Inside the square, the queen's temporary office...

Through the window, Luo Haoge sneered as he looked at Wei Sishan and his son, who were not looking good.

"Just playing smart."

"Your Majesty, this is information from Hang Lun Star."

Song Jian respectfully handed the document in his hand to Luo Haoge, and then withdrew.

Flipping through a few pages casually, Luo Haoge smiled: "It seems that the progress is going well, now we have to deal with the immediate matter..."

1333 is sound waves~~~~!



Smash it, smash it, the little cat girl turned over cutely on the sofa.

"Before I knew it, I fell asleep again. It really deserves to be you, Qingqing!"

Xiao Han squatted beside the sofa and poked Fenmao's face, and the holy lady sneezed instantly.


The flames of the fire of Nirvana spewed out onto Xiao Han's face, and immediately burned her eyebrows away.

"Haha, Master, it seems that Qingqing will instinctively defend you even when she is sleeping! Let me do it!"

Luo Ling squeezed Xiao Han away, and then patted the little cat girl's arm.

"Gently, get up, the time is coming!"

Then, Luo Ling was also turned into coke by a flame.

The little cat girl sat up in a daze, and looked at Luo Ling who was scorched with her half-asleep eyes, and then at Tang Lingyan who was sitting drinking tea on the other side.


Tilting her head, the little cat girl murmured cutely: "Isn't this saint just now practicing singing meow?"

"What are you practicing while you're asleep!"

Xiao Han pulled her up: "Let's go, let's go, the time is coming, and the outside is starting to enter!"

Hearing this, the little cat girl looked out of the window, and sure enough, she saw many people walking inside one after another.

At this moment, the lights of the concert venue have been turned on, and part of the staff has already left, and those who stay are all on-site to manage the equipment.

But Su Yan'er is still missing, she should not appear until the concert music starts.

However, the spectators who entered the arena were already discussing enthusiastically, and many of them held supporting props and cheer sticks in their hands.

At this time, the little cat girl asked belatedly: "Susu begged the saint to sing a song with her, so should I go backstage, meow?"

"What are you doing backstage?" Xiao Han waved his hand and said, "When the time comes, you can just go on stage from the auditorium? Our tickets are on the special viewing platform!"

The so-called special viewing stands are for people of high status, and the conditions for getting tickets here are not easy.

In addition to having money, you are also required to have status and reputation in society. Ordinary people cannot buy tickets here, even if they have money.

The venue for Su Yaner's concert today was converted from the original Royal Arena. Apart from the central stage, another part of the concert stage was built.

This part installs screens, lights, speakers and a host of other stage props.

Just entering the venue, you can feel the grandeur here.

At this time, in the stands...

"Wow! This is too big!"

Bai Wenyu had the kitten girl's standing sign on her head, she was wearing the kitten girl's skirt, she was holding the kitten girl's support props in her hand, and even her face was covered with the kitten girl's head.

"Hmph! Rare is more strange, how can the place where Allah descended be sloppy!?"

Passerby A walked in front and snorted proudly.

"She is the light of this world, the Allah of this world, this small venue is only the minimum requirement for Allah to descend..."

Although it could be seen on the face of passerby A that he was also shocked by the huge venue here, but Bai Wenyu still bowed his head in shame for his ignorance.

"What you said to the leader, the place where Allah descended is only so big, and it can't bring out her radiance at all!"

"Well, children can be taught!"

Passerby A nodded, then looked at Passerby C.

"How is everyone's arrangement? Are there people from us in every area?"

Passerby C was wearing a white coat today, looking a bit like a doctor.

But now his nickname in Lily Church is Doctor, because he calls the ambulance every time.

Not only because of his loud voice, but also because he can persevere to the end under the light of Allah, he is the person closest to God!

The average person's ability to accept God's grace is not high, and they can easily overflow with nosebleeds and fall down, but passer-by C can call an ambulance every time.

So the title of doctor must belong to him, even if he is not a doctor.

Hearing Passerby A's inquiry at this moment, Passerby C immediately replied seriously: "Don't worry, Master, we specially chose a different area when buying tickets this time!

When the time comes, we will cry out for the coming of Allah together, and we will surely let the light spread in this field! "

"Good job!"

Passerby A applauded, and Passerby B on the other side said with emotion: "Many of the believers who joined recently have money, which solves our financial problem, otherwise we might not be able to attend this concert!"

"Well, that's right, there are so many rich people in the Holy Spirit Academy!" Passerby A nodded approvingly, "We must develop these people into the most fanatical supporters of Allah!"

Passers-by A, B, and C looked at each other instantly, their wolf-like eyes frightened Bai Wenyu to take a step back.

"Comrade Bai Wenyu, you are our three most promising believers, you must perform well today!"

Passerby A turned his head and patted Bai Wenyu's shoulder.

"Let's go, don't stand here stupidly, go to our place first, and prepare for the coming of Allah!"

In fact, Passerby A's side is relatively peaceful. At this moment, most of the fans who came in from other entrances have been infected... Ahem, they have assimilated into loyal followers of the Lily Sect.

At this moment, while they were shouting Long Live Allah, they were also cheering for Su Yan'er.

"Long live Allah! Come on, Susu! Don't quit the circle!"

The voices of the fans passed from wave to wave, and those who hadn't shouted slogans were also motivated and shouted.

For a while, even before the concert started, the venue was already full of excitement.


The arena was originally a large oval building, inlaid in the entire central square. It was originally the final stage prepared for the Tianzhou Kingdom's annual competition for the Blessed Ones.

Today, for Su Yan'er's concert, naturally they can only sit three-quarters of the area.

Naturally, the side facing away from the singing stage cannot be used as an auditorium. Competitive competitions are not like concerts, where there are live backstage preparations.

The resting place for the contestants is the lounge where the cat girl stayed just now, and there are rooms everywhere in the long corridor.

Of course, these rooms are also divided into luxury and luxury, and the lounge where the cat girl stays is generally not open to other people.

These rooms are built on foundations at ground level and below the auditorium in a circular arc around it.

Aside from the specially marked VIP area and special seats on the ground floor, the window of the lounge has the best view.

The special seats that the cat girl and the others were going to were originally extended from the four corners of the arena in the center of the entire arena and built separately.

These seats are the same height as the arena, or even slightly higher.

The closest to the stage, and naturally the clearest view.

There are many defensive formations arranged on the special seats, which are the same as the formations arranged inside the arena, and they are all used to resist the aftermath of the match between the favored ones.

Even facing many attacks directly, these formations can block them unscathed.

1334 Run to the truth! Miss Bai Wenyu!

At this time, the little cat girl timidly hid behind Tang Lingyan, pulling her clothes a little scared.

"Shall we go out now, meow? Isn't the concert still ten minutes away?"

"Of course I have to go ahead of time. Don't you want to wait for your Susu to come to power and can't find you?"

Tang Lingyan turned sideways, and then pushed the cat girl in front of her.

Feeling the sour smell in her sister's voice, the little cat girl blushed and took her hand.

"Well, my sister will...cough cough...Ben...this saint is will always fight side by side with me, meow?"

The little cat girl became even more nervous when the matter came, and she could only look at Tang Lingyan eagerly.

What she means is - I'm afraid, hold my hand and never let go, so that I can feel safe.

"That... that... Night Stalker is actually very powerful and cunning, meow... I... this saint..."

"Understood, isn't my sister always by your side?" Tang Lingyan bent down and kissed her on the forehead to express her comfort.

"Do you want my sister to carry you?"

"I... don't want to meow! Huh!" The little cat girl immediately jumped away.

If she was carried into the arena in public, how would she be a cat in the future?

Bah, no, it's a human being!

"Since Her Royal Highness is fine, let's go."

Tang Lingyan raised her hand again and took the little cat girl and started walking towards the exit.

"Well, in fact, you can also bring us all there with a whoosh..."

The cat's ears were frantically wagging on the little head, and the cat's tail was wagging restlessly.

If it is possible, the little cat girl actually hopes that Tang Lingyan can take them directly to teleport there.


The warmth from the palm of my hand is so reassuring, and at the same time, it expresses my sister's thoughts.

——She can protect Qingqing for the rest of her life, but Qingqing also needs to show courage.

The little cat girl looked up at Tang Lingyan, just in time to meet her sister's eyes that had been watching her.

At this moment, only the reflection of the other was left in the eyes of the two, and the little cat girl suddenly understood, but it seemed that she didn't understand.

She trembled her fingers in fear, and wanted to pull her little hand back, but Tang Lingyan held her firmly without letting go.

"Well, sister~"

"what happened?"

The cat girl opened her mouth, then lowered her head shyly.

"No, I think you're walking too slowly meow..."

The little cat girl took a step forward, dragging Tang Lingyan to the exit, leaving behind a group of people looking at each other in blank dismay.

"What's the situation?" Xia Yinglu asked puzzled.

"It's love! It's love!" Xiao Han excitedly picked up the camera to take pictures there, while Luo Ling beside him was already moved to tears.

Including Shang Shuiyu, also wiped away tears and sighed: "One day, Qingqing will be mine!"

"Um, so what are you talking about?"

Only Xia Yinglu was in a state of encirclement, what the hell! ?

The atmosphere seems to suddenly become different?Is it her illusion?

And what do these metamorphosis mean?

A [Even I understand, but you don't?Is it too bad? ], I really don’t understand what’s going on, but your eyes, which only an artist can understand, make me really want to poke your eyes!

"It's okay, let's go."

At this time, Xiaowen patted Xia Yinglu on the shoulder, then walked forward with a smile.

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