other mermaids in Caihua Palace were talking about.

It's just that I have only studied the language class for half a day, and the little cat girl can't understand much.

It was Haiji who told her: Late last night, the Dragon King secretly left the Dragon Palace.

"Ah?" The little cat girl became keenly vigilant, "Dragon King? Is there really a Dragon King in the bottom of the sea meow? Could it be to trouble my sister?"

In fact it is...

But Hajime naturally wouldn't say that to the cat girl.

"How is it possible? Your sister is not here, so how could she offend the Dragon King!" Haiji said.

The little cat girl was relieved to hear this, and she stared curiously: "But is it really the Dragon King? I really want to see what he looks like!"

"Then at least you have to learn their language first, otherwise how do you communicate when you meet?"

As Haiji said, she took the cat girl to continue to find Kepez to learn the mermaid language.

1799 Sea Dragon King Peak, one against six! (11)

After a night of fighting, the waters in this area were already extremely turbid, and every ounce of water carried raging energy that was deadly enough.

Those Dragon Palace troops who were ordered to encircle and suppress the thieves could only guard the outermost periphery and could not approach.

The sea monster general who took the lead could only look at the ups and downs of the battle before him and sigh, and then led the army back.

Thunder and lightning, black holes, petrified beams of light, giant bodies, magma, boiling sea water, terrifying sword aura that is so fierce that it can cut through the entire sea water for a short time...

No matter what it is, as long as they get close, they will suffer heavy casualties.

As several generals of the Dragon Palace, from the dragon man to the orca general, they all looked at the scene in front of them with frowns.

"Those are five demigod-level sea gods. Who dares to trespass into the forbidden area guarded by them, and even hold them firmly?"

Even if they haven't seen a battle of this level, they can still get a glimpse of the battle from the roar of the five guardians.

"Die to me, die to me! Ahhh! Damn human, how could you have such strength at such a young age!?" Leviathan's voice was almost crushed.

"My petrification doesn't work for you!? Impossible, I don't believe it, petrification! Petrification!"

Under Medusa's crazy voice, countless petrified energies leaked from the entangled battle center.

Occasionally, lasing came along the way, not only petrified the surrounding sea water, even some shrimp soldiers and crab generals were petrified into statues.

At this moment, dozens of huge tentacles slammed down from above.


In an instant, even the deep seabed exploded.

Countless sand and stones were splashed, and then merged into the sea water to form a vortex, and the entire sea area was stirred up like a pool of mud.

At the same time, smoke and hot lava from the eruption began to sputter in all directions.

The Dragon Palace troops surrounding the forbidden area were jumping around for a while, howling in misery.

"Hey, step back, you can't intervene in this level of battle."

A golden figure suddenly descended out of thin air, and suddenly appeared in the deep sea.

That voice is like the ancient sound of the avenue, as if it existed in this world from ancient times.

Vast and indistinct, boundless as a bell!

"His Majesty the Dragon King!?"

When everyone looked up, they saw that it was a huge golden dragon.

But it has the body of a snake and the head of a crocodile, its legs are like lizards, and its claws are like eagles.

When you look again, you can see that he has snake tail antlers and beautiful dragon scales!

The two elegant whiskers at the corner of the mouth are flying separately, and the bead is under the forehead, shining golden light!

It is the Dragon King of the Undersea Dragon Palace—Gao Feng!

An old monster that has lived for tens of millions of years!

"Let's go, leave it to me here."

Gao Ling obviously didn't move his lips, but the sound reached everyone's ears.

"Since it is the order of His Majesty the Dragon King, we must obey it! Let's go!"

A dragon general shouted, and took the lead to lead the rest of the people away.

Seeing this, everyone also left one after another.

They also understand that they are not even qualified to watch a battle at this level.

"For countless years, no one dared to enter the forbidden area, but today..."

Gao Ling looked at the center of the sea storm, where he was fighting with the five guarding sea gods, and suddenly burst out laughing.

"Hahaha! Prophecy! Is Guipo's prophecy true? Could it be that person is you!?"

Gao Ling spoke incomprehensible words, but in the next second he transformed, and the whole dragon turned into a human form.

However, he was extremely handsome, dressed in brocade clothes, and even though his hair was gray, it was hard to conceal his elegant and detached temperament.

There were two long and curved dragon horns growing on its head, and with a loud laugh, it rushed directly into the opposite battle group.

"If Guipo's prophecy is true, and a woman will break into the forbidden area in the future and become a true god, then this is the moment the Dragon King has been waiting for!"

"You can become a god, why can't we!?"

"The restriction of the forbidden area, the ancient contract, the moment you broke in, it no longer exists!"

Gao Ling's appearance did not surprise Tang Lingyan, but what he said made her frown.

On the other side, Leviatan and the others were also taken aback when they heard this, and closed their eyes to feel it after realizing it.

"Haha, that's right, that's right, the forbidden land and the contract have no restrictions on us! She is that person! As long as we kill her, the chance for her to become a god is ours!"

In an instant, the six people including Gao Feng went crazy.

Their eyes on Tang Lingyan became more scarlet and fiery, and they already knew each other, so they gathered together at this moment to kill this new invader!

Looking at the six demigod level powerhouses in front of him, Tang Lingyan couldn't help but sighed with emotion.

"I didn't expect that there are so many demigod-level monsters hidden under the seabed, six against one..."

"Very good, it's been a long time since I've been under such great pressure, let's fight! Let's see if you die or I live!"

In an instant, Tang Lingyan rushed forward again, and on the other side, the six people looked at each other and reached a consensus!

Kill her first!Then explore the secret realm with the opportunity to become a god together!

Just the moment the two parties came into contact, a huge energy explosion shattered the surrounding space.

The sea water kept pouring into the broken space barrier, and it was restored by the Dragon King Gaoling in the blink of an eye.

Then the seawater more than [-] meters deep was directly separated by the huge impact. Five thousand kilometers away from Tianzhou National Park, the seawater directly flew into the sky, forming a giant tsunami over several kilometers.

Thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and at this moment, the seas of the entire blue world were tumbling!

The battle between the two sides jumped from the bottom of the sea to an altitude of tens of thousands of meters in the blink of an eye. These demigod-level behemoths not only thrived in the water, but their strength was still undiminished in mid-air!

I saw them stepping on the tumbling clouds, their huge bodies looming among the dark clouds covered with lightning and thunder, like the cloud gods in mythology!

The energy of explosions continued one after another, and the sun in all regions was covered by the cloud and tsunami created by the six ocean demigod powerhouses.

At this moment, the whole world is covered with dark clouds.

A thunderstorm crashed down in the holy capital of the Tianzhou Kingdom.

The bean-sized raindrops outside the window gradually turned into heavy rain, and the glass windows were clattered by the raindrops.

Luo Haoge looked at the sky with feeling: "It's raining."

Tang Lingyan's avatar, who had been sitting there without moving, opened his eyes and looked at the distant high sea.

"It doesn't seem to be going well, six against one, even I am afraid I will suffer a lot of injuries."

"Huh? Did you say anything just now?" Luo Haoge asked.

But the clone shook his head, turned around and changed into Luo Haoge's appearance.

"It's nothing, I mean it's time, but now it's raining...I'm afraid this trip won't go well."

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