"I won't tell you if you don't promise mom!" Luo Ziling also played a rogue.

"Well~" After thinking for a while, the little cat girl agreed, "Alright then, I promise you."

"you swear?"

"I swear it's okay!? Then tell me quickly, what's the matter?"

"That's good..." After speaking, Luo Ziling whispered a few times next to the little cat girl's ear.


In the next second, the cat girl was so angry that she directly lifted the quilt.

"you you you you!"

She pointed at the orc queen with a trembling finger: "You actually knew the conditions for the removal of Ooh Madara, and that fat one was bought there on purpose!?"

"Otherwise, Qingqing, do you think you can sneak into your mother's bedroom so easily without being caught?" Luo Ziling explained, "It's all because I sent the guard away, and it was just you and me at that time."

Of course, Xiaohan and Luo Ziling didn't mention their existence. If the cat girl knew that there were still a crowd of people watching, the mother-daughter relationship that had just been established would be instantly shattered.

However, the current situation is not optimistic.


For a moment, the little cat girl felt that her mind was extremely confused, and she didn't know where to trust herself.

It was Luo Ziling who confessed by herself: "Mom actually knew about it when you left the palace in the morning, and then deliberately asked someone to tell you that I would go to the bedroom for a lunch break at noon, and then deliberately let you in, just to see your lovely daughter. reaction."

He raised his hand and grabbed the face of the dazed little cat girl, the pink fur at the moment was also extremely cute.

"Then, then... Then, uh...you know everything I do during the day!?" The little cat girl frightened her eyes in disbelief.

"Yes, in fact, mother would not wear such a fat dress, baby, don't think about it, I just want to see your cute reaction when you see that fat dress, I don't know that you got lost in my bedroom. "


The little cat girl sat down on the bed, and asked stupidly: "Then what kind of murderer was caught stealing clothes..."

"Uh, when it comes to this, you should have understood." Luo Ziling reminded.



"Hehe...hehe...hahaha! So that's how it is!"

Seeing the little cat girl laughing like crazy, Luo Ziling tentatively said with some fear: "Well, gently, you promised mom, don't be angry!"

"Hehe, don't be angry, I'm not angry..." The little cat girl rushed towards Luo Ziling viciously, "I'll fight you! You perverted mother!"

Just like that, the little cat girl almost didn't sleep all night, she frantically shot the biological mother she had just admitted with the weaving bow.

"Is Your Royal Highness alright?"

Before dawn, Sister Flotes came and waited outside the bedroom.

This is a compulsory course for the maids, and they have to wait aside before the master wakes up, so as not to delay their serving time after Her Royal Highness wakes up.

But they dare not get close to the princess bedroom today. One is that there are powerful light arrows shooting out from inside. Looking at the big holes in the ground and the wall, the two fox girls who are not very strong dare not go forward at all. die.

As for why they didn't think there was an assassin, it was because their Highness Princess was crying and laughing while shooting arrows.

"Shoot you, shoot you, you perverted mother! Shoot you!"

"Gently! You promised mother not to be angry!"

"Am I angry? I'm not angry. I'm practicing archery with my mother! I'll shoot you, I'll kill you!"

"You still said that you are not angry, and you are not angry that you are going to shoot your mother?"

"Really not, hey, I'm just practicing an exciting slogan in actual combat...Shoot you, shoot you perverted mother!"

So the second reason is that Her Majesty the Queen is inside, and at the moment when their mother and daughter are playing with each other, Flotis naturally dare not go up to disturb her.

It wasn't until the sky was bright that the commotion inside subsided.

Their Majesty the Empress came out wearing neat clothes not long after, refreshed. She waved her hand, and the palace that had been destroyed by the kitten girl was restored to its original state.

"Oh? It's you?"

Luo Ziling walked past the two of them, and Frotis and the others quickly knelt down to salute.

"The princess has already fallen asleep, and she will wake up in the afternoon. Don't disturb her during this time."

"Yes, Your Majesty the Empress!"

Everyone should be, Luo Ziling nodded and left.

Seeing her walk away, the maids behind Flotis began to discuss in a low voice: "They seem to have been tossing all night, right?"

"Yeah, I've heard the movement from far away, but I didn't expect Her Majesty the Queen to be so majestic even if she didn't sleep all night."

"That is, I don't even look at the strength of His Majesty."

As a maid officer, Frodis hurriedly turned around and scolded: "Okay, shut up, have you heard Her Majesty's orders? Let's go down and do our own things!"



When the cat girl woke up, it was indeed afternoon, and she opened her eyes to see Luo Ziling.


"Okay, aren't you tired after venting all night?" Luo Ziling said as she twirled the catgirl's weaving bow in her hand, "Your sister gave you this thing?"

"Give it back to me!" The little cat girl wanted to grab it, but suddenly lost her balance and fell into the arms of Luo Ziling who was supporting her.

"I can give it back to you, but you are not allowed to cum on mom again."

Luo Ziling held the weaving bow high, and the short-handed kitten girl couldn't reach it, so she could only pout and agree, "Okay."

After taking back the Zhiyu bow, the little cat girl looked inside and outside the palace: "Hey? Is it intact?"

"It's intact. Mom helped you fix it. You kid doesn't care about your own palace."

"Huh!" Thinking of this little cat girl, she became angry, "Who told you to play tricks on me, Mom!"

"Haha, well, it's my mother's fault, be hungry, get dressed first and come eat."


After venting, she slept again, and the little cat girl really felt a lot more comfortable at the moment.

Most importantly, it turned out that she was a false alarm, and the title of "Pervert Princess" would never appear on her head again.

At the dinner table, the little cat girl was planing the rice, and suddenly asked strangely: "Then mother, are you still catching that thief?"

After all, this is the Queen's order, even Luo Ziling herself cannot easily erase it.

"Catch whatever, just find someone to replace the crime." Luo Ziling waved her hand indifferently, and the little cat girl was surprised.

Good guy, I'm direct good guy, is this the queen?It's really domineering, just like Luo Haoge.

Fortunately, there were only her and Luo Ziling at the dining table, and there was no one else. If people heard about the Queen's tyranny, there would definitely be discussions behind her back!

1012 The third material for public revenge

"And where's my ooh blob?"

The little catwoman asked again, she teased her so much, no matter what, she had to give some compensation—for example, the one my mother just replaced...

"Don't worry, even if you want your mother to take off the fat now, I will give it to you!"

Now that the matter has been confessed, and the fun of molesting the cat girl is enough, Luo Ziling will naturally not do anything to offend her.

But Fenmao was so frightened that he almost lost his grip on his chopsticks: "What are you talking about!? Now!?"

"Although I didn't mean it that way, it's okay now!" Luo Ziling put her middle finger on her lips and winked ambiguously.


"It's in this restaurant..."

"Hmm~" The cat girl's face turned red when she heard this.

Thinking of the most honorable and powerful orc queen in the entire continent, shedding her fat at the dining table...

Bang bang bang!

The cat girl's head exploded.

"Oh? Are you slightly shy? Are you expecting Mom to do such a thing?"

The little cat girl shook her hands in a panic and said: "No, no, no, no! Absolutely not! You perverted mother, it's your business if you want to take it off yourself! I'm not looking forward to it! Ohhhh~!"

"I told you not to be so excited, it's not good for Ooh Madara."

Luo Ziling patted her on the back lovingly, but her next sentence choked up the cat girl's saliva.

"Of course, if you don't like mom taking it off by yourself, you can do it yourself while I'm sitting at the dining table."

"Hey~ I'm coming!? Bah bah bah! Perverted! Perverted! What are you talking about, I won't do that!!"

"Isn't it okay to go to the dining table? Gentle means to go to bed?"

"Bah! You perverted mother, how did I say that!?"


"of course not!"

"Sure enough, I still want my mother to come by herself, right?"

"Of course you have to do it yourself... Uh... that's not right! What strange things are you talking about with me! Kill you!"

Realizing that Luo Ziling was molesting herself again, the little cat girl bit her arm anxiously.

"Hey? How strange is this, isn't it that you need your mother's fat times?"

"A need is a need, but it's not what I want, and you can't speak well!? Why do you use such ambiguous words! I bite, I bite!"

"It hurts baby."

"Humph! Deserving it!"

"It's a pity, my mother was looking forward to it."

"What the hell are you expecting! Don't expect!"

"But gently, you need carved patterns on the fat times in your cancellation conditions, right? Mom doesn't have any clothes now, baby, come and help me change to one with carved patterns."

"Get out! You're not a child, change it yourself! Don't be so verbose!" The little cat girl was so angry that she swears.

"Honey, ladies, you can't swear. It seems that it is necessary for you to take a princess etiquette class."

"I don't need it! I'm already a lady..." Kitty Catwoman took out the Weaving Bow and stared at her mother unkindly, "But I can still be more ladylike!"

"No, no more, don't do exercise after breakfast, I don't want you to shoot this place full of holes again."


"Here, here... here, here!"

The cat girl almost handed the item to the rune doll with her trembling hands: "Is it all right now?"

"It's ok, it's ok, meow...it's really fresh...er..."

Seeing the kind eyes of the little cat girl, the puppet immediately changed its words.

"Ah~ I mean, the air in the world is really fresh!"

"Then what should we do now? Shall we go back to the altar?" Nelia asked in a maid outfit.

"Of course I'm going back." The rune puppet affirmed.

"Oh, that's right!" The cat girl suddenly thought of a question, "We've been away for so long, so the altar won't be invalid, right?"

"No, no, you thought you were playing a game!"

The rune puppet waved her hand to indicate that the kitten girl should not worry about being too far away, or that the effect of the altar will disappear after leaving for too long.

"Hmph! The game is much more fun than this..."

Nelia was operating the phone with the kitty girl.

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