"Don't bring this kind of thing. As a friend, you think I've failed before I even started?"

"Adults, isn't it normal to think about failure before success?"

"Okay, I really convinced you." Luo Haoge glanced at the sleeping cat girl again, the flame bubble on her nose got bigger.

I really want to poke it in the past...

Luo Haoge felt itchy in her heart, but she still turned around and complained to Tang Lingyan: "Qingyou has really changed you a lot, if someone told me before that you would be like this in a year, I would definitely kill him , dare to tell a lie."

Tang Lingyan touched his face, and asked calmly, "Am I ugly?"

"No, it's still a beauty, I mean your character."

Luo Haoge waved his hand: "Forget it, forget it, it's useless to talk to you."

"You haven't said your plan yet." Tang Lingyan asked her plan again.

"You know that my First Legion is a secret. Not so long ago they were unknown to the world."

Luo Haoge paused for a moment.

"However, the last time Weiqing was attacked in the cafeteria of Holy Spirit College, I showed up with the First Legion, and I didn't intend to hide too much from them."

"Not long ago, I decided to uproot some cancers from the Tianzhou Kingdom. I deliberately let people leak some information about the First Legion, such as the standard, clothing, abilities, and whereabouts..."

"After the news got out, it didn't take long for it to spread among the upper circles."

"And this time, I deliberately spread the First Legion around the central square in disguise. On the surface, it was to maintain order, but in fact, it was to let those people confirm the news of the First Legion—as expected, Her Majesty has hidden a army."

Hearing this, Tang Lingyan probably understood: "Then you deliberately forced the meeting to be arranged in an unreasonable place like a concert. There are a lot of people here, all kinds of people, and coupled with the large venue, once an accident occurs, it will turn into chaos. .”

Luo Haoge snapped his fingers: "That's right, those people will definitely think so. And I also invited a group of influential people from various forces, which will make them think that I will do something here!"

"After all, a place like a concert, even the Royal Plaza, can't be inspected one by one in this chaotic and crowded flow of people like scattered sand."

"That's why I used the excuse that it was a terrorist attack, and the First Legion just happened to be stationed nearby to quell the chaos, and those who came to the meeting were accidentally killed by the battle, and none of the bodies remained!"

"Hearing this news really makes the empress heartbroken, but such an unavoidable thing has happened, please condolences..."

"I think the people who came to the parliament pretty much had in their minds that I would do that."

Hearing this, Tang Lingyan laughed: "If Qingyou knows that you have such a bad heart, I'm afraid I won't dare to hug you again."

"Tch, it doesn't matter if I'm bad or not, anyway, I'm not as bad as you. Besides, she never took the initiative to hug me, and I hugged her every time."

Luo Haoge pursed his lips, and continued: "So those people must think that I might do this, but they have to come to this Hongmen banquet!"

"If you don't come, won't it give me a reason to find fault? So they will try to avoid this risk..."

"Choosing avatars is one of them. Some people will definitely prepare means of escape, and flee immediately if something is wrong. Maybe even a space blockade can't stop them from escaping."

Tang Lingyan nodded: "That's right, you deliberately created such an environment, they will definitely be prepared."

The queen put the meeting place in the concert;

The First Army, which has been kept secret all along, is around;

It is mandatory to require your own influential and powerful bosses to come to the meeting...

Combining these realities, as long as you are not a fool, you can definitely see Luo Haoge's intention to catch them all here.

As for Luo Haoge, a lunatic, many things she has done in the past have proved that she is likely to do so regardless of public opinion.

Wouldn't it be easy to dump the blame on international terrorist organizations at that time?

Anyway, all the powerful and powerful people are dead, who would dare to jump out and scold her?

But they still had to come, who made her a queen! ?

If you didn't come, it just gave Luo Haoge a reason to clean you up.

"Then it seems that your goal this time is not these people, but the industry behind them?" Tang Lingyan's mind was still spinning quickly.

Since these people who came to the meeting will definitely notice this and find ways to avoid it, then Luo Haoge's effort to do so is certainly not for the sake of these people who came to the meeting.

"Oh, no no no."

Luo Haoge shook his head with a smirk.

"Spiritual Flame, you still don't understand these things. Many times, there are some things that you don't need to do yourself. You just need to light a fire, and it will burn into the way you want."

Tang Lingyan was taken aback by what she said: "What do you mean?"

"Do you think I will take advantage of these people here, and then find an opportunity to send someone to seize and take over the forces behind them? No, no, no, I don't need to do this."

Luo Haoge suddenly became angry: "I am the Queen of Tianzhou Kingdom, how could I do such an exaggerated thing to my own people?!"

"Then what do you mean? The Hongmen Banquet is set up just to frighten these people?"

"Hey~" Luo Haoge sighed, "Lingyan, you are focused on cultivation, and you are still a little bit less enthusiastic about such a conspiracy. It seems that I have to explain it to you."

1326 I mean let you come and feed me!

Tang Lingyan was stunned by what Luo Haoge said next.

"My goal has never been these people. After all, although they are doing things that are harmful to the country, I can tolerate them."

"In other words, after this incident, I will give them a chance to reform. Those who don't want to change will be buried in my grave. As for those who want to change, I will not kill them all."

"No...what do you mean?" Tang Lingyan asked back, "You didn't do this to kill these people?"

"How can it be!" Luo Haoge waved his hand, "You also know that I invited a lot of people this time, involving all walks of life and fields, and some foreign companies, some even leaders in the industry. of."

"Even if they are not pleasing to the eye, it is a gradual process to replace them. Such a business empire cannot be solved by killing a few people."

"It is true that it would be a pleasure to kill the people at the top, but the collapse of the forces behind them will cause more social and economic problems, which is more terrible than sucking the blood of the country while they are alive."

"So, trying to eliminate them and the forces behind them can only be a process, not an instant."

"This time I deliberately created an atmosphere that was so strong that I wanted to keep them all here. It was just to create an illusion for the real target."

"Wait." Tang Lingyan calmed down, "You mean the real target? The Griffin family?"

"That's right! Lingyan, you finally understand."

Luo Haoge clapped his hands and laughed: "The First Legion is not here to kill them, but to protect them. But in the meantime, I will use some tricks to make the Griffin family commit crimes..."

"There has been no chance to seize their handle and punish them before, and now is the time."

"Oh, of course, there are still a few people invited this time that I don't like, so I use them to make an example of others and keep the others here."

After Luo Haoge finished speaking, there was a sudden sound in the room.



Seeing that the flame bubble in the kitten's nose burst, she woke up immediately.

"Ah? What's the matter, meow, is dinner ready?" the little cat girl sat up in a daze and asked.

"Miss, are you hungry?" Xiaowen picked up the snacks on the shelf and passed them to her, "Let's have some snacks first."

"Hey...Xiaowen, why do you let this saint eat snacks..."

Shaking her head, the cat girl pulled Xiaowen and lay down again.

"If I don't eat meow, I'm still sleepy..."

"You little idiot, why do you want to eat when you wake up, like a little stupid pig." Luo Haoge angrily walked over and poked her in the face.

The cat girl immediately became upset: "Who are you talking about, a stupid pig! This saint is the most intelligent person in the universe, meow!"

"Have you forgotten, we are in the central square now, not in your room." Luo Haoge grabbed her little hand.

But since the cat girl was hungry, Luo Haoge directly picked up the phone and said, "Song Jian, come over and make some food."

After a while, Song Jian came in from the door pushing a dining cart.

"Female...Your Majesty, the meal is ready."

The cat girl sniffled, and was immediately attracted by the aroma of the food.

"It smells so good, what's in it, meow!?"

"Princess...cough cough, miss, here is..."

"All right, all right, get out!" Luo Haoge gave the order angrily, and Song Jian smiled apologetically at the cat girl, then bowed and left.

As soon as Song Jian left, Luo Haoge came to the little cat girl with a plate as if asking for credit and opened the lid.

"This is your favorite braised fish. Gentle, the chef in the palace made it. Try it. If it doesn't taste right, I'll ask them to make it again."

The cat girl picked up the chopsticks under Luo Haoge's expectant eyes, but within two seconds, she looked at Tang Lingyan.

Receiving her gaze, Tang Lingyan nodded and said, "Eat when you're hungry, baby, you don't need to wait for sister's consent."

"Why do you need to agree meow!" The little cat girl immediately pouted her mouth angrily, "Why does this holy lady ask you to agree to eat? You are so affectionate! Hmph!"

"Um...then what do you think my sister is doing?"

"You don't even understand this! Idiot, idiot! I'm so mad at the saint meow! Didn't you see that I lost my strength after fighting the Night Stalker for [-] rounds just now?"

"Still... still... Come here and feed me, meow!? You...you have to tell me what the saint has said! Negligence! It's useless! You don't have the awareness of the people of light at all, meow! You don't even understand this! snort!"

The more the little cat girl spoke, the lower her voice became, and finally she lowered her head with her chopsticks in hand, her whole body bursting into red flames.

"It's... I don't want you to feed me... It's not meow... Idiot, idiot, idiot!"

"Gently~" Luo Haoge looked at her with an uncomfortable expression.

"what happened?"

"Obviously it's your sister, it's hard for you to favor me like this. Besides, it's okay to let me feed you. Taking care of Her Royal Highness is also part of my duty, so how about letting me feed you?"

Although the first reaction of some pampered cat girls was to ask Tang Lingyan to feed her, Luo Haoge was not annoyed, but worked hard to win the opportunity.

"Hmph! Since... since... since you are begging me so much...then...well then..."

The little cat girl turned her head arrogantly.

"I don't have much strength. If you don't take good care of me, I will punish you when I recover!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Luo Haoge smiled and took the chopsticks from her hand, the moment the skin touched, Luo Haoge felt the little cat girl's fingers trembling.

Seeing her feeling powerless just after waking up, I feel a little distressed in my heart.

While feeding it with the fish, he lightly reprimanded: "Next time when the fire of Nirvana bottoms out, don't use it. Look at you now..."



The cat girl opened her small mouth, sticking out her tongue from her ruddy cherry lips, and swept away the fish on the chopsticks, and then began to chew cutely.

However, regarding Luo Haoge's preaching, Her Royal Highness said that she would not listen to it at all.

Doesn't the smartest egg in the universe know how to do it?Although you are the queen, you can't teach me how to do things!

"Eat it too, don't just watch."

Luo Haoge signaled Xiaowen to distribute the food in the dining car to everyone, while he concentrated on feeding the cat girl.

"What kind of pastry is that, I... this saint thinks it needs a balanced nutrition meow, that!"

"Your Highness asked me, the queen, to feed you. Is there any reward afterwards?"

Luo Haoge brought the food in the direction her little hand pointed, and then fed it to the little cat girl.

"Reward? Well, then I will reward you with this balloon, meow!"

The little catgirl handed Luo Haoge the balloon that she blew up just now.

"There is also the power of this saint to purify the world. You can use it to deal with the Night Stalker. There is no problem at all! Don't be too grateful to me, you don't need to kneel down and thank you!"

1327 Lady Saint Was Bullied by Food

"Ah this...well, it's a gift." Luo Haoge accepted it speechlessly.

"By the way, how can this thing withstand the flames of this holy lady? Isn't it a balloon?"

It was only then that the little cat girl remembered the weirdness of this balloon. How could a balloon made of ordinary materials hold her Nirvana fire without being damaged?

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