Since the establishment of the Holy Spirit Academy, it has almost covered the strength tests of most of the Blessed Ones, so don't worry about being a nurse and failing the exam.

After passing the passing exam, you can directly enter the next grade without taking the ranking exam.

But the most important thing is the ranking test.

The ranking test is an important basis for class placement in the next grade, and it is also related to how much resources you can get from the college in the future.

For example, Catgirl's first grade S class now has a lot of resources to receive every month, including a considerable amount of Holy Spirit points.

The holy spirit points can be used to take the teleportation array in the academy, rent and buy precious books and items, exchange for the use time of the training venue, trade cash, and consult the skill books and experience of each talent saved by the academy...

In short, holy spirit points are very precious and are very important currency for students.

In addition to the holy spirit points that are naturally distributed every month, class S of the first grade also has very precious soul crystals, as well as the reading authority of cherished materials.

It's just that the cat girl has almost never collected it since the beginning of school, and it is estimated that she has accumulated a lot of money by now.

The ranking test is an opportunity to reward those who have worked hard this year, enter Class S or Class A, and obtain more resources.

The better the ranking test scores, the higher the probability of being assigned to the S class of the second grade.

If you only take the passing exam, you will almost automatically give up the qualification to enter the high-quality class in the lower grades.

The ranking test adopts a point system for individual competitions. In each game, two high-level dolls will be scored. The full score is [-], and the two dolls will each score [-] points.

One fifty points is for quality evaluation, and the other fifty points is for personal comprehensive strength evaluation.

Comprehensive strength is easy to understand. Quality assessment refers to a person's soul power, soul power quality, willpower, character, soul strength, etc.

As for the high-level dolls used in the exam, they are implanted with a large number of sensory devices and processing calculation formulas, which can be said to be similar to a supercomputer.

Golems can collect battle data on the spot, analyze and score candidates.

Although no invigilator is flexible, it is relatively fair and convenient to monitor.

Granny Yan is one of the people who participated in the making of this puppet.

When registering for the ranking test, in order to take care of the special favored ones, you can also choose your own battle type.

Is it an aggressive battle, or a healer competing for healing effects...

Or it may be a defense major who competes in defense power, or a speed-type favored person who competes in speed.

The number of places in Class S and Class A is limited, so no matter which match you choose, only the top-ranked people will have the opportunity to enter.

Of course, if you think that the more places you have, the more chances you have, you can skip choosing the battle type and directly choose the comprehensive strength ranking test.

The rules here are simple, you win if you beat someone down or admit defeat.

Even if you are a nanny, you can take the comprehensive strength test, and the college does not stop you.

After all, some nannies have distorted the skill tree, and it hurts to beat people, and maybe they still have a heart to be an output.

And the comprehensive strength ranking test has a lot more places, unlike the limited battle type, where you need to squeeze into the top [-], or even the top [-] to have a chance to enter the S class.

However, the ranking test is not an absolute indicator of entering a good class. If your talent and aptitude are valued by a certain tutor, you may be admitted into the class extra.

"So my goal is to pass the exam, meow!" The kitty ate her lunch, then waved her fists to cheer herself up.

When everyone heard the words, they immediately fell to the ground.

"I told you so much, I didn't tell you to just take the passing exam!"

Nangong Shan, as the dormitory manager, naturally knows a lot about the actual combat exam.

In addition to the practical exams for specific subjects, this final practical exam is more important.

Originally, there was a practical exam during the freshman period, where they could exchange ideas and accumulate experience, and those who got good rankings would also have rich rewards.

But now because the little cat girl is going to Liuxu Continent, all of them will be taken together at the end of the term.

Who would have thought that after explaining it to the little cat girl who came back from the Liuxu Continent and didn't know much about the exam rules for so long, she would have no fighting spirit and want to pass the exam and be done with it?

The cat girl shrank her neck, looked around the dining table and said, "Isn't it possible to enter a higher school after passing the passing exam?"

"That's what you say, but why are you only satisfied with this!"

Nangong Shan chewed the food in her mouth, and began to teach with a tone of hatred.

"People should have dreams and the determination to climb the peak bravely, otherwise what is the difference between them and salted fish!"

Hearing this, the cat girl was instantly speechless.

"I don't think Xiao Shanshan, who spends all day watching TV in my dormitory and doing nothing, has no right to call me meow..."

The cat girl turned around and sighed again.

"I just want to be able to go to school, meow, I don't want to fight meow, what do you think, Xiaowen?"

Xiaowen was taken aback for a moment, then said immediately: "No matter what the lady decides, I will support it."

The little cat girl immediately looked excitedly at Tang Lingyan who was silent, as long as her sister nodded, she could be a salted fish with peace of mind!

Who has the final say in this family, the cat girl is still very self-aware.

As long as Tang Lingyan nodded, no amount of other people's words could stop her from being a salted fish!

Originally, the cat girl didn't expect much, but now it has all come true.

With a rich material life, loved by others, and loved by others, she didn't have the heart to fight for a good job or a poor job.

She just wants to have a good rest now, since she went to Liuxu Continent, she hasn't really had a good rest.

As for what a good class can be allocated with good resources, the little cat girl subconsciously doesn't think it's important now.

After all, she is an orc princess now, after returning to Liuxu Continent, wouldn't she have as many resources there as she wants?

So she doesn't want to fight for these resources of the Holy Spirit Academy, let alone fight with others, which is really not good at catgirl.

But before Tang Lingyan could speak, Xiao Han who was opposite him spoke first.

"Could you be a little bit more pursuing, Gentle!" Xiao Han educated on the opposite side, "I still want to take a picture of your heroic figure in battle!"

"Hmph! You're going to die, meow!" After the cat girl made up her mind not to take the exam, she felt a great deal of relief.

"Give up? That's impossible. I've already signed up for you." Xiao Han laughed sinisterly.


It will probably be updated tomorrow!

Congratulations!Look forward to it!

Also, if you feel that sister Lingyan abused those people who bullied the cat girl before

I just thought about writing a side story to be annoying, and describe in detail the process of abusing them

This will make you feel good, meow?

However, I personally think how sister Lingyan can abuse ordinary people like this, it's too cheap.Hey hey hey (cute head tilt)

1184 It's Impossible to Be So Sharp With Gentle Tucao! (1)

[Super super thanks to Yandi who played X37 for the reward!The following is a hot update! 】


"Meow meow meow?"

The little cat girl held the chopsticks in a daze, and shook the cat's ears in disbelief.

"You you you you...what are you talking about meow?"

"Don't be so happy that you can't speak, lightly, I said that I have already signed up for you." Xiao Han grinned.

"No, no, no... Impossible!" The cat girl said incredulously, "Registration requires me to be present in person, and my student ID is required. How could you..."

"Because I'm your teacher in the speed dodging class!"

Xiao Han covered her mouth and started laughing.

"Oh ho ho... I didn't expect that the teacher in charge can help students sign up."

"Just find an excuse, for example, you don't have time to sign up for the exam..."

Xiao Han tapped his head and made a cute and silly expression.

"This is youth! I haven't realized it for a long time. There is nothing more gratifying to the teacher than watching your students grow up!"

"You pervert are not a teacher! Apologize to [teacher] meow! Die, die, die!"

A huge light arrow blasted Xiao Han out of the dormitory, leaving a big hole in the wall.

Luo Ling was about to agree with Xiao Han, but when she saw the huge soul energy remaining on the wall where Xiao Han disappeared, she closed her mouth in a daze.

Rather than being killed, it seems that it is better to be silent now.


The kitty cat girl's chest heaved and retracted the Zhiyu bow, and then tried to calm down her mood.

A few seconds later, the little cat girl turned her head to look at Tang Lingyan, and cried out with a bit of grievance: "Sister~"

"it's okay no problem!"

Tang Lingyan picked up the cat girl and put it on his lap, then comforted her softly.

"Actually, baby, you are very strong now. The first grade is not your opponent at all. If you participate, you will definitely get full marks!"

"Oh, sister, don't comfort me, I don't know what my strength is, meow..."

The little cat girl pursed her mouth in aggrieved way: "I just want to be a salted fish, what's the matter, sister, do you want me to take the exam too?"

"If you don't like it, don't go. Anyway, with Luo Haoge here, you can go to any class you want. Isn't her back door just for going out?"

"Um... why do I feel that your words sound weird?"

"Your illusion, well, let's eat first, and then discuss the exam after eating. Didn't you successfully pass the puppet class exam today?"

"Oh, it's wow meow... I was quite happy at first..."

But after hearing that Xiao Han signed up for the ranking test without authorization, he was not so happy.

"It's okay, miss, although the registration cannot be cancelled, you can definitely get a high score easily!"

Xia Yinglu also cheered up the little cat girl at this moment: "Based on your current destructive power, almost no one in the first grade can beat it."

Seeing Xiao Xia pointing at the big hole where Xiao Han disappeared, the little cat girl complained unconsciously: "Is it really that powerful meow? I just posted it casually..."

"Because you are using the Weaving Bow more and more frequently, Miss Qingqing, you are more and more compatible with it."

Xiaowen also chattered in at this time, she didn't want to see the food she had cooked so hard, and let the cat girl not be in the mood to eat because of Xiao Han.

That was the biggest blow to her!

"With this kind of attack strength, miss, you will definitely be able to easily get a good ranking!"

Xiaowen also deliberately accentuated the pronunciation of the word "easy".

"Well, even Xiaowen you say that..."

"That's right, Qingqing, although your current strength has not been shown yet, and you are only used to bully Xiao Han, a pervert, but in our opinion, you are already very strong."

Nangong Shan also persuaded while eating.

"So try it, maybe you will find that those first graders are actually very weak! Right Tansi?"

"Wang Wang Wang!"

"Xiao Shanshan, you suddenly speak so seriously, I can't get used to meow..."

After being persuaded by everyone, the little cat girl could only pick up her bowl and chopsticks and sigh.

"Then let me try meow..."

Because once you sign up, the academy will not allow you to quit halfway, so the little cat girl can only bite the bullet and join.

Although Luo Haoge was there, begging her would definitely set a precedent for him, but the little cat girl didn't want to do that.

Compared to going to the competition, going to beg Luo Haoge made the cat girl even more uncomfortable.

At this time, Si Tian Haoyue and Qiu Ying who heard the movement asked outside the door: "What's the matter, Gentlemen, are you okay? I heard a lot of movement."

Xiaowen opened the door to let them in, and the two instantly saw the big hole in the wall.

"This is……?"

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