The momentum of this blow was incredible, but Auston, who was in the center of the sound wave, remained motionless.

"Hmph! I wasn't as miserable as he was when I was young." Alston snorted coldly, then wiped his horns and put on a handsome pose.

"Don't be smug here, it's not bad to use your corner to grind powder, now time is running out, so hurry up and find Her Royal Highness with me."

"My horn is much more beautiful than yours, Cyke." Auston touched his own horn again, and then asked solemnly: "So, what's going on, Your Royal Highness? Why did she suddenly disappear? !"

"I don't know very well. I only know that when the maid guarding the palace tonight was on routine vigil, she suddenly noticed a glow in the Wancai Palace. When she went to check, Her Royal Highness the Princess had disappeared." This madman named Sai Ke The war tauren said.

"How could this be?" Oston was very puzzled, Wancai Palace was heavily guarded, and Her Royal Highness was sleeping again, how could she disappear strangely! ?

"Don't talk about these useless things, hurry up and find Her Royal Highness with us!" Sai Ke urged.

"Don't worry, how can you find the princess just by searching around like this?" Alston snorted coldly, "If you can find Her Royal Highness by just looking around, then so many people outside have already found it."

"Although what you said makes sense, why do we Berserk Tauren think so much!?" Saike took a deep breath and said, "That's Her Royal Highness! Haven't you seen her before? Have you seen her?" Have you ever seen her cute sleeping face, and seen the soft and delicate appearance of Her Royal Highness!?"

Sai Ke suddenly exhaled hot air from his thick nose, and roared excitedly: "I have never seen a cat girl who is cuter than Her Royal Highness! Those cat ears and cat tail are simply masterpieces from heaven!"

"From the moment I saw her, I, Sai Ke, decided that as long as I am still alive, I must find a way to wake up the princess! Let her beautiful eyes be full of life! Let her lovely figure shine on the entire Liuxu Dalu! You bastard still said don’t worry at this time!? Let me tell you, I’m so mad that I want to chop you with an axe!”

Sai Ke shook the giant ax in his hand, and the ax shook, and there was a strong cry. If it hit the target, no one would be spared.

"Are you in a hurry!? What's the use of being in a hurry? Are you in a hurry to find the princess?" Alston snorted, and thin lightning sparks sprayed out of his nose.

This is a sign of the purple electric tauren's mood swings.

"Let me tell you Sai Ke, I am also someone who has met the princess, and I have sworn to protect our royal family. Do you think I am not in a hurry when the princess is gone? But there is no use in being anxious now!"

Auston scolded loudly: "Your anxiety will only make you lose your judgment and let you be led by the nose by the enemy! Her Royal Highness is gone. The first thing we need to do is to find clues, instead of going all over the world like those fools outside. rummaging around!"

Hearing this, Saike snorted, and then smashed the giant ax in his hand to the ground, which immediately cracked the ground that had been traumatized by Auston's purple lightning.

"Then tell me, what should we do now!?"

"First of all!" Alston has been pretending to be calm. To be honest, the anxiety in his heart is not as low as that of Bike, but at this time he also understands that it is useless to be anxious.

Auston stretched out two fingers as thick as mineral water bottles and said: "We need to clarify two questions, the first is whether or not Her Royal Highness woke up by herself and ran outside, and the second is, if not the first One, then we have to consider that Her Royal Highness was taken away by someone, so who has this motive."

Cyke lowered his head and thought about the two questions raised by Auston and asked, "Then which one do you think it is!?"

In fact, this is a very simple question, but Sai Ke still didn't figure it out, Oston couldn't help but shook his head in his heart, the berserk tauren still only knows how to use brute force, and the huge head grows out like a chamber pot, it's just a decoration .

No, at least the chamber pot is still useful, his head is full of muscles that can only use brute force.

"Looking at the current situation, it is obviously the second type."

Auston also understood that it was unrealistic for the Berserker Tauren to think, so he explained it directly without beating around the bush.

"Why the second type?" Sai Ke scratched the horn and asked.

"Because if Her Royal Highness woke up and left Wancai Palace by herself, then with her current strength, she would not be able to go very far, let alone let the numerous guards slip away without noticing."

"Well, that's true." Saike nodded, "His Royal Highness has been sleeping in the Wancai Palace since she was a child. Although it is rude to say so, let alone her strength, maybe even her mind is not enough to support her to leave Wancai Palace. palace."

Originally, Cyke wanted to say that he was mentally incomplete. After all, the princess fell asleep before receiving education.

But after thinking about it, Sai Ke still shut up. No matter how he said this, he was a bit scolding the princess.

"Yes, if you think about it this way, then it is only possible that Her Royal Highness was kidnapped by someone."

Oston said: "You also mentioned that the maid saw the glow of the sun, maybe it was the method used by the thieves to kidnap the princess under our noses."

"who is it!?"

Sai Ke picked up his giant ax and pointed at the sky, shouting: "Who dares to take away our princess! I will definitely make him pay in blood!"

"What are you talking about, you stupid pig!" Oston immediately stopped Sai Ke, "What blood debts, aren't you cursing Her Royal Highness for an accident!?"

After being glared at by Oston, Sai Ke restrained himself and said, "I'm trying to frighten the enemy."

"I think you're just frightening the air, you're such a fool."

Alston sighed.

"Since we know that Her Royal Highness was taken away, the other party must have prepared well for taking her away. It is impossible for us to find her so easily."

Hearing this, Sai Ke snorted coldly: "Then you still don't know anything after analyzing it for a long time. If you just talk but don't do anything, why not just follow us to find the princess! At least seal off the border gates and give the thief who took the princess away Block it!"

Auston nodded in agreement: "Your suggestion is good. I didn't expect your brain to be useful. However, blocking various arteries is secondary. We must first know who our opponent is, and I already have It's a rough guess."

A mysterious smile suddenly appeared on the corner of Auston's mouth, but such an expression made by the stout tauren really couldn't make people feel how mysterious it was.

838 Tauren and Pure Love Warrior (11)

Hearing this, Sai Ke asked quickly: "Really!? Tell me, who is it!? No matter who did it, I, Sai Ke, will save the princess!"

"It's very simple, think about it, what's the benefit of kidnapping a sleeping princess? Unless you want to threaten our orcs, especially our tauren..."

"Did you mean..." Sai Ke opened his eyes wide in disbelief.

"You guessed right! They are - pure love fighters!"

When Alston finished saying this name, a strong wind suddenly hung up in the venue, and the sky seemed to become dark, as if everything around was brewing a strong and breathtaking storm.

"Those self-proclaimed noble fighters of pure love! Only they have this motive!"

Auston said with righteous indignation: "Only they want us to submit, they want to destroy the lofty ideals and freedom of our tauren! But this is impossible, they don't understand the happiness of tauren at all!"

"Really!? It turned out to be a warrior of pure love, hehe~"

Sai Ke suddenly couldn't stop laughing wildly: "Pure Love Warrior, I will make you pay a terrible price, I want you to be trampled by the tauren's hooves!"

"For the tauren!" Alston yelled.

"For the tauren!" Sai Ke shouted.

"Down with the Pure Love Warrior!"

"Down with the Pure Love Warrior!"


While the orcs were anxiously searching for their princess, on the other side of the continent, far away from the orcs, lived the largest group of pure love warriors on the Liuxu continent.

The pure love warrior is the name of a humanoid creature. The reason why they are called the pure love warrior is because this creature hates the tauren.

It's more of a physical distaste, like cats dislike pungent smells, and warriors of pure love dislike tauren.

The reason is not clear, perhaps because it is an instinct engraved in the genes, they hate tauren from the beginning of their birth.

Over time, they were dubbed warriors of pure love by other intelligent beings.

And the pure love warriors themselves also like this name very much, so the name of their ethnic group was decided like this.

The pure love fighters established the pure love federation, which is composed of large and small towns. They usually live and work in peace and contentment, but there are also pure love fighters who are selected as the most important combat power training of the entire ethnic group.

Among the pure love fighters, there is also a variant called magic pure love fighters. Their appearance is no different from ordinary pure love fighters, but they are born with some special functions.

Among them, an old pure love female warrior who has lived for nearly a thousand years is honored by the pure love warriors as the pure love wizard, and she has the ability of divination.

Tonight, this prestige pure love wizard in the group of pure love warriors suddenly received instructions from heaven.

[The unknown of the abyss repeats the darkness, the savior of creation descends justice, and love and light will compose new poems. 】

A short sentence made this pure love wizard stand silently on the astrologer for a long time. She kept chanting complicated and difficult words in her mouth, and her old mouth kept opening and closing. All full of oppressive atmosphere.

The starry sky gradually darkened, and the figure of the old wizard gradually became bent. At a certain moment, two full moons suddenly pierced the darkness of the sky, and the pure love wizard fell off the astrologer with a strange cry.

"Queen of pure love! I want to see the queen of pure love!" The wizard of pure love yelled hoarsely as he lay on the ground.


For riding the teleportation array, the little cat girl still has a lot of experience, and it can be said that she is familiar with the road.

Regardless of whether it was in the villa at the beginning, I was tricked by my sister into chanting shameful spells and making shameful movements to teleport.

Later, she came to the Holy Spirit College and used the teleportation array in the college skillfully. It can be said that the cat girl's teleportation experience is very rich.

Not to mention that sometimes Tang Lingyan and Xiao Han would also take her to teleport. The feeling of using soul power to teleport is different from the teleportation array.

But no matter what it is, the little cat girl thinks that she has adapted perfectly.

But now in the teleportation array going to Liuxu Continent, the little cat girl felt something strange.

A call from somewhere far away.

"Gently, gently~"

Calling like an old friend who hasn't seen her for a long time, the little cat girl doesn't know if it is her illusion, because occasionally she can hear such weird voices in the teleportation array, for example, someone is calling herself, but most of the time it is an illusion.

After all, the teleportation arrays are used for long-distance teleportation, and it is normal for some strange noises to occasionally mix in the teleportation channel.

These sounds may be sounds from the world that the transmission channel passes through, or they may just be hallucinations generated during the transmission process.

It must be a hallucination...

The little cat girl thought, no one would call her for no reason.

When he was so relieved, Tang Lingyan was getting impatient waiting outside the front base of the Holy Spirit Academy.

According to the time, Qingqing should come out now...

However, there was no response from the teleportation array!

As time passed, Tang Lingyan had a bad feeling in her heart. Just as she was about to check in the teleportation array, Xiao Han, Xia Yinglu and Luo Ling appeared from the teleportation array.

And the only thing she doesn't have is her kitten girl!

"Where is it lightly!?" Xia Yinglu immediately noticed that the little cat girl who was supposed to be holding her was missing.

Both Xiao Han and Luo Ling looked around in disbelief, but there was no kitten girl anywhere.

At this moment, a beam of aurora suddenly shot out from the teleportation array, and disappeared into the sky before Xiao Han and Xia Yinglu could react.

"That seems to be Miss!" Xia Yinglu glanced hastily, and saw the little cat girl wrapped in the aurora.

"Come on!"

Xiao Han's figure disappeared in an instant, and she was able to teleport through space, so she was much faster than Xia Yinglu.

In the blink of an eye, Xiao Han had already disappeared into the sky.

Xia Yinglu and Luo Ling were left to chase after on foot, and their speed was like snails in comparison.

Tang Lingyan was faster than Xiaohan, and she had already made a move the moment she saw the aurora.

I saw Tang Lingyan appear next to the little cat girl in an instant, and saw that she was wrapped in a mysterious light, and she was closing her eyes peacefully at the moment, as if she had fallen asleep.


Tang Lingyan yelled, but the cat girl couldn't hear her at all.

Since she couldn't hear, Tang Lingyan had no choice but to forcibly hug the cat girl.

But what was very strange was that no matter how Tang Lingyan touched the little cat girl, she seemed to be blurred, passing through her hands like the wind, as if she had no entity.

"I will never allow it!" Tang Lingyan roared, she would never allow anyone to take her kitty away.

The soul power of the whole body soared, and Tang Lingyan forcibly tore the sky, which was already in the night, into two halves. Almost all creatures in the Liuxu Continent could see this terrifying scene.

839 The Familiar Different World Crossing (12)

But even so, Tang Lingyan's tyrannical soul power still couldn't make the aurora on the kitty's body disappear, at most it could only reduce a part of it.


An extremely strong force erupted from the bottom of his heart, Tang Lingyan rarely fully activated his soul power, but this time he didn't care so much.

The brilliant ten-color soul power illuminated the entire Liuxu Continent into daylight, and all the creatures on the surface were trembling. Tang Lingyan's soul power could almost penetrate this world, splitting the Liuxu Continent in half with one punch!

But even so, no matter what method she used, the cat girl still disappeared before her eyes.

The soul power is useless, the mental power is useless, looking at the direction where the cat girl disappeared, Tang Lingyan silently extinguished the violent soul power all over her body.

"Phew, this guy scared me to death, why is his talent so terrifying?"

Shenhu Liuyue, who was in the endless void, patted her chest and asked: "This woman is so strong before she becomes a demigod. If she really becomes a god, I'm afraid even you can't stop her?"

"Naturally, otherwise, why do you think I have to go to great lengths to train her?" the main god girl said proudly.

"But are you sure you can control her?"

Liu Yue looked worriedly at Tang Lingyan on the screen, and Tang Lingyan seemed to have noticed her prying eyes after the burst of soul power, and those sharp and cold eyes seemed to look at Liu Yue through the screen.

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