"No need." Fei Yongyue replied.

"Then why did you kiss Misaka Mikoto again?" Koki Momika subconsciously asked.

As soon as she asked, she quickly covered her mouth again.

"Did you see it?" Fei Yongyue smiled and said, "Because Misaka Mikoto tastes good."


What is the reason for this?

Koki Momika was very unconvinced. In terms of taste, she felt that her taste was not necessarily worse than Misaka Mikoto.

But it's not easy for her to say such words, not only because she is thin-skinned and embarrassed to say it, but also because she knows that it may be useless to say it. She still has some understanding of Fei Yongyue, knowing that Fei Yongyue may always treat her as a little sister in her heart, even if she says she tastes good, it is useless.

"Anyway, Mo Meixiang, do you have any objection to the fact that you are controlled by me?" Fei Yongyue asked.

"No." Huang Shumo Meixiang shook her head.

"It's reassuring that you are so open-minded, because I have no way to release the control." Fei Yongyue said.

Hearing Concubine Yongyue's words, Huang Shumo Meixiang felt inexplicably happy in her heart, because the existence of this kind of control meant that she would always have a bond with Concubine Yongyue... although it was not only the Own.

"Then, Mo Meixiang, why did you kiss me?" Fei Yongyue asked this question again at this time.

As soon as this question came out, Huang Shumo Meixiang felt as if her heart was about to miss a beat.

Under Concubine Yongyue's gaze, she felt her limbs were a little stiff, so she could only force herself to pretend to be calm and said: "Actually, I accidentally touched it."

Accidentally touched?

Fei Yongyue thought about it, if she touched it accidentally, and the other party felt shy after touching it, then the mark of the kiss would indeed have an effect.

Thinking of this, Concubine Yongyue nodded and said: "It turns out that this is the case, then your luck is not very good. Well, since the matter is clear, you should go wash up first, and then come to eat."

"I see."

Huang Shumo Meixiang breathed a sigh of relief, and trotted to wash up.

Not long after Koki Momika left, Misaka Mikoto also came to the restaurant.

"Are you awake?" Concubine Yongyue glanced at Misaka Mikoto.

"I woke up a long time ago, but I was resting in the bedroom before." Misaka Mikoto said and walked over: "Actors Association already knows about you killing Onimai Tsuji Mumi."

Concubine Yongyue was not surprised by this. After the video of her colliding with Ghost Wu Tsuji appeared on the Internet, she knew that the Actors Association would definitely get news.

"What do you think of the Actors Association?" Fei Yongyue asked.

Although Misaka Mikoto hasn't gone to the Actors Association yet, Misaka Mikoto will be informed of what happened at the Actors Association through the Internet, and she naturally understands the situation.

Misaka Mikoto looked at the phone and said: "The Actors Association may have mixed feelings about this. After all, it offered you a reward not long ago, but in the blink of an eye, you killed an important person who was an important figure of Onimai Tsuji. So at this time, the Actors Association has already canceled your reward."

"That's not bad, it saves me from being troubled when I go out." Fei Yongyue said with a relaxed expression.

In fact, even if someone comes to make trouble for her, she doesn't worry about anything, and she has considerable confidence in herself.

Misaka Mikoto went on to say: "They will know this because there is a video of you fighting with Onimai Tsuji on the Internet. The association has contacted the person who posted the video and asked them to take the video down and not make it public anymore .”

The Actors Guild still doesn't want to become a widely circulated story about actors wielding the power of their characters, because it will make society more unstable.

Concubine Yongyue wiped her mouth with a napkin, and asked, "Is there any information in the Actors Association?"

Misaka Mikoto nodded earnestly and said, "There is indeed one more thing that happened. This is an extremely important thing. Ninety-nine out of ten people in the Natsuki City Actors Association will mobilize for this."

Chapter 75 Important things

extremely important thing?

Seeing the appearance of Misaka Mikoto, Concubine Yongyue was also a little interested.

"whats the matter?"

"This is an incident from Changyun City next door."

"Changyun City?"

"Well, recently there have been many traces of vampires in Changyun City, and they have shown a situation that is quite close to the disaster caused by Gui Wu Tsuji."

"Let's talk about it in detail."

"Is such that……"

Misaka Mikoto spoke slowly.

The vampires in Changyun City just came out recently. The vampire nobles among those vampires can turn ordinary people into ghosts, which is similar to Guiwu Tsuji Wumi turning people into ghosts.

After becoming a vampire, he doesn't need to eat people like a ghost, but he needs to suck blood, and the source of blood is naturally human beings.

"Because like ghosts, vampires can continuously transform ordinary people, so this matter has attracted the attention of the Actors Association. If it is ignored, it may cause a lot of trouble." Misaka Mikoto said.

"This incident happened in Changyun City, so it has nothing to do with us. However, how does the Actors Association view this incident?" Fei Yongyue asked unhurriedly.

Misaka Mikoto replied: "Because the ghosts headed by Oni Wu Tsuji have been dealt with in Natsuki City, and the whole city has also become stable, so the Actors Association asked people in Natsuki City to rush to Changyun City to help."

"A very reasonable transfer, what about you?"

Concubine Yongyue looked at Misaka Mikoto.

Misaka Mikoto spread her hands: "It's not like all the people from Xiamu City are going to be transferred, someone has to stay. I have considered whether to stay or not, but I can't make up my mind, so I plan to ask you first."

Concubine Yongyue thought for a while and said, "You should stay."

She didn't intend to go to Changyun City herself, and naturally she didn't want Misaka Mikoto, who was controlled by her, to go away.

Misaka Mikoto nodded and said, "I see, I'll apply to stay right now, it shouldn't be a problem."

Saying that, Misaka Mikoto picked up her phone and sent a message.

At this time, Fei Yongyue thought of the information that Yiwozuo had reported to her back then. It seemed that there were vampires who had cooperated with Guiwu Tsuji Wucan. Could it be the group of vampires in Changyun City?

Because there are vampires in many dramas, it is not sure which drama the actors in this batch of vampires belong to.But... no matter what, it has nothing to do with me.


Gradually, three days passed.

Xia Mu City calmed down completely, but because most of the actors' association went to support Changyun City, Misaka Mikoto often went to the actor's association's residence to deal with various matters. Although she was not the only one staying behind, as a popular character, everyone was still willing to let her be the leader.

But who would have thought that the leader of a city of the Actors Association would be completely controlled by someone who does not belong to the Actors Association?

In the living room, sunlight diffused in from the open curtains, warm and warm.

The weather was getting warmer, and Concubine Yongyue was only wearing a suspender floral dress, sitting on the sofa, making a video with a tablet in her hand.

Huang Shumo Meixiang was also helping with a tablet next to her. Since she knew about Concubine Yongyue's situation, she naturally knew how Concubine Yongyue acquired her abilities the day after tomorrow, so she would help in this regard. Helping draw some videos requires The characters and backgrounds.

In a few days, Fei Yongyue uploaded some videos to the website, which gained a certain amount of views, but unfortunately, the amount of views was not too high, and did not allow her to acquire new abilities.She is not discouraged by this, if it fails once, it will be twice, if it fails twice, it will be a hundred times, and she will always be able to gain abilities again.


Suddenly Huang Shumo Meixiang covered her stomach, her little face turned pale.

Concubine Yongyue glanced at Huang Shumo Meixiang: "Go and rest first."

The last few days were the days when Aunt Huang Shumo Meixiang came. At this time, she was obviously in pain because of it. This is quite a troublesome thing for women.

"I obviously didn't eat anything iced... Hiss... I'm going to lie down first, Sister Altair."

Huang Shumo Meixiang put down the tablet and lay down directly on the sofa.

When encountering this kind of thing, there is no better way than to rest and endure it. If there must be a way, it is to drink more hot water.

Concubine Yongyue also can't deal with this kind of thing, maybe in the future I can make a video that makes my aunt retreat, and see if I can get the audience's approval and gain related abilities...

At this time, Huang Shumo Meixiang's cell phone rang.

She picked up the phone and answered it.

"Yes, I am Huang Shumo Meixiang."

"What? No one... Ah, I seem to have left the wrong address."

"Well... If it's convenient for you, just wait for me, I'll go there now, it won't take too long."

After saying a few words, Huang Shumo Meixiang hung up the phone.

Seeing Concubine Yongyue looked over, Huang Shumo Meixiang said helplessly: "Sister Altair, I bought some things online before, but I accidentally wrote the wrong address, and the things were delivered to our previous villa. I'll go get them now."

"Lie down and rest." Concubine Yongyue stretched out her hand involuntarily, letting Huang Shumo Meixiang, who was supporting her body, lie down again, then put down the tablet and got up and said, "I'll help you get it."

"Sister Altair...Thank you very much."

Looking at Concubine Yongyue's eyes, Huang Shumo Meixiang knew that she couldn't be brave, so she could only lie there obediently.

"I'll be back soon."

After Fei Yongyue left such a sentence, she immediately flew up and left through the window.


Under the sunlight, Concubine Yongyue's skirt fluttered, and she quickly shuttled through the sky.

Her flying speed was getting faster and faster, and it didn't take too long to arrive at the villa. When she saw the delivery man waiting outside, she immediately found a hidden place and landed before coming out.

There was nothing wrong with picking up the courier, and the courier called Huang Shumo Meixiang to confirm Concubine Yongyue's identity, and asked Concubine Yongyue to sign on her behalf to take the courier.

After picking up the courier, Fei Yongyue walked to a place where there was no one else, then flew into the air again and flew back towards the way she came from.

As for the delivery... I can't see what's in the bag, but the texture is soft, it should be clothes or something.The weather is getting warmer, and it is completely reasonable for Huang Shumo Meixiang to want to change into some cool clothes.

Concubine Yongyue didn't think much, she flew quickly while bathed in the spring breeze, until a sound came from below...

Chapter 76 Lori


The violent roar caught Fei Yongyue's attention.

Concubine Yongyue looked down and found that a battle was erupting in an abandoned factory below. Along with the battle, walls collapsed easily, roaring everywhere, and smoke billowing.

"This is……"

Concubine Yongyue glanced over, and having watched many dramas, she immediately recognized who was on both sides of the battle.

There was only one person on one side, and it looked like a loli, with long pink hair tied into three ponytails on the left, middle and right. She had a delicate face, red eyes, pointed ears, and a bat-shaped hair accessory. She was wearing a black gothic dress with her shoulders, back, and thighs exposed. She looked extremely fair, and she was wearing black knee high heels.

As for the other side, there are many people. The leader is a young man with red hair in the front and black hair in the back, a small braid in the back, a pair of eyes as red as blood, wearing knight-like clothing, Holding a long sword, with a relaxed smile on his face.

Beside the young man, many people fought side by side with him, surrounding the gothic loli to death, temporarily gaining the upper hand due to the superiority of numbers.

"Krulu? Crowley?" Fei Yongyue recognized the identities of the two.

The loli is called Krulu, and the young man is called Crowley. Both of them are from a drama called "Seraphim of the End", and both of them are vampires!

In the current period, the identity of a vampire is too sensitive. Seeing both sides in the battle made Fei Yongyue think about it.

Are the vampires in Changyun City related to them?Why are they here if they matter?If it doesn't matter, then there is another question, why did they fight?

The grievances in the drama are not applicable in reality. What is the reason for their fighting?

Concubine Yongyue thought about it, took out her mobile phone and took a photo of the place below, and sent it to Misaka Mikoto.

"The vampire over there in Changyun City, shouldn't it be the vampire from "Seraphim of the End"?"

After sending the message, Fei Yongyue looked down again, only to find that the fighting below had actually stopped, and everyone looked up at her.

She was exposed.

Was it the flash of light when the mobile phone was taking pictures that caught the attention of the vampires on both sides?

Fei Yongyue didn't care if she was exposed, since she noticed her, she should go over and have a look. Anyway, these vampires can't fly, so there's nothing they can do about her.

Concubine Yongyue also looked at her phone when she landed, and Misaka Mikoto sent a message, saying that she would bring someone over to check the situation immediately.As for the location, Misaka Mikoto recognized it.

Fei Yongyue didn't say anything more to Misaka Mikoto, and directly landed at a low altitude.

"Altair!" Crowley looked at Fei Yongyue and obviously recognized her identity.

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