Soon the concubine Yongyue and Huang Shuma Mixiang came to Misaka Mikoto's house.

As the heroine who has starred in a super-popular drama, Misaka Mikoto is obviously a wealthy master. She lives in the most prosperous center of Xiamu City, on the top floor of a high-rise building.

There are about [-] square meters here, and the decoration is undoubtedly luxurious. It has a baroque architectural style, of course, only a little bit.

One end of the living room is a floor-to-ceiling window, through which Fei Yongyue can have a panoramic view of the bustling night scene.

"The night at the height of the [-]th floor is not bad."

Fei Yongyue made a pertinent comment.

Misaka Mikoto was not interested in this kind of scenery that she was tired of looking at, and said: "I still have a lot of bedrooms here, now I will arrange two bedrooms for you."

"No need, one bedroom is enough. I want to be with Sister Altair." After Huang Shumomeixiang finished speaking, she looked at Concubine Yongyue, blinked her big eyes and said, "Sister Altair, is this okay?"

"Of course." Fei Yongyue nodded with a smile.

Hearing this, Huang Shumo Meixiang also heaved a sigh of relief.

I don't know why, but after seeing Concubine Yongyue and Misaka Mikoto meet each other so late, she was not very happy. On the way here, she kept thinking about why she was unhappy. Could it be that Concubine Yongyue, who was the only friend among her friends, had a new friend?

Ordinary friends are fine, but Misaka Mikoto is willing to give up the task of the Actors Association for Concubine Yongyue and let Concubine Yongyue live here with her. Obviously, this is not an ordinary friend, right?

Such a situation made Huang Shumo Meixiang think a little too much, not only did Concubine Yongyue only have her as a friend, she also only had Concubine Yongyue as a friend, naturally the other party has a new friend, and it is inevitable that she will feel unnatural.

"A bedroom? It's easier that way, I'm going to prepare it now." Misaka Mikoto immediately walked towards a bedroom, planning to tidy it up.

"Miss Misaka, I'm here to help." Koki Momika followed immediately, and thanked Misaka Mikoto again: "Thank you for taking us in, otherwise we wouldn't know where to go after we left our original residence."

Although Concubine Yongyue has a trustworthy new friend, Huang Shumo Meixiang is a little worried about gains and losses, but she still has to thank Misaka Mikoto.

"You don't have to thank me, I...I..."



Misaka Mikoto shook her head, but she still didn't say "it's not what I want".

However, Huang Shumo Meixiang's performance also made her feel that Huang Shumo Meixiang probably didn't know the ability that Concubine Yongyue possessed, and didn't know that she was already controlled by Concubine Yongyue. If she knew, there was no need to be so polite to her, right?

Thinking of this, Misaka Mikoto heard Fei Yongyue's voice from behind: "Miqin, the money for the mobile phone has been transferred to your account."

Misaka Mikoto paused, but did not give any answer.

The other party has clearly controlled her, but he is still so particular, which makes her feel a little complicated.

But... But no matter how friendly Fei Yongyue is, it is a fact that she is controlled. If it is possible, who would like to be controlled by others like this?

She still wants to be free.


The bedroom was tidied up quickly, it was already late at night, Fei Yongyue and the others did nothing more, took off their clothes, lay down on the bed and fell asleep slowly.

When Concubine Yongyue and Huang Shumomeixiang woke up again, it was already noon the next day, Misaka Mikoto had already gone to the Actors Association, and she just left a message on Concubine Yongyue's cell phone to explain the situation.

"Sister Altair..."

Huang Shumo Meixiang, who had just woken up, had sleepy eyes, sat on the bed with a rabbit doll in her arms, the shoulder straps of her nightgown slipped off her white shoulders, and raised a hand to rub her eyes.

"It's time to get up, Mo Meixiang."

Concubine Yongyue said a word, then went to wash up, and at the same time took a look at the message from Misaka Mikoto with her mobile phone.

Emiya Shiro and others went to look for her at the villa yesterday, but they returned in vain. Now a reward has been released within the Actors Association, so that if anyone from the Actors Association sees her, they will report to the Actors Association.

She didn't care about this so-called reward concubine Yongyue. After washing up, she ate the breakfast prepared by Misaka Mikoto, and then made the video.

Last time she released two videos, one was to give Altair the ability to forcibly accept his subordinates, and the other was to give Altair a video with ever-changing expressions. The former already had enough views and allowed her to gain abilities, but the latter was not without disturbances.

Concubine Yongyue looked at it and found that the video had already had more than 1 views. Although she hadn't acquired the ability yet, the number of views was the third highest among all her videos, and it was steadily increasing. Perhaps the number of views would reach enough for her to master the ability in the future.

After checking her own video, Fei Yongyue made a new video, trying to gain more abilities for herself.

Today's world is a world full of undercurrents. In such a world, no one would dislike being too strong. Concubine Yongyue would naturally not miss the opportunity to increase her abilities.


Gradually another night came.

Misaka Mikoto also returned home. In fact, she could have come back earlier, but when she thought of going home to face Concubine Yongyue, the person who controlled her, she became in a bad mood, so she walked outside a few more times before returning.

When she came to the living room, Misaka Mikoto found that Concubine Yongyue was holding a tablet and didn't know what she was doing, while Koshumo Mika was nowhere to be seen.

"You're back." Concubine Yongyue glanced at Misaka Mikoto: "Thanks for your hard work."

Concubine Yongyue's concern made Misaka Mikoto feel uncomfortable, and asked after sitting down on the sofa, "Where's Mo Meixiang?"

"She's taking a bath." Fei Yongyue replied.

"Oh." Misaka Mikoto nodded.

"Have you gained anything in the actor's association this afternoon?" Fei Yongyue asked casually again.

"I got some information." Seeing that Concubine Yongyue asked something serious, Misaka Mikoto also answered seriously: "According to our investigation, the actor who plays Natsuki Subaru is dead."

Concubine Yongyue paused when she heard the name, and glanced at Misaka Mikoto.

Nayuki Subaru is the leading actor in a drama "re: Life in Another World from Zero". He has a special ability called death return. After each death, he can be resurrected at the reversion point, re-experience the things he has experienced before, and make changes. This ability can be said to be a rather buggy ability. The infinite rebirth of life has also allowed Nayuki Subaru to overcome many problems.

Chapter 59 This Woman Really Can't Understand

After the actor's mutation happened, the existence of Natsuki Subaru is obviously one of the more interesting characters among many characters. After all, no one knows whether he still has the ability to return after death. If so, how can the rest of the people deal with him?Will everything in the world be controlled by him because of his infinite rebirth?

Now that question seems to have an answer.

"Dead?" Concubine Yongyue pondered for a while and asked, "Who killed it?"

"Lazy." Misaka Mikoto replied.

Laziness refers to the lazy bishop, one of the great sin bishops of the Witch Cult——Petikius Romani-Conti!

This character is also a character in "re: Life in a Different World from Zero". It is an early villain with a rather distorted personality and appearance.

Because his name is not easy to pronounce, people generally refer to Petichius as lazy.

"Did laziness kill it? That's right, besides Oni Wu Tsuji, many people will also take actions in secret, but laziness really did something amazing silently."

As Fei Yongyue spoke, she thought of the villain's chat group, laziness seemed to be there, and occasionally she would show up in the exchange of other people shouting and scolding each other, saying some awkward words.

Misaka Mikoto sighed a little, and said: "This matter really makes people feel complicated. After the actor's mutation happened, the most interesting characters are not only those characters with high upper limit of combat power, but also those characters with strange and strange abilities. Natsuki Subaru is such a character, but he didn't expect that his death would be a real death, and there was no return of death."

Speaking of this, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help but look at Concubine Yongyue, because when it comes to strange abilities, isn't the Altair in front of her the same existence?

Concubine Yongyue naturally noticed this look, and said leisurely: "Do you think I and Nayue Subaru are the same kind of people?"

"No, you are even scarier." Misaka Mikoto said without hesitation.

No matter what, Natsuki Subaru was already dead, and Altair was right in front of his eyes, and he had already shown quite astonishing means, even making himself under control.

If the other party's method of forcibly controlling others is spread and known to others, the turmoil caused will undoubtedly not be small. I am afraid that many people will want to get rid of the other party as soon as possible just in case.

It's just that he is destined not to spread this news, and the other party doesn't seem to be someone who would carelessly say such things.

"Am I that scary?" Concubine Yongyue put down the tablet, got up and came to Misaka Mikoto's side, put her hands on Misaka Mikoto's delicate shoulders, and said softly: "I think I'm a relatively friendly person, why do you think I'm scary? Such a perception may make me sad."

Misaka Mikoto looked very serious, and said: "I'm not kidding you, you are indeed a very scary person. Altair, if I'm not wrong, you can still acquire more new abilities without interruption, right?"

"Hush!" Concubine Yongyue raised her other hand when she heard the words, put her index finger up in front of Misaka Mikoto's lips, and said in a low voice, "Don't bring up this kind of thing in the future, as long as you know a lot of things, why bother to say it?"

Misaka Mikoto: "..."

Although Fei Yongyue didn't want to talk about this topic with her, the attitude she showed was equivalent to revealing the answer, and the other party could indeed gain abilities uninterruptedly now.

This is undoubtedly a very terrible situation. Misaka Mikoto has a premonition that in the future, this woman beside her will shock the whole world and everyone.

Just when Misaka Mikoto's mood was fluctuating, Fei Yongyue looked at Misaka Mikoto's red lips, and couldn't help but think of the softness she felt when she tamed Misaka Mikoto yesterday.

This made her unable to help but stretch her face over, and then...


Misaka Mikoto's eyes widened suddenly, she didn't expect that Fei Yongyue would suddenly have such intimate contact with her, such a situation made her whole face flush, and her brain felt dizzy.

what is she doing?

What is Altair going to do?

At this moment, Misaka Mikoto's brain was completely confused, and her body forgot to resist.

After deeply feeling the softness, Fei Yongyue separated from Misaka Mikoto.

Looking at Misaka Mikoto's pretty red face, Fei Yongyue licked her lips and said, "Sorry, I can't help it."

Misaka Mikoto was completely speechless.

"What's the matter? Do you feel uncomfortable? But your heartbeat obviously accelerated a lot, didn't it?" Fei Yongyue said, putting her hand on Misaka Mikoto's heart to feel it.

"Who... who said that my heart beat faster? It's nothing." Misaka Mikoto quickly denied it, and at the same time tightly held Concubine Yongyue's hand, fearing that Concubine Yongyue would do something further.

But Misaka Mikoto knew in her heart that if Concubine Yongyue really wanted to do something to her, she would be completely irresistible. In front of Concubine Yongyue, she was just a little lamb at his mercy. This kind of thinking inevitably made Misaka Mikoto a little desperate.

But fortunately, Fei Yongyue didn't intend to do such a thing.

She let go of Misaka Mikoto, and said leisurely: "Okay, let's do your own thing."

Seeing Concubine Yongyue sat on the sofa and used the tablet again, Misaka Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief, with complicated feelings emerging in her heart.

This woman really made herself unable to understand.


Gradually, half a month had passed since Fei Yongyue and Huang Shuma Mixiang came to Misaka Mikoto's place.

In half a month, Fei Yongyue made many videos and uploaded a few videos, but unfortunately, none of them got much views. On the contrary, the previous video that made Altair's ever-changing changes has been steadily increasing, but it is still not enough to give herself feedback.

Of course, during this half month, Fei Yongyue was not without gains. She has mastered the ability to fly, which is an ability that Altair's character will have.

There were five movements in her Myriad Universe before, and after mastering the ability to fly, she added it to the movement of Myriad Universe, which is the sixth movement.

For half a month, the days were very peaceful.

Neither Concubine Yongyue nor Huang Shumo Mixiang had ever gone out, and Misaka Mikoto bought everything they needed at home.In addition, because the Actors Association has not been able to find Concubine Yongyue, and the ghosts are very rampant, the attention can only be shifted to the ghosts again. For Concubine Yongyue, there is only a reward that I don't know if it will work.

If there is any change in the past half month, it must be that Misaka Mikoto has been avoiding Concubine Yongyue.Without Concubine Yongyue's order, Misaka Mikoto would not have dared to appear in front of Concubine Yongyue, and the reason is obvious.

Chapter 60 The Last Madness

The kiss of Concubine Yongyue half a month ago still had a great impact on Misaka Mikoto. She didn't know what Concubine Yongyue was thinking. Even though everyone was a girl, she did such a strange thing to her.

Fortunately, after that, Concubine Yongyue didn't make any strange behaviors anymore, which reassured Misaka Mikoto somewhat, and her attention gradually fell back on the Actors Association, dealing with the incidents of ghosts everywhere.

In the past few days, ghosts have been haunting more and more frequently. Misaka Mikoto needs to kill ghosts from time to time, so that when she comes back every day, she looks tired, and today is no exception.

Misaka Mikoto just came back and lay powerlessly on the sofa. When she lay down, her top was naturally lifted to reveal her waist and she couldn't care about it. She was too tired to move a finger anymore.

However, when she heard the sound of the door opening, Misaka Mikoto still looked up, and when she saw Concubine Yongyue walking out, she subconsciously sat up straight.

"What information do you have today?" Fei Yongyue sat down on the sofa opposite Misaka Mikoto and asked.

These days, every day, Misaka Mikoto needs to report information about the Actors Association to Concubine Yongyue, either in person, or through a mobile phone.

"It's the same as a few days ago, nothing special, just going to various places to kill ghosts frequently." Misaka Mikoto replied.

"There are more and more ghosts?"

"Yes, there are really more and more, and it seems a little crazy."

Speaking of ghosts, Misaka Mikoto couldn't help frowning slightly, feeling very troublesome.

Although the ghosts were wreaking havoc everywhere before, they were not as crazy as these days, as if Ghost Wu Tsuji wanted to make some big moves, which made the actors' association a little uneasy.

Misaka Mikoto said again: "Maybe Onimai Tsuji felt that he was running out of time."

"Time is running out? Why do you say that?" Fei Yongyue asked.

Misaka Mikoto replied: "A lot of time has passed since the actor changed. Today, the strength of those who are still alive has been greatly improved, and the fastest person can almost reach a quite amazing level... Well, in terms of destructive power, it is probably able to cause serious damage to a building."

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