"It's so noisy outside!"

The little cat girl turned over but couldn't fall asleep anyway. At a certain moment, she muttered softly like this.

"Do you want to activate the sound-proof formation, baby?" Luo Ziling who was sleeping next to her asked softly.

"Ah? Mom, are you still awake?"

After getting used to sleeping with Luo Ziling these days, the little cat girl is not as resistant to each other as she was at the beginning.

Of course, the main reason was that it was useless for her to resist.

"Of course mom doesn't need to sleep, she just stays with you. Besides, the baby is not asleep, how can mom fall asleep?"

"no need."


"I said, there is no need to turn on the sound insulation." The little cat girl turned over again, and then arched into Luo Ziling's arms.

"Is it noisy outside?"

"Fortunately...it's not very noisy." Fenmao whispered, "I can't fall asleep because of the noise outside."

"Oh? Why is that?"

"Hmph! I don't know!"

"Is it because I'm too excited to sleep with my mother, so I can't sleep?" Luo Ziling joked.

"Who, who got excited! I'm not excited, okay! Perverted mother, I don't want to sleep with you, who made you go to bed! Get down! Get down!"

"Such a small force can't push mom away!"

Luo Ziling hugged the little catgirl with her backhand, and the little catgirl struggled a few times before she became quiet.

"Hey, Mom."

"what happened?"

"I can not sleep……"

"I know."

"Tell me a story!"

"Huh? Cough..." Hearing this, Luo Ziling choked immediately, "Is Qingqing still a child? Do you need to listen to a story to sleep?"

"Can't you?"

As the moonlight fell, what Luo Ziling saw was her daughter's star shining like a diamond, and there was a sense of loss inside.

"Of course, it's okay, but it's the first time for my mother to tell her daughter a story. I'm afraid it won't be good."

"It's okay, you talk, I listen."

The little catwoman hugged her back, and then rubbed against her chest a few times.

"Okay then, Mom will tell you an old-fashioned story [long long ago]."


Therefore, Luo Ziling spoke softly.

"A long, long time ago, there was a happy and carefree little cat girl in the orc tribe... She fantasizes about going on adventures in the world every day, and meeting many, many adventure partners... She yearns for all the things in adventure books, but waiting for her fate is doomed after all.”

"The girl became the queen, and after a few years, she had no family... Every day she saw other people's families happy. Under the huge starry sky, what belonged to her was only the lonely moon, not the stars clustered closely together."

"Finally, she also wants a daughter...she has searched countless ways...the daughter is born...she is very cute...just..."

After silently listening to Luo Ziling's story, the little cat girl closed her eyes and breathed steadily. Except for the distressing tears at the corners of her eyes, she seemed to have fallen asleep.

Luo Ziling fell into the memory of the past while talking about it, that kind of loneliness, that kind of emptiness that is difficult to get rid of...

The world doesn't need me, and I don't need the independence of this world, and the boundless regret of losing my daughter...

All scraped at her soul like a blade.

A high place does not mean overlooking. Sometimes, a high place means danger, which means that you can no longer easily go down to the foot of the mountain.

When she became the queen, there was no retreat behind her.

Ordinary people can choose to escape, they can choose to retreat, and they can choose to let their emotions be willful, but she can't...

As for Luo Qingqing, perhaps it was the last time in her life that she would be self-willed since she was a child.

But it's all worth it, her baby is like the sun in winter, lying in her arms at this moment, warming her, and everything about her.


With a soft call, Luo Ziling thought the cat girl was asleep, but the next second the cat girl opened her eyes.

"It's too old-fashioned, Mom, change the story!"

Unexpectedly she would say that, Luo Ziling was taken aback for a moment, then smiled faintly and said: "Yeah, it's too clichéd, but what can mother do with such a story?"

"Hmph! That won't work, how can a queen only know this story? Mom, you have to think about it!" The little cat girl arched her head against Luo Ziling's chest coquettishly.

"Okay then!" Luo Ziling sighed, "Then mom will tell a story about an orc princess stealing fat! Hiss~"

Before she finished speaking, the little cat girl opened her mouth and bit her in embarrassment.

"No... don't mention this matter again!" The little cat lady angrily bit her again.

"Okay, okay, I won't mention it anymore, but the night is already dark, so go to sleep gently!"

"Well~ I can't sleep, mom, go on with other stories."

"Why can't you sleep?"

"Is it normal to suffer from insomnia once in a while?" the kitty asked back.

"I don't think it's that simple..."

Luo Ziling let go of the cat girl, and let her face her.

"Tell mom, is it because of your sister that you can't sleep?"

"No, nothing!" The little cat girl turned her eyes away and denied repeatedly, "I, I, I didn't think about that perverted sister! Hmph!"

"Really? I thought baby, you sleep with your sister every day, so you can't sleep without her today."

Upon hearing this, the little cat girl became anxious: "You are talking nonsense! I don't sleep with her every day! Er... I mean, I don't sleep with her every day!"

"Really? The reason for not being with you is that your sister is not at home, right?"

Luo Ziling instantly exposed the lie of the little cat girl, causing Fenmao to hit her chest with her small fist.

"You, you, you talk nonsense! No! She forced me to do that! I sleep with her whenever I want, and I don't sleep if I don't want to. It's not that she sleeps with her as soon as she is at home!"

"But you can't sleep now because of her?"


This is an undeniable fact for the little cat girl, she really couldn't fall asleep thinking about Tang Lingyan.

Of course, she was not worried about Tang Lingyan's safety, but was just thinking about how to deal with the current atmosphere between her and her sister.

In general - I am angry, but my sister won't coax me, then I will continue to be angry, and my sister won't coax me!Angry, don't want to talk to her!

But I still need her help in many places, and I really want to get close to my sister, but I can't open my mouth, won't that idiot sister take the initiative to admit her mistake?


"But that's actually a good thing."

"Good thing? Why?" The little cat girl asked in astonishment.

"Because there is no love in this world that doesn't quarrel. The way you two are doing now is pretty good."

Luo Ziling, who obviously has no love experience, has become a master of theory for her daughter.

"Is that so?"

"Of course, after the quarrel, the relationship between you will be deeper, and of course the possibility of breaking up is not ruled out."

"Well, I remember Mom, you don't have a cold for your sister?"

"Who made her so presumptuous? She doesn't care about my mother-in-law! You know, if she marries you in the future, she will have to call me mother!"

Hearing this, the scene of her sister calling Luo Ziling's mother with extreme reluctance appeared in the little cat girl's mind.

"Pfft!" Fenmao laughed all of a sudden, "Impossible, someone like my sister would definitely not call you mother."

1018 The Boudoir Resentful Woman Kitty (6)

"It's okay if she doesn't bark. Who told you to be my precious daughter? If you want to marry you, you have to accept this reality..."

Luo Ziling scratched the cat girl's creaking nest, which made her giggle.

"Haha... Uh, my sister definitely doesn't want to."

"Whether she wants to or not, if she wants to marry you, this is the reality she has to face."

It wasn't until this moment that the little cat girl came to her senses and quickly spat: "Bah, bah, bah! Mom, what are you talking about! Who, who is going to marry that perverted sister, huh!"

"Oh? Isn't it? But I see that baby, you are full of displeasure, and you look like a resentful woman [why didn't my sister come to marry me]."

Luo Ziling teased: "Isn't it because of this that Qingqing can't fall asleep? Now when I hear my mother asking Tang Lingyan to call me mother, seeing how happy you are, you still say no."

With a bang, the little cat girl exploded the red steam, she quickly grabbed Luo Ziling's arm and bit it fiercely: "Bah bah! Mom, who are you calling a resentful woman! Bite you! How can I be happy?" I'll kill you with a bite!"

"Isn't it?"

"Of course not! If you talk nonsense again, I will ignore you!"

"Hey? How can I talk nonsense?"

"Why not! My sister and I are both girls! Girls and girls... Well, how could it be... combined..."

"Haha, so you were worried about this. Don't worry, there are many ways to make women pregnant. If it doesn't work, you can also drink the fountain of life."

"Fountain of Life?" Kitty asked suspiciously, "What is that? Is it the same as the elves in the novel?"

"That's not a novel, and it's not something exclusive to elves." Luo Ziling sighed, "Do you still remember that mother said that she wanted to drink the spring of life to have a child? Although it is useless to me, baby, you must Can."

"Huh? There is such a miraculous thing... um... that's wrong! So-and-so is going to give birth to a cat girl! Ooooh~!"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, mom is just giving you a way."

"What way! I think it's a bad idea! Anyway, I won't have a kitten girl!"

The little cat girl roared angrily.

"And why didn't my sister drink it and let her give birth to me!?"

"Oh? Is Qingqing already planning her marriage?"

Luo Ziling smiled lightly and pinched the cat girl's face.

"It's okay, it doesn't matter which of the two of you will give me a granddaughter. Ah... What Mom means is, it's better to be a granddaughter."

bang bang bang...

Realizing that the cat girl who had been plotted by her mother immediately exploded.

"You you you you! Perverted mother, what are you talking about! I, I, and I will not marry her, huh! It's a good idea! No way! Bah, bah, bah! Impossible! Unless the universe explodes and time goes back, I will marry The possibility of giving her is only zero in ten trillion!"

"Isn't that zero?" Luo Ziling hugged the little cat girl speechlessly, "Okay, okay, mom is teasing you, you are still young, it's too early to talk about marriage!"

"Hmph! Bite you, bite you, kill you!"

The angry little cat girl bit Luo Ziling's chest hard, until she calmed down, Luo Ziling added: "Actually, you have a better chance of winning the lottery if you drink the fountain of life, like your mother and your sister." The strength, the chance of trying to conceive is almost zero."

"You still say! Kill you!"

"Also, in fact, for your sister, I want to create a cosmic explosion. Although the difficulty of going back in time is high, it is not impossible, so you... hiss~ can't you bite lightly?"



After the fight, the cat girl finally felt sleepy.

"Pervert mother, did you do it on purpose?"

With sleepy eyes, the little cat girl stubbornly opened her eyes, but she was immediately covered by sleepiness.

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