All the people transformed by him have the ability to self-explode. Whether or not self-exposure depends entirely on his thoughts. At this moment, Fashion does not hesitate to let many corpses that fell in the corridor begin to self-destruct.

"Boom boom boom!"

The many corpses swelled up rapidly, and then they exploded without giving anyone a chance to escape.

A violent explosion swept across the corridor, directly submerging Fei Yongyue's figure in it, where the flames were billowing, and Fei Yongyue's figure could not be seen at all.

Is it solved?

Fashion watched nervously.


Suddenly, a saber flew out from the flames, and came to Shang Shang with a whistling sound. Shang Shang was so frightened that he quickly retreated to avoid such an attack.

In the flames, Concubine Yongyue's clothes flew out flawlessly.

When it exploded just now, she directly let several sabers magnify together, enveloping herself in all directions without leaving any dead space, which naturally made all those explosions resisted by her.

Without the slightest hesitation, Fei Yongyue quickly flew to the laboratory, and the sabers around her were full of cold light, and quickly slashed towards Fashion.

"Altair, do you think I'm so easy to deal with? Make me anxious, I will explode with power beyond your imagination!" Fashion roared, and at the same time a syringe appeared in his hand, with red liquid in it.

Without hesitation, he let the syringe stick towards himself. The liquid in it is a special liquid he developed, which can turn him into an extremely terrifying dangerous species...Dangerous species is a term in fan dramas, and it can also be called in reality. It is a monster.

But at this moment, Fashion realized that there was a gap in his hand, some cold liquid slipped down from his hand, and at the same time, some beautiful rose petals fell down one after another.

this... this is...

Fashion's eyes widened, and then he was pierced through his body by a handful of sabers, blood poured out of his body, and his whole body was driven by the sabers to move towards the rear, and he was firmly stuck on the wall. The severe pain came from the wound, making his face twisted in pain.

Until this moment, Fei Yongyue spoke unhurriedly: "Fashion, are you too naive? Injecting yourself with a special medicine to become a dangerous species has appeared in the drama, right? Since it has appeared before, do you think that others will not be even half-prepared?"

Fashion nailed to the wall trembled and was completely speechless.

He really didn't expect the situation to turn out like this, he gritted his teeth and said, "Altair, don't be too complacent, if you dare to kill me, the empire will not let you go, because I'm only important to the empire!"

"Don't worry, I will save your life. After all, you may have something important in your mouth...huh?"

As soon as Fei Yongyue was halfway through her words, she found that fashion was emitting green smoke all over her body, and then she trembled and lowered her head, as if she had lost her voice.

Such a situation made Concubine Yongyue frown, and she retracted her saber with a wave of her hand, causing Fashion's body to fall down.

Until this time, some broken glass bottles also fell out of the fashionable clothes and fell on the ground, corroding the ground until a puff of blue smoke came out.

Seeing this situation, Concubine Yongyue also understood the situation, there was still some dangerous liquid on Fashion's body, and when she hit Fashion seriously just now, she accidentally smashed these bottles, so that Fashion died from these things above.

This is not the result that Fei Yongyue wanted. She originally wanted to grab fashion to interrogate some things, but she has no choice but to keep Crowley, maybe she can interrogate from Crowley Click on the information.


While Fei Yongyue was thinking, a burst of applause came from not far away.

Concubine Yongyue hurriedly looked in the direction of the sound, only then did she notice that there was another person in the research room.

It was the girl in the cage, her pink hair was tied into three ponytails, she was wearing a black gothic skirt, she looked petite but cute, she was Krulu!

When she saw Krulu, Fei Yongyue was obviously a little surprised, she didn't expect to see Krulu in this place, and Krulu was still locked in a cage.

"Nice job, Altair." Krulu said with a smile: "I was caught on purpose, and I wanted to find a chance to get rid of this key guy, but I didn't expect you to get rid of it before me." She, she knew that I didn't have to try my best to pretend to be a failure to be arrested, and to be honest, I suffered a lot of beatings."

Looking at Krulu, Fei Yongyue was silent for a while before asking: "You pretended to be arrested? That is to say, you stayed there and witnessed everything that happened just now?"

With a smile, Krulu showed his little tiger teeth and said, "Yes, I have seen all your heroic appearance. Are you happy? When you show your mighty demeanor, if there is no audience to witness, how lonely it will be. And you are lucky, because I have witnessed your demeanor, which is very exciting."

Concubine Yongyue was not as happy as Krulu imagined. She began to think about whether she had shown Krulu a way that could not be shown when she made the move just now.

Chapter 87 Conquering the Queen

Among Fei Yongyue's abilities, even if most of them are used, people will not notice anything wrong, but once some abilities are used, people will know that she can continue to acquire abilities in reality, such as gigantic...

Just now, Fei Yongyue used the ability of gigantic after opening the door of the research room to protect herself from the impact of the explosion. It is not known whether Krulu has seen this situation.Although it was said that the flames were raging at the time, Krulu's position seemed to be able to accurately see his own position at that time.

This is a very important thing. If Krulu has seen something that he shouldn't have seen, then Krulu will be a very risky person for himself.

"You see my eyes are a bit strange, Altair." Cruru said with a smile on his face, "Do you have anything else you want to say to me? If you have anything to say, just say it. After all, the matter here has been resolved, and I don't intend to stay here any longer."

Speaking of which, Krulu also came out of the iron cage.

A black gothic-style skirt fits her petite body just right, and with her pink hair tied into three ponytails, she looks particularly attractive.

Concubine Yongyue looked at Krulu and asked directly: "Krulu, have you seen all the methods I used in the battle just now?"

Krulu said with a leisurely smile, "What means? Are you talking about the appearance of the third movement of the myriad phenomena? I have indeed seen that. It is a very good ability."

"Then have you seen the ability I showed earlier?"



Concubine Yongyue looked at Krulu with slightly complicated eyes: "So you really saw it."

Crulu: "..."

She also looked at Altair, and said, "I obviously didn't say anything, Altair, why do you think I saw something?"

"You denied it too directly, as if you saw something, but you knew you shouldn't have seen it, so you pretended that you didn't see it." Fei Yongyue walked over slowly while speaking.

In fact, she wasn't quite sure whether Krulu had seen everything, but she couldn't bet on this kind of thing, there was such a one in ten thousand possibility, and some insurance measures had to be taken!

After all... she is not ready to be an enemy of the whole world!

"Isn't it? Altair, you are so sharp?" Krulu spread his hands helplessly: "I thought I could pass the test with cuteness, why are you so sharp? This is troublesome, you don't seem to let me easily left, is that so?"

"What do you think?" The distance between Fei Yongyue was getting closer and closer, and the atmosphere between the two became more and more serious.

"It's a pity. Although our previous relationship was not good, it's not bad. Are we going to go to the opposite side now?" Cruru still had a smile on his face: "But Altair, even if you can continue to gain unlimited abilities in reality, this only proves that you have great potential in the future, and it doesn't mean that you are invincible now. You may not be my opponent."

Concubine Yongyue didn't speak, the other party had already admitted that she had seen something she shouldn't have seen, and she really knew that she could acquire abilities the day after tomorrow, so some things were unavoidable.

Seeing Concubine Yongyue's firm eyes, Krulu also knew that something was inevitable, and sighed: "The battle has begun!"

She is also an extremely decisive person. Seeing that the matter has reached such an irreversible point, she stomped her foot without hesitation. The huge force caused the entire laboratory to vibrate violently, and all the precision instruments placed around fell into a ball. scrapped.

Immediately afterwards, Krulu's petite body rushed directly in front of Concubine Yongyue like an arrow from the string, and a punch that looked delicate but actually contained terrifying power fell directly in front of Concubine Yongyue.


A saber slashed straight in front of Krulu, the sharp blade directly collided with Krulu's fist, but there was a sound like gold and iron colliding, the violent sound made people feel a burst of pain. uncomfortable.

Krulu's movements were simple and violent. After a collision, he shot quickly, punch after punch, simple and terrifying, and the sabers that flew up were rolled back again. There was something hidden in that petite body. What a terrible force.

After blasting away all the sabers, Krulu's attack was directed at Concubine Yongyue herself!

Seeing that the concubine Yongyue was not in a hurry, she let the flying saber dissipate, so that she could recondense a new saber, and immediately held a saber in her hand to block Krulu's attack.

"Bang bang bang bang..."

The two clashed quickly, with a dizzying pace of movement.

While Fei Yongyue held a saber to block Krulu's attack, she gathered six sabers again and flew at Krulu from all angles, launching a more tricky attack.

If a person is attacking with a weapon, then the angle of the attack can be traced, as long as that person's hand is not deformed.However, using the weapon to attack the target can make the weapon have more possibilities, and the trajectory that can be attacked will be greatly increased.

Such frequent attacks made it very difficult for Krulu to deal with. She blocked the attack in front of her, and a saber slashed at the sole of her feet. There is an attack coming.This made Krulu have to quickly toss around, dodging and counterattacking at the same time, the ground was torn apart, the walls peeled off piece by piece, and the ceiling collapsed.


Cruru was not satisfied with such a fighting situation.

But she wasn't particularly entangled, if she could defeat Altair, then she would defeat him, if she couldn't, she would just leave this place by herself, and she didn't have to win.

Thinking of Krulu's several backflips here to avoid the attacks of many sabers, he began to look for a way out.

The research room here is the deepest research room in the ground, and there is only one road leading to the outside, and Fei Yongyue is standing on the only way of that road, making it impossible for Krulu to leave this position.

Seeing such a situation, Krulu is not in a hurry, her strength has recovered to a very good level, how can this kind of place trap her?

At that moment, Krulu jumped up and came to the ceiling of the research room. His petite body rolled over and kicked the ceiling heavily.

Immediately after...


The place Krulu kicked exploded on the spot, and countless stones fell from the top of his head, one after another, accompanied by billowing smoke and dust, drowning the research room on the spot.

And after a large number of stones fell, a huge gap appeared directly above the head, about tens of meters wide, which could directly lead to the outside world.

After Krulu landed, she jumped again and rushed upwards like an arrow from the string. The stones that fell along the way were directly smashed by her punches, and they couldn't form an obstacle at all, so she rushed to the surface.

But at this moment, Krulu discovered that Fei Yongyue had also come out, and Fei Yongyue, who had the ability to fly, even came out one step earlier than Krulu, and launched an attack.

Krulu noticed the darkness above his head, and when he looked up, he found a huge saber floating there, at least as long as 40 meters. chopped down.


Kruru hurriedly stretched out her hands to hold the blade of the saber. Her petite figure looked extremely small in front of the huge saber, and the movement of catching the saber seemed to be very reluctant. Although she didn't let the saber slash her body, she was still forced by the huge force and fell back into the laboratory again.

After the object becomes huge, the power will undoubtedly become huge. This is an extremely simple and crude way of fighting.

Concubine Yongyue's expression was indifferent, and with a wave of her hand, all the seven sabers around her turned into giants. Each of the knives was like a seven or eight-story building, with a cold luster shining around the floating area, and then under her control, she suddenly slashed down towards the huge hole connecting the research room below. All the stones touched along the way were cut like tofu.

"Boom rumble..."

The chaotic roar in the pothole came out one after another, the gravel danced wildly, and the smoke and dust filled the air.

In the research room, shrouded in smoke and dust, Krulu was surrounded by seven huge sabers, each of which reflected her petite figure on the blade.

She was not afraid at all, looked up at Fei Yongyue, sneered and said: "Amazing, Altair, but this is not enough!"

As she said that, she grabbed the ground with both hands, and a large huge rock was torn out forcefully, and then she threw it towards Concubine Yongyue with all her strength, and came in front of Concubine Yongyue with a roar.

Fei Yongyue moved to the side, directly avoiding this huge rock, but then she found that there were more rocks whizzing out from below, pouring towards her like an upside-down torrential rain, making it impossible to avoid.

"It's useless." Fei Yongyue said coldly.

She let a saber fly back and block it sideways in front of her. The huge blade blocked all the stones that were thrown at it, and the stones hit the blade surface with a crackling sound.

Seeing that his attack was fruitless, Krulu didn't care, instead a smile appeared on his face.

While resisting his own attack with such a huge blade, the line of sight is undoubtedly blocked, right?

Krulu immediately went towards the side passage, although the road he opened was blocked by Fei Yongyue again, but the road that existed before was vacant, right?

But just as Krulu approached the passage, a huge saber suddenly fell and plunged into the ground with a bang, directly blocking the passage tightly.

"Krulu, you can't go yet."

Fei Yongyue's figure floated down from the sky, looking at Krulu's petite figure.

At the same time, by Fei Yongyue's side, rose petals were flying and scattered. She obviously sensed Krulu's plan, and decisively showed the appearance to make the flying rocks directly turn into petals. No need to resist anymore.

Krulu turned around and saw the falling concubine Yongyue and the surrounding flower petals, and immediately judged the situation.

The action of leaving this place failed again, which made Krulu a little unhappy. She looked at Fei Yongyue and said, "Altair, what's the point of doing this? Do you think you can kill me with your current ability?"

Concubine Yongyue didn't speak, but just waved her hand to let the sabers fly towards her again.

Krulu snorted softly, and came forward again without giving in, colliding fiercely with sabers, his movements were nimble and powerful, and even the humanoid tyrannosaurus did not have such terrifying power as hers.

But attacking with sabers is not simple at all. Attacking from all angles at the same time makes it very difficult for Krulu to defend. After a few fights, he was scratched and pulled out a lot of wounds, and the blood stained the black Gothic style skirt.

Although due to the characteristics of a vampire, such an injury was not serious to Krulu, but she felt the pain, which affected her battle to some extent.

The vampire king Krulu in the drama has lived for more than 2000 years, but in reality Krulu is still only a teenage girl after all, and it is naturally difficult to deal with such a situation.

Chapter 88 Do You Have That Hobby?

Just when Krulu was negligent, Fei Yongyue appeared from behind Krulu, hugged Krulu in her arms, and firmly fixed Krulu's limbs.

"Altair! Get down!" Krulu tried to struggle, but Fei Yongyue couldn't even hug her due to the huge strength.

She could only quickly hold down Krulu's head, and stretched out her head in front of Krulu, kissing him without the slightest hesitation.

Krulu discovered her secret, but it is undoubtedly impossible for her to kill Krulu directly because of this, so the only thing she can do is to subdue the other party as her own subordinate.

But Fei Yongyue's actions surprised Krulu, his eyes widened.

In this fierce collision, the other party tried their best to grab her body, but in the end, they didn't want to take advantage of the victory, but did such a thing to her. Why?Does this Altair have any special hobbies?

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