Perhaps it was just a coincidence, and it was also related to the fact that the demon was in a state of exhaustion, but both Xiao Han and Xia Yinglu hoped that the cat girl would have such a talent.

But at the same time, what they need to pay attention to is that the kitten girl will not adapt to this.

714 Can I Eat This?

"Tear the chicken!"

Regarding the death of their companions, the remaining chicken tearers became even crazier.

They yelled and tried their best to kill the chicken lover who had been subdued, while the chicken lover who was rescued by the little cat girl saw that the situation was not good, and ran away in the same direction as he came and went.

Although it seems clumsy to act, when dealing with life and death, any creature will make such a correct choice when there is a glimmer of life and all companions are dead.

The devil who loves to touch chickens is no exception.

"Gently, are you alright?" Su Yan'er asked the little cat girl worriedly.

Her pink eyebrows were slightly frowned, and her red lips were half parted. After she finished vomiting, the little cat girl gasped heavily. After seeing the casualties she had caused again, she fell into silence for a while.

The cat girl didn't answer Su Yan'er's question, but Luo Ling's voice sounded at this time.

"Well, I want to ask..."

Everyone looked at her, even the cat girl.

At this time, Luo Ling suddenly asked, did he discover something urgent or important?

I saw the girl pointing to the place where the cat girl vomited just now and said: "Can I take these back and taste them slowly? After all, they are lightly vomited things, so they can't be wasted... If I can take them away...ah ~! No, I can’t, the thought of kissing lightly and deeply...ah!"

"Go to hell with me, you disgusting pervert!"

Just now he was a little hesitant about the weaving bow that he used to kill the demon, whether he could have the confidence to pick up its cat girl again at this moment, but at this moment he shot Luo Ling with it without hesitation.

"If it's possible, I still hope to be kicked by you gently~~~" Luo Ling's voice gradually faded away, but the perverted voice stimulated the little cat girl to tremble all over.

"It's really a hopeless change...a best friend!" Xiao Han complained, and then tentatively called out to the little cat girl: "That, lightly?"

"Huh!" The little cat girl snorted coldly, then turned around and shot an arrow at Xiao Han.

"I'll go!" Xiao Han was very close to the cat girl, so the arrow almost reached Xiao Han's eyes in the blink of an eye.

But the target of this light arrow was not Xiaohan, it just brushed past Xiaohan's face, and with a whoosh, it flew towards the chicken-loving demon in the distance.

The chicken-splitters with their backs to the cat girl and the others are yelling and chasing the last chicken-crawler. It seems that even if they are seriously injured, they are not willing to be run away by the chicken-crawler .

At such a critical juncture, the situation of the devil who loves to die and touch chickens is very bad. If he maintains his current escape speed, he will be caught up in a short time.

And that would mess up their plans.

The light arrow easily crossed the distance between the devil and the cat girl, and the moment it quickly caught up with the other party, the light arrow changed its direction and rose into the sky.

In the gap that the chicken lovers didn't notice, the arrow of light fell straight from the air, and then pierced straight into the ground in front of them, followed by a dazzling explosion.

Use mental power to control the rage of the soul power, and then make the light arrow explode.

Although it is such a simple action, it also consumes a lot of energy of the cat girl.

After shooting the arrow, the little cat girl sat down on the ground regardless of her image, panting violently.

The fireworks produced by the explosion made the chicken lovers have to stop. Although the explosion of the light arrow did not cause any substantial damage to them, it also played a good role in deterring them.

When the fireworks dissipated, these chicken lovers who didn't know how to take a detour were still on guard around the place to prevent the invisible enemy from attacking again.

And the chicken lover who needs protection has already fled far away.

Seeing this scene, these chicken tearing demons couldn't chase after them anymore, but walked around and slowly returned to the valley.

"I'll help you recover, gently!"

Su Yan'er came over at this time. Originally, she wanted to help the cat girl recover from the beginning, but she never had the chance.

And Phoenix and the others looked at her curiously, not knowing what she was going to do.

At this moment, the little cat girl was dripping with sweat on her forehead, she didn't have the energy to answer Su Yan'er, she just took a breath.And Su Yan'er half knelt down in front of her...

The vermilion lips parted slightly, and the girl clasped her pious hands under her chin and began to pray. A singing sound that seemed to be admonish and holy floated out of the air.

The colored light sprinkled the stars, and they danced in the air as if they were alive.

Xiao Han and Xia Yinglu glanced at each other, and quickly opened the soul power cover to envelop the little cat girl and Su Yan'er inside.

The vision of heaven and earth is covered up, but the surprise inside the shield is still unfolding.

The little cat girl stared blankly at the elf with light wings in front of her, and even forgot that she was not breathing.

This mischievous elf was born from the starlight. She glanced at the little cat girl curiously, then kissed her on the face intimately, followed by a huge amount of energy.

"Haha, hahaha..."

The cute and innocent laughter echoed in her ears, and the kitten girl stood up involuntarily, and then the stars in the air began to inject into her body.

Her soul power is recovering, her physical fatigue and negative influences are also disappearing, and most importantly, she feels that her mental power is also recovering.

Although it wasn't like Tang Lingyan's ability to help her recover with every gesture, such an obvious process still surprised the cat girl.

This is different from when her sister helped her recover, the little cat girl didn't feel anything, but Su Yan'er's mysterious skill made Fenmao feel the process of mental power from exhaustion to fullness.

"Well, it's so comfortable..."

She snorted involuntarily, her mind filled with the joy of flying through the universe.

What came to her ears was Su Yan'er's very beautiful but unspeakable singing voice as always, and the little cat girl felt that she had forgotten all her troubles at this moment.

The mischievous elf continued to revolve around the pink fur as the surrounding light became more intense, and finally disappeared abruptly, everything came to an abrupt end.

At this moment, Su Yan'er was also shaking and almost fell down, Phoenix quickly stepped forward to support her.

When the little cat girl opened her eyes, she was still immersed in the wonderful feeling just now, she looked at Su Yan'er who was also panting and asked: "It's so powerful, so comfortable, what was that just now? "

Facing the happy smile of the little cat girl, Su Yan'er's breath was stagnant, and when she was about to answer her, Xia Yinglu suddenly interrupted: "Is this a song of blessing?"

"Yes." Facing Xia Yinglu's burning eyes, Su Yan'er nodded in affirmation.

"However, my strength is too weak. If I activate it once, I will almost lose my mobility." Su Yan'er smiled wryly, "and the effect is very limited."

715 The Chasing Catgirl

Hearing this, Xia Yinglu shook her head and said, "Recovering your soul power and mental power is already abnormal, and what limits you now is your strength and proficiency. These are just a matter of time."

"Yeah, it's indeed a matter of time." Su Yan'er took the mat that Phoenix handed over and placed it underneath, so as not to sit on the dirt.

"But I just don't have time right now..."

Su Yan'er's inexplicable words stunned the people around her, and she said in a panic, "Well, leave me alone, Gentleman, how do you feel now?"

"The state is full!" The little cat girl felt her own changes, and then said to Su Yan'er with stars in her eyes, "And it seems that the discomfort of killing that demon just now has been eliminated. It's amazing Susu ,You're great!"

"Tch, obviously my sister is countless times better than her, okay, whether it's physical strength or strength on the bed..." Tang Lingyan, who was hiding in the dark, snorted dissatisfied.

The heart was hit like a heavy hammer, and Su Yan'er blushed after seeing the foul expression of the little cat girl.

"Yeah, it's not as good as you said. I still have a lot to improve... Well, that, now that you've recovered, I'll leave it to you to track down that cock-crawler!"

For Su Yan'er blushing and changing the subject, the little cat girl didn't notice anything.

"Ah, if you don't tell me, I'd almost forget it!" The little cat girl said inwardly, and then looked in the direction of the chicken lover.

At this moment, the seriously injured chicken-loving demon has turned into a small dot in the sky. Judging from this situation, if he doesn't catch up, he will lose his trace.

"Then I'll go and track it down first, and you guys just wait here for my return!"

After finishing speaking, the little cat girl flew up as soon as she opened her wings, and then flew close to the ground towards the devil who loves to touch chickens.

"Then I'll go with me too, and you can move around here, so that you won't be found when you come back." Xiao Han ordered and followed.

After all, compared to Xia Yinglu, tracking and personal protection are still Xiaohan's strengths. Who told Xia Yinglu not to teleport?

Of course, it was just an accident that the cat girl was sent away in front of her.

Seeing the two go away, Xia Yinglu beckoned Phoenix to sit down and rest.

"Can this song of blessing of yours affect the group?" Xia Yinglu suddenly asked Su Yan'er.

Turning her eyes away from the kitten girl who was going away, Su Yan'er nodded and said, "It's possible, but there are not many people I can bless at the same time, and the effect will be greatly reduced due to the dispersion of the number of people."

"That's not a problem. As long as you can improve your strength at the Holy Spirit Academy, I believe these problems will be solved."

Su Yan'er knew what Xia Yinglu said, so she took advantage of the situation and asked, "Then on weekdays, can I come to Sister Xia to ask questions about cultivation?"

After saying this, Phoenix and Xia Yinglu looked at her thoughtfully.

The two people have different ideas, but in the final analysis, they both guessed a piece.

Compared with improving her strength, Su Yan'er's blushing looks like she wants to get close to the cat girl.

"Of course it's no problem, and didn't you say it before, you have such a rare ability, Xiaohan and I will protect you within our ability."

This was Xia Yinglu's promise to Su Yan'er when the little cat girl was still in the disappearance stage in the stronghold of the Holy Spirit Academy.

The difference is that this time Xia Yinglu also made the same promise to Phoenix: "Phoenix is ​​the same, if you have any problems in cultivation, you can come to us."

"Really? That's great!" Phoenix was a little bit disappointed at first, but he immediately became happy after receiving such care from Xia Yinglu.

Tang Lingyan, who was in the distance, nodded, thinking that Xia Yinglu was quite good at wooing people, anyway, she was helping the little cat girl, and she couldn't refuse.

Especially that Su Yaner's ability is indeed very useful for the little cat girl...

But I hope they don't have any strange ideas about Qingqing, Tang Lingyan thought so, and then followed the little cat girl.

At this moment, the roar of [Tear Chicken] came from the valley below.

When a few people looked for the sound, they heard the tragic cry of the Kimo chicken.

It turned out that those chicken-loving monsters were all catching Kimo chickens in the strange flowers and flowers below, and after catching them, they began to repeat the action of the chicken-loving monster at the beginning-pulling the Kimo chickens and running in the valley.

All of a sudden, the screams of clucking and screams like "Kimo Chicken, Tear Chicken" can be heard endlessly.

After a while, a lot of Kimo chickens below were torn in half, and then devoured by the devil who loves to tear chickens.

"The injury is recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye!" Phoenix looked at the chicken tearing monsters in surprise and said, "Could it be that the Kimo chicken has such an effect?"

"Yeah, a completely incomprehensible situation, but shouldn't we go clean up the spoils?"

In fact, it is just to pick up the corpses, Phoenix nodded, then looked at Su Yaner and said: "You should rest here, I will use the storage space to directly collect those who love to die The chicken devil's corpse will do..."

With that said, Phoenix ran over alone without waiting for them to refuse.

"Huh?" Su Yan'er wanted to stop her, but Phoenix had already left.

"Then let's keep an eye on these chicken tearers, in case they suddenly go out and bump into Phoenix." Xia Yinglu said, "How long will it take you to recover?"

"I can release another blessing in about an hour, but now I don't have much mobility." Su Yan'er smiled wryly, feeling like a burden.

But it's good to be teamed up with the cat girl and the others, otherwise it would be very difficult for her to complete the task given that she doesn't have many means of attack.

"It's okay, you can rest with peace of mind. At this time, you should leave it to your teammates." Xia Yinglu said.

"I see."

"Hey? Where are Qingqing and Xiaohan? Where did they go?" Luo Ling walked back and asked.

"I'm going after that devil who loves to touch chickens." Su Yan'er glanced at her, then turned back to stare at the valley below.

"What? You didn't take me with you on such an important task?" Luo Ling patted her chest heartbrokenly, and then looked at the trace that the cat girl had vomited before.

"Hey hey, hey hey hey, since there's nothing you can do about it, take these away as compensation for leaving me behind!"

Luo Ling said silently in her heart, and then approached the mud.

The process for Phoenix to take away the corpses of the chicken lovers went smoothly: "Just find a time to take out the crystals in their bodies!"

Phoenix said happily after returning, and Luo Ling also said calmly: "That's right, as long as you find a time to extract it, you can eat it."


Well, it's almost over, the next event is about to start

There's not much foreshadowing here

It is scheduled that there will be several staged events in the college chapter, and then it will reach a climax, and then the next super novel new development will start.

I don't know if you expect

The cat girl will turn into a cute XXX!

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