"Your Highness, Your Highness! Wake up!"

Xiao Han muttered in the dream and said, "Gently~you are really an angel~"

Hearing this, the base of the kitty's ears began to turn red.

This pervert, it's fine to squirt nosebleeds in front of me, but now he's talking... such shameless words!


Could this guy be doing something perverted to me in a dream? ?

Absolutely not!

Thinking of this, the cat girl slapped Xiao Han's desk with a slap.

Being shaken, Xiao Han immediately trembled and woke up with fright.

"Ah? What's the matter, what's the matter? Who is so bold as to disturb this king's dream... Er, lightly?"

"Do you have any objections to disturbing your sweet dreams?" The little cat girl gave her a blank look.

"No opinion, no opinion! Hehe..." Xiao Han smiled flatteringly.

"Are we in... a restaurant? Eating? Speaking of which, I have a good dish. I wonder if I can borrow the kitchen here and let me show it to you."


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1080 Why are your pectoral muscles so exaggerated? (3)

Hearing this, let alone the little cat girl, even Luo Ling, who has always been inseparable from Xiaohan, is a little curious.

When will Prince Han be good at cooking?

"It should be fine..." The cat girl was not very sure, "What do you want to cook?"

"Hey, secret!"

Xiao Han winked at her mysteriously, and the little cat girl suddenly whispered disdainfully: "It's still a secret, I don't want to know yet! Hmph!"

This restaurant does have a kitchen for guests to cook for themselves, but it just needs money.

In other words, no matter what kind of restaurant it is, as long as you are willing to spend money, even if their chef puts down the spatula immediately.

The little cat girl had already ordered all the food and wine, but this restaurant is the largest restaurant in the imperial capital, and there are a lot of people coming and going to eat, so the food can't be served for a while.

Taking advantage of this spare time, she wanted to see what kind of dishes this pervert Xiao Han could cook.

It's not that she's curious, the little cat girl is afraid that this guy will drug her.

Isn't this kind of plot very common in novels?

Even if they have a marriage contract, they still can't keep it together. This pervert can't help but get mad.

The little cat girl who found a good reason for herself secretly followed her maid, and Luo Ling who was walking in front also asked strangely: "Your Highness, when did you learn how to cook?"

"You don't understand that!" Xiao Han shook her middle finger, "If you want to grab a girl's heart, you must first grab her stomach!"

"For a girl as top-notch as Qingqing, ordinary pursuit methods will definitely not be of much use, so I secretly learned how to cook a few times before I came here."

Saying that, Xiao Han took out a book.

"I just followed the recipes and methods above to learn. As my assistant, you should also take a look and help me later."

Luo Ling took the book and looked at it, the title alone caught her off guard.

—— "On How to Use Food to Grab the Catwoman's Heart"

Luo Ling turned to the first page with trembling hands, and the first line described it like this:

[The so-called cat girls, no matter how cute and cold they are, they have very similar behaviors and habits to cats, so after spending several years studying the habits of cats, and by analogy, I finally found out how to use food to impress cat girls , and then how to make her dream about your meals! 】

[As long as you use food to open her stomach, then you have successfully opened the heart of the cat girl! 】

Luo Ling twitched the corners of her mouth and continued to read. For some reason, the more she read the book, the more she felt that the author of this book was talking too much, and it was not reliable at all!

"The dish we are going to cook for Qingqing today is this one!"

Xiao Han pointed to a picture of an exquisite fish feast printed on the book and said: "I heard that cats like to eat fish very much, so Qingqing must be too!"

"Moreover, this dish is not simple, and specific actions and rituals need to be added during the cooking process, which can make the dish's deliciousness a few notches higher!"

Xiao Han's eyes burst out with astonishing light.

"It's not an exaggeration to call it the cat girl's first dish!"

Seeing Xiao Han's confident expression, Luo Ling really didn't know what to say: "Your Highness, are you sure?"

"Hmph ~ Of course." Xiao Han patted his chest confidently, "I have asked more than a dozen cat owners who have read this book before, and they all said that the dishes in this book have miraculous effects on cats!"

That's a cat, not a cat girl—Luo Ling complained in her heart speechlessly.

But what Xiao Han said is also reasonable, no matter how bad it is, the cat girl still wears the word "cat".

Even if it's not to your liking, as long as Princess Qingqing feels the dishes full of love from His Royal Highness Xiaohan, she should be moved!

So it doesn't matter if she can open her stomach or not!

Seeing the two of them walking into the kitchen with sinister smiles on their faces, the little cat girl hid behind and pouted her lips: "You actually want to use food to control me, you really have no good intentions!"

As she spoke, she leaned over to peek outside the kitchen window.

"The first step is to deal with the fish! Come, Luo Ling!" Xiao Han directed.

"Yes, Your Highness!"

"Dissect, clean, change the knife, add spices to remove the fishy smell...then knead, pat, add seasoning to marinate to taste...and then heat the oil..."

Xiao Han held the book and read: "Pour in the oil, the oil temperature is [-]% and put it in the pan, be careful not to damage the fish skin. Then fry until golden on both sides and take it out for later use..."

"Pour in a little oil and fry the spices, including onion, ginger, garlic, star anise..."

On the other side, following Xiao Han's instructions, Luo Ling, who was exhausted from cooking for the first time, asked aloud, "Well, Your Royal Highness..."

"what happened?"

"I think, is it more sincere for you to do these things yourself?" Luo Ling asked tentatively, "If I do everything, Princess Qingqing won't be able to feel your love!"

"What do you know!?" Xiao Han immediately raised his eyebrows and pointed, "I want to focus on the most important steps. Of course, I will leave the tedious and troublesome work to you!"


"Nothing, these steps are not important!"

Xiao Han urged: "Stop rambling, the oil temperature is up, fry the spices!"


Luo Ling was busy in front of the stove by himself, lighting a fire and cooking vegetables, and finally, under Xiao Han's command, poured the fish with sauce and served it on the steamer.

"Huh~ I'm exhausted." Luo Ling sighed, Xiao Han closed the book and said, "Now it's my turn!"

"Um, I'm done, what else does His Royal Highness want to do?" Luo Ling was puzzled.

"Hmph, don't you understand?" Xiao Han said, "How can such an ordinary dish be so impressive, and it needs a special ceremony to make it taste like a fairy dish! "

"God, immortal dish?" Luo Ling exclaimed.

"That's right, now you do it with me!"

Saying that, Xiao Han jumped onto the stove, and then opened his teeth and claws like a magic stick.

"Woo la la la woo~ Ula la woo~ Ula~"

While chanting strange notes, Xiao Han was doing strange movements.

Originally, Luo Ling was a little reluctant to see this place, but she was still pulled up by Xiao Han.

So, with the cat girl's eyes twitching wildly, the two people in the kitchen started a special ceremony.

"Yes yes yes, point your ass to the pot, then flick left~right~! Then sing!"

"La woo woo, blah woo woo~!"

"The next step is to take off your clothes and put the panji on your head, a ritual that enhances the flavor of the dish!"

"Let's eat it, eat it!" Xiao Han yelled at the fish in the pot lid while lying on the stove with Fat Ci.

Seeing this, the cat girl suddenly covered her mouth in horror, her eyes filled with disbelief.

That, that... that His Royal Highness Xiao Han actually has boobs! ?

Do men have breasts too? ?

The little cat girl subconsciously looked at her barren chest, she was not even as big as Xiao Han in the kitchen.

Is there a boy with such exaggerated chest muscles in this world! ?

But why can't Xiaohan see it when he's wearing clothes! ?


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Lightly and super open!

1081 Wait a minute, let me brew (4)

Xiao Han in the house is still doing strange rituals, probably because after seeing such actions, he no longer wants to eat that fish again.

But compared to this...

The little cat girl who was greatly shocked in her heart returned to the dining table blankly, her mind was full of the figure that Xiao Han had just taken off her clothes to reveal.

No matter how you look at it, they are all girls! ?

But...but she is obviously the prince of Art Han in Art Country?

Prince, can also be disguised by a woman?


The little cat girl suddenly thought of a possibility, that is, Xiao Han is a fake art prince!

But there is still a problem here, that is, does Art Country know that Xiao Han is a fake?

If you know, isn't this engagement a joke?But if you don't know... things here will be complicated.

When Xiao Han finished the meal and came back to the table, the dishes ordered by the cat girl had already been served.

"Qingqing, why don't you eat when you're hungry? Sure enough, you're waiting for me, right?" Xiao Han said shamelessly, "This is the fish I made for you, try it quickly! It must be delicious!"

Xiao Han takes all the credit for himself, and urges the cat girl to try it quickly.

As soon as she saw the plate of fish on the table, the cat girl remembered the perverted and obscene actions that Xiao Han and Luo Ling did to it just now, and immediately lost her appetite.

The little cat girl took a bite of the food in the restaurant with her chopsticks, and said, "I'm full."

"Huh?" Xiao Han couldn't believe it, "But you just took a bite, and you haven't eaten the food I cooked for you yet!"

"I eat so much on weekdays." The little cat girl lied.

Seeing that she didn't dare to look directly at her, and was afraid that Xiao Han would not believe it, she asked the maid beside her, "If you don't believe me, ask them."

Receiving hints from their own princess' eyes, the two maids nodded hurriedly: "Yes, yes, Her Royal Highness usually eats so much!"

"Is that so?" Xiao Han tilted his head suspiciously, and persuaded again, "But I made you the most delicious fish in the world, it would be a pity if you didn't try it!"

I don't want to taste the fish you made with your perverted ritual!

The cat girl politely refused: "I'm sorry, I can only eat so much in order to maintain my figure... But you can eat it for me, and then tell me how it tastes, so it's equivalent to me eating it."

Hearing this, Xiao Han sighed and said, "You won't grow breasts if you don't eat... Ahem, I mean, no matter how thin you are, you won't look good."

But since the cat girl refuses, Xiao Han can't force her too hard, there will be plenty of opportunities for her to eat in the future.

"Since that's the case, let's eat together, Luo Ling!"

Xiao Han picked up the chopsticks and started eating, and Luo Ling, as her personal attendant, also got the chance to eat at the same table.

It's just that after the two of them took a bite of the fish they made, the expressions on their faces immediately became painful.

"Idiot, okay, it's so salty, you put too much salt!" Xiao Han reprimanded in a low voice.

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