Reigning is not bad, that is redemption.

They have been working hard for this, but since the Actors Association can't do it, then leave it to Sorrow of God. As long as peace can be ushered in, it doesn't matter if the Actors Association is not the one that rules the world.

Following the speeches of Reinhardt and Emiya Shiro, the rest of the people also expressed their opinions one after another, and they have no opinion on this.

Such a result surprised Concubine Yongyue a bit. She thought that even if these people did not dare to resist her rule, they would at least show some hesitation, but she did not expect that everyone would flock to it instead.

After being silent for a while, Fei Yongyue nodded slightly: "In that case, let's start."

Soon after, Concubine Yongyue returned to God's Sorrow.

At the same time, the official account of God's Sorrow began to post manifestos on the short video channel.

Since the resurrection of all members of God's Sorrow, even though the official account of God's Sorrow did not release any new short videos at that time, it still attracted more people's attention, all of which was naturally because of Fei Yongyue.

So this time, with the release of the short video of God's Sorrow, many people saw it for the first time.

God's Sorrow officially announced that it will rule the earth.

It was a very simple speech, but it was extremely shocking, and it caused a commotion all over the world in a short period of time.

This was followed by a speech on the official account of the Actors Association, stating that the Actors Association will obey all decisions made by Grief of God, and that the Actors Association will also be incorporated into Grief of God in the future and obey its orders.

With the Actors Association's statement, things in this area have become more heated.

After that, more organizational forces expressed their views one after another.

After Fei Yongyue took action to restore the destroyed earth, everyone already knew how shocking Fei Yongyue's strength had reached. Under such circumstances, who else would be willing to fight against Fei Yongyue?

So everything is as if it will happen naturally.

Not too much time passed, all the organizational forces in the world chose to submit, and God's Sorrow became the ruler of the world without any suspense.

The next thing to do is to allocate all the actors of all the rulers and get the order in all places.

This aspect is mainly left to the people from the former Actors Association. They have been looking forward to this day and have considered a lot in this aspect, so they can directly do it.

Concubine Yongyue, who is the backbone of everyone, does not need to be involved in too many things, it is enough for everyone to handle everything.

Chapter 261 It's OK to Have Children

After handing everything over to others, Fei Yongyue returned to God's Sorrow Station and stood in her bedroom, feeling that she was a bit idle.

The warm sun was falling down from the sky, and the wind was very gentle, brushing against Concubine Yongyue's body.

"Ah, ah, our divine master looks very relaxed." A voice came from behind.

Concubine Yongyue knew who it was without looking back.

As God's Sorrow rules the world, people all over the world have a new title for Concubine Yongyue, calling her the God Lord. Concubine Yongyue doesn't care much about this, it's just a title.

Tokisaki Kurumi came from behind, came to Concubine Yongyue's side, took Concubine Yongyue's arm and asked: "After everything has been successfully completed, Altair, have you lost your life goals? It feels like you There doesn't seem to be much to do."

"That's true." Fei Yongyue nodded without denying it.

The existence of life lies in its own meaning and purpose. People always have a purpose to carry out. Even if that purpose is relatively illusory, it is still worth striving for.

In comparison, if a person has no purpose, he will feel a strong sense of emptiness, which is quite an unpleasant feeling.

"In that case, let me give you a life goal, how about it?" Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile.

"Provide me with a goal in life? What goal?" Fei Yongyue couldn't help asking.

Tokisaki Kurumi looked around, then sneaked up to Concubine Yongyue's ear and whispered, "How about having a child and raising it?"

Have a baby?

Even Concubine Yongyue's expression changed to a certain extent at this moment, and she looked at Tokisaki Kurumi strangely.

"Well, don't look at me with such eyes. Based on our relationship, having a baby is a very reasonable behavior, right? As for whether I give birth or you give birth, it is of course possible. But I still hope that I give birth, because I want to feel the feeling of being a mother. Of course, if you also want to have a baby, you have to wait for the next one, because when I am pregnant with a child, I hope you can take care of me." Tokisaki Kurumi said unhurriedly with a charming smile.

After hearing Tokisaki Kuangsan's words, Concubine Yongyue felt a little embarrassed: "Kangsan, we are all women, why do you think we can have children?"

"Well, this kind of thing is obviously very easy for you, Altair, you can do anything." Tokisaki Kurumi said with a half-smile.

Concubine Yongyue smiled embarrassedly, because it was true.

"And, Altair, you have already thought about this matter, right?" Tokisaki Kuangsan looked at Fei Yongyue meaningfully and said: "Because of the existence of the gate of time and space, I can also go to other worlds to see, so I went to the world of "Young Pig-headed Boy Doesn't Dream of Bunny Girl Senior Sister" before, because I know that Altair, you did your second creation in that world and gained a lot of abilities, so I want to see Altair's second creation."

Concubine Yongyue's eyes suddenly widened.

"Guess what I saw?" Tokisaki Kurumi said amusedly: "In the novel you wrote, you used various methods to obtain various abilities, and one of them seems to be called Lily Bloom, right? After using this ability, two girls do some intimate things that make each other like it, and one of them can conceive a child."

"Kuang... Kuang San..." Fei Yongyue didn't expect that the ability she had added to herself on a whim before was discovered.

"Altair, the answer is obvious, isn't it? You also want to have a child, but you dare not admit it. Well, it's not surprising that you are shy, after all, no matter how fierce you are in the eyes of others, you are a girl after all, and in my opinion, a very gentle girl." Tokisaki Kurumi smiled and said: "So I will say what you are embarrassed to say."

"Does Kuang San like children very much?" Fei Yongyue felt a little nervous.

She is the God Lord of the world, ruling countless people, but she still can't take everything indifferently.

"That depends on whose child it is. I don't necessarily like normal children. After all, children are naughty and will do things that make people angry. But if it is my child and Altair's, then there is no problem. No matter how naughty it becomes, I will definitely educate the child and forgive the child." Tokisaki Kurumi said, his eyes slightly blurred: "So, Altair, let's create a child."

Speaking of which, Tokisaki Kuangzo had already posted it, and she hugged Concubine Yongyue gently, and Concubine Yongyue could completely feel the temperature of Tokisaki Kuangzo's body rising.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became ambiguous.

Facing Tokisaki Kurumi like this, what reason does Fei Yongyue have to refuse.

She also stretched out her hand and landed on Tokisaki Kurumi, and slowly unbuttoned his coat for Tokisaki Kurumi.

"Altair, do you like boys or girls?" Tokisaki Kurumi asked again at this time.

"Will Kuang San care about this issue?" Fei Yongyue couldn't help asking.

"Because I think that with Altair's ability, he should be able to control the gender of the child, so if Altair has no suggestions in this regard, I hope he can follow my request." Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile.

"Then, does Kuang San like boys or girls?" Fei Yongyue couldn't help asking.

"Of course it's a girl." Tokisaki Kuang's eyes were blurred, thinking about the future: "I want to have two girls, one like me and one like Altair."

"Okay, then give birth to a girl." Fei Yongyue nodded.

"It's two." Tokisaki Kurumi reminded with a smile again.

"I see, it's two, then it's twins." Fei Yongyue nodded again.

Giving birth is quite tiring for a woman, but Concubine Yongyue can rely on her own ability to make Tokisaki Kurumi not feel the slightest bit of pain in the process, nor will it leave the slightest sequelae.

The two rolled onto the bed like this, and pieces of clothes fell under the bed.

"Altair, haven't figured out the name of the child yet, or should we think about it later?" Tokisaki Kurumi thought of another question at this time.

"Let's think about it later, let's finish the current matter first." Fei Yongyue suggested.

"Then, come on." Tokisaki Kurumi embraced his concubine Yongyue, exhaling like blue.

Chapter 262

Tokisaki Kurumi is pregnant.

This is also a matter of course. Under the influence of Sen Luo Vientiane·No.90 Nine Movements·Lily Blossom, Tokisaki Kurumi had twins without any suspense.

Concubine Yongyue's ability can completely shorten the process of Tokisaki Kuangzo's pregnancy, so that Tokisaki Kuangzo can conceive in the morning and give birth in the afternoon without any side effects, but Tokisaki Kuangzo refused.

"Well, I want to experience the full October pregnancy."

Tokisaki Kurumi made such a request.

Concubine Yongyue can only allow this. Of course, although Tokisaki Kuang said to experience the complete process, it is impossible for Concubine Yongyue to make the process complete. Some things that make pregnant women feel uncomfortable, she will not let Tokisaki Kuangzo feel.

"I have children, Altair will make up for my honeymoon."

The afternoon was lazy and bright, Tokisaki Kurumi leaned against his concubine Yongyue and made such a request.

"Where do you want to go and do?" Fei Yongyue asked.

"How about going to the world of "Date A Live"?" Tokisaki Kurumi suggested.

Her character is originally from the world of "Date A Live", so she still has some special emotions for that world.

"Are you going to see another Tokisaki Kurumi?" Fei Yongyue couldn't help asking.

"That's one point, and there's another point. I want to mess up the plot." Tokisaki Kurumi said with a smile: "I've been living in hatred over there. It's too hard. It's reasonable for me to help myself, right?"

Fei Yongyue nodded: "Then let's go to that world to play."

For Fei Yongyue, traveling between different worlds is too simple.

In just a blink of an eye, Concubine Yongyue took Tokisaki Kurumi's hand and appeared in the world of "Date A Live". The plot time was before the character of Tokisaki Kurumi appeared.

The current time is daytime, blue sky and white clouds.

The city is also very lively, and the residents live and work in peace and contentment. It looks like an ordinary modern city.

However, there are spirits in this world, and Tokisaki Kurumi is one of them.

After coming to this world, Fei Yongyue directly traced the cause and effect, and found Tokisaki Kurumi who belonged to this world.

"Altair, what am I doing in this world now?" Tokisaki Kurumi asked curiously.

"The other body of you is shopping, but the avatar is very lively, doing various things, but one of the avatars is about to be killed." Not only did Fei Yongyue see Tokisaki Kurumi in this world, I also saw many clones of Tokisaki Kurumi.

"Are you going to be killed? Is it Takamiya Mana?" Tokizaki Kurumi knew the situation after thinking about it, and said with a smile: "Then let's save this clone. Although it's just a clone, I always feel that It’s not very comfortable to let him be killed.”

Concubine Yongyue nodded immediately.

She took Tokisaki Kurumi's soft little hand, sent a group teleportation, and came to a barren mountain. There were two figures in this place, and one of them was Tokisaki Kurumi wearing a black and red gothic skirt. , and another one with blue long hair tied into a single ponytail, wearing high-tech armor, completely suppressed Tokisaki Kurumi... no, it should be said that Tokisaki Kurumi's clone was suppressed.

She is Takamiya Mana. She looks about 14 years old. She is the younger sister of the protagonist of this drama. When she first appeared on the stage, she has been targeting Tokisaki Kurumi. She has killed many clones of Tokizaki Kurumi and has been continuing. chasing after.

It's just that Takamiya Mana didn't know what she could defeat, and it was only the clone of Tokisaki Kurumi. If she faced Tokisaki Kurumi's body, she would not be an opponent at all.

"Ah, ah, what a lively battle."

After appearing here, Tokisaki Kurumi walked over.

When Tokisaki Kurumi found this main world appeared, the pupils of Tokisaki Kurumi and Takamiya Mana shrank in the created world.

Mana Takamiya knew that Tokisaki Kakuzo had many clones a long time ago, when he saw the person in front of him, he just thought it was Tokisaki Kakuzo coming again, and didn't think much about it.

But the third clone of Tokisaki Kurumi, who was created in the world, was shocked when she saw the person coming. As the clone, she naturally knew that the Tokisaki Kurumi in front of her had nothing to do with her, but why did another Tokisaki Kurumi appear?

For a while, her brain was a little confused.

"A few are the same."

Takamiya Mana didn't care about this, and when he saw the new Tokisaki Kuumou appearing, he flew over directly, holding a laser double blade in his hand, and directly slashed down at Tokisaki Kuumzo.


Behind Tokisaki Kurumi, a huge golden clock emerged, and at the same time he held a pistol in his hand.

Kekedi·Seven Bombs!

Tokisaki Kurumi raised his hand and shot, hitting Takamiya Mana without any suspense, and then fired a normal attack at Takamiya Mana, headshot Takamiya Mana on the spot.

Immediately after the effect of the Seventh Bullet ended, Takamiya Mana, who had recovered time, fell down weakly, and was about to die.

"Well, I don't want to kill someone. Let her die once as a punishment."

As Tokisaki Kuumou said, he cast another four bullets and shot at Takamiya Mana, directly rewinding the time of Takamiya Mana, and directly recovering Takamiya Mana who was about to die completely.

After recovering, Takamiya Mana touched his head subconsciously, and then looked at Tokisaki Kurumi in surprise, as if he couldn't believe what happened just now, and he was a little dazed.

Seeing this moment, Saki Kuangsan smiled and said to Concubine Yongyue: "Altair, this guy is always staring at me in this world, and it is also a trouble. How about you modify her settings?"

"What do you want to modify?" Fei Yongyue asked.

"I just changed it to say that she likes Tokisaki Kyouzo the most, and she wants Tokisaki Kakuzo's licking dog, and she is willing to do anything for Tokisaki Kakuzo." Tokisaki Kakuzo said without thinking.

"No problem." Concubine Yongyue nodded and said, "Mysterious Mysteries · Eight Movements · Causal Modification!"

Concubine Yongyue directly controlled the power in the dark and interfered with Takamiya Mana's situation, making Takamiya Mana directly become Tokisaki Kurumi's licking dog.

This kind of modification came very quickly. Just when the modification was completed, Takamiya Mana's eyes when looking at Tokisaki Kurumi changed.

"Master, is there anything I can do for you?" Makoto Takamiya said while looking at Tokisaki Kurumi with bright eyes.

"Well, it's nothing, you go back and do your own thing first." Tokisaki Kurumi waved his hand indifferently.

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