After all, it was just a rumor.


Originally, I only planned to write two chapters, but after adding a few things, I ended up writing so much, so there will be another chapter in the follow-up

Well, the update of the extra episode is not considered an update of the main text, so it has nothing to do with adding more, it is equivalent to adding more chapters for free, please rest assured about this

If you don't like watching it, I will try to reduce it as much as possible in the future

Cold ([-])

I sniffed my nose, feeling like I don't have enough sleep today.

Lu Linger ([-]) Shan Si Ba Ba Si

Luo gently raised his hand and touched his forehead: "It's not hot to the touch~"

I thought it was a cold, but it didn't seem to be, maybe I slept too late yesterday, and I didn't get enough sleep today.

As long as you rest a little longer, it should be fine, she thought, but... I just paid the material fee, and the points I picked up yesterday should not be enough...

The girl named Luo Qingqing plans to pick it up again today, because yesterday's good luck seems to have given her a little illusion - she should be able to pick up a lot today.

As people flowed out of the school gate, Luyi City looked beautiful at night, with lights everywhere, and under the lights was the tranquility of one or several people.

The family members who have worked and studied all day get together in this short period of time, have some supper, watch TV, and happily discuss the interesting things that happened today and the future. Everything looks so beautiful.

The same is true for those shops on the side of the road. The time when students are out of class is their last chance to make money every day.

There are food stalls next to the bus station, and students passing by will buy some with their pockets to eat on the way home.

The smell of fireworks wafts in the air along with the smell of fried rice noodles, and those restaurants with facades are still open, and they will only close when there are no students here.

While Luo Qingqing was waiting for the bus, her eyes were drawn to her involuntarily.When the daughter returned home, the greasy father brought out a snack and handed it to her, stroking his daughter's head with a smile.

Looking away from the situation in the restaurant, Luo got on the bus lightly, and at the moment the bus left, she involuntarily looked back again.

It's just that there were only one or two guests eating in the empty restaurant, and she could no longer see the father and daughter.

That kind of beauty does not belong to her, and she is not even allowed to take a look.

The bus suddenly turned a sharp bend, and Luo Weiqing didn't hold her steady, her delicate body tilted to and fro with the inertia, at this moment a hand was placed on her shoulder to support her.

Because the bus will only turn on the lights when it stops, so the interior of the bus is still relatively dark, some of which are just the light of the mobile phones in the hands of some students, which can only reflect the faces of the owners.

Luo turned her head slightly, and in the darkness she couldn't see who was holding her up, so she had no choice but to say thank you softly.

At this time, a pleasant voice sounded: "You're welcome, Qingqing, do you still remember me, I'm Xiaotuo."

Luo slightly forgot what the other party said later, and got out of the car in a daze. She only felt a little top-heavy.

The moonlight above her head seemed to become hazy, the girl staggered back to her room, and then began to search for the bag she picked up yesterday.

In order to make up for the living expenses lost by paying the material fee, Luo Qingqing must work hard to pick up garbage in the next few days. She found several big bags for this yesterday.

The girl didn't turn on the light, and searched inside the house with the help of the outside light that came in from the balcony.

She didn't have many things, Luo Qingqing remembered every location in her mind, so she quickly found what she was looking for.

She was holding the bag in her small hand and was about to go out. At this moment, a whirlwind came to her mind. The girl staggered to hold on to the wall so as not to fall. When she put her hand away, the cement on the wall rustled down.

"Feeling so tired..."

She stood up talking to herself, then opened the door, and walked out crookedly.

Today's lights seem to be a little more hazy than before, and there are afterimages of pedestrians on the street, but Luo Qingqing doesn't care about this.

All she cared about was the bin, and whether there was anything she was looking for in it.

A pair of small hands rummaged through it feebly, Luo Weiqing felt very tired today, even walking seemed to be a bit strenuous, let alone rummaging through trash.

Something was wet in her hand, it should be leftovers from other people’s food, with some seasonings on it, her little hand continued to rummage in the dark, and she found another round thing that made a sound when pinched .

She happily took it out, and it really was a bottle, but the noodle soup sauce on her little hands smelled a bit rancid.

Luo Weiwei didn't care, and continued to reach out and grope inside.

Just like that, one trash can, two trash cans...

In the dead of night, when there were hardly anyone on the street, Luo Qingqing finally filled a bag.

"Today, I feel so little..."

Looking at the bag in her hand with some dissatisfaction, Luo Weiwei was about to continue, but as soon as she stood up, she fell down.


Vision, why is it so blurry?

Luo Qingqing fell to the ground with her head dizzy, and she couldn't lift her hands anymore. At this moment, she came back to her senses, she didn't seem to have had dinner yet.

The strong hunger in her stomach seemed to become stronger the moment she realized it, but compared to this, now she only felt that her head was extremely dizzy, as if the whole world was spinning.

Turn and turn, turn and turn... The girl lay next to the trash can and fell asleep in a daze...

The humidity at night was heavy, and Luo Qing slept curled up next to the trash can, but the bag in her hand was tightly held by her and did not let go.

After the city was quiet for a period of time, it slowly began to recover in the hands of people who woke up, and sanitation workers began to work at this point.

The road section by section was cleaned, the trash cans were cleaned up, and the trucks carrying garbage also started to make noises and start when others were in sleep.

A sanitation worker found the girl sleeping next to the trash can, and she didn't bother her immediately. When the aunt in sanitation clothes came here, Luo Qingqing still had no intention of waking up.

The aunt frowned, and then slapped the girl on the back with a broom a few times: "Hey, I got up, I can't sleep anywhere, but I want to sleep next to the trash can, are you a trash? If you want to sleep, go somewhere else, don't sleep." Preventing me from cleaning..."

The girl remained unmoved. Even though her drowsy head heard her voice, the heavy eyelids did not wake the girl up.

The sanitation aunt was about to continue shouting, when she suddenly saw the bag in the girl's hand, which was tattered, but it was still well filled with bottles.

Even though the bag was worn out, the bottles that Luo Qing collected one by one were still lying in it, not escaping from the small gap.

"You can't blame me!" The sanitation aunt stared at it for a while, then suddenly said evil in her heart.

She squatted down and began to break the girl's clenched fingers, and by the way, she found an excuse to snatch it: "I will clean this area, and the trash cans in this area will belong to me. Do you allow me to pick up trash here?"


I thought three would be the end, but codeword Ji is still too naive

Looks like there should be four more


Why, why am I so miserable

Cold ([-])

In the dream, it seemed that someone was touching her baby. Even though Luo Qingyuan's head was dizzy, she still clenched her little hands tightly.

The sanitation aunt didn't see her let go after playing for a long time, and suddenly became angry, and pinched the girl's arm left and right, cursing and telling her to let go.

Feeling the pain, Luo Weiwei finally woke up.

"You, what are you going to do?" Misty eyes were full of water vapor, the girl involuntarily let go of the little hand the moment she spoke, and the bag in her hand was snatched away by the man in front of her.

"What am I going to do?" The aunt was also a little annoyed, "Who told you to sleep here? Interrupting my work, this is your punishment!"

The environmental sanitation aunt shook the bag in her hand, and the bottles inside squeezed each other and made noises. Luo lightly woke up, looked at the familiar bag and immediately sat up and hugged her: "Return, return it to me, that's mine!"

"What's yours?" The sanitation aunt kicked her in disgust, "What evidence do you have to prove that it's yours? Is it written with your name on it, or did you have your genes when you were born? Now it's in my hands, I say it's mine, and it's mine!"

Kicked away by her, Luo gently ignored his aching chest, and staggered to catch up: "Give it back to me, it's mine, I picked it up with great difficulty, give it back to me!"

"I told you it's mine, if you keep pestering me, be careful and I'll beat you up!" The aunt threatened viciously, but the girl still followed her and showed no intention of giving up.

The sanitation aunt gave her a disgusted look, then pushed her to the side of the flower bed: "Where did you come from, the little beggar, it really stinks!"

Her head was a little hot, and she felt like she had exhausted her strength after walking a few steps just now. Luo Qingqing yelled weakly, but the man had already walked away with her bag.

In the hazy vision, the sanitation lady put her bag into a small cart, which seemed to be the small cart she used to carry garbage and collect waste products.

Before leaving, she took a look at this side, and found that the girl didn't come up to ask for it, so she proudly took the broom and started to clean the street.

She wanted to stand up several times, but her body was so soft that she seemed to have no strength. Luo Qingwei could only helplessly watch the sanitation lady walk away and disappear at the end of the street.

The night was cold, and the moon, which she liked before, became extremely indifferent. After resting for a long time, she gradually gained some strength.

A few tears of grievance fell down his face, and Luo gently wiped them away with his dirty little hands, then stood up stubbornly, and slowly walked back while supporting the street tree or the wall of the street building next to him.

She was still holding the bag that was not filled with waste products, and Luo shook lightly and chose a slightly further road. She was going to the vegetable market to pick up some food.

The distance that was easy to walk before has become extremely far away, her head is dizzy, her body is hot and cold, and she is limping towards her destination like a machine that is about to break down.

Before the vegetable market closes, they will clean their stalls, and then there will be cleaners to clean the entire vegetable market. The vegetables that can be picked up are usually next to the trash can.

In the morning, there will be garbage trucks coming here to collect these unnecessary ingredients. Luo gently came here with the dim light, and his body seemed to have exhausted his strength, and he fell into the garbage dump all at once.

She just lay on it, smelling the stench and began to search inside.

The little hands are weakly picking, rotten vegetable leaves, rotten fruits, stale vegetables thrown away...

After finding a fish that was thrown away, she slowly got up and was about to leave...

"Hey..." Although she lost her bottle, it seemed that her luck was not so bad. She actually picked up a fish.

It was dusty and smelled slightly foul, like a dead fish, so it might have been thrown away, now it's cheap for her.

It was almost dawn when I got home, thinking that I had to go to school later, so I would just sleep for a while.

Throwing the bag aside casually, Luo gently washed her face with a towel, and the cold water flowed over her body. She shivered, and her body was extremely soft. When she wiped it clean, she fell on the bed unconscious.

When he woke up again, the sun had already risen so high, he opened his eyes dimly, and Luo glanced at it lightly and then fell into a deep sleep.

An hour later, Luo didn't know whether he had a nightmare or thought of something, and Luo gently sat up and put on his school uniform. Halfway through, he fell limply on the bed again.

Looking at the bright sky outside, it was either noon or afternoon, and silent tears flowed from her eyes. The girl put down her clothes and curled up on the bed, only to realize that she had difficulty breathing.

My nose was blocked with snot, my eyes were hot, and everything I saw was doubled with cracked edges. I was uncomfortable physically, and even more uncomfortable in my heart.

She actually missed class.

Slight sobbing came from the bed, followed by the sound of sniffling, Luo sat up slightly uncomfortable.

Before the tears were shed, the snot began to flow again.But she was reluctant to use paper and could only inhale into her nose continuously. In the end, she couldn't help it anymore, and her nose flowed out.

Quickly washed it with water, Luo slipped lightly, overturned the basin again and drenched himself.

"So sad……"

The body fell limply on the bed, and the girl suddenly didn't want to do anything.

She just stared at the broken ceiling in a daze, and closed her eyes to rest when she was tired, but unfortunately she couldn't fall asleep.

Although her head was dizzy, it was more like being dizzy from a burn. She still doesn't know that she has a cold.


But she actually missed class, and she also had the idea of ​​being lazy...

"How can you do this."

An inexplicable grievance welled up in her heart, Luo gently wiped her tears while sitting up from the bed and continuing to put on her school uniform.

After getting dressed, she staggered to the door, seeing the dilapidated door suddenly stop, she just stared at the doorknob in a daze.

"Gently, remember to study hard and find a good job in the future, grandma will be relieved."

Memories came to my mind, the laughter, joy, happiness... After grandma passed away, how long has it been since she tasted it?

It's always been one person, one person, one person, one person...

She should be the strong Luo Qingqing, who can survive alone, even if she suffers so many injustices.

However, the price of being strong is to change the heart into glass, and then into armor to protect the body.

No one can penetrate this layer of armor and enter her heart, unless she forcibly breaks her armor, or someone who is already in her heart.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry grandma..."

The girl withdrew her hand, hugged her body and slowly slid from the wall to sit on the ground, big and big teardrops fell down, no matter how lightly Luo wiped it off, she couldn't wipe it clean.

"I'll be strong again tomorrow, I'm sorry, today, let me be a little weak today, okay!?"

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