"Hey, who wouldn't brag!? As long as you find an excuse to shirk it, don't you just say what you want at this time?"

Xiao Han shrugged her shoulders and didn't try to defend herself, but stood up and stretched her waist: "Okay, let's rest today, and stop by to see what my lovely little princess wants to do naughty again."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Han disappeared into the dormitory.

Xia Yinglu wiped off the water stains on her body, changed into clean clothes and chased after her.


The place where we agreed to meet was in the teleportation square of the college. When the cat girl came out, she happened to see Phoenix standing beside her waiting for her.


Phoenix waved her hand, and the cat girl ran over immediately.


Uh, Codeword Ji was checked again, 2 or 3 times in the past two days, wow, I don’t dare to do it again.Therefore, the three chapters 578, 579, and 580 have been changed, and the new content starts from chapter 579.

But because it is the original chapter of the replacement, there is no prompt to update

In other words, please go back and read Chapter 579, since then it is the new content that should be updated today

Then 580 581 can be regarded as an update of 2 and a half chapters today, but the previously changed parts cannot be released.

I can't help it if I don't see it

582 Pretend to be dead, pretend to shut down!

The cat girl wore shoes that are convenient for sports, denim shorts, and short sleeves with cute patterns. Unlike yesterday’s rain, the air is much fresher today after the sun came out.

The cat's tail and cat's ears are swaying in the wind. The kitten's exposed skin is white and rosy, and the small blood vessels extending inside can be faintly seen. The purest treasure.

"Oh, gently, you are so attractive in this outfit today!" Phoenix hugged her with bright eyes.

"Don't, don't hug too tightly Phoenix, still, there are still people watching!" The little cat girl pushed her away instantly. Today is the day when the college freshmen awaken, and those who have already awakened have already followed The college has reported it, so it doesn't matter if you don't go.

But I heard that the original tutor of Class S in the first grade will come back to lead the team today, and I don't know what kind of person it is.

Most of the students who came in and out of the surrounding area were senior students. When they saw the two beauties hugging and hugging here, they were immediately attracted.

But thinking that she was going to do a task soon, her shyness faded a bit, and now she was extremely shy when she was hugged and rubbed in Phoenix's arms.

Of course, this is not the most important thing, the most important thing is that she is afraid that Tang Lingyan will hide somewhere to peep here again. If her sister sees it, she will be bullied again and cannot get out of bed.

"Haha, Qingqing, when have you not been watched by others? You are still so shy."

"Well, I want you to take care of it!"

"Okay, but you don't look like you are going on a mission, but a noble daughter who is going on an outing. It's okay to be cute." Phoenix commented.

"But I only have these clothes in my closet." The little cat girl was also a little helpless, who made the family members disapprove of her wearing normal trousers, and only bought skirts for her.

This pair of shorts is still a very precious species inside, and the little cat girl found it after searching for a long time.

"That's fine, anyway, what we're doing is just a low-level task for the first grade, and we don't have to fight to the point of disgrace, it's actually pleasing to watch you look like this!"

"That doesn't sound like a compliment to me at all."

"How come, this is a compliment to you!"


The so-called team task requires two or more people, and now Phoenix and Kitty are just two people.Of course, if you are confident in your own strength, you can complete many group tasks alone, and no one will share the reward with you afterwards.

"It's equivalent to a person's limited ability and energy. Generally, a team can take on better and more difficult tasks to do tasks. However, there are only two of us now, so I chose a relatively less difficult task."

Phoenix led the cat girl away while explaining to her.

The little cat girl shrank behind Phoenix, using her body to block herself from the hot sight from the front, and then asked: "It's too simple..."

"I know what you want to say, but don't worry, the reward for the mission I took this time is not low. There are a full 20 holy spirit points, and the two of us will share 10 equally."

The little cat girl didn't know if 20 was too much, but since Phoenix said it was good, she couldn't say anything, after all, she didn't have any experience in this field.

"Phoenix, have you done missions before? You seem to know it well."

This is also where the cat girl is puzzled. The other party does not seem to be very old, and she is a freshman like her, but she seems to know these things very well.

"In the past, I only saw other people do it before, but I still learned a lot of relevant experience from them. At that time, I was not a celestial being. Although I am awakened now, my strength is also at the bottom among the celestial beings. , so I just have some relevant knowledge now." Phoenix said, the expression on his face couldn't help becoming excited.

"But I've always been envious of seeing other people get rewards and points for doing tasks, and now it's finally my turn. I'm so excited just thinking about it. What do you think!?"


The little cat girl also nodded heavily. Of course she doesn't like the kind of person who fights or licks blood with the tip of a knife, but she still likes to take risks in her bones, and she is also full of curiosity about the world, and the mission of the blessed one is even more attractive to her .

Besides, the little cat girl really wants to be self-reliant. She has always been like this since she was a child. Although Tang Lingyan is responsible for everything now, and Xiaowen, Xiaohan, and Xiaoxia are taking care of her, the little cat girl still hopes that she can grow up and become The real blessed one.

Although my sister may not like her achievements, how to put it, only by doing it can I have a chance to improve myself.When the time comes, bring the money obtained from the task to my sister, and then smash her down with the money, and then reverse what Tang Lingyan did to her yesterday.

I get a little excited just thinking about it...

The little cat girl couldn't help but smirked, the picture was so beautiful, she seemed to have a nosebleed.

"Tsk tsk tsk, let's not talk about Master, even if you save money, you will still be bullied by her. Master, didn't you want to leave her before?" Xiao Tong teased when he appeared in front of her.

When talking to the system, even Tang Lingyan didn't notice any abnormalities, so the cat girl was not afraid of her finding out when she followed Phoenix.

"You bastard, why did you come out?"

"Master, what you said makes me so sad, I am obviously your system, isn't it normal to come out to chat with the master?" Xiao Tong covered his face and wept.


"In the past, if I didn't call you, you pretended to be dead and turned off the phone. Why did you come out suddenly today? Do you have any strange purpose?" The little cat girl looked at her suspiciously.

Xiaotong's body froze all of a sudden: "No, no, I was too busy a while ago, busy looking for perverts for you, master... Cough cough, I mean, I was repairing the system some time ago bug, now that the upgrade is complete, I will have more time to spend with you, Master!"

"Who asked you to accompany you, you pervert, no, you mentally handicapped and disabled system!"

"Hey, can the cute and light master, can you give me a trace of care of the mental retardation system, such as kiss me, beat me ... no, touch me, etc."

"Just now, did you say to beat you!?" The little cat girl waved her little pink fist for some reason.

"No way, no way, master, you heard it wrong! Ah!!" Xiao Tong flew out all of a sudden, with a faint echo of [so comfortable, bah, so uncomfortable].

"We haven't formed a team yet, so we need to register, so now it can only be a team task, and the team task has a lot less benefits than the team task."


Well, recommend your own book

Click on the code word Ji's details to see it, let's take a look at Ning Yi, if you like healing and depression, hey hey

583 The Chicken-Ripping Demon Mission

Phoenix's voice came, and the cat girl came back to her senses and became her curious baby again: "Team? Form a team?"

"Well, there are only two of us now, so it can only be regarded as a team task. At this time, it can only be regarded as a temporary team. It can be disbanded at any time, or another person can be replaced. rise up."

Phoenix explained: "So even if you and I trust each other, receiving the task and receiving the reward must be discussed and reported at the beginning. And I just made an appointment for that task, but if it exceeds the time, it will automatically It was dismissed, but I don't think so many people will take up this task for the time being, but let's hurry up!"


He followed Phoenix back and forth through the teleportation array three times with half understanding, and when he reappeared, what appeared in front of the cat girl was a building that looked like a cube.

Originally, the new students awakened today. I heard that they were dragged to a mysterious secret place for the awakening. The flow of people along the way was much less, but the people coming in and out here were densely packed.

The appearance of the little cat girl immediately caused a burst of exclamation. At this time, a familiar voice rang in the little cat girl's ear.

"Ambulance! Ambulance! Ambulance!"

The little cat girl followed the prestige and found that someone was shouting 'Allah' and fell down with a nosebleed, while a young man who was sweeping the floor with a broom was shouting 'ambulance' in a loud voice.

"What's the matter, Gentleman, is there anyone you know over there?" Phoenix saw her standing on tiptoe and looking over there, thinking that there were some familiar people among those strange people.

"No, I don't know each other. It's just that I have a strong sense of déjà vu. I seem to have seen this scene somewhere before."

Of course, I have seen this in Protoss Attachment [-], but the little cat girl doesn't know their names, maybe she still has a little impression of the one who called 'ambulance'.

But aren't they in the No. [-] Affiliated High School of the Protoss? Why did they all come to the Holy Spirit Academy?Have they all been admitted?

"Ah, master, aren't you very kind when you see them?" Xiao Tong flew back as if nothing had happened.

"How kind..." The cat girl glanced over there and said, "They're all perverts!"

"What's wrong with being perverted? They are all cheering for you, master. Others want to be treated like this!"

"Hey!" The little cat girl shivered and said, "If possible, I don't want it. By the way, you couldn't have made it, did you?!"

"Why, how could it be, haha, haha, how could I... Ah——!"

"I don't know why, but when you see Xiao Tong, you can't restrain my own little fist. I'm sorry!" The cat girl stuck out her tongue cutely and followed Phoenix.

"I didn't expect Allah to appear here. That posture is simply too foul, especially the incomparable legs, ears, and tail... Ah! Every inch of Allah's body is emitting holy and pure light! Medical soldiers! Medical soldiers!" Passer-by C shouted.

This cubic building stood obliquely among the flowers, and the cat girl and Phoenix came to its front after bypassing the intertwined and complicated roads.

"We are just first-year freshmen. If we take some simple tasks, we only need to go to the machines in front to get them. For the tasks of senior grades, there are paper documents and more task materials."

Phoenix explained and took the cat girl into the hall on the first floor.

There are also a lot of people in the lobby on this floor. There is a huge screen in the center, and some tasks that can be accepted are scrolling on it, and there are detailed requirements behind it.

Of course, apart from the screen, it is more like a console, densely packed one after another, and many people are lighting something on it.

"What are they doing?" the little cat girl asked, pointing to this scene.

"Of course I'm taking on the task, we have to do it too, come here gently, I'll teach you!" Phoenix greeted her, and the little cat girl hurried over, only to find that she was already standing in front of a console .

"This is actually called a low-level mission release and collection machine, but a more concise name is the holy spirit machine, because low-level tasks generally only give holy spirit points, and rarely give items to the gods, so it is called the holy spirit machine , as time goes by, everyone calls it that.”

Phoenix was explaining, and the little cat girl looked over her head curiously: "It looks very similar to the one in the teleportation array!"

"That's right, they are very similar. They are all connected to the data network of the Holy Spirit College, so the operation method is also very similar." Phoenix took out her student ID card, and then asked for the student ID card of the little cat girl .

She put her student ID card on it, and various information immediately appeared on the screen of the holy spirit machine.

"We are here to do tasks, so don't worry about the transactions, item evaluation, storage, auctions, etc., just click on the tasks, because we are only in the first grade, so we can't see other tasks, we can only see the relevant tasks. matching options."


The little cat girl stood next to her and watched her operate, and found that many places on it were gray and unselectable, while Phoenix kept sliding down the task bar and directly clicked on a task.

Immediately, relevant information about this task popped up, including task introduction, requirements, and conditions for receiving rewards.

"Long-term task (beginner level): Collect 5 hearts of the chicken-loving devil, reward 20 holy spirit points, multiple people can be used, the task can be advanced to 20, 50, 100, 200... There is no upper limit for purchasing, After removing the 5 hearts required by the task in exchange for 20 points, every heart in the future will be replaced by 1 Holy Spirit point.

"Note: Everyone can complete this task repeatedly, but the first reward of 20 points can only be completed once."

"Long-term mission (junior level): The quest branch task of the Chicken-Tearing Devil, collect the internal crystals of the Chicken-Moving Devil, can be multiplayer, no purchase online, 1 crystal can be exchanged for 3 Holy Spirit points."

"Mission introduction: The chicken-tearing demon and the chicken-crawling demon are not similar species, please pay attention to those who accept the task."

"Task completion requirements: be careful when collecting replacement items, please keep them intact and properly preserved, both of them can be stored for seven days at room temperature and exposed, and will deteriorate after this time, please pay attention. Storing them in the storage medium can extend the Shelf life."

"Available information: The chicken-tearing demon and the chicken-loving demon are in a secret secret area, the danger level is low, and the special attack method is a sonic attack. Please note that its physical ability is outstanding, its energy resistance is high, and its fatal weakness is Love to tear chickens and touch chickens, please pay attention to the use of low-level junior students. Because the skin is rough and the flesh needs to be dissected with sharp tools, please note that you need to pay 10 holy spirit points to go to this secret place without accepting the task, and it is free after accepting the task. Please go to the World Privy Council to enter the secret world."

"Task status: selectable, complete, team formation possible, of course the number of people accepted: 1/10, (maximum 10 teams), invitation to form a team, do you want to send an invitation?"


584 I don't have that function

The little loli with a soft and cute voice was reading the mission content there, and almost everyone who could hear it looked at it with jealousy, and some girls couldn't help but want to come over and throw the little cat girl to the ground.

If it weren't for the guards watching around, they probably would have really done this.

"What's the matter, Gentleman, does it look like this after reading it?" Phoenix asked, shaking his fingers in front of her eyes, "Why does it look like it's petrified?"

"Oh, it's really not an easy task, master!" Xiao Tong flew over and said, swaying in front of the little cat girl, "But the reward is not low. It's a good thing this woman can find such a task. Master? Master? You What's the matter, master?"

The little cat girl finally recovered from the [unacceptable, unintelligible, unbelievable] shutdown state: "What, what, what's the matter, this name is very strange, is it really strange, no, it is very strange What kind of demon who loves to tear chickens, who loves to touch chickens to death, how can someone be called such a name!"

Hearing her words, people around whispered: "It's this mission, the little angel actually accepted this mission. It is undeniable that this mission is indeed cost-effective, but I really don't want to see the little angel dissect the devil with a knife. And their strength is not low!"

"Tch, what's the matter, as a blessed person, there will be such a day. Unless she is a flower in the greenhouse for a lifetime."

"makes sense……"

The surrounding voices fell into the ears of the two of them, and seeing that she was being watched again, the little cat girl wanted to hide behind Phoenix with a grunt on her face.

Phoenix quickly grabbed her and said, "I thought you thought it was difficult for you to dislike this task. It turns out that you care about the name."

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