"Run, run again!"

Another hard blow, this time Xiao Han seemed to be in a trance, and was hit by a huge fist just as he was teleported out.

The petite body flew out like a cannonball, and Xiao Han crashed into the unfinished building on the other side of the dirt field at an extremely fast speed.

There was a rumbling sound, and a big hole was smashed into the wall of the unfinished building. With the falling of the concrete block, in the dark night, even Olier, who was in this form and could see well at night, didn't know the other party's situation.

It stands to reason that after receiving such a blow, the favored ones who are generally not related to physical ability will almost have their internal organs ruptured to death.

The blond girl was also unsure of the other party's condition, and asked, "Is he dead?"

"I hit her, but I don't know if she died or not."

"Go and have a look, be careful."

Saying that, the terrifying body began to move over there cautiously.

Chapter 42 No one should sleep tonight

An abrupt, loud noise sounded in the distance, and Fenmao who had just laid down was startled.

Because this is a high-end villa area, there is no construction project, and there will be no super-squealing exhaust pipes such as modified motorcycles whistling past while you are sleeping.

So generally speaking, it is very quiet here, even during the day, what you hear more is the chirping of insects and birds.

Although the villa has good sound insulation, she still heard it.

Fenmao opened the window and took a look outside, but didn't see anything strange.

Dirty Medical Enterprises Stop VIII〇 Qi Sulphur Art

Well, it shouldn't matter to me.

Thinking of this, Fenmao turned off the lights, took out her mobile phone, and prepared to play games and sleep.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.


Fen Mao straightened up and shouted at the door.

As a result, no one answered.

Fenmao waited strangely for a long time, but the knock on the door did not ring again, and wanted to lie down again in doubt, but someone knocked on the door three times again.

Swallowing, the villa was extremely quiet at the moment, Fenmao turned on the light, and asked the door again: "Who, who is outside?"

Still no one answered her.

After waiting for a while, Fenmao came to the door cautiously, and put his little ear to the door to listen to the sound.

There was silence outside the door.

Fenmao thought for a while, and then stuck the cat ears on the door to the door.

Because it is very sensitive, when the ear touched the colder door, the pink and white fluff stood up cutely, and the pink fur couldn't help shivering.

Who, so bored, knocked on the door when she was sleeping.

However, even if she found out that the cat's ear was very sensitive, the intention of using it to judge whether someone outside was deliberately scaring her was shattered.

no sound...

no solution anymore……

Fenmao had no choice but to turn the handle gently, and slowly opened the door a crack, looking out with cute little eyes.

First, the cat ears that were closer to the front went out, and [Quiet] swayed from side to side in a very humane way, as if observing the situation.

Although it is also trembling with fear, as the owner's cat ears, it has the responsibility to scout the situation for the owner.

Nothing unusual...

Sensing such information, Fenmao slowly exposed her head.

It was dark outside, and there was no light to be seen.

Generally speaking, Xiaowen will not turn off all the lights at night, and will reserve some lights for lighting.

It's all closed like today, and it's the first time I've met it since I came here. It's so dark that Fenmao is a little strange.

However, what's the matter with someone knocking on the door, did I hear wrong?

Fenmao was about to retract her body, when she looked at the light exposed through the crack of the door, she suddenly saw a bloody person standing there in the darkness, her long black hair covered her face, from the soft curves and chest The bulge can probably be seen to be a woman.

The man was just outside the door, holding out to her a festering hand with maggots on it.

Such a weird picture is like a female ghost in a horror movie coming to claim her life.

Fenmao felt his mind go blank, and screamed in fright...


"Miss Qingqing, Miss Qingqing, Qingqing..."

In the haze, someone called her so anxiously beside her ear, and then her consciousness gradually became clear.

Fenmao sat up with a bang, panted heavily, and looked around in shock.

It was her room, the door was open and the light was on...

Hua Ji and Xiao Wen beside the bed looked at her worriedly.

Seeing that Fenmao had woken up, the two of them stopped calling her. When Fenmao slowly realized that it was just a nightmare, they breathed a sigh of relief.


"What's the matter, Qingqing, are you having a nightmare?"

"En." Slightly nodded, Fenmao wondered why he fell asleep so quickly and had a nightmare.

"Xiaowen, Sister Hua, what's the matter with you, why are you in my room?"

"Ahem, this..." Hua Ji had had enough rest, because she had been sleeping on the bed since dinner.

Now that I wake up, I can't fall asleep.

Just thinking of coming over to sleep with Fenmao with her pillow in her arms, if Fenmao hasn't slept yet, she can still explain to her about the things of the Blessed One.

After all, she is now awakened, and there are still many things she doesn't know, and no one tells her how to practice in the future.

But when he entered the door, he saw that the lights in the house were on, and Fenmao was already asleep.

Also ⒉ Mio ⒊ ⑵ shower (seven) Si Pa

Hua Ji was about to turn off the light and leave, when she found that Fen Mao was lying on the bed with a distressed expression on her face, so she casually threw the pillow on the ground, and then sat on the edge of the bed to wake Fen Mao up.

After listening to Hua Ji's explanation, before Fenmao looked at Xiaowen, the maid said it herself.

"I'm here to see if you're asleep, Miss Qingqing." Xiaowen was relatively calm, "Before Miss left, she told me not to let you play games too late at night."

"This, that's it." Fenmao scratched her head, looked at the mobile phone next to the pillow, she didn't know how to play games and fell asleep.

And in the dream, she was always playing with her mobile phone before going to bed.

"Since you're fine, I'll go first." After saying that, Xiaowen was ready to go out.

"Hey, wait." Fenmao quickly stopped her.

"What's wrong, Miss Qingqing." Xiaowen stopped and looked at her.

"That..." For some reason, Fenmao lowered her head and began to play with her fingers, her voice became smaller and smaller, "That, can you sleep with me..."


Seeing her appearance, Xiaowen couldn't help laughing out loud.

Fenmao lowered her head and did not dare to look at the two of them.

"Okay." Xiaowen still said, "Then I'll go back and take a shower and change my clothes."

"Okay." Fenmao agreed.

"Then what about me?" Hua Ji was not happy.

"Sister Hua?" Fenmao looked up at her, the cute cat's ears twitched, but in fact she didn't want to sleep with Huaji.

"I can't seem to sleep in this bed..."

Fenmao pointed to the king-size bed that Tang Lingyan had specially customized for her. The store claimed that it was a small bed of love where two people could roll around casually.

Hua Ji didn't care so much, she just lifted the quilt and went in.

"Sure enough, the soft bed is so warm and fragrant..."

"Hey!" Fenmao hurriedly moved her butt away from her.

"Hey, why did you run so far? Didn't you have a nightmare, do you still dislike Sister Hua accompanying you?"

"Damn, of course not, anyway, that's it, don't mess around!"

"How can I move around? I sleep very honestly."

As she said that, Hua Ji pressed her thick hair under her body.

"You won't crush those flowers and plants to death, by the way, won't they fall on my bed?"

"No, don't worry."

Now that the matter is over, Fenmao is too lazy to chase people away.

With someone beside him, it was indeed a lot of peace of mind, but Fenmao felt sleepy again, squinting his eyes and wanting to sleep.

"Hmm..." Seeing Fenmao wanting to sleep, Hua Ji hummed beside her.

There are no lyrics, just a simple melody, which seems to be a song that Hua Ji often practices, with a hypnotic magic in its gentleness.

"Hey, what song is this?"

Fenmao felt like he was about to fall asleep, his head was dizzy, and he was churning with fatigue.

"It's a lullaby I learned from my mother when I was a child."

After Hua Ji finished speaking, she continued to hum.

"I... am not... a child..."

Consciousness gradually blurred, and Fenmao was about to fall asleep with his eyes closed.

But at this moment, an inexplicable coolness struck from his hands.

It didn't seem like a real feeling, just like the fear she felt in a dream just now.

It's just something in the cognition of the brain, telling her that there is something that scares her.

Now, the brain that was about to rest suddenly told her that there was something cool crawling and climbing on her arm.

It wasn't really cool, but Fenmao didn't feel sleepy at that moment.

Opening her eyes, the scene she saw scared her out of her wits.

A thing that looked like a giant octopus was sleeping next to her at the moment, those greasy tentacles were still writhing in the air, and one of them had already touched her arm.

"Haha, little beauty, your little hands are so soft and delicious!"

The person next to him suddenly turned into this disgusting and disgusting appearance, and with the disgusting touch on his hands, a cold shiver instantly swept through Fenmao's whole body.

For a while, Fen Mao didn't have time to think about what was going on.

The pink light swayed away the tentacles on his body at that moment, Fenmao turned over in the air, jumped onto the opposite wall in his pajamas, then sank down suddenly and rolled on the ground a few times.

A few simple movements avoided the tentacles that followed her.

"Don't run, little beauty, don't run, you are mine tonight!"

There was still mucus in that round mouth, and the voice she spoke was Hua Ji's voice.

Fenmao only felt a burst of creeps.

And at this moment, Xiao Wen, who went out to take a shower and change clothes, suddenly opened the door and walked in.

Fenmao looked around, only to see Xiaowen wearing the costume of an SM queen, as shameless as she wanted, as revealing as she wanted.

At this moment, Xiaowen is still holding a transparent bag in his hand, and he can see that there are various props inside.

She still had a small leather whip in her hand, and she kept pulling the whip straight with both hands, making loud sounds.

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