
Seeing this scene, the little cat girl was so frightened that her hair exploded. At that moment, there was only one word in her mind - ghost!

I saw the man in black turned his head, revealing his white teeth and face, and a black flash of light attacked him.

1224 We can be cute!

What does the world of the blessed one look like?

In fact, the little cat girl has always had such a question, it seems that her life has become a bit too fairy tale.

Even if she doesn't admit it, she still knows the reason in her heart.

That is, Tang Lingyan and Xiaohan protected themselves so well that they were as good as heaven.

Xiaowen takes care of food and clothing, and is protected when going out. The most important thing is that the cat girl herself enjoys it very much, and is very addicted to such little happiness.

This kind of happiness is easy to say, it is the days that Luo Qingqing expected before.

This expectation slowly became intense and profound during the painful years.

So once it comes, the cat girl will be a little overwhelmed, afraid of losing, and will cherish and sink even more.

Especially Xiao Han's perverted appearance, although the little cat girl still hates it, but she is afraid that one day she will stop treating her like that.

Time is so ruthless sometimes, and the good vows will be washed away by time.

But for Kitty herself, even if it will be different in the future, it is enough.

I still remember meeting Luo Ling in the weird world. She was so serious at first, but then she turned into a pervert after revealing her ape shape...

In fact, such a change more or less reassured the cat girl.

If you want to touch her heart from the beginning, it is far more difficult than sinking in her cute appearance.

Luo Qingqing, who has lived alone until now, even Tang Lingyan spent a lot of thought before walking into her heart.

In other words, because Tang Lingyan is special and the first to be so strong, that's why the little cat girl accepts it.

Tang Lingyan's love for her made the little cat girl gradually forget what the world of the blessed one is like, although she has never been in contact with it.

Under the happy bickering with Xiao Han and those perverts every day, she even had the idea of ​​being ashamed to death-just keep it like this, and don't change.

Time is always passing by, and no one knows who will come first tomorrow or the accident, so these days are really shining like stars, attracting the cat girl.

and so……

The black flash bombarded the little cat girl's soul power cover, and the huge energy impact knocked the little cat girl hard behind the elevator car.

With a muffled snort, the little cat girl breathed a sigh of relief, fortunately she protected herself with her soul power and was not injured.

There was a loud bang, and the elevator just stopped at the second floor.

His body was trembling in fear, and even the lines from the middle school two in his small mouth frightened him back.

The cat girl stood on her head with hair all over her body, and protected herself with a soul power shield at a critical moment.

However, the protective cover was also smashed and disappeared...

Tang Lingyan had specially trained her on the summoning speed and quality of the soul power shield before, and recently learned some defense rules from Yinyun. Now the strength of the kitten girl's soul power shield has surpassed that of her peers.

But even so, the black-robed man's attack still destroyed her defense in an instant.

Calm down, calm down, calm down meow!

Both legs and hands were trembling, and the black-robed man in front of him, who had a dead face and turned his head 180 degrees, was full of gloomy death.

Just like the zombies in the movie!

The kitten girl forced herself to calm down, but with little effect.

That's right, she forgot the world of the Blessed One that Teacher Ju Ye had described to them when she graduated from high school.

But the happy life with Tang Lingyan and the others until now, the little cat girl has not made any progress.

Taking out the familiar Weaving Bow, the soul power in his body surged crazily.

If it were her in the past, she would have lost her fighting power the moment she saw the other party's strange and terrifying appearance.

Fear, fear, trembling...

These innate emotions will destroy the skills of manipulating her soul power that she has learned in the past, and she may even be so afraid that she will not be able to call out her soul power.

Yes, living a comfortable life all the time made the cat girl forget about the cruelty of the Blessed Ones that she had heard before.

Facing all kinds of unknown violent beasts and all kinds of unknown strange creatures, while being powerful, he is also free from danger.

Only those blessed ones who return to the city to retire in peace of mind live a nourishing life, and the little cat girl naturally yearns for that kind of future.

Who wants to go out and confront the beast head-on?

Strength is not important at all, the happiness of the little cat girl is - to be able to eat and wear warm clothes.

Will suffice.

It's just that she didn't expect that she would be attacked by a strange black-robed man just to take an elevator?

But she still learned a lot from her sister, Xiaohan, Xiaoxia, Yinyun, Yingtel... and Hu Yu.

Now is the time to protect yourself with these things!


One blow was useless, and the black-robed man roared like a beast.

In this narrow elevator space, he suddenly raised his hands high, and a ball of energy condensed by black mist suddenly appeared in his hands.

Weird, gloomy, with the breath of death.

Catwoman gasped heavily, her mind went blank with fright, but she still responded.

Huge arrows shot out from the Weaving Bow, which was the result of shooting Xiao Han and Luo Ling these days.

When the cat girl first got the weaving bow, she didn't know how to use it very much, her technique was stiff, and her firing speed and attack power were also very slow.

But now it's different...

Before the man in black robe could fully condense his attack, he was blasted out of the elevator by the light arrow shot by the cat girl.

Metal was shattered, walls shattered, and buildings groaned.

All kinds of fine debris and stones rolled down, and the dust instantly replaced the space illuminated by the lights.

The little cat girl didn't aim, but at such a short distance, and the arrow is still attached with mental power to aim, it is very easy to hit the opponent.

But she didn't kill her. The arrow seemed to be powerful, but its more function was to lead the opponent out of the elevator.

The little cat girl has never killed anyone, let alone the consciousness of being attacked, all she wants is to escape here quickly.

I don't understand why I was attacked, and I don't know who the opponent is.

Maybe the other party was looking for someone to take revenge, but they found the wrong person, and the little cat girl had no time to think about it.

That thing that looked like a dead person, she didn't want to see it again for a second.

Kicking away the gravel at her feet, Kitty Catgirl anxiously ran out of the elevator.

This is the second floor of the cafeteria, which is mainly a freezer for storing ingredients and some rare beast meat.

The arrow just now took the man in black and shattered the solid wall of the freezer, and the cold air inside was leaking out continuously.

Cooperating with the already gloomy environment, the cat girl was so frightened that her teeth were shaking.

The cat's ears and cat's tail stuck to her body in fear, as if to say [Master, we are so scared, please do your best! 】

traitor! ——The little cat girl can't wait to throw [Move] and [Quiet] out, and yell [Why do I want you meow! 】

But it seems that I will receive a reply of "we can be cute", so the little cat girl thinks about it and forgets it.

Fortunately, although the elevator was destroyed, there was an emergency escape staircase next to it.

But the stairs looked like they hadn't been used for a long time, and they were covered with dust.

Go meow!

The little cat girl only had this thought in her mind, but she was complaining in fear.

"But... but... the nasty maid... this... this princess... has been attacked, meow, if you don't come... save... save me..."

I also knew in my heart that Xiao Han and the others couldn't be blamed for this, but the little mouth just couldn't help saying it.

The little cat girl ran to the stairs, kicking her little leather shoes on the dark and damp floor, and the echo was very obvious.

Making such a sound in this quiet and gloomy place, the little cat girl always feels that someone is following her closely.

She turned her head three times at a step, but she couldn't restrain her body from shaking.

Someone is watching her!

And the little cat girl is definitely not just the man in black robe just now.

When she ran up the stairs and took a few steps, what she saw when she looked back made her freeze with fright.

From the smashed cold storage, a dense crowd of people in black robes walked out!


The necessary main line promotes the plot

Maybe you guys don't know yet

If you don't like this kind of plot, you can skip it, but it will be confusing?

Later chapters will explain this in detail.

When I think of the story in the next volume, I get excited slightly

But still take your time, I want to tell every story very carefully meow

1225 My Weaving Bow Is Still Very Powerful

The exact same shape, the same gaze, looked extraordinarily weird and terrifying in this gloomy and silent cold storage.

The little cat girl was so frightened that she forgot to run away. If it was just a man in black robe, she would still have the strength to resist.

But now being stared at by so many people in black robes with the same appearance, she just felt that she was frozen all over.

All kinds of negative emotions surged up from the bottom of my heart, and death and fear quickly spread from the soles of my feet to the top of my head like ice.

The little cat girl was chattering her teeth, and moved very slowly.


Go meow!

But even though he kept urging his body in his mind, his feet didn't move at all.

As if bound by invisible chains, the kitty cat girl stared wide-eyed at the men in black robes who began to condense the black death light, and slowly raised the weaving bow in her hand.

In a short period of time, the soul power and spiritual power in the body were crazily getting into the Weaving Bow in his hand.

The bow body made of precious materials seemed to understand the owner's intentions, and began to emit a dazzling light, which dispelled the fear in the cat girl's heart.

I can do meow!

For some reason, there was such affirmation in her heart, the little cat girl raised the weaving bow and attacked first before the other party attacked.

The process of condensing the arrows of light was very short, but the speed at which the men in black robes condensed the light of death was not fast.

If it was the little cat girl from before, her attack speed would be similar to those of the men in black robes, or even slower.

Coupled with the psychology of fear, if it is really the former pink hair, there is nothing to do now.

Fortunately, she has used the Weaving Bow like a wielder now. After the light arrow is shot, it explodes into countless small sharp arrows in an instant.

This is one of the characteristics of the Weaving Bow. Under the control of the cat girl's mental power, the arrows can make unimaginable attacks.

Because of the blessing of spiritual power, these arrows don't even need to be aimed deliberately.

As long as the eyes can see and the soul can catch the target, the hit rate can definitely reach 100%!

There were a lot of people in black robes. After the cat girl let the light arrows explode, the rain of sharp arrows instantly penetrated the chests of every black robe people.

Just now she held back the man in black robe, but for this blow, she put all her strength into it.

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