Speaking of it, Luo Ling did make this decision because she likes the cat girl.

It now appears that this decision was not wrong.

While getting the cat girl, she doesn't have to face such a scary person... Moreover, according to the cat girl, this is a clone of herself...

Do you want to be so outrageous, this man!

Luo Ling looked at Tang Lingyan with some envy and hatred, it was really hateful, if only I could use my own energy, at least my strength would be countless times better than what I have now.

But if she meets Tang Lingyan, even in that situation, she doesn't have much chance of winning...and she will be caught as a power bank.

Luo Ling patted her chest, thinking: It's okay, it's okay.

The cat girl didn't care about what Luo Ling was thinking at this moment, but she looked at Tang Lingyan nervously.

That shocking, soul-shaking giant door looks so terrifying to the little cat girl, and those weird bright lines and light balls are not good in any way.

Can Tang Lingyan handle it now?

The little cat girl couldn't help but worry deeply about this problem.

694 Just the beginning and the end?

But soon, Tang Lingyan gave the answer.


With the shattering of those protective shields, the light sphere below slowly opened from the center.

The altar built by these bright lines began to shine brightly, and then gathered on the central light sphere, prompting it to change.

Blooming like a budding flower, this huge ball of light actually split from the middle and stretched around, and then turned into a huge white flower.

Countless souls gushed out from the moment it was opened, and then headed towards the giant gate in the sky.

At the same time, those monsters in the red mist were also pulled out, and they had already turned into soul states.

However, compared to the soul in this ball of light, the ones in the red mist are somewhat incomplete, and similarly, they are full of tyranny.

One red and one white soul formed a huge river of souls, and then directly washed over the giant gate.

With a bang, the door of the gate unexpectedly opened a gap, and the breath inside leaked out instantly.

In just a short moment, the cat girl felt as if her soul was going to be sucked into the gate, and Luo Ling and Yingtel felt the same way as her at this moment.

"I feel something terrifying is pulling my consciousness, my spirit, everything!" Luo Ling said in a panic as she felt the energy in her body start to stir.

Yingtel also looked at the giant door in horror: "I feel the same way, the power of time in my body is also surging, as if I will leave my body at any time."

The little cat girl didn't speak, she was very worried about Tang Lingyan's situation at the moment.

After all, they all felt this way when they were so far away, so what kind of experience did Tang Lingyan standing in front of the gate have?

And those souls are still pouring into the gate, and as time goes by, the gate slowly opens, revealing the emptiness inside.

"Look what that is!?" Luo Ling shouted loudly.

Catwoman and Wintel looked in the direction she suggested, and in their field of vision, everything around them began to dissipate at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The land was gradually disappearing, revealing layers of perennially dark soil and stone below, and then dissipating again with strange forces.

Mountains, rivers, vegetation, and the mountain of tentacle monsters in the distance of the cat girl are all starting to disappear in a strange way.

They are not swallowed by something, nor are they eliminated by some energy, but disappear in the true sense.

Like writing on a blackboard, they no longer exist, erased by something inexplicable.

At the same time, cracks began to appear in the sky, and a violent astral wind blew out from inside, revealing the scene of destruction beyond the world wall.

The strong wind reached a very high level in a short period of time, and the little cat girl even felt that she was about to be blown into the sky by the wind.

Fortunately, at this time, a golden protective shield enveloped all three of them inside, and all the external scenes could no longer affect the little cat girl.

And with the appearance of the protective cover, the three catgirls also breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and the weird feeling of being pulled finally disappeared.

The little cat girl also knew that it was Tang Lingyan who was protecting them. It could be said that the golden shield was fine, so Tang Lingyan was fine, and the little cat girl and the others were also safe.

With the arrival of the violent wind, countless thunderbolts also appeared under the silver moon. They were strangely born from the sky without the existence of dark clouds, and then roared and cut through the space to produce explosive noises.

At the same time, the little cat girl could only feel the ground under her feet trembling, and under the unbelievable eyes of the three, a volcano erupted in the distance.

The hot magma erupted from the surface carrying huge thick smoke, and what was even more strange was that the sky began to snow like goose feathers.

The little catwoman wiped her eyes, and even wondered if she was dreaming?

Everything is disappearing inexplicably, plus the red mist that is bigger than a mountain, with a strange gate on it, and a grotesque altar with bright lines below it.

There are also thunder and lightning, storms, heavy snow, and volcanic eruptions all around. Although all of these will happen in nature, it seems very weird to appear in this world at the same time.

How could these natural disasters occur at the same time?

Unless it's the destruction of the world.

And with the continuous opening of the gate, the surrounding natural disaster scenes intensified.

The pressure Tang Lingyan could feel standing in front of this gate was the strongest, stronger than anywhere else.

"I see, is that so..."

Tang Lingyan looked at the gate and the scene of destruction around him and said: "Catalyzed under my attack, these monsters are not only the hunting army created by the soul virus, but also the reserve of incomplete souls...then they are destroyed under my attack. Break up and reorganize, and turn back into a pure soul..."

Judging from the current situation, the reason why the soul virus exists in this city is to collect souls.

The existence of this city depends on this altar, and this altar can open this giant door by sacrificing souls.

Then the task of the soul virus, including Lin Yue, should be to collect enough souls.

Tang Lingyan didn't take any action yet, but was thinking about the cause and effect of this incident, as well as the meaning behind them.

From the surface, the sphere of light controls those protective shields, and a lot of formations are engraved in the protective shields, and the city itself also has very huge energy.

Although I don't know who arranged these things, in order to collect enough souls, these formations must have the ability to teleport creatures.

After accumulating power once, a group of creatures can be sent in from all over the world, and then supplied to the soul virus to kill them, and then collect their souls.

The longer you exist, the more souls you collect.

And it is also possible that the cat girl was teleported here for this reason... However, to do such a thing, it must have something to do with this world...

Could it be that the consciousness of this world is manipulating this matter?

If so, it all makes sense, but why would it build something like this?

Tang Lingyan looked at the silver moon in the sky and thought, doing so would only bring it destruction, and the things behind this door are not good.

Or, the world consciousness in the transformation stage does not realize what this is?Or is that not what it does?

"There are no other traces left here. It may have disappeared for too long. Then, this is the information for the time being."

Tang Lingyan muttered to himself, then looked at the gate in front of him: "Then let's end here."

When the voice fell, the huge soul power instantly covered the sky.

In the blink of an eye, the giant gate was shattered under Tang Lingyan's hands.


There are a lot of things to do today, and I wanted to sleep for half an hour in the afternoon, so I set an alarm clock and woke up

As a result, I fell asleep at night

hey hey

695 The Calculating Main Goddess

"What do you think?" In the void, the main god girl asked.

"How about something?" Konstante was drinking from a wine glass, and seemed a little strange to the girl's question.

"It's her, what do you think I will ask you?"

There was a wooden table in front of Konstante, and the wooden table was already full of delicacies. This Konstante, who looked like an old man, was very ugly.

In addition to the wine dripping from his beard and trickling down the neckline of his clothes, his face was also greasy.

But the main god girl didn't care much about him, as if she was used to it long ago and turned a blind eye.

"Although this is an inevitable future, the time is still early for both her and us, and we still have plenty of time to deal with future dangers..."

Konstante turned over on the cushion under him, then found a comfortable position and continued to lie down and drink.

"So, you don't have to be so anxious to let her understand these things now. I think she still has a lot of potential that hasn't been discovered, but it seems..."

Speaking of this, Konstante thought for a second and looked at the girl and asked, "Is it the restriction you imposed on her?"

"How is it possible." The main god girl shook her head and said, "In my prediction, she will definitely meet my requirements, and it is even possible to surpass us... But I brought that little cat girl to her At the same time, she also changed the direction and speed at which she should become stronger, so..."

"So this is not something that you and I should intervene too much." Constand stroked his beard and said, "Every creature has its own way to go. As guardians, we should not be too involved in managing the world." to interfere with the course of things."

"Come on!"

The girl waved her hand disdainfully, "Your method of cultivating Buddhism is not suitable for me. This is something that has been determined for a long time. The heir you are optimistic about will probably spend more time and energy to grow up than I don't know. How many times."

"It can't be compared...but you're right, I'm a free-range model, and it's unpredictable what she will look like, but at the same time, she also has unlimited possibilities."

"What do you know, old man? In this world, only love has infinite possibilities. If there is no love in your heart, where is the possibility?"

The girl snorted coldly and said, "Humans are different from other creatures. In desperate situations, in order to get back to their loved ones, their unleashed strength is often not measurable by statistics."

"That's why the world is so wonderful and beautiful..." Constand nodded at the moment in agreement with the girl's words.

"Emotions largely affect a person's comprehensive strength, fear, jealousy, hatred, anger, belief, survival... those who abandon these things to gain strength, just go to an extreme, and it is a very limited extreme .”

"That's right, that's it, that's why I did this, in order to stimulate her limit."

The girl's voice sank, and Constand took a deep look at her.

"If you arrange it like this, she will probably, no, she will hate you in the future. You are the guardian and she is the heir. If the relationship between you breaks down, it will be a disaster for the world you are guarding..."

"That's why..." The girl suddenly twirled in the air mischievously, and said with a smile: "I'm giving her a vaccination, let her realize it first... and what's more, I'm actually ready thing."

"It's hard to understand!" Constand asked strangely. "In that case, it would be impossible for her to be separated again, and it would be impossible for her to be resurrected...Anyone can do it, but she is absolutely impossible."

"No, it's possible." The girl came over mysteriously, lowered her head and said to Constand, "Didn't I just say that human emotions will have an impact, and this impact can also affect this infinite universe. .”

Konstante was stunned for a moment, and it took several seconds for him to come back to his senses and sigh: "That's right, if your preparations are useful..."

In Xiaotong's eyes, these two were already infinitely powerful.

So at this moment, no matter whether it was the main god girl or this Constand, Xiao Tong could not understand a word they said.

Is this the knowledge blind spot brought about by the gap in strength?

But no matter what, what she can understand now is that she has caused trouble, and it is not an ordinary trouble.

"Okay, the matter here is over for the time being, and now I have to clean up you, my dear disabled subordinate."

The main god girl turned her head, looked at Xiaotong who had been divided into several shares and said with a smile.

"That, that, that, Lord God, give me one more chance! Xiao Tong will definitely not make his own way again!" Xiao Tong put on a miserable and pitiful expression on his head.

"That can't be done!" The girl took Xiaotong's arm and dangled it in front of her eyes, "If you do something wrong, you will be punished. If you don't do anything and put you back, wouldn't it be embarrassing for me? So Ah... hey hey!"

"Ah! No, no, no, Lord God!"

Konstante sighed, ignoring the transformation experiment that started later, but looked at Tang Lingyan and the cat girl in the weird world.

Afterwards, his gaze crossed countless worlds, and finally fixed on a silver-haired little girl with red and blue pupils.

Such a comparison, there is indeed a long way to go, I hope it will become more interesting.

Constand thought so...

===Splitting line====

The gate shattered under Tang Lingyan's blow, and the cat girl and the others were stunned by this scene.

"This, this is too strong!" At the same time as the little cat girl sighed, the shock wave generated by the shattered giant door came to them in an instant.

It was as if a hoe had plowed the ground, and everything on the surface was lifted by the shock wave.

While the dust was flying, the weird disappearance also stopped, and everything around became quiet.

Including those strong winds, thunder and lightning, and volcanoes, etc., they all died down under this shock wave.

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