Not long after, Onimai Tsuji stopped covering his head, as if he no longer felt the pain.

He slowly raised his head to look at Fei Yongyue, with a satisfied smile on his face: "Thank you, Altair, because of the sense of crisis you brought me, I have finally completed a self-breakthrough just now. Simply put, I have finally reached my upper limit. At this moment, I am the real Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumai!"

"Have you reached the upper limit? This will not change your fate." Fei Yongyue said calmly.

"Fate? Destiny is naturally in my hands. Let's meet again in the future, Altair!" Gui Wu Tsuji sneered, as if planning to leave just like that.

But after a few seconds, he still stayed where he was, which made his expression gradually stiffen.

Concubine Yongyue had a mocking look on her face: "Are you trying to get Naruto to bring you back to Infinite City? Unfortunately, Naruto is already dead."

Guiwu Tsuji looked at Fei Yongyue in surprise.

Concubine Yongyue calmly said: "When Mo Meixiang restrained you before, I contacted the insider inside the ghost and asked him to kill Naruto. Obviously, he fulfilled this request very well. Did you know this kind of thing until now? Do you think I can't think of the idea of ​​wanting to use Naruto to escape?"

As the ghost of space, Naruto can pull ghosts from a long distance directly into Infinite City. How could Fei Yongyue, who has watched the drama, not know this?Naturally, it was well prepared.

After reaching his upper limit, Oni Wu Tsuji finally had the ability to communicate with other ghosts remotely, and immediately sent Naruto his own request to go there, but probably because he had just reached the upper limit of mastering ability, he didn't notice that the idea he transmitted was completely empty, and Naruto had already died.

Infinite City relies on Naruto to exist. Naruto is dead, and Oni Wu Tsuji is not around. It is entirely conceivable what the other ghosts in Natsuki City will do to the Actors Association.

Everything should end!


Before you know it, it's the launch day again, I hope everyone can support it.

I will pay attention to everyone’s opinions. If there are any problems in the text that can be corrected, then they can be corrected. it's the best.

I have seen the problem that the name of the original Boundless Wisdom ability doesn’t sound good. I will try to write it better in the future. In addition, I will also ask for everyone’s opinions. If you have any abilities that are suitable for Bundle and Blossom, you can write them in the post or comments of this paragraph, including the name and the effect that can be displayed. If it is good, I will write it in the book.But the ability should not be too buggy, it is undoubtedly the best to develop in an interesting direction as much as possible, thank you everyone.

Chapter 72

Guiwu Tsuji Wucan's emotions that had stabilized suddenly exploded again.

"Insider...insider...Why, Altair, you can let the ghost be the insider? Why?" Guiwu Tsuji said with eyes tearing open.

If there is no insider, his whereabouts will not be exposed, and many things will not develop into what they are at this moment.The current situation made him really incomprehensible and completely unacceptable.

"Why?" Concubine Yongyue said coldly: "Do I have an obligation to answer you? Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi, you should come to meet your end first. Your luck is not good, because today the sun rises a little earlier than in the past."

As Concubine Yongyue's voice fell, the saber behind her moved slightly downward, revealing a small gap, allowing the sunlight from outside to directly shine in.

"Ah ah ah..."

The sunlight shone in, causing Gui Wu Tsuji to scream immediately, and retreated instinctively.

But he was in a space blocked by the saber, and the saber could reflect sunlight, reflecting each other up, down, left, and right, directly filling the area of ​​the saber with sunlight, and there was no gap to hide at all.

The only exit is behind Fei Yongyue, but this only exit is also the place where the sun is strongest.


Guiwu Tsuji Wucan chanted the name he hated the most, his whole body swelled up at this moment, and piles of flesh and blood added value and covered his body surface, looking like a huge baby, barely resisting the changes of the sun.

At the same time, he who has reached the upper limit also has a new ability. A terrifying shock wave directly centers on himself and spreads towards the surroundings. It contains extremely strong destructive power. Zhenfei flew out, making Fei Yongyue also had to retreat violently.

Without the barrier of the saber, more and more intense sunlight shone down.

At this moment, Guiwu Tsuji Wumi cannot escape by splitting himself, because the scope of sunlight is too wide. If he splits himself, every piece of flesh and blood will become much weaker, and will be annihilated on the spot when the sun shines, so he must first have An environment that can block the sun.

Relying on the value-added flesh and blood to resist the sun for a short time, Oni Wu Tsuji tried to dig the ground and drill into the ground. As long as he can drill down, he still has a chance to make a comeback.


"Whoosh whoosh!"

Concubine Yongyue waved her hand, and six sabers whizzed out, each of which became very narrow and long, directly piercing fiercely through the body of Guiwu Tsuji Wumi, and then drove Guiwu Tsuji Wumi to fly high into the sky quickly.

Such a situation made Guiwu Tsuji's eyes tear open, his body swelled like a giant baby's body was continuously melting under the sunlight, and pieces of fly ash floated out of his body.

The light of dawn, so dazzling, is also so hot!


"Shut up, what are you? Everything you are facing at this moment is what you deserve."

Concubine Yongyue raised her hand, and after the six sabers had brought Gui Wu Tsuji to high altitude, they turned at the same time, tearing the giant baby into pieces on the spot, causing Gui Wu Tsuji to fall and face the blazing sun.

Such a situation made Guiwu Tsuji Wumi let out an extremely miserable scream, which finally made him unable to hold on any longer, and his whole body quickly melted away.


Before dying, Ghost Mai Tsuji still recited this name.

If... If he had known that today would happen, on the night when he decided to attack a large number of actors, he should have taken action himself to completely kill this girl, instead of just sending out Xiang Kai.

It's a if...

In the sky, under the sun, all flesh and blood melted.

The six sabers returned to Concubine Yongyue. Concubine Yongyue, bathed in warm sunshine, turned her head and said to Huangshu Mo Meixiang who was watching, "Mo Meixiang, let's go back."


In the football field, as the Infinite City dissipated, the scene became somewhat stalemate.

Without the labyrinth-like Infinity City to restrain the Actors Association, the ghosts here would naturally not be the opponents of the Actors Association.

I don't know which ghost started it first, they quickly found the hostages one by one, hijacked the hostages in their hands, and in this way won themselves a chance to breathe.

At this time, the two sides are facing each other in the spacious environment inside the football field. One is the members of the Actors Association, and the other is the ghost, and the ghost is holding a lot of hostages.

Because of the hostages, the members of the Actors Association couldn't do anything rashly.

The ghosts haven't communicated with the Actors Association yet, because they have found out how Naruto died, and the ghosts are punching and kicking around Yiwozuo.

"Traitor, you damned traitor, when you turn around, that lord will definitely let you taste the most painful punishment."

The ghosts attacked Yiwozuo frantically one by one, beating Yiwozuo until blood spattered.Yiwozuo didn't care about it, he just curled up there with his head in his arms, letting the ghosts haunt him.

The people from the Actors Association wanted to negotiate several times but were interrupted by the ghosts. They didn't want to say anything at all, they just threatened the Actors Association with hostages so that they could not move around.

Just when the situation was at a stalemate, a ghost suddenly fell down with a scream, his whole body was torn apart automatically, and blood flowed wildly.This was just the beginning, and then the same symptoms appeared on the ghosts in groups, and they all fell down screaming in pain. In a blink of an eye, a large area fell down, and the whole land was stained red with blood.

Such a sudden change shocked everyone in the Actors Association, and they didn't recover for a while.

"Could it be that... Ghost Mai Tsujimu died tragically?" Someone with a quick reaction quickly came to such a judgment.

They have already discovered that Oni Wu Tsuji is not here, and they are worried about Oni Wu Tsuji's disappearance, but seeing the situation in front of them at this moment, many people in the Actors Association have a thought in their hearts-that is Oni Wu Tsuji has died.

All the ghosts in front of me fell down, the weak ones struggled a few times before being silent, their bodies began to melt, and the strong ones just barely struggled. It is self-evident why this happened.

But who killed Ghost Dance Tsuji Wumi?

No one can answer this question.


At this time, there was a burst of laughter from the ghost.

Everyone looked over one after another, and it was Yi Wozuo who had been beaten all the time who was laughing. Although he also had the same symptoms as the other ghosts and looked like he was dying, he laughed happily.

He was holding his mobile phone, and there was a message from Concubine Yongyue just now, telling him that Gui Wu Tsuji Wu Mi had been killed.

Looking at this message, Yiwozuo reluctantly sent a message: "Ghost Wu Tsuji can die without tragedy, I have a lot of credit, right? So... so am I considered a hero?"


Concubine Yongyue on the opposite side gave the answer without hesitation.

Such an answer satisfied Yi Wozuo, and he closed his eyes in peace.

Although he was a ghost, he died as a hero, which is enough. No matter how miserable life is, at least at the end of his life, he fulfilled his dream and became a hero!

Before his death, Yiwozuo also directly crushed his mobile phone. He didn't intend to let the information on the mobile phone be seen by the actors' association. He didn't know if the actors' association would be brainless. It would be bad for the ghost to contact Concubine Yongyue after contacting her.

In this way, Yiwozuo bid farewell to this world. Among all the ghosts, he was the only ghost who died with a smile.

This situation caused a moment of silence within the Actors Association.

"Some of the ghosts are actors, will they die with the death of Oni Wu Tsuji?" someone asked.

"Perhaps after they became the subordinates of Oni Wu Tsuji, they were injected into the blood by Oni Wu Tsuji again, so they are still under the control of Oni Wu Tsuji."

"What the hell was Yi Wozuo laughing at just now?"

"I don't know...but anyway, he did us a favor by killing Naruto."

"Why would the ghost help us?"

"Maybe...he still has a conscience."


Either way, this is a big win for the Screen Actors Guild.


The morning sun is getting brighter and brighter, and the traffic in Xiamu City is surging, gradually becoming noisy.

Most people don't know what happened last night, and they don't know that many of them have been saved in just a few hours.

If ghosts still exist, many of them will surely die in the hands of ghosts.But from this dawn, no more evil spirits will attack them.

Concubine Yongyue and Huang Shumo Meixiang had nothing to say all the way, and quickly returned to Misaka Mikoto's home.

After flying in through the window, Huang Shumo Meixiang secretly glanced at Concubine Yongyue.

She felt that Sister Altair, who was fighting today, was much more majestic and terrifying than usual, which made her afraid to speak.However, Altair's sister, who is full of majesty, is also very beautiful.

Concubine Yongyue didn't know what Huangshu Mo Meixiang was thinking, so she returned home and said, "Mo Meixiang, you've been tossing all night, let's take a bath first, as there are more than one bathrooms in the house."

"I see, Sister Altair." Huang Shumo Meixiang nodded, at this time she really felt sweaty and uncomfortable.

Seeing Concubine Yongyue enter a bathroom, Huang Shumo Meixiang hesitated.She thought about taking a bath with Concubine Yongyue, but seeing that Concubine Yongyue seemed to be worried, she still didn't say those words, and turned to go to another bathroom.

In the bathroom, Fei Yongyue emptied all the clothes on her body with a single thought, then sat in the bathtub, turned on the water, and allowed the warm water in the bathtub to slowly submerge her delicate body.

She holds a mobile phone in her hand.

After answering Yiwozuo's message, Yiwozuo didn't reply to the message again, but Concubine Yongyue knew that Yiwozao could no longer answer because Misaka Mikoto sent her a message and told her about the football field. What happened there, she knew that Yiwozuo had bid farewell to this world at this moment.

Will Yiwozuo leave with a satisfied heart?After all, Gui Wu Tsuji is dead, and his wish has been fulfilled, will he no longer feel sad?

Concubine Yongyue was a little distracted for a while, and she didn't come back until the water in the bathtub overflowed the bathtub.

She turned off the water, stretched out her hand and brushed slowly over her skin, and water droplets also slid from her body.

The warm water and steaming mist alleviated some of the fatigue caused by the battle before dawn.

However, Concubine Yongyue didn't indulge in the bathtub. When she felt that she was done washing, she left the bathtub, took a towel and slowly wiped her body, and then dried her hair. After everything was done, she had an idea and put on a short-sleeved dress with a bear pattern. The dress was very slim, and wrapped around her body so that her figure could also produce obvious curves. The pair of jade legs under the skirt were straight and tight.

Flicking her hair, Concubine Yongyue walked out of the bathroom, and just as she came out, she saw Misaka Mikoto sitting on the sofa.

"Meiqin, you're back, I thought you'd have to stay in the actor's association for a long time today." Fei Yongyue walked over and said.

"There is no shortage of people in the association, so I came back first..." At this point, Misaka Mikoto stopped for a while, and said with a strange expression: "Onimai Tsuji, did you kill it?"

"Why do you know it's me? It's just a pure guess?" Fei Yongyue sat down beside Misaka Mikoto and asked.

"It's really just a pure guess, but now it seems that you really did it?"


"...Thank you very much."

"Are you thanking me?"

Concubine Yongyue looked at Misaka Mikoto with a funny face, she remembered that Misaka Mikoto always seemed to be a little wary of herself, even though she knew she couldn't resist herself at all.This point has been known since the other party has been avoiding him for more than half a month.Such a person actually thanked her sincerely?

Misaka Mikoto couldn't adapt to Concubine Yongyue's eyes, and said with a bit of coyness: "I just think that you killed Oni Wu Tsuji and saved countless people. Otherwise, more people will be turned into ghosts by Oni Wu Tsuji, and it will be an extremely terrible disaster. So I think you, um... I think you are a good person. Don't get me wrong, I just think you are a good person who killed Oni Wu Tsuji.

Misaka Mikoto wanted to thank Concubine Yongyue, but she was not so forthright, so that her words became a bit messy.

A smile appeared on Concubine Yongyue's face: "It seems that you are very grateful to me at this moment, so please give me some thanks."

"Thank you? What do you want?" Misaka Mikoto was startled, she didn't prepare anything.

"Are you asking me? Since you want to ask for my opinion, then... this is what I want."

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