I don't know if it's an illusion, but in a daze, the little cat girl felt that Lin Yue's singing had a familiar yet unfamiliar taste.

That kind of feeling can't be put into words, the little cat girl feels like someone else's mother is singing a lullaby to her child, and as an orphan, she thinks of her own mother.

Everyone has heard the lullaby, so it is very familiar, but it is not that person, so it is very strange.


The little catwoman has never seen her mother since she was born.

Not to mention what she looks like, she doesn't even know her name.

I asked my grandma about my parents before, but the other party always used the reason "I'm old, I have forgotten a lot of things" as an excuse, and every time I fudged her.

At that time, Luo Weiqing didn't understand why grandma wanted to hide it. After growing up, she gradually realized that maybe the matter of her parents touched grandma's heart, so she didn't want to mention it.

Another possibility is that speaking out will make me uncomfortable, after all, no matter how vividly she portrays, the girl named Luo Qingqing will no longer have parents.

Therefore, it is an illusion to feel that the song sung by Lin Yue has a familiar taste of a lullaby...

She should have been brought up by her grandma, and there would be no role of mother who sang her a lullaby, so she would have no physical memory at all.

The next second, the little cat girl suddenly woke up...

Seeing her sitting up straight as if frightened, Lin Yue stopped and asked, "What's the matter, did you have a nightmare?"

"No..." The little cat girl stared blankly at Lin Yue for a few seconds, and she didn't see the slightest difference from her appearance or language and actions, "I suddenly couldn't sleep, Mr. Lin, let's start learning now."

"You've only been asleep for a few minutes."

Lin Yue looked at her worriedly: "You should rest more, I haven't finished editing yet, did I disturb you so you can't sleep?"

"No." The little cat girl shook her head, she didn't know why she felt that way just now.

But it's true that I can't sleep now.

"Okay then, just listen to what you think is wrong first."


The little cat girl nodded, and then thought that Yingtel is not a self-proclaimed master of music.

Although the singing is ugly and the tunes she hums are also ugly, but according to what she said, after all, she has read a lot of music books, so she can still give some good opinions if she thinks about it.

And she always doesn't accept her opinions, the little cat girl always has the illusion that her good friend is being bullied.

"Yanter, come and listen to me too~ Yingtel?"

The little cat girl looked around strangely but didn't find the figure of the other party. No wonder she felt that something was missing. It turned out that the naughty guy like Yingtel was gone.

The catgirl stood up and called out, "Wintel? Where are you?"

At this time, Lin Yue also found that Teal was missing. Seeing the little cat girl who became anxious because she didn't respond, Lin Yue comforted her and said, "It should be fine, when will she run out to play?"

The cat girl is also a little uncertain, because Yingtel just expressed her dissatisfaction with the two people ignoring her, so it is very likely that she will slip out if she is idle here.

But today I just found out that the little cat girl who is as timid as herself thinks that the other party should not run out alone. The outside is so gloomy, and there are so many monsters and ghosts. No matter what you think, Yingtel will not be here. Time left her and slipped out.

If she can't see her for a while, she will become more courageous, right?

"Mr. Lin, didn't you find out when Yingtel disappeared?" asked the little cat girl.

"This..." Lin Yue thought for a while, and then said: "I really didn't find out when she went out, because you were very cooperative and seemed to need these two rewards from me, so I didn't monitor her anymore. You guys. I focused on perfecting the song with you just now, so I didn't find out when she... I'm sorry, lightly..."

"No, it's all right!" The little cat girl hesitated and said, "Well, Teacher Lin, I want to find her before I start learning."

"Well, it looks like you don't have the heart to learn if you don't find her, let's start from this floor!" Lin Yue agreed, and then went out of the music room with the cat girl and started searching.

"Well, Mr. Lin, besides you and those dummies, are there any other ghosts in this school?" The little cat girl looked at the dark environment around her with some fear.

In such an atmosphere, Yingtel should not dare to come out alone!Did she encounter an accident?

"As I said before, our ghosts have mutual induction with the same kind at a certain distance. The range of this school is the area of ​​my induction, so I should be sure that I am the only one."

Seeing Lin Yue's affirmative look, the little cat girl was relieved. Fortunately, it seems that she was not caught by a ghost, so where did Yingtel go?

"Wintel!? Huttle! Can you hear me? Answer me quickly!"

Because the little cat girl was afraid, she didn't dare to search separately with Lin Yue, so one person and one ghost came to find them from classroom to classroom, and the little cat girl shouted at the top of her voice.

Her voice could be heard in the empty and deserted school, and Lin Yue followed her and said, "Let me find it, gently, it's more convenient for me."

Saying that, without waiting for the little cat girl to refuse, Lin Yue plunged into the wall next to her and disappeared.

Hey~! !

In an instant, there was only the little cat girl left in the dilapidated corridor with only moonlight.

Frightened, she called softly to the wall where Lin Yue disappeared: "Mr. Lin? Mr. Lin? Are you there?"

What answered her was a creepy [Woooooooo] sound.

641 The Weird Lin Yue

The little cat girl stood on her head for a moment, and she turned around stiffly. At this moment, it seemed that there were countless cold eyes staring at her from behind.

Yes, what is it! ?

Could it be this familiar cry! ?

"Wow ah ah!"

The moment she saw the other party's appearance, the cat girl turned pale and ran away~

"Ghost! Ghost!"

The dummy tilted her head in doubt, why did she run?

The years still left obvious marks on its body, such as the rotting chest cavity and the internal organs that fell out of the body model.

Although these are all fake, and even the body is not recognized as a living thing, it has indeed acquired a magical life in this strange region.

In layman's terms, they can be called spirits.

But the appearance is horrible.

In the broken half of the head, the pink brain flower appeared and disappeared under the moonlight. It had no skin, and its whole body was covered with naked flesh and blood. It looked like a frog that had been skinned.

Not to mention the abdomen and chest, one hand is still full of bones.

This honor, don't say that there is no spirit attached to it to make it move.Even if they see it normally, timid people will probably be afraid.

What's more, the little cat girl was in such a tense mood, looking back, she almost didn't scare the cat's life.

"Ms. Lin, Yingtel, where are you?"

The little cat girl ran up the stairs in a panic, and arrived at the top floor after a while.

The moonlight without the ceiling was even brighter. The cat girl pushed open the old door and ran out, only to see Lin Yue holding Yingtel in her arms.

Seeing the two of them, the cat girl breathed a sigh of relief, recalling what she saw just now, it should be the dummy in the science classroom.

Although I heard from Lin Yue that they are generally friendly and will not engage in any aggressive behavior, but just being stuck behind her back unexpectedly is also creepy!

Or are they just plain scary for fun?

"Oh, Qingqing, you also found this place?" Lin Yue asked suspiciously when she saw her pale face and sweating profusely, "Why are you in such a panic?"

"Isn't that because I saw that dummy." The little cat girl patted her small chest and said.

But looking at Lin Yue floating in the air now, it seems that this guy is also a female ghost. The little cat girl thought that after staying with her for so long, she is not afraid of her anymore.

"Hey, I found Yingtel, she was sleeping on the top floor, I said this guy sneaked out to play by himself."

Lin Yue handed the kitten in her arms to the little cat girl, and saw that she was sleeping peacefully with her eyes closed, her regular breathing combined with her quiet expression, she seemed quite carefree.

"Wenter? Witter?"

The little catwoman tried to shout a few words, but it seemed that Teal was in a deep sleep and had no intention of waking up at all.

If she wasn't still breathing, the kitten would have thought that something happened to Entel.

"Okay, let her sleep, anyway..." Lin Yue didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but the little cat girl also knew that Lin Yue thought she was noisy, so she just fell asleep now.


The cat girl herself is a little tired, so she treats others like herself, maybe it's the same with Yingtel, and it's understandable that she fell asleep now.

Anyway, besides being a little scary here at Lin Yue, it's still relatively safe so far, so it's better to let Yingtel take a good rest.

After they get the map later, they still need energy to leave here.

Speaking of this, she really wants to sleep now. She didn't sleep just because she was thinking about other things, but now she is sleepy.

"Then let's continue!"

After Lin Yue finished speaking, she took the cat girl back to the music room. When passing by the corridor, the cat girl found that the dummy had disappeared.

Although Lin Yue said that there was no danger, but that honor was really scary, it would be better not to see her.

"Then let's take it one line at a time. You have heard me sing so many times, Qingqing, do you remember anything?" Lin Yue asked.

The little cat girl searched her mind, and then said: "It seems that there are some..."

After speaking, the little cat girl tried to sing.

Her singing voice is as gentle as her own, with a softness like a feather in the crisp voice, and a strong sweetness, which makes people feel that this singing voice matches her hair color very well.

When the little cat girl was on vacation with Yun Longhai and Tang Lingyan, she was tricked by Xiao Han and the others to sing and dance, so she had some experience.

However, she is not as good at singing as Su Yan'er or Lin Yue. Although her singing voice is not bad, it is not beautiful, it can only be said to be quite satisfactory.

And when the cat girl was singing, the familiar feeling came back.

But it was a little different from Lin Yue's feeling when she sang. Although that feeling was familiar, it was no longer that kind of maternal love, but more like a seductive call.

As she sang, the little cat girl felt her body was light and light.

After she finished singing what she knew, she recollected the feeling just now, and when she looked at Lin Yue, the other party's eyes were full of gentle smiles.

"What, how is it!?"

This was the first time she sang actively in front of a ghost. Most of her previous experiences were forced. The little cat girl didn't know if she could sing well, but seeing Lin Yue's smile suddenly made her feel hairy.

Because the little cat girl suddenly had an intuition that the other party was not expressing approval to her singing, but another inexplicable smile.

Thinking of this, a trace of vigilance arose in her heart, and the shyness on her face due to singing in front of Lin Yue was also much less.

Naturally, Lin Yue didn't notice the psychological changes of the little cat girl, and she said excitedly to her question: "Not bad, not bad, although the singing is very ordinary, but you pronounce every syllable correctly, Qingqing, your memory is still very good. Okay!"

"No, haha~"

The little cat girl scratched her head in embarrassment: "Mr. Lin, let's continue!"

Seeing Lin Yue's sincerely happy appearance for her, the little cat girl wondered if she was wrong?

After all, from the very beginning, Lin Yue just frightened them, and did not do anything suspicious.

"Then Qingyou has to study hard, now follow me sentence by sentence!"

"Well, I see!"

Yingtel was put on the piano stand by the cat girl, seeing her sleeping soundly, she couldn't wake up for a while.

Lin Yue patiently taught the cat girl to sing one line at a time, and every time she learned a few lines, Lin Yue asked the cat girl to sing it all over again.

The name is to deepen the impression, but as time goes by, the little cat girl feels more and more wrong.

Because apart from the strange feeling that appeared while singing, what was even more frightening was the unstoppable smile on Lin Yue's face.

The smile was about to break out of the corners of her mouth and develop in the direction of deformation, and the little cat girl even felt that if she opened the corners of her mouth a little wider, she would be no different from that gap girl.

642 The Fun of the Mysterious Girl

The weirdness in my heart became more and more intense, but it seemed that Yingtel was not aware of all this, and was still sleeping soundly.

The little cat girl wanted to wake her up, but seeing Lin Yue's smile close at hand, the little cat girl swallowed her saliva and stopped her words.

"Come on, continue to sing along with me gently, la la la la ~ huh huh huh..."

"La la la la ~ huh huh huh..."

"You've learned well! According to this progress, you will learn it soon, Qingqing."

"Hmm~" the little cat girl nodded, and then, as if she had made up her mind, she mustered up the courage to ask, "Mr. Lin, why do you keep smiling like this?"

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