Looking at the back of Qian Benying leaving, everyone was full of question marks.

"How do you feel?" Tang Lingyan asked.

The little cat girl shook her head: "No, I don't feel anything."

"What about you guys, do you know what he was doing just now?"

Ying Weida and Ying Te Er also expressed doubts that they didn't know, so they finished their breakfast amidst such doubts.


Because I accidentally promised a lot of ants to play with them yesterday, so as soon as I went out, there were a lot of ants outside clamoring for the cat girl to play with.

"Go, have fun, my sister will follow behind you!" Tang Lingyan pushed the little cat girl, Fenmao nodded, and then happily followed the crowd.

"At the beginning of the day, we need to arouse our enthusiasm from the big battle!" Ying Teer shouted in the group, "So for the first game today, everyone should come and start a new day with a brutal battle Bar!"

The bellies below shouted loudly: "Oh!"

Seeing everyone's enthusiasm, Ying Teer nodded with satisfaction: "Then let's divide the sides now. Based on this line, everyone will be equally divided into two sides, as the two sides of the battle!"

Soon, all the yingying present were divided into two halves.

But the little cat girl didn't know where she should go, and she was a little at a loss standing in the middle.

Moreover, listening to the big battles and cruel battles that Yingteer said, I always feel very fierce, and the little cat girl expressed her fear.

"Oh, it seems that our little girl doesn't know where to go, then we..."

Before Ying Teer finished speaking, someone shouted: "Come to our side, gently!"

"Yes, yes, come to us!"

"Who said that Qingqing is going to come to our side!"

"our side!"

"our side!"

Seeing that the ying ying below was about to quarrel again, ying te yelled: "Stop arguing, let's toss a coin to decide, whoever guesses right will go to whichever side!"

Chapter 460 The battle between the broadcasting machine and the receiving machine (23)

"Well, this method is good, the side we want to spend!"

"Then we're going to the grass side!"

And Fenmao stood in the middle stupidly, and asked suspiciously: "What is a coin?"

Soon, Yingteer answered the little cat girl's question.

I saw Yingtel's body shrank for a while, and then turned into the shape of a coin, but on both sides of the coin were printed a flower and a blade of grass.

If you look carefully, you can find that the flowers and plants are the same as those on the island, but they are not so lifelike.

Then Ying Teer stretched out his foot and kicked, and the whole Ying flew into the air and spun.

Regardless of the material, this coin looks just like an ordinary coin, except that it is a bit bigger.

When Ying Teer fell to the ground, everyone saw that the little cat girl was assigned to the half that chose flowers.

"Well, very good, now that it's been divided, let's start distributing weapons!"

As soon as Yingtel waved his hand, several Yingying came pushing a cart, and inside the cart were some things that looked like small pistols.

But this pistol is not a real pistol, because its muzzle is in the shape of a horn.

It is said to be a pistol, but it may actually be a trumpet.

As soon as she heard that there were real weapons, the little cat girl became nervous, thinking that we were really going to fight!

As a result, Ying Teer held the trumpet-shaped pistol and said to the kitten girl: "It's the first time you use it gently, so I'll explain it to you."

"There are two buttons here, and the red one is to use the function of the receiver. After pressing it, you can absorb the buzzer through the formation method burned inside, which is equivalent to destroying a buzzer, but you have to Note, this is limited in scope."

As he said that, Wu Teer demonstrated it to the one beside him.

I saw that she held the trumpet pistol and pressed it against the bell, and a white light shot out from the mouth of the trumpet gun.

The shot one shrank instantly, and then flew into the trumpet pistol like a piece of iron sucked away by a magnet.

The cat girl was stunned by this scene, and she said, "This is the function of the receiver, and then, press this green button..."

After yingtel was pressed, the previously absorbed yingying was released and restored to its original state.

"After you press it, the captured huh will be released! Use the function of the huh receiver for the enemy's huh, and then use this green button to rescue your companions after grabbing their huh receiver. It’s the function of the broadcasting machine! How about lightly, do you understand!?”

She nodded silly, and the little cat girl said that she almost understood, and she asked, "Is this not harmful to you?"

"Of course, don't worry, this won't happen, just be careful not to get injured during the battle! Then, start distributing weapons now!"


As the sound of yingteer fell, the yings went up to snatch the weapons.

"Don't squeeze, don't squeeze, you can only take one!" Wu Teer maintained order there.

And Xiao Ji has already brought two out, and then handed one to the little cat girl: "Give it lightly, yours!"

"Oh!" Fenmao took it, looked carefully at the trumpet-shaped pistol and said, "Thank you, Xiaoji."

"Hey?" Xiaoji asked in surprise, "I heard they said that you can't remember your name, but you can still remember my name!?"

Hearing this, the little cat girl smiled awkwardly and said, "Ahaha! Because you stayed with Xiaoji for a long time!"

But the little cat girl accidentally pressed the red button with her finger, and sucked Xiao Ji in at once, making Fenmao flustered in fright.

Fortunately, the green button was used to release Xiao Ji, and the cat girl quickly apologized, but Xiao Ji shook his head and said no.

Seeing that each of them was holding a weapon, Ying Teer shouted: "Let's start then! The battlefield is the entire island, it is forbidden to go to other small islands, now disperse! Oh, yes, don't forget to wear Sign up!"

The three of Tang Lingyan watched from behind as the little cat girl hid behind the building with the Yingyings, and then started a battle.

"It's really a magical prop and a strange way of life." Luo Haoge commented.

Seeing the cat girl slowly blending in and playing happily with the girls, Tang Lingyan smiled slightly and said, "But this is quite happy."

"Then what broadcaster, it seems that the power of this world is not recorded, right?"

"You're right!"

Ying Teer jumped over and said, "Although we have the power of time, we rarely use it. A scene like this still needs the power of other worlds."

"Yesterday, on the upper floors of the library, besides our diaries, there were also thousands of different world training manuals they brought back. These formations for playing were learned from books in other worlds."

When Lu Yu heard this, she couldn't help sighing at the learning ability of the girls. She thought that she was alone on the outer island. Apart from cultivating her own strength, she would not take a second look at the cultivation systems of other worlds when she went to other worlds.

It's those whoops, who not only learned how to make various items, but also dug back the methods of how others practice.

"How about I take you to visit our factory and manufacturing warehouse. Many of the items we use are manufactured from there."

Ying Teer said, "Wei Qing and the others probably have to play for a long time, and it's not interesting to just watch."

"That's fine, but Lingyan, do you want to stay here?" Luo Haoge asked.

"I'll just stay here and watch her!" Tang Lingyan nodded and said, "Besides, I have seen all the structures here with my soul consciousness."

So, Ying Teer took Lu Yu and Luo Haoge to wander elsewhere.

These places include crops grown on other small islands, factories for processing, and various production lines connected by gears to windmills to use mechanical power.

In a daze, Luo Haoge thought that he had come to the production factory in his own country, but he didn't expect that these beeps could really learn.

And there are only a few beeps watching these places to prevent any malfunctions. By the time Luo Haoge and the others come back, the cat girl has been completely immersed in the battle game.

"Oh, it turned out that the shape of grass and flowers was conjured up on the back to distinguish it." Luo Haoge sat next to Tang Lingyan and said.

"That's right, otherwise everyone wouldn't be able to tell who is who, but that receiver won't work against Wei Qing, I forgot about it just now, shouldn't Wei Wei be invincible!?" Ying Teer said.

But Tang Lingyan defended the little cat girl and said: "No, I won't play tricks on my lightness!"

Chapter 460

"Now, as long as she is hit by the light, she will automatically stop her movements, and she will not continue to move until someone helps her use the other party's broadcasting machine ability."

But when it comes to the word broadcasting machine, Tang Lingyan still twitched the corner of his mouth speechlessly.

"Really? It really is the first passer-by who has arrived here in so many years, and my vision is right!" Yingtel said, pushing the non-existent glasses.

"Qingqing was the one I pulled to break through the level!" Lu Yu said with an expression of "When did it become your credit?"

Luo Haoge next to him was silent, thinking that if he really wanted to get to the bottom of it, she brought the cat girl to this secret realm to play!

It was only when she felt the perfect world rules and a trace of treasure, and the friendly and strange creatures here, that she brought the cat girl here to play.

Unexpectedly, it seems a bit too strange now, and the trace of treasure that I felt before is no longer felt.

It's really strange, could it be said that this humming space has been separated from the world of the three islands outside...

In the end, the little catgirls' side were narrowly victorious, and only three catgirls and one catgirl survived, but they still won.

The little catwoman came over panting, her face was full of joy, she seemed to be having a good time.

The next time is some small-scale games, because the little cat girl promised a lot, so it wasn't until dark that Fenmao realized that he was here to find rewards, not to play.

Moreover, there is only one day left tomorrow.

"It's okay, it's okay, don't worry, you can definitely get the reward, if you don't get it, you can eat me!"

Ying Teer looked at the anxious little cat girl and said with assurance.

Although she doesn't know where her confidence comes from, the little cat girl is still relieved for the time being and chooses to believe in Teer.

After dinner, and playing for a while, Ying Teer said that a special program was prepared to welcome them tonight.

"Special program?"

Following Yingtel to the stone steps of the library, several cushions have already been placed on it.

"Don't ask, you'll know right away!" Ying Teer smiled mysteriously at the cat girl, and motioned them to sit on the mat.


At this time, many beeps jumped out of the library from the grass next to them, and then surrounded a few people.

Fenmao was wondering, but the ants were quiet and there was no noise, only the excited countdown was left.



What about two?The little cat girl was about to complain, when she saw many light clusters suddenly rising in the distance.

At this moment, Fenmao seemed to understand what this show was about.

"Gently, please enjoy our weeping flowers!"


As the sound of Huttel fell, a ball of light exploded suddenly, turning into colorful stars and illuminating the sky.

And the explosion of this light cluster is like a signal, bringing other light clusters to explode.

In an instant, the entire sky was covered by these dots of light.

But this is just the beginning, as the light cluster disappears, these star points stay in the sky as if they are alive, and then start to dance,

They gradually formed stones, clouds, houses, stone bridges...

It's like watching a movie made up of stars, on the huge screen in the sky, the little cat girls are performing hard for the little cat girl.

"This is a story that is often seen in books in other worlds. It seems to be very popular. It is probably a story about a beautiful princess and a dragon."

Following Yingteer's explanation, the countless light spots in the sky began to form forests, roads, stones, flowers, beautiful princesses, and evil dragons.

The whole story lasted for about half an hour, and the little cat girl slowly leaned on Tang Lingyan's shoulder and became fascinated.

At the end of the story, the princess influenced the evil dragon to make him do good, so the princess was loved by people.

It is a very old-fashioned plot, and the way to influence the evil dragon is to get along with it day and night, but the cat girl is very moved by watching it.

And at the end of the ending, all the pictures disappeared, and what rose up after that was a bunch of flowers exploding in the air again.

The moment they exploded, they turned into various animals and plants, and finally, they formed several big characters together.

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