Ah, how long is this guy going to stay here!

The current stalemate made Fenmao feel very embarrassed and dared not take the lead.

Although she doesn't like perverts, she really feels that the atmosphere is so weird and embarrassing, she dare not move...

In this state, Fenmao gradually felt drowsy, and felt sleepy after lying down for a long time.

Summer is the season when birds are singing, flowers are fragrant, insects are singing and birds are singing, and in the villa area here, there are almost all kinds of flowers planted in the courtyards of every household.

The courtyard of Tang Lingyan's villa is different from others. The courtyard is mostly lawn and wildflowers.

There are also flower bushes, but very few.

The only artificially planted flowers are from Xiaowen.

So after the silence here, Fenmao could only smell the light fragrance from elsewhere.

The fragrance is very light, faint, and disappears from time to time.

Naturally, she couldn't smell the scent of flowers in the air, and these scents were like naughty children playing hide and seek with her.

The thought of wanting to sleep became more and more intense, but she didn't dare to really fall asleep, who knew if this silent sackcloth would lift her skirt while she was asleep.

"Pink and white, I like it very much..."

Inexplicably, what Mai said when we met just now came to mind.

Fenmao only felt a burst of electric current pass through her body, which made her feel numb, and her legs felt weak unconsciously.

As expected of a pervert, he is so perverted without speaking!The ultimate pervert even more perverted than Tang Lingyan!

Fen Mao thought bitterly, at this moment, before Mai didn't know, Fen Mao arbitrarily raised her abnormality to a very high level.

I can't give her the chance to stare at me sleeping and do perverted behavior!

So, under Mai's gaze that has been watching her, Fenmao opened his eyes and looked at her vigilantly. He groped for a long time on the clothes and chairs with one hand before finding the mobile phone that he took out just now and didn't know where to put it. .

I haven't played the game I played yesterday, if you don't leave, I'll spend it with you!

Fenmao turned on the game and started playing while lying there. From time to time, he was afraid that the other party would come and attack him, so he always looked over here to confirm.

Mai Sakuramiya sat there quietly, a little amused in her heart.

Since you are so wary of her, why don't you go back to your room? Staying here is exhausting for her...

At this moment, time is also quiet, only the faint sound of the game coming from Fenmao's phone.

I haven't played games for many years, and I haven't had much contact with game fans in this world, so I didn't play smoothly at the beginning.

Mai could easily see what she was doing from Fenmao's eyes.

Unhappy, the light in the eyes weakens, and the mouth is slightly pursed to express unhappiness, which means the character is dead.

When Pink's eyes sparkle with charming starlight, the kind of cheer is engraved on her face, wanting the whole world to know that she passed the test.

The purple-haired girl just watched Fenmao playing there, and became obsessed for a while.

And Fenmao was gradually addicted to the game, completely forgot to be vigilant, and didn't even know when a white butterfly flew over his head.

This kind of scene is more like a well-drawn home-cooked picture scroll, quiet, warm, two beautiful girls, an empty background, green grass and wild flowers, summer...

The ordinary and happiness that people pursue, as long as you let go of excessive desires, happiness is actually by your side.

Of course, only a handful of people in this world can find such a little feeling in someone they just met.

Unless it is love at first sight, time is addicted...

At this time, the continuous summer wind blows, warm and fragrant with flowers.

Pink hair and purple hair began to dance with the gust of wind.

The disheveled look of the drooping bangs instantly obscured Fenmao's sight, and she had to put down her phone to hold down her hair that was flying in the wind.

When I looked up, I happened to see a purple-haired fairy sitting there, as if the gust of wind brought the other party, and when the wind disappeared, the other party would also disappear, everything seemed to be an illusion.

Long hair dancing, delicate face showing an intoxicating smile, like an elf in the wind, when passing by, whispering to the people he met...

Fenmao stared blankly, and Mai also looked at Fenmao blankly.

The gentle wind not only brought up the pink hair, but also fluttered Luo Qingqing's clothes, especially the ribbon on the skirt.

Facing those pure eyes shining with starlight, Mai felt that she was sinking even more.

When Xia Feng passed away, both of them came back to their senses, as if the gust of wind just now was like a dream, as if it had never appeared before.

But the tempting feeling can't dissipate after watching the other party for a long time.

Fenmao reacted quickly.

Damn, what the hell!

I was almost moved by this pervert, so dangerous, so dangerous...

Seeing Fenmao lying back and starting to play with her phone again, Mai also came back to her senses, silently recollecting the feeling just now, and slowly lowered her head.

When the time displayed on the phone reached twelve noon, Fenmao put down the game and rubbed his sore eyes.


The sound of the wind blowing through his ears, Fenmao seemed to have remembered something, he stood up hastily from the rocking chair in fright, and the mobile phone in his hand fell on the chair.

I'm going, I'm obsessed with playing games, so the pervert won't take advantage of her not paying attention to do perverted things again.

But this time Mai sat there and watched her not move, her body was also blown purple and her hair danced wildly, Mai had to hold down the riotous hair with her hands.

Not her?

Fenmao heaved a sigh of relief after realizing this, and when he looked again, it turned out that the sky had already darkened at some point, and the ground was full of howling winds.

It looks like it's going to rain, but why does it look like a storm is coming on a sunny day?

Before Fenmao could figure it out, a flash of lightning flashed across the sky, and Fenmao, who was caught off guard, was taken aback.

Immediately afterwards, there was a deafening thunder.


Everything was very sudden to Fenmao. It was sunny when I was playing the game just now, but now it was thunderous and cloudy.

The thunder was so close, it felt like it was nearby, and the eardrums of Fen Mao felt a dull pain from the shock.


When Fenmao heard the huge roar of heaven and earth, he immediately yelled, and was so frightened that he didn't want to run back to the villa without his mobile phone.

But she didn't expect that before she stepped out of the gazebo, there was another thunder and lightning in the shining sky, which frightened her to stop, and the subsequent loud thunder made her retreat back to the gazebo in a few steps in fright.

The light inside the gazebo dimmed, but outside the gazebo, there were dazzling white lights flashing continuously, as if one foot would be targeted by thunder and lightning.

The pink hair tremblingly backed away...

There was another pale flash, and what followed was no longer an ordinary rumbling roar, but a sound that would make people lose all hearing around them for a short time, leaving only this sound similar to the cracking of the sky.

This time the distance is also closer to the villa.

It was so close that it seemed to explode on top of Fenmao's head.

The dazzling white light accompanied by the sound of thunder has not dissipated, they enveloped everything around, Fenmao only felt that there was a vast expanse of whiteness in front of her eyes at that moment, her ears were buzzing, her whole body was fixed by something, she couldn't see anything Can't see, can't hear anything.

[-]. Zero er [-]. [-]. Si VIII. [-]. Like

In the sky, the thunder and lightning continued, and those sound waves attacked Luo gently with the momentum of howling ghosts and wolves.

After the short-range lightning disappeared just now, Fenmao was about to collapse on the ground.

That destructive aura made Fenmao, who was leisurely playing the game a second ago, frightened into a daze, as if the next second, that thunderbolt of lightning would strike her.

Mai, who was at the side, hurried over to pick up Fenmao who almost fell to the ground, and could clearly feel the other person's body trembling in his hands.

I saw Fenmao's white lips trembling from fright, whispering there, with an obvious crying voice: "Grandma, grandma, grandma..."

Who would have thought that the deepest memory in her life was the day her grandma passed away.

Just like now, there were thunder and lightning and heavy rain. That night, Fenmao felt unprecedented fear, which was deeply rooted in her heart.

Although she could still endure the usual rainy night, but today's strange thunder and lightning seemed to be determined to remind her of the fear, loneliness, fear, confusion, coldness and the same roar of the world...

Mai looked distressed at Fenmao's eyes losing all their luster. Even though he had just met her, he had always resisted her and refused to let her get close, but now Fenmao was burrowing into the arms of the purple-haired girl coldly.

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid, it's okay." While comforting Luo Qingqing, Mai quickly left the gazebo with Fenmao in her arms, before the next lightning and thunder arrived, she wanted to move the child into the house as soon as possible .

By the looks of it, he was quite frightened.

Even if she, as the blessed one, feels the power of heaven and earth at such a close distance, she can feel her body tremble slightly with the loud noise and white light everywhere.

Of course, she is not afraid, but her body is born with fear of this kind of power of heaven and earth, so far, her influence has been minimal.

Chapter 14 The presence of sandbags is necessary

When Fenmao woke up again, he found himself lying on the bed in his room.

Standing on the side is Xiao Wen in an all-black maid outfit and Xiao Han in an all-white maid outfit of the opposite color.

"Ah, Miss Qingqing, are you awake?"

Fenmao, who was carried back by Mai Sakuramiya, had closed her eyes and temporarily passed out, and Xiaowen was so scared that she almost didn't scream.

She, who has always paid attention to self-cultivation, was terrified when she saw Luo Weiwei who was trembling with the thunder.

I thought that Miss Qingqing was struck by lightning outside, after all, the lightning just now was too close, and they felt the house tremble inside the house...

Xiao Han looked at her speechlessly from the sidelines, not to mention that this villa has lightning protection measures, even if it was really struck by lightning, the pink hair of ordinary people would have already turned into electric adults, how could they still have the same skin as they do now It looks like it can be broken by blowing bombs?

So, when Xiaowen was anxious, under the incomprehensible eyes of the other party, Xiaohan took out the writing board and recorded it.

"Miss Weiqing is afraid of thunder, it's very serious, um, her body will tremble with the sound of thunder, her appearance is very cute..."

Before she could finish recording, she was knocked down by Xiaowen with a broom.

"Enough is enough for me!"

Right now, Xiao Han standing beside Fenmao's bed still feels a pain in the back of his head, and the other party's angry roar is still echoing in his ears...

"En." Fenmao agreed softly, with a very ugly face, like a patient who has been ill for a long time.

Lu 〇 ② ⒉ ⒊ (four) Ba Ba ⒋

"This is me, what's the matter." Fenmao, who was a little confused, looked at the two and asked.

"Ah, this, you..."


Before Xiaohan, who was rushing to answer, could finish speaking, Xiaowen, who did not know where to take out a wooden stick, smiled, swung the stick at a speed that the pink hair couldn't see clearly, and hit the same position exactly.

The white servant fell down again.

Fenmao, who couldn't understand, trembled a bit, and let out a [嘿] in surprise.

This, Xiao Wen who looks more normal than them may not be as normal as Fen Mao thinks!

"Don't worry, Miss Qingqing." Xiaowen said with a sweet smile.

How can you not care about this, I really care about it!

Thoughts of wanting to complain frantically surged in his head, but Fenmao stopped wisely.

I don't know why, but I always feel that if I complain, something will happen that will destroy her concept.

Well, forget it.

At this time, there was thunder outside, and in the brightly lit room, Fenmao was startled lying on the bed.

She remembered what she had just experienced.

Seeing Luo thinking about it lightly, with a look of fear and sadness on his face, Xiaowen also wisely stopped talking.

"Miss Qingqing, what do you want for lunch?"

Fenmao heard the words and looked at the three-dimensional clock opposite. It was almost one o'clock in the afternoon, which was a bit late, but she ate so much in the morning, and she didn't exercise much, so she wasn't that hungry.

In addition, she doesn't have much appetite now, she just wants to lie in bed and rest.

"Are there any fried dumplings? I'll just eat a few. I don't have much appetite." Fenmao asked.

"Do you want something lighter, yes." Xiaowen nodded, "There are fried dumplings, but they are still a bit greasy. Miss Qingqing wants something lighter. How about lean meat porridge?"

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