"Oh ho!? Really?"

Xiaotong's eyes were full of disbelief.

"The master I know wants to give himself a cool skill name after his strength has improved. I know it all..."

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Tong was punched away by the cat girl.

She roared shyly: "They said there's no more meow, you idiot with a mentally handicapped system meow!"

Xiao Tong, whose face was swollen from the beating, gave a thumbs up.

"Okay, that's cool...but...if it's possible...the master will hit me on the other side...this...is symmetrical!"

"Hmph! You pervert, you think so beautifully!"


"Cough cough!"

Xiao Tong, whose face was half swollen, coughed lightly to attract the little cat girl's attention.

"I actually have something very important to tell Master, you meow!"

"Hmph!" The little cat girl turned her head away instantly.

"What's important? Can you have something important? Don't listen, I won't listen meow!"

There is nothing important in this stupid and incomplete system. If she said it was important, it must be some perverted thing!

Ever since meeting her, the little cat girl felt that nothing good happened to her!

And it's like a brown sugar advertisement, it can't be deleted, it can't be uninstalled, and the most annoying thing is that she can't close it!

If possible, I really want to ask the gods to unload her.

"It's really important!" Xiao Tong said with a mysterious smile.

Although the little cat girl's thoughts are reflected in her eyes, Xiaotong still pretends not to see it.

This time she didn't keep her secrets, she just said it out.

"Didn't I tell you last time that I updated a sacred object hardware, which can help you search for treasures that are very useful to you within a certain range!"

Hearing this, the cat girl became interested in an instant.

I saw her eyes fluttering, and she asked with her small mouth: "Really!?"

But after thinking about it, the little cat girl lost her interest again.

This system is so unreliable, she shouldn't have excessive expectations.

"If it's an egg shell, you don't need to eat buns that have been eaten by others, meow."

The little cat girl waved her hand, she said that she is no longer the pink hair she used to be.

Although she used to treat other people's leftover buns as treasures, now she has no shortage of food.

So leftover buns are useless, and Xiao Tong who can only find leftover buns is also useless.

Although she has no expectations for her, but now that such an equivalence relationship has been obtained, the cat girl is still a little disappointed.

Why can't my own system be normal?

"What's the meaning of that hopeless look in your eyes, Master!"

Xiaotong immediately complained for himself.

"I'm talking about treasures, real treasures! For example, elemental essences, heavenly spirits and earthly fruits!"

"Well, I know meow, as expected of Xiaotong meow." The little cat girl said perfunctorily.

"Why do I feel that the word Xiaotong has completely become a derogatory term?" Xiaotong stomped his feet in mid-air.

"I'm serious, master!"

"But I'm also serious about perfunctory you, meow~woo~"

Accidentally speaking out the true thoughts in her heart, the little cat girl quickly covered her little mouth.



After a few minutes.

The little cat girl frowned as she looked at the three small pills in her hand.

"What is this meow?"

Hearing this, Xiaotong looked away with a guilty conscience: "This is the pill that must be taken to activate the treasure hunting function, master..."

"That...that...really...really has no side effects, master!"

"There must be side effects, right meow!?"

The little cat girl squeezed the pill tightly in her hand and said, "And I've never heard of the treasure hunting function in the system, and the owner wants to take the pill, meow! Shouldn't you be the one to take it?"

"I, I, I..." Xiaotong said incoherently, "I, I, I eat too!"

Until now, Xiao Tong had no choice but to take out three more identical pills.

1213 I am dueling with the fierce bed


The cat girl held three pills and looked at Xiao Tong suspiciously.

"Why are you so nervous, meow?"

"Tightly nervous? I am not nervous, hahaha, ahaha! Master, you must be wrong!"

Xiaotong hesitated, his eyes wandered, and he even had a smirk on his face, which looked fake.


The little cat girl thinks so too, but why does she feel that this dialogue and this scene are so familiar?

Where has she been seen before?

"You stutter so much, isn't it because you're nervous, meow?"

"I, I, and I have been talking like this, master, it's you, you, you, you just didn't notice!"

Seeing that the little cat girl still didn't take it, Xiaotong hurriedly urged: "Master, take it quickly, you take the pill, and I will take it too, so we can go find the treasures of heaven and earth together!"

"What kind of fairy artifact, Daoguo Lingquan, as long as the owner clicks to search!"

The little cat girl picked up the pill, and put it down again under Xiaotong's nervous and expectant gaze.

"Why do I feel like you're lying to me, meow?"

"No, how is it possible, master! How about I take it first, our pills are the same, so don't worry if I take it first!?"

Seeing that Xiao Tong was about to swallow the pill in her hand, the cat girl suddenly snatched it from her hand with quick eyesight.

"Since they are all the same, then you can eat my three first, meow!"

There was a hint of cunning in the ruby ​​eyes!

The little cat girl said proudly: Humph!Big idiot Xiao Tong, you still want to lie to me?

Even if what you said about being able to hunt for treasure is true, but judging from the past experience of you cheating me, there must be something wrong with the three pills in my hand meow!

He still wants to use the trick of "you take it first to prove that the pill is not poisonous" to lie to me, the most intelligent person in the universe! ?

Wow haha!

Be fooled!

I will watch you eat it, if you don't eat it, it means all this is fake!

Immediately I threw the pill down the toilet and flushed meow!

hum!The wisdom of the most intelligent guy in the universe is beyond what you idiot Xiaotong can imagine, meow!

Under the persuasive gaze of the little cat girl, Xiaotong swallowed.

Then, with a frightened but calm expression on her face, she swallowed the three pills in her hand.

"You, look at the master, I ate meow! Bah, bah, I'll meow if I'm not careful."

Almost got infected by the master, only this [meow] is exclusive to the cat girl, she can't steal the master's mouth addiction.

"I don't believe it, wait 10 minutes meow!"

The cat girl crossed her hips, and then looked at the time on her phone.

After 10 minutes, Xiao Tong said that he was completely fine, and the cat girl also checked her inside and out before she was relieved.

It's not that she is careful, but she has been tricked by Xiao Tong too many times!

I saw Xiaotong clutching his skirt and clothes that had been taken off, looking like a shy woman from a good family, looking at the little catwoman pleadingly.

"Lord, master, can you eat now?"

"Well, it seems that there is no problem meow!"

With that said, the little cat girl took the three pills in her hand.

"Sweet, sour, and smells like peaches."

It tasted pretty good, but after the little cat girl swallowed it, a question arose in her head.

[Why does she want me to take pills after updating the hardware of the holy relic?Isn't that something that can be used directly?Otherwise, why is it called hardware? Meow? 】

Before he could figure it out, Xiaotong's arrogant laughter came from his ears.

"Haha, hahaha! Be fooled, be fooled, master!"

Xiaotong danced happily.

"Do you think it's okay for you to eat these three in my hand? Haha, wahaha!"

The little cat girl thumped in her heart, and a strong sense of foreboding came to her heart.

"You... what are you talking about meow?" Fenmao's face was full of disbelief.

The pill had already melted into her throat, and at this moment, the little cat girl could even feel the warm current in her stomach.

It was too late to induce vomiting.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are still too stupid, master!"

Xiao Tong shook his index finger with a triumphant face.

"I know Master, you are wary of the pills I suddenly took out, so the three pills I want to give you are always in my hand!"

"The three pills I gave you at the beginning were just ordinary sugar pills, but the three pills you ate are actually the ones that are really effective!"

"What meow!"

The little cat girl jumped up in shock, immediately grabbed Xiaotong and asked: "You say that, isn't that pill that activates the treasure hunting function, meow!?"

"Oh ho ho ho, you have been fooled, master!"

Even though he was caught, Xiaotong didn't panic at all.

At worst, she would be beaten severely, and she was quite looking forward to it.

"I already have the treasure hunting function, but it's a weakened version. Those three pills... Well, how should I put it, it's to strengthen your physique, Master, so don't worry!"

"Ghosts believe it, meow!"

The cat girl pulled Xiao Tong's body and asked loudly: "There must be side effects, right!? Say meow!"

"It's going to be broken, it's really going to be broken, Master!"

Xiao Tong cried out in relief and pain.

The little cat girl had no choice but to relax temporarily, and asked angrily, "Say it!"

"Well, master, don't be so angry!"

Xiao Tong said with the aftermath of the catastrophe: "The main thing is to strengthen the body, and the side effects are even more welcome!"

In the next second, Xiaotong really turned into two pieces.

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