
The little cat girl pointed at Luo Ling and asked, "What happened to her? Was she attacked by a rune puppet outside?"

"Oh, that's not true. It's just that I saw you taking a bath yesterday...cough cough, anyway, it's just a bit irritating, and I had a lot of nosebleeds this night. I'll take her to the pool over there to wash."

After finishing speaking, Xiao Han took out a piece of paper and wiped the nosebleed, then dragged Luo Ling, who had already been stained with blood, away.

Looking at the long bloody trail on the ground, the little cat girl tilted her head in doubt: "Why are you all having nosebleeds? Are you infected with some kind of virus?"

"It shouldn't be Miss, don't worry about them, come and have breakfast quickly."

Xia Yinglu looked at the pure and innocent eyes of the little cat girl and rubbed her nose, she almost recalled yesterday's scene again.

Damn, infected by these perverts!Obviously everyone is a girl, how could she have a nosebleed! ?

"It's weird..."

The little cat girl got up to wash up with doubts, and Tang Lingyan was already sitting on the table waiting for her.


After breakfast, the group set off from the mountain road behind the palace according to the predetermined route, to find the murals that recorded the method of breaking the curse of Ooo Madara.

And the blue bead that she got yesterday has been held in the palm of the little cat girl. Since she left the stone steps, the little cat girl found that its brightness has not changed any more.

After walking along the rugged mountain road for a while, they found the mural Tang Lingyan mentioned by a small pool.

This mural was inscribed on the bare stone wall, and next to the mural is a stream flowing down the river, which merges into a small pool, which is not deep, and only reaches the catwoman's knee.

The stream water was cold, and the cat girl touched it with her hand, only to find that the water contained a very strong wind element.

It should be formed in the environment where the strong wind blows for many years, but now the strong wind outside has been taken away by my sister.

"Let me see what's painted on this!"

Luo Ling squeezed to the front, stared at the mural and began to interpret it.

After a minute, she silently took a step back: "You guys should come."

"Tch, stupid mortal." Nelia snorted coldly in her heart.

The cat girl also looked at the content of the mural and tilted her head in doubt: "I don't understand it either, there is not a single word on it!"

"I'll come ma'am."

Xia Yinglu took a step forward, stared at the mural and began to explain.

"First of all, the first picture is a person praying to Shenhu. Look at the mark on his neck, is it exactly the same as your mark, Miss? So he should represent the person who is cursed by Ooo Madara. Only Shenhu can do it." Lift this curse."

"The following is Shenhu instructing this person to walk up from the bottom of the mountain of tyranny alone. The paintings on the side have other people helping to climb the steps, but in the end, there is no result. Only the one in the middle depicts a person's difficult ascent. That's what I mean when I saw Shenhu when I went up the stone steps."

"And there is a shrine halfway up the stairs, and the key to open the altar is hidden in the shrine, which must be obtained by the supplicant himself."

"Ah?" the little cat girl said a little uncomfortable, "Then if you see this mural, you will know how to remove it. Don't you have to go back to the foot of the mountain and walk again?"

Xia Yinglu nodded and said, "Theoretically, it should be like this."

Thinking of the pain she suffered when climbing the mountain yesterday, the cat girl subconsciously shuddered. Fortunately, Tang Lingyan came here to see it in advance, otherwise she would have to go back and do it all over again.

"Afterwards, the supplicant needs to reach the highest peak to find the platform for offering sacrifices and open it, and then obtain an oh-oh flower, um, it's a bit vague here... In the end, it means that as long as the conditions for offering sacrifices are met, Shenhu will automatically Miracles will come down to heal the supplicants."

"Sister Shenhu... will Lord Shenhu really perform miracles!?" Before the little cat girl could finish speaking, Hu Yu became excited, "Miracles and miracles mean that Lord Shenhu will manifest spirits, right! ?”

There were stars shining in Hu Yu's eyes, Xia Yinglu didn't know how to answer her for a while.

"Maybe, but whether the fox exists or not, and even if it exists, whether it will perform miracles is still a question."

After all, on this Liuxu Continent, no one has seen the miracle of the Shenhu for a long, long time.

It is not known whether the divine fox exists or not, and whether it is a fabricated false image.

After all, in many worlds, those in power use theocracy to adorn human rights.

After a long time, this fictitious theocracy and its image will be passed down in a distorted way, and finally people will not be able to tell the truth from the fake.

"No! Sister Shenhu definitely exists! And she will definitely perform miracles!"

Hu Yu's firm voice aroused everyone's doubts, and the cat girl looked at her and asked, "Shenhu... sister?"

She seems to have heard Hu Yu call that Shenhu more than once. Could it be because she is a fox clan, so she admires Shenhu but wants to get close to him?

Only Tang Lingyan smiled speciously: "Don't care if it's true or not, this is the only way for Qingqing now, right?"

"It's true, no matter what, we have to find out whether it's true or not when we get here."

Luo Ling took the little cat girl's little hand and said firmly: "Don't worry, gently, even if this method is useless in the end, I will always accompany you to find another way!"

"Can't you look forward to something good?" Hu Yu gave her a speechless look.

"Hmm~" The little cat girl touched the ooh spot on her neck, she hadn't had any flare-ups these days, and to be honest, she even underestimated this curse.

If it's just a non-painful mark on her neck, and it doesn't affect her life, Kitty herself won't care.

But she herself doesn't care, those who care about her do!

So no matter what, the little cat girl has to get rid of it.

After looking at the murals in Xiaoshuitan for a while, everyone decided to continue walking to the top of the mountain after they found nothing more.

"According to the mural, there should be flowers on the top of the mountain!?" The little cat girl looked up and suddenly her legs became weak.

Is the top of the mountain too high?

"Indeed there is." Tang Lingyan, who went up to see it, nodded, "Shouldn't you need to walk this route yourself, let's teleport it directly."


Thank you for your continued subscription and monthly pass, and support!

This is thanks to everyone for the update

Of course this is the first half, the second half will be posted tomorrow~

In this way, ten chapters a day, you won’t say I’m short~Hula~

The cute god contest, gently rush the duck!

Qingqing is the first time to participate in the Mengshen Contest (without avatar)

Thank you for your lovely support

The first day saw a slight rise to the top 10

Really happy very happy, super Kaisen

A pink-haired and weak cat girl, also like Qingqing’s first love, I really like very thin and gently

But Qingqing didn’t have extravagant hopes for the first place. What Weiqing thought was that I had existed in this ranking and had bloomed before, so I was satisfied.

Really really satisfied!

Thank you for your support every single heart

Just click into the Mengshen Contest, and then complete very simple daily tasks, you can cheer for Qingqing for free!

Of course, don’t worry about wasting the rewards, it will be discounted to Qingqing, and then it will become a reward and monthly ticket for everyone.

But everyone, don’t force yourself too much. My light wish is that you have a happy life. If you live happily and easily, you will be very satisfied. After all, you are the first batch of small fans who support me. I really cherish it.

All you little cuties are still willing to support me, an immature little author, and willing to keep subscribing lightly, so far I am really super happy

Thank you for your company all the way

Even if it falls down the leaderboard tomorrow or in the future, now Qingqing can pat her chest and say happily: I am very happy, thank you so much for every little heart

Your liking for Qingqing has already been received, this is the most precious gift.

971 Miniature version of the soft doll (12)

In the blink of an eye, the group arrived at the top of the Mountain of Tyranny.

"Wow! Good, good, high!"

The moment that caught my eye was the high-altitude flowing clouds and the cold wind blowing on her body. The cat girl tremblingly grasped Tang Lingyan's clothes and looked around.

To her surprise, here is a small flat land, and the end can be seen almost at a glance.

"How can there be any flowers here that are bare?"

The little cat girl looked carefully, but she didn't find the flower, but saw another thing that attracted attention.

It was a stone platform protruding from the ground, which was particularly eye-catching on the flat mountain top.

The cat girl leaned over and blew the dust on the surface of the stone platform, and the dense rune patterns on the stone platform were revealed.

"This thing must have been here for countless years."

Xia Yinglu looked around, this is a land of tyranny, few people have come to it for countless years, those adventurers who came to explore have all turned into dry bones on the outside, very few of them can come to the foot of the mountain of tyranny.

And almost no one can come to the top of this mountain of tyranny, and the tyrannical queen doesn't seem to frequent here.

"This stone platform has survived the erosion of the sun and the moon by the strong wind, and it has remained so intact. It seems that this is the altar mentioned in the mural."

Xiao Han took a photo of the stone platform, and then said suspiciously: "It's just that this altar doesn't look tall at all."

"It's fine if you can help the miss to lift the curse, don't care what it is." Xia Yinglu gave her a white look, and then said to the little cat girl: "It seems that the groove on the stone platform should be used to place this bead, miss, put it there have a look."


The little cat girl looked up at Tang Lingyan, and after receiving her sister's encouraging eyes, the little cat girl nodded and put the beads in her hand.

With a click, the blue bead fit perfectly into the groove of the stone platform.

In an instant, the light of the beads was so strong that the cat girl was subconsciously forced to close her eyes by the strong light.

When she opened it again, the stone platform in front of her had already changed its appearance.

I saw that the rune pattern on the stone platform was full of brilliance, breathing with the flickering of the blue bead, and the stone platform also slowly rose, and finally stopped when it reached the height of the cat girl down.

And on the [Long Height] part of the stone platform, there was only a click, and the entire pillar suddenly opened from the inside like a door, and a rune doll came out from inside.


The moment she saw the other party, the cat girl took two steps back in fright.

"Is that you? Invoker?"

The blunt words, the stiff facial expressions, even her eyes are mechanical.


"She...she...why does she look like me so much!"

The little cat girl pointed at the rune doll walking out of the stone platform in horror. She didn't expect that the other person looked exactly like her.

Tang Lingyan and the others also frowned, puzzled by the current situation.

Xia Yinglu asked blankly: "Miss Tang, is there such a powerful rune power in the world? Can you make a rune doll that looks like a target by relying on breath in such a short period of time?"

"Yes, if the other party is that Shenhu, all this is not surprising, and she can even copy one directly."

So simply releasing a light version of the rune doll can only be regarded as trivial, but the problem is...

"The question is what the other party is going to do." Xiao Han said.

"What do you do?" Rune slightly tilted his head in doubt, and then looked at the cat girl, "Don't you need to lift the curse?"

"Well, it's me!" The little cat girl nodded.

"That's right...you want to lift the curse...the first step is to get the [key], the [key] is full of your breath, if you don't get it yourself, then I won't appear, lift it Naturally, the first step is not established."

"You mean that if this bead doesn't meet the conditions for setting it up, even if it's placed on this altar, you won't appear?" Xia Yinglu asked.


"Huh~" The little cat girl finally recovered after the initial shock, "It turns out to be like this, but why do you want to become like me?"

"This is a sign of the fulfillment of the conditions, and you can also see it as a symbol of the establishment of the contract. As long as you complete the corresponding conditions, you can remove the ooo spots on your body."

Rune twisted her face slightly as if she wanted to make some expressions, but her voice still seemed mechanical and dry.

"I have a general understanding of the situation, but..." While speaking, Tang Lingyan picked up the rune doll.

"What are you doing?"

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