When the sun was gradually setting to the west, violent vibrations suddenly began to come.

A few celebs who were hiding hurriedly ran to the wall of the yard to have a look, only to see that the desert in the distance was dark and dense, and the sky was covered with thick dust clouds.

On the ground, countless black sand storms rolled up, like a doomsday scene.

The few celestial beings were stunned. Someone exclaimed, and the other companions almost fell off the wall in fright.

"Then, what is that!?"

Fear made the naked eyes widen. At this moment, they couldn't even control the soul power in their bodies, and it began to overflow.

But no one cared about this. At this moment, they only had that completely unacceptable picture in their eyes.

I saw the desert not far away, the land of more than [-] kilometers, completely beyond the angle and distance of sight.

As if the power of the gods was fiddled with, the boundless earth was suddenly opened.

It seems that there are huge saplings breaking out of the ground, and the sand and stones are all over the sky, revealing the true face under the layer of mud and sand.


Boundless, countless eggs!

Arranged densely and neatly, these eggs are blue-black in color, stretching away like a continent.

The desert above seemed to be a blanket covering them. At this moment, someone opened it up, and the eggs as numerous as the Milky Way began to breathe.



It was as if there was such a drum sound that came from nowhere, it was terrifying, and it oscillated in the world and the soul.

Those favored ones had already died without a sound, and their last eyes were still looking at the horrible scene.

More than [-] kilometers of desert wasteland are filled with these mysterious eggs.

As the first eggshell shattered, there was a crackling sound like raindrops.

"Haha, hahaha! Luo Haoge, young god! You can't even dream of it. It was these eggs that we tried to hide under the mine back then!"

1848 Birth of the Beast Army

Boundless eggs bring boundless fear.

The air has already solidified, flying sand and rocks, everything in this world is swallowed.

And with a strange breathing sound, the first hand stretched out from an eggshell.


The eggshell shattered, and the sound of a life being born came from inside.


Another piece of the eggshell was knocked off, and then the limbs stretched out together.

"It seems that the king has been born."

At the edge, two figures stood silently on it.

In their line of sight, countless members of the Black Butterfly Church were shuttling through the endless ocean of monster eggs.

Seen from a distance, these monster eggs appear dense and small.

But when you walk in, you can clearly see that each egg is at least 3 meters high and 2 meters wide.

They are all giant eggs!

"Quick! Come on, get everything here, and the syringes are ready!"

People in overalls shouted from below, surrounded by people who were working like ants.

They are like worker ants working hard in the ant nest, taking care of the ant eggs at the moment.

"Come here, the formation is ready! You all, get out of the way, those over there, come here!"

The scene was very chaotic, because the things prepared in advance were unexpectedly far apart in the first place.

The place where the eggshell was broken was in a remote place, and it seemed very hasty to move a lot of equipment and personnel there.

But they have to race against the clock.


As the eggshell shattered, a clear cry came from inside.

The person in charge took a look and was even more anxious.

"Hurry up, you idiots, the king is about to come out, it will be too late if you don't catch it!"



The eggshell shattered, and a monster wielding a sharp sickle jumped out of it.

It has the front feet of a praying mantis, a head like a dragon's claw, and a snake-like body covered with fine scales.

And its lower body has a huge mouthpart and tiny limbs and tentacles.

As the pair of dark green eyes switched between scarlet and dark green, the monster opened the huge mouth of its head, and the egg liquid had not been cleaned up, and the filament was pulled out at this moment.

"Hurry up! It's about to attack!"

The anxious urging did not stop the other party, and a thick mist with corrosion was spit out by the monster.

For a time, the scene was full of screams and stench.

All kinds of equipment were corroded into molten iron, circuits were short-circuited, and only skeletons remained, and that skeleton was slowly dissolving.

"It's too late, activate the formation, and stabilize it first!"

A few seconds after the voice fell, formations filled with black mist suddenly surged up from under the monster's body.


For a moment, the harsh and piercing cry became even more mournful.

The monster began to struggle under the shackles of the formation, but as the black mist grew more and more, its movements were also restricted.

"Move all the spare equipment here! Hurry up! You guys, go over and get on top!"

The people who cast the formation took turns to start exerting their strength, and no matter how powerful the monster that had just broken its shell and was in its infancy, it couldn't break free from the shackles of hundreds of people.

Soon, thick black pipes were inserted into its body from behind.

As the electric grid shone, the black mist formation that restrained it began to change violently.


With an order, an unknown liquid in the black pipe was continuously transported into the monster's body.


The terrifying cry even produced sound waves, which made the black mist a bit lighter.

And as the cry fell, there were dense shell cracking sounds all around.

"Oops! He's calling for his companions, hurry up, you must control it before the other eggs hatch, otherwise all your efforts will be in vain, and we will all die!"

The leader also joined the ranks with a loud shout, and for a while, the black mist surged, suppressing the monster's nature again.

However, the surrounding monsters that had been awakened kept making the sound of their shells breaking, and the fastest one had already stretched out its hands and feet from the eggshell.

"Defense! Don't let them come!"

"Gah!" The two monsters were the first to complete the hatching, and they jumped up suddenly, with fleshy wings sprouting from their backs.

Even at birth, their speed is unimaginably fast.

In just a few breaths, he shook off the remaining egg liquid on his body, spread his fleshy wings and flew over.

The sharp sickle waved twice, directly breaking the soul power shields of the two Black Butterfly Cultists, and then the huge mouth opened, forcefully swallowing the two of them alive.

Seeing this scene, the believers behind were terrified, but they still rushed forward, using various soul power skills to block it.

The battle situation immediately entered into a fierce situation. As more and more monsters poured out around them, fewer and fewer people were responsible for blocking them.

The sound of rattling was endless, and the two standing on the edge at this moment sighed.

"A bunch of trash!"

"City Master Sitoman, please trouble you to go down and do me a favor."

Sitoman asked with a sneer, "Then why don't you go?"

"Of course I'll go too, isn't this an invitation to you?"

The voice fell, and the two rushed down directly.

In an instant, the majestic soul power fell like the sky collapsing, and the dozens of monsters in front of the believers exploded into blood mist in an instant.

"grown ups!"

Someone shouted, and Sitoman just looked at it coldly: "A bunch of trash, why don't you continue?!"

"Yes Yes!"

With the joining of the two, the situation was quickly eased.

And after the black soul formations poured into the body of the first monster known as the king, the surrounding monsters also slowly stopped attacking.


With a clear howl, I saw that the king monster's body was several times bigger, and his body was a little bloated.

It stood in place, exuding an ominous black mist, and roared out again and again.

Hearing its cry, all the surrounding monsters fell silent and stopped moving.

"It's done!"

Someone shouted, and more people collapsed to the ground in a thrilling manner.

"Clear the venue and continue to prepare. There are still many individuals who need to pay attention."

Sitoman gave the order, and everyone quickly got up to do it.

As the eggshells shattered one by one and the monsters walked out, a powerful army of beasts appeared in the desert!

And in order to raise so many eggs, the surrounding violent beasts have been slaughtered by the Black Butterfly Church.

Sitoman had now left the vast sea of ​​eggs, but came to a huge underground cave.

Here, two behemoths over 100 meters are dying.

If Tang Lingyan was here, he would have recognized that this was the kind of giant beast she encountered when she came to the sandbar.

"It seems that laying so many eggs has exhausted your vitality."

"But it doesn't matter, your children will dominate the world driven by us, and then support us to gain supreme power!"

"Now, rest in peace!"

The only answer to Sitoman was anger and unwilling roars.

But they are all locked by countless formations and thick iron chains, and they are even more exhausted at this moment, and they have no ability to resist at all.

Finally, with a mournful howl, the two giant beasts died.

1849 Retrospecting the soul power, the past of the real body

Today is the fourth day.

The final time is getting closer and closer.

It's just that the parties don't know it.

Now that all affairs have been formalized, the battle with the violent beast and the Black Butterfly Church has reached a stalemate.

In the short term, neither side can play new tricks.

That's why Luo Haoge has more time to spend with her.

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