"I don't want it! It's it! It's it! This saint is absolutely right meow! My old enemy... Destroy, must be destroyed meow! Holy light!"

So under the stunned eyes of everyone, the soul power in the cat girl's body exploded completely, and a strong pink energy burst out through her body, instantly melting half of the glass jars in the research room, including the black mist inside.


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1310 The Medicine Can’t Be Stopped, Lady Saint

"Excuse me, prisoner, do you have any excuses?" Xiao Han used his hand as a microphone, and then interviewed the little cat girl who was also frightened.

"Well... this prisoner meow..."

The little cat girl looked back at her stiffly, and immediately realized something was wrong.

"You're the one trying to argue meow! Go to hell!" The little cat girl shot Xiao Han over with an arrow.

"It's unbelievable..."

Li Xin also came back to her senses at this time, looking at the cat girl as if she was looking at a monster.

"You... what did you just do?"

"Well... I..." The little cat girl hid behind Tang Lingyan in fear, poked her head out and asked, "Are those expensive? Meow, I can pay for it..."

Now she is as rich as a country... Pooh, she is the richest cat girl in this country...

As an orc princess, she can still afford to pay for this little bit, as long as Luo Ziling is not stingy.

Hearing this, Li Xin rolled her eyes: "I'm asking you, how did you do it just now? This kind of thing... um... is the Night Stalker you mentioned, and it is very difficult to kill... Why are you doing it like that? easy?"

"That's it..." The little cat girl looked up at her sister suspiciously, just as Tang Lingyan was also looking down at her, "This saint...just released her soul power meow..."

"Just released the soul power?"

Li Xin obviously didn't believe it.

"What else did you do? This is important..."

Seeing her serious appearance, the little cat girl nodded seriously and said, "Just...just release your soul power to protect yourself meow...to prevent the Night Stalker from attacking me, meow...right sister?"

But as she spoke, the little cat girl put her hands on her hips proudly: "But this Night Stalker is too weak meow! Ah haha, as expected, once this saint is out, the Night Stalker will have nothing to hide meow!"

"I'm proud of you, but you did a good job, baby girl!" Luo Ziling leaned over and picked up the little cat girl, rubbing her face fiercely.

"Perverted mother, stay away from me meow...outside, even you can't go beyond this holy girl meow!"

The little cat girl put her hands on Luo Ziling's face, trying to move her away.

"But you can see how powerful this saint is, it's still very good meow, someone needs to help this saint pass on the great achievements of defeating the Night Stalker meow!"

At this moment, Luo Haoge checked the glass jars destroyed by the cat girl and walked over: "All have been wiped out, confirm."

"Huh meow! Of course!" the little cat girl proudly said, "The strength of this saint is recognized by the God of Light, meow, and the mere Night Stalker is no match for me at all!"

"But Weiqing, you were so frightened that you were trembling all over just now, and you yelled for us to run away." Hu Yu was sourly tearing down the stage at the side at this moment.

Mainly because seeing Fenmao and Luo Ziling getting close there, the little fox in Huyu's heart was full of envy and jealousy.

When Hu Yu said this, the little cat girl paused, and then stammered: "Who... who said that the saint is afraid of meow! As a good friend of the saint, don't you know me? What about your strength, meow?"

"I'm afraid...I'm afraid that if I start a war with the Night Stalker just now, it will affect you meow..."

Finding the reason in no time, the little cat girl nodded in agreement: "That's right, that's it... This saint is afraid of accidentally hurting you, so I told you to go away, meow!"

"So Qingyou loves us so much... let's get married!" Xiao Han and Luo Ling were so moved that they knelt on one knee at this moment, and then held lilies in their hands.

"Think so beautifully! Go to hell, pervert!" The kitten made a grimace, and then stuck out her tongue.

"It seems that what you said is correct, her strength does have restraint beyond imagination." Li Xin stared at the little cat girl and thought, then stretched out her hand to the little cat girl.

"Try me the whole process of releasing your soul power just now, let me feel it."

Seeing this, Tang Ling shook his head and said, "Don't try it, I've already felt it, except that I can vaguely feel a non-existent power through intuition, there is nothing special about it."

"Even you can't tell the difference... But I want to feel it again, so I'll ask you gently..." Li Xin begged again.

"Hmph! Then...well then meow...since you're begging my saint so much meow...although my saint's power of light is very precious meow...but meeting the demands of believers is also essential... "

After finishing speaking, the little cat girl released the soul power that just erupted to Li Xin. Li Xin frowned and closed her eyes to feel it for a while, before sighing dejectedly.

"There is indeed a different atmosphere, but it seems to be just a feeling, not something substantial."

In that case...

Li Xin dragged the cat girl to a strange instrument and said, "Then gently input your soul power into it, and I will study it slowly."

According to Li Xin, the little cat girl began to input her soul power into a drab crystal inlaid in the center of the instrument.

I thought it would cause some kind of abnormal phenomenon, but the soul power was absorbed by this crystal, and nothing happened.

After finishing all this, Li Xin began to concentrate on calculating on the console.

Everyone looked at the skipping pictures on the screen, they were a little confused, so after an hour, Li Xin let out a long sigh of relief.

"It's done?" Luo Ziling asked.

Li Xin shook her head: "It's not that easy, I just took a breath."

I'm dizzy—that's probably what everyone has in their minds right now.

"Fortunately, you didn't wipe out all the world viruses I collected, and the remaining part should be enough for experiments."

Li Xin said while manipulating the button, and then aimed the energy launcher at a glass jar.

"Let me first try to analyze the composition of your power... But there is no doubt that it is all soul power, and there is also some magic power... But we all know this kind of thing, and we don't see any effect on the world virus, so... "

Li Xin pressed the launch button, and in an instant, the launch pad shot a pale pink light onto the glass jar.

"So I'm trying to mix your soul power into pure energy without attributes to see if it can still work after dilution?"

Under everyone's eyes, the black mist in the glass jar began to churn [painfully]. When the energy exposure ended, only half of the black mist inside was left.

"It seems that dilution is also useful, but the effect will be reduced, and the next step is..."

"Wait meow!" Seeing that Li Xin was going to continue with the experiment, the little cat girl hurriedly called her to stop.

"what's up?"

"That...is the medicine for yin deficiency from before, should I continue to take it, meow?" the little cat girl asked.

As if she didn't expect the little cat girl to ask this question, Li Xin was obviously taken aback, and then looked at the little cat girl's slightly undulating chest.

"It depends on your sister. If you want to grow up, you can eat it even though it doesn't seem to be effective. If you don't want to eat it, you can."

"Oh, then I don't want to eat meow, I don't think it's very useful... By the way, why did you look at my saint's chest and say meow?" If Li Xin hadn't been normal all along, the little cat girl would have suspected that she was infected by a pervert .

On the contrary, Tang Lingyan dismissed the little cat girl's decision: "I think it's better to continue to take it, you have finally grown up a little... Cough cough, I mean, the medicine cannot be stopped until the treatment is cured."

1311 Perverted Seeds in the Auction House

In the end, the little cat girl still took three months of yin deficiency pills, which Li Xin had prepared before.

"Oh meow, meow that the saint doesn't want to eat..."

The little cat girl turned into a bitter face. To be honest, she felt that this thing was useless.

But seeing the tone of Tang Lingyan and Li Xin, the cat girl felt that they had something to hide from her.

But soon, her attention was drawn by Li Xin.

First, I accompanied this master who researched potions and herbs to do an experiment all afternoon, and then had dinner. The purpose of Kitty's visit this time has been achieved.

First of all, she knew that her soul power had miraculous effects on the world's viruses.

The second is to cooperate with Li Xin to do research. As long as she finds out the reason why she can restrain the world virus, then the world of the heavens will have special weapons in the future.

Of course, this second point is still unclear to Li Xin.

After all, even the little cat girl herself doesn't understand why her soul power has such an effect on the world virus, so Li Xin can only try it bit by bit.

"Okay, if you have nothing else to do, you can go first, and I will find someone to inform you when I have a conclusion or a new need."

Li Xin drove everyone out of the research room, and shut herself in to do research quietly.

After the cat girl and others came out, they took the teleportation array back to the orc capital.

"Does Your Royal Highness want dinner?"

Sister Flotes waited for a long time in front of the Wancai Palace with the maids, and asked respectfully the moment she saw the cat girl.

"No need meow, this saint has already eaten. Sister Flortis, you haven't eaten yet, have you? Then I will give you the prepared dinner meow, don't waste it!"

The maids looked at each other when they heard the words, and in the end it was Frodis who understood the cat girl's temper, and quickly agreed: "This...well then, Your Highness."

The orc celebration outside was still going on, and there was endless noise.

But the little cat girl was very tired today, so she didn't play any games with everyone at night.

But the next day, she took Hu Yu, Su Yan'er, Shang Shui Yu and Xiao Han Luo Ling out to play, and by the way, she went to see the auction house she hadn't seen before.

When she came to the orc capital for the first time, the little cat girl was shocked by the towering auction house.

When he came to the ground of the auction house, he looked up and saw that the tall spire even pierced through the clouds.

"It's so tall!" Hu Yu exclaimed.

"so beautiful!"

The little cat girl was staring at the gold, silver and jewels inlaid on the outer layer of the auction house.

It is said that there are many strong people in this auction house, so even if a brick in this auction house is very valuable, no one dares to steal it.

Outside the auction house is a rockery with green water, surrounded by flowers, as well as various perennial green trees and strange and rare ancient trees.

Faintly, everyone could smell a faint fragrance, which was the strange fragrance from those ancient trees.

People came and went on the criss-crossing roads, some were dancing, some were swearing, and some were hurrying as if they were carrying some precious treasure in their arms.

Before everyone could finish appreciating it, a disturbing voice sounded in their ears.

"Your Highness, please follow me."

The cat girl was still admiring her property, when a beautiful elf in a green short-sleeved long dress came up to her, and there were several female elves behind her.

"No meow!"

The little cat girl took a step back, hid behind Su Yan'er and asked vigilantly, "You...how do you know this saint meow!?"

When she went out, she went to Tang Lingyan to help her cover up her appearance. She didn't expect that she would be recognized as soon as she arrived at the auction house.

But the elf smiled gently and said, "His Royal Highness is the owner of this auction house. Although we have never been here, as the staff here, it is a must for us to recognize our new owner."

"Is it a smell?" Xiao Han put away the camera in his hand and asked, "Because her breath is not covered up."

But the female elf just smiled and said nothing, instead she talked about something else: "His Royal Highness, your favorite dried fish in the starry sky is ready, and all kinds of other rare treasures are ready. Please Your Royal Highness inspect your property."

"Uh...cough cough...hum meow!" the little cat girl said immediately with her hands on her hips.

"Since... if this is the case... this princess wants to see how you are taking care of my saintess's property... Let me tell you first, it's not because I want to eat dried fish..."

"Yes, Her Royal Highness and friends of Her Highness, please..."

The elf made an inviting gesture, and respectfully welcomed everyone in.

The orcs around looked at this scene curiously, secretly guessing which important person's child came to make the waiter of the Royal Auction so respectful?

The little cat girl was holding Su Yan'er's arm tightly, while holding Hu Yu's hand tightly, her slightly hot body might not be as calm and elegant as her surface.

I saw Fenmao slowly walking into the auction house following the etiquette of His Highness the Princess taught by Luo Ziling.

The moment they entered the auction site, countless eyes were cast on them, and then hurriedly dispersed.

"Your Highness, this is the first floor, where the reception is." The female elf began to introduce the spacious hall full of people coming and going.

"Well, you haven't said what your name is, meow?" the little cat girl reminded.

"Ah!?" The female elf fell to her knees in panic instantly, "You deserve to die for a lowly job, but you forgot about it. The lowly job is called Azaleil, and I ask the princess to come down!"

Before the little cat girl felt that she was making a fuss, a little elf who was kneeling behind the elf puckered her mouth: "Aisha obviously did it on purpose, so Her Royal Highness will notice your name, right?" , How cunning!"

Aisha, who was exposed, was really scared this time and trembled all over. If the cat girl heard it and got angry because of it, then her little calculation would not only fail, but even face punishment.

But the little cat girl didn't care much: "Eisarel, right? Meow! As a believer of this saint, I will take good care of this auction house in the future!"

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