"There is actually a shrine here!"

Xia Yinglu stepped forward with some surprise.Then she walked around the shrine, and she looked around, all of which were small peaks with strange rocks.

If you don't pay attention, this place can easily be overlooked.

967 You will become a cat girl (8)

But the shrine looks a little miserable.

Its surface has been scratched by the strong wind, and the outer layer has become bumpy, and the statue of the god fox enshrined inside has become blurred over the years.

Hu Yu stepped forward and gently touched the wind-eroded god statue with his hand.

The delicate skin scraped across the rough stone, and Hu Yu could vaguely recognize the appearance of the statue from his memory, but no one had come to enshrine it for countless years.

"It looks like it's integrated with the surrounding strange rocks, and it's easy to miss if you don't look closely." Xia Yinglu said.

The little cat girl looked at Hu Yu's nostalgic and yearning expression and asked, "What's wrong with you, Hu Yutan?"

"Ah? No, nothing." Hu Yu took a step back, then looked at Tang Lingyan: "So what's the mystery here?"

"Come on lightly!"

"Huh? Me?"

The cat girl walked into the shrine, looked around and asked, "What am I going to do?"

"Put your hand on top of the idol's head."


According to the words, the little cat girl stretched out her hand...

Two seconds passed.

"Uh, that..."

"Haha, hahaha..." Luo Ling, who had been in a state of exhaustion, suddenly laughed energetically, "Gently, you are not as tall as this statue! Hahaha..."

Even if the cat girl stood on tiptoe, she couldn't reach the head of the statue enshrined in the shrine. She blushed when she heard Luo Ling's laughter.

"This shrine is so tall, what can I do!? Why are you laughing, don't laugh!"

As soon as the words were finished, the cat girl raised the Weaving Bow and shot Luo Ling away with an arrow.

Then Fenmao's eyes swept over everyone, and everyone put on a serious expression to show that they were not smiling.


With a slight cold snort, the cat girl spread her wings and flew away from the ground, only then did she touch the head of the statue with her small hand.


In just a split second, something pricked her finger, and the little catgirl screamed reflexively, and then took a few steps back.


The ground immediately trembled, and the cat girl fell to the ground and asked, "What's wrong? An earthquake?"

"No, miss, it's the idol that's moving."

After Xia Yinglu's reminder, the little cat girl saw that the god fox statue, whose appearance could not be seen clearly, was trembling violently, and a crack meandered down from its head.

Tang Lingyan squinted her eyes at this scene. She also came to try this god fox statue, but of course there was no reaction at that time.

According to the instructions on the mural, the supplicant needs to climb up the Tyranny Mountain on foot, and then get the [Key] from the shrine halfway up the mountain.

【The devout ones, Master Shenhu will give a response】.

If what was recorded on the mural was true, then it was because she wasn't pious enough that she didn't respond when she touched it?

Tang Lingyan felt that this was all nonsense, and now that the shrine had reacted to the cat girl, this further deepened Tang Lingyan's suspicion of the fox.

However, before he had said domineeringly about meeting a god and killing a god, but if a feather really turned into a god fox in Liuxu Continent, Tang Lingyan knew that he had no chance of winning.

Even if she can destroy the Liuxu Continent with one move now.

She subconsciously looked at the distant starry sky, where besides the stars, there were many beings outside the domain, but none of them looked at her.

In other words, no one noticed that Tang Lingyan was observing them.

Similarly, Tang Lingyan could not see Shenhu who was watching her.

"What a keen intuition...why does she always look at me?" Liu Yue Chiguo was lying on the bed with her body crossed, eating very expensive snacks.

"Otherwise she won't be my default successor." The main god girl sighed, and then said with some distress, "Can you eat less, I don't have much Shenxinguo in stock."

"This is your compensation!" Liu Yue snorted dissatisfiedly, and then ate another one, "Besides, I haven't settled with you yet!"

"Account? What account!?" The main god girl pretended not to understand.

"What do you say!"

"Oh~ You mean to take off your clothes, I have already said that this is a necessary procedure for treatment."

"Then is it a necessary procedure for you to touch my body now!?" Liu Yue threw off the quilt and kicked the main god girl.

"leave me alone!"

"Hey, why are you ashamed when you're an old couple!?"

"Get out! Who is with you, old husband and wife! If it weren't for my injury, I could only come to you, I should have known that I shouldn't have come back!"

"Hey~ So it's better to take advantage of me, little fox~"


As the cracks in the statue became bigger and bigger, the shaking of the ground also became more violent.



The outer layer of the statue peeled off, revealing what was hidden inside.

"what is this!?"

The little catwoman stabilized her body and took a closer look. It turned out that there was a smaller statue inside the statue!

With the peeling off of the outer layer, the smaller statue inside is much more delicate and compact, and it is extremely clean.

At the same time, there is also a blue bead under the idol.

The little cat girl picked it up and found that this bead was somewhat similar to the Gangfeng bead that Tang Lingyan had taken away.

"It should be this bead." Tang Lingyan said, "Hold it gently in your hand, let's move on!"

"Well, this is it?"



A group of people observed here carefully, and left after thinking that there was nothing missing.

Only Hu Yu walked at the end alone, she turned her head and bowed to the exposed little idol, and then said a few words to it in a low voice, before following the little cat girl and the others.

And as the road up the mountain became steeper and steeper, the little cat girl could clearly feel the pressure and energy consumption exerted by each step intensified.

"Huh~ah~ I'm so tired... I almost can't even step up to mess with it!"

The little cat girl is now almost always climbing up the stairs. The one who is similar to her is Hu Yu, and the worst one is Luo Ling.

"Hmph! A useless orc, it's just so little... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Neliya hugged her head and started to ache.

Xia Yinglu and Xiaohan originally wanted to help the little cat girl, but they gave up when Tang Lingyan stopped them. In the end, they could only help Luo Ling and Hu Yu to catch up.

Sweat mixed with exhaustion kept pouring into her body, and the little cat girl was at the back at the moment, and Tang Lingyan was following her.

"How about lightly, okay?"

"Not bad..."

The little cat girl barely said this, but she actually felt very bad.

There was slight pain and severe fatigue in the body, and every movement, including breathing, seemed to be exhausted.

She really wanted to rest now, so she fell asleep.

And the blue bead held by the little cat girl has been increasing its brightness as she ascends the steps, and the bead becomes brighter with each step up.

On the other hand, if she took a step back, or if Xia Yinglu carried her up a step, the bead would dim a bit.

It can be seen that the cat girl can only walk up by herself.

But now she really feels the limit...

"Well, sister, please help me..."

968 Isn’t it common sense that sweaty cat girls will turn rancid (9)

But it seemed that Tang Lingyan's efforts to restore her energy were not within the scope of cheating. Even with the help of her sister, the little cat girl became alive and well again, the blue bead still didn't lose half of its radiance.

It's just that the stone steps are too long, and the little cat girl climbed for a long time without seeing the end.

"Aww~ I'm exhausted..."

Feeling that her calves were trembling, the cat girl had to stop again.

And as the stone steps climbed higher and higher, the cat girl could clearly feel the pressure on her body rapidly increasing.

At this moment, she felt that she was moving forward with a huge boulder the size of a house on her back. Although it was a bit exaggerated and it was an illusion, the real restriction on her body was correct.

But fortunately, she has Tang Lingyan to help her recover, so the cat girl can still persist.

It's just that she became heavier and heavier, and the exhaustion in the cat's heart also intensified. It didn't take long for her to have hallucinations.

In reality, she was still climbing the steps mechanically and slowly, but the little cat girl with lifeless eyes had already fallen into a strange illusion.

Being chased by fish, repeatedly crushed by stones into cat girl sauce, and then mixed with noodles to make cat girl sauce noodles...


From day to night, the little cat girl finally climbed to the end of the stone steps at one o'clock in the morning.


After stepping on the last step, the cat girl fell to the ground, and Xia Yinglu had already prepared a blanket for her.

"How are you ma'am?"

"Oh~ I'm so tired, I feel like my whole body is falling apart..."


"I still have a strange smell..."

"I know!" Xiao Han interjected at this moment, "It's going to be rotten, right?"

"Turned?" The cat girl couldn't help being astonished, "I haven't expired, how could it turn sour?"

Xiao Han took out the camera and took a picture of her, and then said as a matter of course: "Sweat! If you don't wipe off the sweat in time, it will dry up on the surface of your body. After walking for so long today, cover it Just cover up the sweat."


The little cat girl quickly sat up and smelled her creaking nest: "Sniff~ Does it really smell bad?"

"You can't smell it yourself, so let me do this kind of work for you!"

Saying that, Xiao Han was about to come over to smell it with a pink face, but was dragged back by Hu Yu immediately.

"What are you doing?"

"What am I doing!? You are not allowed to sniff lightly! The important news is also for me!" Hu Yu was about to replace Xiao Han to complete this difficult and glorious job, when suddenly her whole body was alarmed and jumped away.


An extremely fine light beam fell on the position where she was standing just now, and at the same time, a small hole had been pierced through the ground by this light beam.

"There are enemies!"

Hu Yu yelled and looked forward, but the scene in the distance was shrouded in darkness, except for some densely packed red dots, there was nothing else to be seen.

"What are those things?"

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